Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 399: Leaving


Ice Owl looked at Fenglian.

The night was dark and the lights in the captain's cabin were not bright.

Fenglian was wearing a mask, and Bing Xiao couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could feel the latter's frown.

Fenglian expressed that he was eager to take revenge, so he dropped his bayonet overnight to help everyone. Bing Xiao smiled.

He did not expose Fenglian's true intention, but nodded in agreement: "Lord Fenglian, the torture of hatred is so painful. But the pain will turn into the sweetest wine in the world the moment revenge is successful."

"You have helped us so much. Unfortunately, I have little strength. I can only wish you a great victory this time."

"Bing Xiao..." Fenglian sighed. He knew that Bing Xiao understood his true intention. Bing Xiao's statement made him feel tired.

"The situation is like this, what can we do?" Fenglian sighed in his heart.

Ice Owl looked calm.

As a leader in charge of a gang, Bing Xiao understands Fenglian very well.

If he were in the front line, he would do the same thing.

This is logical.

When the Kamikaze and other pirate ships did not carry bayonet gang members, the Kamikaze pirate group had never suffered such an ambush.

Obviously, this kind of ambush can only be executed by accurately grasping the location of the Kamikaze Pirates.

Therefore, there is a high probability that there is a traitor in the Bayonet Gang and has mastered some secret positioning methods.

That's why the Front Company directly abandoned the Bayonet Gang when a thorough investigation yielded no results.

This is what a good leader should do.

For the Kamikaze Pirates, things were not going well for them.

Although they defeated the Kingdom's Second Navy in the previous battle and successfully escaped.

But they harvest no loot, and the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is much more than a pirate gang.

The current patriarch of the Satoma family, Mitsurizou, personally took action and successfully ambushed the Kamikaze Pirates.

The pirate group suffered heavy losses. Not to mention resisting, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he could only be beaten passively. This is very damaging to morale.

Bing Xiao believes that if there is a head-on battle, relying on the strength of Fenglian, he will definitely be able to suppress Mianli Zang, severely injure or even kill him. However, in the second ambush battle, the front company was unable to exert its combat power and was very frustrated.

Bing Xiao looked at Fenglian. Even though he was about to be kicked out, he still reminded: "Master Fenglian, as long as you find a way to restrain Matsurizou, revenge is something that can be accomplished with a high probability."

In other words, if you don't find a way to restrain Watarizo, then blindly seeking revenge will only cost you your life.

Fenglian nodded slightly: "I'm about to find the tools to restrain Matarizo."

"I know a friend has one on him."

"I already have follow-up goals and plans, you can leave with confidence."

"But before you leave, you should bring some equipment."

"Don't worry, this is a friendly gift from me, no money is needed."

Fenglian gave Ice Owl some weapons and equipment. Of course, there is also enough food and water.

Soon after, all the Bayonet Gang boarded the landing craft.

These three landing craft are also considered to be attached to the front company, so they are no longer the previous Silver class, but ordinary ships.

The Bayonet Gang had only a small number of people. After Mianrizang succeeded in ambush, he also killed many members of the Bayonet Gang.

However, because the front company donated a batch of supplies, the three landing craft were still full and the space was small.

Ice Owl stood on the landing craft, raised his head and said goodbye to the front company.

The two men and horses walked away from each other. Soon, each other was covered by the thick night and could no longer be observed by the naked eye.

The sea was dark.

The sea breeze blew against our faces and brought heavy pressure, which shook the hearts of the Bayonet Gang.

The morale of the Bayonet Gang was visibly low.

They are people who have taken root in Snowbird Harbor. Normal people would feel melancholy and panic after leaving their native homeland.

Now, as they left the powerful ally of the Kamikaze Pirates, their feelings of hesitation and confusion became even more intense.

Bing Xiao's brows also frowned slightly.

He glanced around at the people on the boat.

The human leader was bandaged and fell into a coma.

The unconscious Cyanobacteria was also lying beside him.

All three landing craft had a number of wounded on board.

Xiong Saw, the most powerful general, was lying on the side of the landing craft, vomiting continuously.

As for the spring player, he was guarding a black coffin, and his whole body showed an emotion called sadness.

Naturally, the corpse of Fujituro was in the coffin.

There is no doubt that this is a group of defeated soldiers.

After the young and powerful Fujituro fell, the old Ice Owl had to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of leader.

Ice Owl lowered his head from time to time and looked at the compass and chart in his hands.

He knew he was heading in the right direction.

But when he raised his head and looked at the vast black sea directly ahead, he also asked himself: "Even if we know this is the right direction, can we reach our destination?"

As time goes by, the night gradually fades away.

The horizon gradually brightened and the sky turned light blue.

The glow spreads and the sun rises slowly, casting sparkling waves on the sea.

Over Snowbird Harbor, seabirds chirped.

The warships at the pier were neatly arranged, with flags flying.

Yue Qian stood at the side of the ship, watching "Dragon Suit" and Zidi leave.

Today is the day when the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group sets off from Snowbird Port to the Ice Sculpture Capital.

In order to ensure cooperation, Zidi paid a special visit to Kongpan before leaving.

Zong Ge, who played the role of dragon suit, also talked with Yue Qian for a while.

There was a fluctuation in the space, and Kong Pan suddenly appeared in front of Yue Qian. He also looked at Zidi and Zong Ge who were leaving: "I can see that these days of fighting have made your relationship with Long Fu improve by leaps and bounds. .”

Yue Qian nodded: "He definitely used to be a soldier and has a straightforward personality. Maybe this is why I feel connected to him."

Kongpan approved and said: "That's how people get along with each other. Some people can't get into each other's hearts after being together for a lifetime. But some people can become close friends in just a few days."

Yue Qian was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly: "We haven't become close friends yet."

"Really?" Kongpan glanced at him, noncommittal.

As the elder in the family, she knows Yue Qian very well.

She has never seen anyone with whom Yue Qian could have such a good conversation. In the captain's room, she and Zidi were talking while using their minds to secretly explore.

She received the conversation between Yue Qian and Zong Ge without missing a word.

They are all about combat, such as the timing of using fighting skills, and the mutual restraint between weapons.

Zong Ge and Yue Qian discussed their thoughts and feelings about their constant private fights in the past few days.

"Tell me, what kind of person do you think Longfu is?" Kongpan deliberately tested his skills by leaps and bounds.

She has always been dissatisfied with this junior.

Because Yue Qian is more like a soldier than a noble.

This is not okay.

Without sufficient political literacy, how could Yueqian be able to support his family in the future?

Yue Qianyuan looked at the back of "Dragon Suit" from a distance, his tone and expression became solemn: "He is very strong! He will become stronger in the future!"

"At least it will be gold level."

Kongpan was a little surprised. This evaluation was already quite high: "How did you see his potential? At mean, he might also become a saint?"

Yue Qian smiled awkwardly: "It's my intuition."

Kongpan suddenly looked solemn.

This is the worst answer.


Which mature politician relies on intuitive judgment?

Yue Qian saw the change in Kong Pan's expression and quickly added: "It's not just intuition. When we fought against him, he clearly only had Silver Dou Qi, but he showed offensive and defensive abilities that were on par with mine!"

"His explosive punches, riot fighting skills, etc. all give me trouble."

"Although I can suppress him with all my strength, it is obvious that his combat power has completely broken away from the normal silver level!"

"I can confirm that he does not have any powerful equipment on him."

"I have also seen the magical images of his battle with Tofuro. I am certain that his fighting power has surpassed the level of his previous battle with Tofuyo."

"In such a short period of time, he has made such outstanding progress, which shows that his bloodline is excellent. Therefore, he is at least gold level!"

After listening to such an analysis, Kongpan's expression softened slightly.

"Then keep this kind of friendship with him." Kongpan said, "This arms dealer has great ambitions and wants to distribute goods across the country. I have already reached some cooperation with them. If it is really like that Yaoma Master As I said, their weapons are of excellent quality, just like the alchemical crossbows used by Dragon Server, so the Utopia family will be their biggest partner."

"Are you cooperating with foreign arms dealers on a large scale?" Yue Qian suddenly looked suspicious.

Kong Pan sighed: "The direction of the times has changed, the situation is different, Yue Qian."

"The family should not let go of any opportunity to increase its combat power, even if it violates the rules."

"I have to say that the arms dealers behind them are very discerning and know how to choose the right time."

"Right now, it is indeed the best opportunity to intervene in the Kingdom's arms market."

The Lord of Snowbird Port personally bid farewell to the "Dragon Server": "We had a great time cooperating, and I believe the next cooperation will be even more pleasant."

A series of events in Snowbird Harbor made the Lord of Snowbird Harbor the most reliable ally of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The Utoyama family is more powerful than the Lord of Snowbird Port, but when we first start to cooperate, we have to get familiar with everything first.

"Long Fu" is not good at words, but Zidi has taught him in advance that although Zong Ge's words are not smooth, he can still cope with the situation.

Soon after, Zong Ge, Zidi and others officially set off on the road, away from Snowbird Port.

"Finally I can go to the royal capital." Zidi sighed, with a pressure lingering in her heart.

"I wonder how the leader is doing?" The ghost girl also couldn't let go of her worries about the dragon boy.

"There is no way to contact him, so any worries are unnecessary." Zong Ge said, "What we should do now is to complete our own affairs."

"Fortunately, dueling with Yue Qian so many times, I can verify that the deception and camouflage techniques and the anti-reconnaissance prophecy techniques are very reliable."

"Obviously I don't know how to use riots, explosive fists and other fighting skills, but Yue Qian was still deceived."

Zidi nodded: "In this way, even if we encounter a duel challenge in the capital, we can still deal with it."

"It's just that the god-level pearls are consumed much more intensely."

"We have to economize."

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