Infinite Bloodcore

Section 5: I think I can tolerate it very well

The sky was gloomy and it was drizzling.

In an empty training ground.

A group of teenagers formed a circle, and Zhen Jin fell to the ground at this moment, surrounded by the teenagers in the center.

The teenagers looked down at Zhenjin, laughing and taunting constantly, with heavy disdain on their faces.

The leading boy was tall and tall, with blue hair that stood upright on his scalp like several inches of steel needles.

The green-haired boy crossed his arms and stepped on Zhen Jin's shoulders: "Zhen Jin! Remember, your Bai Zhen family is just a subcounty and a loser! A guy like you also wants to be on an equal footing with us? "

The green-haired boy suddenly raised his foot, stepped on Zhen Jin's head, and laughed ferociously: "I will teach you a lesson today! From now on, when you see us, no matter where you are in the castle, we will teach you I bow my head obediently, make way for me obediently, and shrink to the side!"

"A lower-class noble must behave like a lower-class noble. If you ever let me see you looking at me Qing Kui, I will beat you to a cripple."

"have you understood?"

Qing Kui roared loudly and used his foot force to crush Zhen Jin's head into the mud.

"Ming...understand. Cough cough cough!" Zhen Jin made a difficult voice.

"Hahaha." Qingkui raised his head and laughed triumphantly, released his feet, and walked away.

Before leaving, he left a message: "Of course, Zhenjin, if you are not convinced, you can challenge me at any time. I, Qingkui, am waiting for you anytime, anywhere!"

"Cough cough cough." Zhen Jin struggled and sat up with his upper body. Because he just opened his mouth to speak, mud and water inevitably flowed back into his throat, triggering another bout of coughing.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, the teenagers all lost interest.

"Bah, what the hell!"

"Why does he want to challenge Master Qingkui?"

"With his embroidery needle, hahaha."

The rain was falling heavily, and the teenagers gathered around Qingkui and entered the castle with bursts of laughter.

Zhenjin sat in the mud, letting the rain hit her body.

He was scarred and looked extremely pale. After being stunned for a moment, he turned his eyes slightly and stared at a sword in the mud.

That's his sword.

This is a very thin stabbing sword.

The stabbing sword was soaked in the mud, and it seemed that it no longer had the sharp light it once had.

The memory ends abruptly here.

Zhen Jin returned to reality and couldn't help but frown slightly: "Am I from the Bai Zhen family? The territory seems to be in the south. Shengming is a southern noble who joined the empire in the past hundred years. It seems that it was once an earldom?"

About a hundred years ago, in order to end the final conquest as soon as possible and unify the human continent, Emperor Shengming took the initiative to surrender the last remaining stubborn forces in the human race.

These stubborn forces turned into the new nobles of the Shengming Empire.

However, the previous cruel wars had caused deep hatred between these new nobles and the old nobles under Emperor Shengming.

A large number of relatives and friends between the two sides died on the battlefield. Both sides are stained with the blood of each other's people.

Therefore, Zhen Jin, who represented the new aristocratic force and joined the Temple and became a candidate for the Templar Knights, was naturally targeted, suppressed and excluded by the old aristocracy.

Zhen Jin felt a little confused.

This was a humiliating memory that reappeared in his mind at this moment, but it did not bring him anger or hatred.

"Strange, I feel very calm, like a passerby watching."

"Another point……"

What he focused more on was not the content of this memory, but another question - why did the memory surface?

"The memory came about when I tried to use the sword."

"It's also a weapon. I tried a scimitar before, but no memory emerged. But when I grasped the hilt of the sword, it did."

"When I was by the river, the first memory I remembered was the oath taken when I joined the temple. At that time, it was the first time I heard the word Templar from Zi Di."

Zhen Jin reviewed these two experiences and speculated: "It seems that the key to recreating memories is to find a trigger point."

This trigger may be a word, or it may be a physical object, such as the current sword.

Think more deeply about Acupuncture.

He looked at the ordinary long sword in his hand and asked himself in his mind: "If I was holding a stabbing sword instead of a long sword, would my memories reappear more?"

"I want to activate my fighting spirit, what kind of trigger point should I actively look for?"

Zhenjin and Zidi dug a hole together and buried the bodies of the two guards in the soil.

The two continued to set off.

With Zidi guiding the direction, the route is the same as the previous exploration route.

The two of them no longer dared to go deep into the rainforest.

It seems that the deeper you go, the greater the chance of encountering a gold-level monster.

Unable to activate fighting spirit and magic, the two of them were in a very dangerous situation. Rather than exploring randomly in an unfamiliar environment, it is better to return along the original path.

At least the crises during this journey were either resolved or detected.

Of course, there will also be new changes like the bloodline centipede.

But compared to other routes, this is undoubtedly the safest choice.

After trekking for a while, it was getting late.

The boy and the girl carefully selected a place and arranged it hastily - they would spend the night here tonight.

It is not difficult to collect dry branches and grass blades.

Beside the pile of firewood, Zidi was half-kneeling on the ground, holding a spark stone in each hand.

Click, click.

She collided two spark stones with each other, and soon blue sparks were produced.

The sparks fell into the hay and turned into dots of orange. The orange quickly expanded on the hay and soon started to burn.

First there was a faint puff of smoke, curling up.

Zidi quickly put away the Spark Stone, puffed up her small mouth, and blew out bursts of breeze.

Fanned by the breeze, the fire in the dry grass quickly expanded, the light smoke turned into thick smoke, and then the flames immediately rose and turned into a flame the size of a fist.

"It's done." Zidi's face was filled with joy, she immediately stood up and took a few steps back.

In just a moment, the flames completely expanded and burned, forming a bonfire.

Zidi carefully put away the two spark stones.

In the past, all she had to do to survive was to snap her fingers and create a small flame.

This is one of the magician's tricks.

But on this island, black iron-level magic methods cannot be used at all and are strictly prohibited. On the contrary, Sparkling Stone, an ordinary means of making fire, has more practical value.

Without these sparkling stones, it would be quite troublesome to make a fire with bare hands.

The burning bonfire brings warmth and light, driving away the darkness of the night.

There was no barbecue on the bonfire. The boys and girls sat around the bonfire, eating dry food and opening water bottles to drink water.

Whether it was sparks, dry food, or water, they were all looted from the corpses of the two guards.

Although dry food is difficult to swallow, in this case, there is nothing to be particular about.

This day's trek was full of thrills. They were able to save their lives in front of many magical beasts such as gold and silver, and they also gained a certain amount of equipment, as well as sufficient food and water. All these made the two of them feel extremely lucky. What else could they have done? Extravagant wish?

After eating and drinking, the boy and girl carefully organized and stored the remaining food and water bags.

Zhen Jin calculated in his mind, frowned slightly and said: "According to the current food and water, it is only enough for us to eat for two days."

Regardless of whether they are girls or boys, their appetite is much higher than that of ordinary people. Especially Acupuncture, its food intake is more than three times that of Zidi.

This is not surprising.

Zidi practiced magic and her life level jumped to the black iron level. And Zhenjin is likely to have silver-level cultivation. The higher the level of life, the greater the appetite, and the higher the requirements for external nutrition.

Zidi estimated: "Next, if we return along the original route, it will still take seven days to get out of the rainforest. But it doesn't matter, we brought enough supplies on the way here and established several campsites along the way. There are several campsites, There are still some supplies left. If nothing else happens, there should be no problem with food."

Zhen Jin nodded and felt relieved.

He took out his sword and wiped the blade with an oilcloth.

Weapons require maintenance.

Although the long sword is ordinary, it gives Zhenjin a real sense of security.

"It's a pity there is no crossbow."

Crossbows are prohibited weapons for civilians, but Zhenjin and his party were originally going to Baisha City, so they were equipped with such weapons.

According to Zidi, the exploration team that came to search for needle gold was originally equipped with five crossbows.

But along the way, there were losses one after another.

After the blue-haired evil wolf suffered a loss from the crossbow for the first time, he began to specifically target him. After killing most of the crossbowmen, he also bitten the crossbow directly.

Seeing that Zhen Jin had wiped the long sword, Zidi came over and said, "Sir, let me check your wound."

Zhenjin nodded.

After removing the bandage, he found that the wound on his arm had mostly healed.

"The medicine is very effective." Zhen Jin praised him without hesitation.

He was sitting on the stone, while Zidi was half-kneeling on the ground.

The girl first took out the medicinal powder from the leather bag on her waist and sprinkled it evenly on the wound. Then she took out a new bandage and gently wrapped it with gold needles.

Finally, Zidi put on the arm guard with needle gold.

Zidi's eyes fell on the arm guard and sighed: "If I had had this iron arm guard, sir, you wouldn't have been injured by the bloodline centipede."

The firelight reflected on the arm guard, reflecting a vague orange light, which also fell on the tips of Zi Di's hair.

Zi Di's black hair shimmered with a halo under the firelight.

Her wheat-colored skin has the tenderness unique to her teenage years. At this moment, there seems to be a pure body fragrance, shining with firelight, reaching Zhen Jin's heart.

Zhen Jin couldn't help but feel his heart move slightly, and he couldn't help but reached out his hand and stroked Zidi's hair.

Zi Di trembled slightly.

"S-Sir." Zidi lowered her head, seemingly frightened by Zhenjin's movements, and held her breath nervously like a kitten.

Zhen Jin's mind was not on the love between his children. He quickly retracted his hand and asked lightly: "Zidi, what kind of person do you think I am?"

The young man asked, while the memory from before lingered in his mind.

After this second memory appeared, he had actually been savoring and reflecting on it secretly.

"As a Templar, but born into a noble family in the south, it is certain that he will be ostracized among his peers."

"But am I necessarily the coward I remember?"

"No, not necessarily."

Zhen Jin thinks there are other possibilities.

These days, he has been getting to know himself.

Memory is only one basis for him to judge himself. In addition, there are other powerful basis.

For example, when Zhen Jin was woken up before, as soon as she opened her eyes, she spotted a blue-haired evil wolf jumping into the air. In an instant, without even thinking about it, he completed the attack. In the end, although he unintentionally contributed to the death of the blue-haired evil wolf, it also revealed Zhenjin's solid and profound fighting qualities from the side.

Later, he saw the giant lava turtle. Facing powerful beings at the gold level, Zhenjin found that he had always remained calm. Although he was very nervous, there was really no trace of confusion.

Later, he discovered the body of the guard. He searched the corpse carefully, feeling calm and showing no disgust or revulsion at all, as if it was commonplace. This may be proof that he has been in battle for a long time and has been tempered. At least Brother Chu on the battlefield would never react like this.

And based on the traces, he could easily deduce the scene of the fight between the wolf and the guards. This ability surprised even him.

"In my memory, I didn't resist Qing Kui's provocation. There are basically two possibilities."

"The first possibility was that I was really weak, but later on I worked hard and grew up."

"The second possibility is to show weakness."

Zhen Jin feels that the second possibility is more likely.

Because when this memory emerged, he felt very calm, even a little indifferent.

If it were really a memory of humiliation, there should be some anger and hatred left in my heart, right?

Facing Zhenjin's inquiry, Zidi pondered for a moment, and after carefully considering the words, she responded: "Master Zhenjin, I actually don't know much about you."

"But according to rumors, sir, you don't usually approach women and keep to yourself. Even if you encounter big events, you don't show your emotions easily."

"You spend most of your time practicing in the temple, with a serious expression and a taciturn look. However, your food, clothing, housing, transportation, and every move you make are elegant, calm, and aristocratic."

"Although you have few friends, you are willing to help others, especially defending the weak and helping the poor. Therefore, sir, your reputation among the lower classes has always been very good."

"Also, my lord, you suddenly took action this time and successfully joined the competition for the master of White Sand City. It seems that the other Templars were very surprised."

"Oh?" Zhen Jin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after hearing this.

Zidi’s answer, find Shuyuan www. quickly sketched out the image of a young man with city power in his mind.

But what surprised the young man was that Zidi didn't know much about Zhenjin.

"How is this going?"

"Isn't she my fiancée?"

"If she didn't have deep feelings, why would she never leave me?"

"What is the relationship between her and me?"

Zhen Jin was about to continue asking, when suddenly there was a buzzing sound.

The two people immediately turned around and saw hundreds of "flames" suddenly lighting up in the jungle at night.

These "flames" gathered in groups and swarmed toward Zhenjin and Zidi with great momentum.

"What is this?" Zhen Jin stood up quickly and stood in front of Zidi, with a serious look on his face.

A small part of the "flames" exudes a bronze-level breath of life.

"Is this?!" After Zidi saw the true face of "Huo Miao", her face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"This is the Fire Venomous Bee. Sir, run away quickly. I'll come to the rear!" Zi Di stepped forward with a look of determination on her face, instead protecting Zhenjin behind herself.

"Hurry up, my lord!!" Zidi shouted, very urgently, showing her will to die.

(Sorry, today’s update is a little late. We discussed a solution with the management yesterday and will announce a new group for the new book tomorrow. I spent more than 2 hours last night communicating with friends in the group and answering some questions. But there are still many groups that didn’t come. I received a message from the management this morning, saying that some groups waited for an hour last night, but I didn’t come! I bow and apologize! One person’s energy is too limited. This week I will I will take another time to communicate, and will start improving this activity mechanism.)

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