Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 64: My name is Cang Xu

Cang Xu nodded slightly and was silent for a while, seeming to consider his words.

Then, he said in a desolate tone: "My name is Cang Xu. I was born in a farmer's family. I was originally the son of a farmer."

"I started working when I was five or six years old. My main job was to clean up horse manure. Our family had a short-legged horse, which I mainly used to pull the plow."

"One time when I was cleaning horse manure, the horse suddenly became angry and kicked me with its hind hoof. I fell headfirst into the manure and almost suffocated to death. Although I was lucky to be saved, the close contact with death made me fearful. It filled my young heart and I couldn’t let it go for a long time.”

"I became very timid, afraid of any kind of horse, even something similar in shape. I didn't even dare to go near the stables. My parents arranged other jobs for me to do, but I was also timid and would jump at the slightest sign of trouble. To hide."

"I was naturally ridiculed and alienated by my playmates, hated by my parents, and everyone in the village was not optimistic about my future."

“After a long time, I realized that my fear may not be fear of horses, but fear of life itself like farmers.”

"Shame makes me lonely, and loneliness makes me think. The gift of fate is bitter at first and then sweet, which makes me afraid that I will live as a farmer for the rest of my life."

"Luck struck. When I was eight years old, I saw the dawn of destiny. A priest from the Horse God sect came to our village and wanted to build a church. There was no church in the village, and the whole village wanted to be sick. At that time, a priest was treating me. Therefore, the villagers spontaneously organized a free priest to build a horse god church. Among all the volunteers, I was the hardest working one. I tried my best to please the priest and showed my support to the priest. The faith of the horse god, trying to win the favor of the priest.”

"The pastor really hopes for children of my age. After a day's work, he will gather a dozen children, including me, to teach us arithmetic, writing and other knowledge."

"Spring passed and autumn came, and after the church was successfully built, the pastors announced a news."

"He will select a few among the volunteers to become co-workers. He will even recruit two among the children to train them as trainee pastors."

"No one is stupid, and the villagers flock to it. The status of clergy is much higher than that of farmers. And families with school-age children are almost crazy."

"I really want to become a trainee priest. I know this may be the only chance in my life to change my destiny. I can even risk my life for this!"

"very intense competition."

"With my hard work and previous hard work, I was able to stay for the final selection. There were four people in total, but only two trainee priests were recruited. The remaining three were all wealthy households in the village, and one of them was the village chief. In order to increase their hopes, they used their power and wealth to bully my family, force my parents, and make me voluntarily admit defeat."

"My family was so marginalized that I could barely survive, and every day became a torment. My parents tried to persuade me, but of course I refused and almost broke up with them."

"I went to take part in the final assessment with an attitude of success or failure. However, I failed."

"The shadow of my childhood still hangs over my heart. I am afraid of horses. For the horse god, I only have fear and no respect and love."

"I can't believe in Him, even if I try my best."

"The horse god's priest is wise and wise, but also ruthless. Even though I begged him on my knees, he still eliminated me."

"I was extremely lost and felt that my whole life was bleak and irrelevant. That evening, I walked down the street in despair, surrounded by villagers who laughed at me. I didn't know how to get home, and I couldn't eat anything at all."

"For a period of time after that, my father beat me and my mother scolded me for having too many unreasonable thoughts. Although my family is a free citizen, because my father had a serious illness, the family conditions were very poor, and we had to farm to make ends meet. They own other people's farmland and then pay rent. This is actually no different from serfdom. However, because of my incident, no villagers will rent their extra fields to us."

"In order to punish me, my parents gave me a heavy workload. Every day, I slept on a haystack with my body almost falling apart."

"Punishment and failure did not make me give up, nor did ridicule and exclusion make me despair. I became more and more unwilling, and this unwillingness gradually turned into a kind of resentment. Although I was depressed for many days, I soon became more and more unwilling. Cheer up. The biggest way I try is to review what I learned from my pastor."

"I only have free time at night. During the day, I have to get up very early. If I can't complete the work my parents give me, I won't even have a piece of black bread."

"Although I am very tired every day, I never give up studying at night. I memorize what the pastor taught me by heart, and it is deeply engraved in my heart. Until now, I understand every piece of knowledge in it. I remember them all very clearly. I cherish them and love them as much as I cherish the hope of my life. They are my resistance to my own destiny!"

"One night, Pastor Ma Shen quietly came to the haystack and woke me up from my deep sleep."

"I was surprised and happy, thinking, could there be a change? I immediately knelt on the ground and swore loudly to the pastor that I would do my best to believe in the horse god and eliminate all the fears deep in my heart."

"But Pastor Ma Shen shook his head and said: Ma Shen does not force belief. The reason why he found me is because he discovered my living situation and has been secretly observing it for a period of time. I worked hard and was full of knowledge. The eager attitude moved him.”

"Pastor Ma Shen gave me a brand new choice. If I act as his slave, he will teach me the knowledge I want. As for the future, it all depends on my own efforts."

"I convinced my parents to sell myself."

"Of course, the main reason is that Pastor Ma Shen spent a lot of money to buy me."

"The pastor did not deceive me, and he was even much nicer to me than I imagined. He even kept the deal a secret and made me a servant in the church. I served the pastor's daily life with all my heart, and he also taught me Invaluable knowledge. I learned more about arithmetic, literature, astronomy, and geography.”

"Among all the gains, I think the most precious thing is Pastor Ma Shen's curiosity about knowledge and his attitude of diligent pursuit. This attitude has influenced my life."

Having said this, Cang Xu paused. The long narration made him a little breathless.

Cang Xu continued: "The competition of faith is sometimes more fierce than war. The Horse God originated from the Wilderness Continent and is the god of the beast tribe. On the Shengming Continent, his influence is too small. Therefore, when the Life Sect spread, , the horse god’s faith was immediately shaken and quickly collapsed, without any competitive power.”

"Pastor Ma Shen was forced to leave. Before leaving, he lifted my status as a slave and declared me free. Furthermore, he suggested that I continue my studies."

"I went to Silver Bridge College and took the exam. Pastor Ma Shen's professors gave me a solid academic foundation, so I successfully passed the exam and became an extremely poor student in the college. Three years later, I successfully graduated from the college Graduated and became a scholar.”

"I taught at Silver Bridge College for three years, and then relied on the connections in the college to become the steward of a small noble."

"Later, I transferred many nobles to hold small positions in the management of the territory."

"I am not a noble, nor am I a servant trained by a noble since childhood. More importantly, I have no qualifications for cultivation. For these reasons, I have been repeatedly despised and excluded, and my position has never been high."

"After five years of this, an opportunity appeared in front of me."

"A riot broke out in a village, and the official who went to collect taxes was killed. The general manager in charge of collecting taxes deceived the superiors and concealed it. He was afraid of being discovered by the lord, so he offered a large reward to anyone who could successfully collect taxes."

"I was familiar with the villagers in that village, so I thought this was an opportunity and volunteered to go."

"I was hung up, beaten, put in a cell, and tortured constantly."

"Just when they were about to kill me, they asked me what my last words were."

"I laughed out loud and just shook my head without saying anything."

"This confuses the villagers."

"I told them that I was their friend and never hostile. I was here to save them. If they obeyed and paid their taxes, then the steward would act as if nothing had happened. If they did not want to, then there would be knights Come and destroy them."

"The villagers are afraid, knowing that the entire village will never be able to resist the knights. But paying the tax will deplete their grain reserves, and they will starve to death."

"I falsely told them that the superintendent had secretly lowered the taxes. By paying them, the villagers would still have food reserves and could survive. But as a condition, the villagers need to keep it strictly confidential, otherwise other villages and towns will follow suit."

"After discussion, the villagers agreed. I secretly made up for the missing taxes and then returned."

"In this way, I gained the favor of the general manager and was finally promoted."

"I was in a powerful position, and no one thought highly of me at first. They thought I was powerless and just a simple scholar. An assassination could kill me. But in fact, in this position, I did Over thirty years.”

"The position I hold gives me the opportunity to perform. My knowledge allows me to show my value, and the lords are gradually impressed by me."

"During this process, I never gave up the pursuit of knowledge. It is precisely because I continue to acquire new knowledge that my value becomes greater and greater."

"Although Pastor Ma Shen left me very early, his spirit of pursuing knowledge has become one with my blood."

"I thought I would serve the lord until my death, but fate has arranged a new path for me."

"As time goes by, I get older and older, which allows many people to see opportunities. At the same time, I pursue the love of knowledge more than power, try to avoid factional fights within the lords, and also make those in power dissatisfied."

"They provoked a young man."

"His name is Lan Tu, and he daydreams about becoming a knight all day long. He is my most trusted deputy. The lord's third lady seduced him with love, and finally the young man decided to betray."

"He reported me and claimed that I was a dangerous criminal who had been hiding for many years. I had always had ulterior motives and hidden plots against the territory and the lord's family."

"In order to save my life, I had no choice but to escape. The young man successfully accepted my position and was recruited by the third lady."

"The behavior of absconding in fear of crime undoubtedly confirmed the young man's accusation. At the beginning of my escape, I was very sad and angry, and I was addicted to all kinds of negative emotions and couldn't extricate myself."

"After a long time, I finally figured it out."

"It was fate that gave me a new path."

"I asked myself, how should I spend the rest of my life at such an old age and with so little time left? In the end, I decided to pursue what I really wanted, which was knowledge. Among all the knowledge, I was most interested in biology. Interested. I want to achieve something academically. I want to complete a book and do my best to explain the mystery of life."

"Soon, a wanted order about me spread. I was not surprised. I serve the lord's family, hold an important position, and know many secrets. The lord's family will not let me go easily. "

"I have no way to stay in the Shengming Continent, so I can only take a boat to the Orc Continent. It just so happens that the Wilderness Continent has many unique ecology, which will be of great help to me in completing my academic work."

"Lord Zhenjin, I am an old guy with a wanted warrant. If you recruit me, you will undoubtedly become the enemy of the Miansha family. This is why I refused your recruitment before."

"And the reason why I have mastered the method of taming the fierce horse with explosive hoofs is that most of the techniques come from the horse god priest. The rest of the techniques are completed through experiments that I spent more than thirty years."

"This is my story."

"It's wonderful." Zhen Jin praised.

Cang Xu smiled slightly: "Thank you for your compliment, sir. It is my lifelong honor to be listened to by you. My academic works have been half completed, and they are hidden in my mind, but at the same time, I am also in the Miansha territory. There is a copy hidden in the secret.”

"This half of the book is hidden in a cell in the ruins of a certain village. That's where I was tortured. In the bricks under the iron shackles."

"My last wish is that if I die here, then please give half of my completed work to Lan Tu. Of course, you can read it and collect it. If it can be used by you, it will be a great honor for me. "

Zhen Jin frowned, feeling confused.

"Lan Tu?" Zidi woke up at some point, "If I heard correctly, Lan Tu is the young man who framed you?"

"Yes, Miss Zidi, you heard it right."

Cang Xu's face showed a complicated expression, desolate, sad, with a hint of pain and hope.

He continued: "Because this young man is my son."

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