Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 403: Cyanobacteria, I am a sensible person

After listening to Shuang Tu's words, Lan Zao was stunned for a moment, and then frowned.

He saw with his own eyes the body of Fujituro in the long black coffin. He knew very well that Fujituro's body was sealed in an ice coffin.

Now hearing the myths and legends about Anqiu and the heroic duel, Lan Zao immediately connected the two.

"I see!"

"Why did the Bayonet Gang take Fujituro's body back when they were on the run for life or death?"

"Spring Boxer is designated as Fujituro's coffin bearer. This means that he will carry his ice coffin to Anqiu for burial. Is he going to resurrect Fujituro there?"

Lan Zao couldn't help but have such a guess in his mind.

For him, he must try his best to destroy it.

Because the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was deeply involved in the battle to destroy the Bayonet Gang, the two sides had deep hatred and were completely mortal enemies.

"I understand again!"

"Why did the leader of the group reach this secret cooperation with the Lord of Snowbird Port?"

"The leader has always loved President Zidi deeply, but Zidi is already dead. If Anqiu can really resurrect people, then it is probably the most promising way for Zidi to be resurrected."

It would be very difficult for Zidi to be resurrected.

Because no clergy would be willing to resurrect an undead.

There is a high probability that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will not adopt this approach.

There are two main reasons for this.

One is a priest who can master the resurrection technique. They are basically people with deep faith and will not betray their faith.

Another reason is the issue of identity exposure. Although the deception and camouflage technique is very reliable and is more effective when combined with the anti-reconnaissance prophecy technique, the survivors do not have the confidence to conceal the gods.

Resurrection is a completely high-level divine spell. And every use of divine magic may attract the attention of gods. The higher the magic level, the higher the probability.

Zidi understands the difficulty of resurrecting herself, and other survivors also understand it very well.

Cyanobacteria are no exception.

However, this is not the case.

The task of sneaking into Anqiu and determining its specific location is very secretive. Regarding this, the Lord of Snowbird Harbor did not inform Zong Ge and Zidi.

The reason why the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group agreed to cooperate with the Snowbird Port City Lord and sign a magic contract was for one main purpose, and that was to help the preservation of cyanobacteria as much as possible with the help of the Snowbird Port City Lord's manpower and material resources. His life.

Cyanobacteria thinks he understands.

Although he was suspicious of Zidi, he was very loyal to the dragon boy.

The dragon boy loves Zidi deeply and is willing to participate, and Lan Zao is also willing to help the dragon boy solve his problems.

Such a misunderstanding made Lan Zhao agree directly without hesitation: "I understand."

"Next, I want to stay with Bing Xiao, and then follow them into Anqiu, right?"

Blue Algae agreed easily, which surprised Shuangtu.

The human leader next door was wondering: "Does this guy really have the ability to think?" If it were him, Shuangtu would definitely need to provide more proof or secure more permissions.

There was no flaw in Shuang's spit. He looked at the blue algae with admiration and praised: "Congratulations, you made an absolutely wise choice!"

Before he finished speaking, he mentally controlled the green vines and put the blue algae back on the hospital bed.

The vines recede quickly.

Shuang Tu came to Lan Zao's bed and handed him a piece of information.

"Your new identity is recorded in this document. You must remember these contents firmly."

Lan Zao smiled awkwardly at him: "I can't read."

Shuangtu nodded and quickly accepted this.

Not everyone can recognize words.

This is quite normal.

Lan Zhao continued to add: "I only know my name and can also write it, but I only know human script, not your snow elf script."

In this world, the vast majority of people are illiterate and cannot even write their own names. When it is necessary to use a name, a fingerprint is usually used instead.

Shuang Tu then read the contents of the information to Lan Zhao: "I will read it again now. You must remember it well."

"Your name is Henfa. You are not a gang member of the Bayonet Gang. You committed a crime in Blood City and fled all the way to Snowbird Harbor, hoping to find an opportunity to join the Bayonet Gang and gain asylum."

"On the eve of the Bayonet Gang's escape, the extraordinary beings from Blood City found your traces and arrested you."

"You broke into the Snowbird Port dock and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape. In the process, you accidentally saved the life of Ice Owl. After that, you wanted to continue to conceal your identity and left Snowbird Port with the help of the Kamikaze Pirates. Start a new life.”

When Lan Zao heard this, his brows furrowed even more.

He sat up with his upper body and stared at Shuangtu: "Can't you just assign me the identity of a member of the Bayonet Gang? Don't you think it's troublesome for me to have the identity of such an outsider? If Ice Owl learns about my situation, It’s hard to trust me. How can I stay with him in the future?”

Shuangtu shook his head: "The identity in this document was chosen specifically for you after careful consideration."

"This is the best option for you."

Considering that Lan Zhao is a pure newcomer, Shuang Tu took the trouble to explain: "Of course we have the ability to design an identity for you as a bayonet gang member, but you can't control it."

"Members of the Bayonet Gang are familiar with each other. Even if no one in the group of people around Ice Owl knows them, they will go and seek confirmation."

"There are still many former members of the Bayonet Gang in Snowbird Harbor. These people have surrendered, and the Lord of the City will never kill them."

"So, if Ice Owl wants to verify it in the future, it will be very easy. All he needs to do is send someone to Snowbird Port. In this case, it will be easy to find your flaws."

"You have now initially gained the trust of Ice Owl. According to the information we have obtained, Ice Owl also wants to cultivate you and entrust you with important tasks. The main reason is that the blood in your body has awakened."

"I would also like to congratulate you on this. You have awakened the fish maw bloodline. This is a silver-level bloodline, which can allow you to escape from the bronze level, cross the black iron level, and rise to the silver level."

Lan Zao couldn't help but groaned when he heard this, and all his thoughts were immediately attracted by the news.

"Maw bloodline? Silver level?!"

"So, did the potion I took before take effect?"

"Did I blame Zidi wrongly, or am I just lucky?"

The news of bloodline awakening was so impactful that Lan Zhao was momentarily distracted.

Seeing his stunned look, Shuangtu stopped talking: "Hey, did you hear clearly what I just said?"

"Ah, what?" Lan Zao opened his mouth slightly, but was interrupted from his thoughts.

Shuangtu had no choice but to repeat what he just said: "I have already explained your current situation clearly."

"The awakening of your bloodline has given you a lot of extraordinary potential. In addition, you have rescued Ice Owl before, and you have won his initial trust."

"The most important thing is that we are behind you to support you and reinforce you. In the following time, your strength will gradually increase, and your status in the Bayonet Gang will gradually increase."

"Every time your status rises, the attention you receive will increase. Bing Xiao will definitely increase the intensity of verification on you. Bing Xiao is the previous leader of the Bayonet Gang and has rich leadership experience. He will never miss this. Joint links.”

"So your identity must be impeccable. Although it is a little troublesome to attack this identity, it is actually the most trouble-free, worry-free and effort-saving."

"There is indeed such a fugitive in Blood City, called Fenfa. But he was secretly captured by us and is already dead."

"He has been an orphan since he was a child. When he grew up, he became a guard. He has a withdrawn personality and a very simple identity and interpersonal relationships."

"Henfa's identity information is the simplest and has the least content among all options. You must keep them in mind. This is the first step in your lurking."

"I understand." Lan Zao took the information and frowned and asked, "Then how long will it take for me to lurk? I still want to return to the mercenary group."

"It's not good to have such an impatient attitude." Shuangtu frowned, "But what I can tell you is: the latent time will not be too long."

"Fuji Toro's soul can't last long. Ice Owl must send him to Anqiu as soon as possible."

Lan Zao was curious about this: "Fujifu died at the hands of my captain many days ago. Has his soul not left yet?"

Generally speaking, the soul of the deceased will be taken away by the gods he believed in during his lifetime.

If there is no faith or the faith is shallow, the soul will be included in the abyss of hell and undergo another reincarnation.

Now that Lan Zao already knew An Qiu's mission information, Shuang Tu didn't intend to hide anything else, so he continued to explain to him: "In fact, this is one of the clues that led us to investigate An Qiu."

"Fujituro had already made arrangements and transformed his body before he was alive. Even if he dies in battle, his soul will be temporarily bound to his body and will not dissipate or be led away."

"This time is not long-lasting."

"According to our estimation, his time limit is almost up, so he must be sent to Anqiu."

"So that's it, I understand." Lan Zao suddenly realized.

Shuangtu continued to care for him: "You don't know how to read, which is actually your advantage, because Henfa, who is a person, can't read either. But I advise you, it's best to learn the elven writing by Bing Xiao's side. Because many times, intelligence The transmission of information requires words as a tool.”

"You must keep all the contents in this document deeply imprinted in your heart. "

"If Ice Owl suspects you in the future, the content above may be able to help you clear your suspicion temporarily and save your life."

Shuang spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

When his own life was involved, Lan Zao suddenly showed a serious expression and nodded heavily: "I understand!"

ps: There will be a month-end update tomorrow!

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