Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 417: Cang Xu: I am a group by myself!

The fish-man boy was suddenly told by the tower spirit that the fairy tale of the artifact mermaid had undergone unusual changes.

The uneasy boy rushed to the cabin immediately, only to find that this abnormal change was a good thing.

"The number of pearl bubbles has increased!" The fish-man boy stood in front of the artifact and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although his fish-man eyes are now very big.

The Mermaid's Fairy Tale is the magical weapon of the Charming Blue God. Judging from its appearance, it is just a large fan-shaped shell.

And among the half-open shells are colorful pearl foams.

They are the same size, completely transparent inside, as if they are empty, and the outside is just a layer of spherical foam. However, these pearls are completely pinchable and hard to the touch.

The survivors obtained this artifact from the central tower underground on the Mysterious Island.

They used pearl foam many times and constructed deception arrays to more effectively utilize the power of this artifact.

The art of deception and camouflage was of great help to the survivors.

Without this spell, without this artifact, the survivors would definitely not be where they are today. It can be said that the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group can achieve its current scale because of this artifact!

However, the mermaid's fairy tale produces pearl bubbles more slowly and in smaller quantities.

At first, when the survivors obtained this artifact, the large shell was filled with pearl foam and accumulated several layers. Now, the pearl foam only occupies a thin layer at the bottom of the large shell.

Pearl foam production plummeted.

Survivors are using this godlike material with increasing frequency, and there's no end in sight.

Zi Di, Cang Xu and others were all worried about this and warned other survivors.

The reason for the decline in pearl foam production is simple. Survivors all know that - the magic blue power is stored in the mermaid's fairy tale. It is the continuous consumption of the magic power that allows the artifact to produce pearl foam.

However, divine power is sourceless water, and it will be reduced as much as it is used. As the divine power becomes less and less, the production of pearl foam becomes less and less.

This is partly why the survivors are anxious to seek redemption from the Empire.

Charming Blue's magical power cannot be replenished, and the Pearl Foam is used less and less. One day, it will no longer be able to help the survivors.

The survivors have no cover and will be easily exposed if prophecies, divination, etc. are revealed. By then, the huge wealth they possess will prompt the Shengming Empire to take action against them. And the reason for taking action was also high-sounding. Who asked them to kill Father Shasha on the Mysterious Island.

The dragon boy even secretly killed the Flame Dragon King!

However, now, inside the big shell placed in front of the fish-man boy, there are already two layers of pearl foam.

"The fairy tale of the mermaid is just an artifact and does not produce its own magical power."

"Divine power is produced from the body of the god."

"Now that the production of pearl foam is rising, it shows that the reserve of divine power in the mermaid's fairy tale has increased."

"How can the divine power in the artifact be replenished?"

The fish-man boy fell into deep thought.

He naturally thought of the Ocean Nest.

"Before, the production of pearl foam has been steadily declining. The biggest difference between now and the past is that the Deep Sea Monster Fish is located in an ocean nest."

"Could it be that there is magic blue power here?"

"Why is there the magical blue power here?"

"It is precisely because of the magical power of Charming Blue that the magical artifact of the Mermaid's Fairy Tale suddenly mutated and brought us here together?"

"Does this artifact have the consciousness to replenish its divine power on its own?"

When the fishman boy thought about this, he clearly felt that the teleportation of the Deep Sea Monster Fish and the teleportation of those fishmen seemed to be two different things.

"We must figure out the secret of teleportation."

"If we can only explore the performance of artifacts, then the murlocs will be the breakthrough."

"I really hope we can find out what's going on outside the ocean's nest soon! But I have to wait for the results from the fine eel drillers."

"Well, if only I could penetrate right through here."

"There was indeed such an opportunity that allowed me to master this ability... Why didn't I think of it at the beginning?"

The fish-man boy fell into reflection and regretted in his heart.

The so-called opportunity he thought of was to absorb ghosts and let the blood core record their life information. After reaching a certain level, the fish-man boy can also transform himself into a ghost through his blood core.

It can be done.

Because a long time ago, under the joint investigation of Cang Xu and Zidi, the young man discovered that the blood core can absorb the life of the undead and record their bloodline.

The so-called bloodline is essentially life information.

Undead life is a special life form that is dominated by negative energy instead of the positive energy of most living things.

However, the boy did not do this.

"At that time, Cang Xu had a small number of ghosts. If I used the blood core to absorb them, it would also greatly reduce his and Zidi's combat effectiveness."

"No, this is just an excuse to deceive yourself."

"Actually, the reason why I haven't thought about it is because of my rejection of the undead."

The fish-man boy deeply reflected on himself.

As a normal life form, even though he has been telling himself not to discriminate against any life form. However, affected by the positive energy in his body, as a normal living being, he inevitably developed a dislike for the undead.

Even though he had done an excellent job, he didn't even notice the disgust and resistance in his heart while getting along with Cang Xu and Zidi.

But now, the fish-man boy suddenly realized something during his profound self-analysis.

He could accept Cang Xu and Zidi because of their close relationship with the boy. Because of this relationship, the boy did not discriminate or exclude them because of their life essence.

But the dragon boy never thought that he would take the initiative to transform into an undead life.

Zidi and Cangxu never reminded him in this regard.

"If I can transform into a ghost, maybe I can directly penetrate the cave wall and come outside the nest."

It's too late for the fishman boy to regret now.

Cang Xu and Zidi are not around, so naturally there are no ghosts that the blood core can devour.

"Zidi must go to the Ice Sculpture Capital."

"Cang Xu...where are you now?"

Cang Xu was currently standing on the roof of the ghost ship's poop.

An undersea war is going on.

A large number of ghosts were constantly swimming in the dark sea water. The little prince led the skeleton archers on the deck to continuously carry out long-range attacks.

Cangxu was protected by everyone.

Around him, many death heads floated.

Their enemy this time is a school of lantern fish.

This is a rare fish in the deep sea that has both light and water properties.

Forget about the water-attribute spells, mainly the light-attribute spells do a lot of damage to the undead team.

"This is the most difficult battle since going deep into the White Hair Trench!" the undead warrior cried and sighed.

He charged into a school of lantern fish alone, displaying the grace of a silver-level fighter.

The battles among other necromancers have increased many times in these days. Although Crying Wind is a fighter, his strength has also improved a lot.

He held bone knives in both hands and kept slashing, charging in and out. Whenever he used his fighting skills, he would almost always cause the tragic death of a monster-level lantern fish.

"This is the true fighting power of Crying Wind!"

"In the melee on Eye Island, he never used all his strength. This kind of combat power must be first-rate among silver-level players."

While Cang Xu was watching the battle, he was constantly making comments in his mind.

Cang Xu's vision is still good.

Whether it is his former status as a noble butler or his adventures after the Mysterious Island, he is familiar with many current situations of the Silver level and can make accurate judgments.

Necromancy - Soul Healing.

Cang Xu had a thought in his mind and cast the spell directly.

A silver-level death head next to him immediately produced spell fluctuations.

But it took half a minute for the soul healing technique to be successfully released.

Crying Wind was treated and the wounds on his body healed quickly. He glanced back at the ghost ship behind him gratefully, and thought to himself: "With the Healing Mage Group, I have almost no worries. This battle is really refreshing!"

Once it becomes an undead life, most of the treatment methods in the world cannot be used.

If used forcefully, it will cause the loss of soul life. After all, most treatments are targeted at normal life forms.

The undead and the living are two extremes.

Necromantic Spell - Flying Bone Shield.

Necromancy - Ghost Spell.

Cangxu continued to cast spells. In addition to taking care of the undead warrior Crying Wind, he also took care of the little prince's skeleton archers and the surrounding ghost army.

He casts the spell very easily, he doesn't even need to do it himself, he only needs to mentally control the death heads around him.

These death heads have been transformed by him and engraved with one or several necromancy spells, which are equivalent to simple and ugly magic books.

Soon after, most of the lantern fish group was destroyed. Under the leadership of the gold-level leader, they rushed out of the ghost fog area and fled.

The ship ghost controls the ghost ship and does not pursue it.

The terrain in the White Hair Trench is complex and home to a large number of magical beasts. If they were pursued all the way, the ghost ship would definitely become the target of public criticism. The risk of pursuing someone rashly is very high.

"Thank you for your magic support." Crying Wind returned to the ship and expressed his gratitude to Cang Xu.

The little prince's skeleton shooter also benefited from this. He held the back of his head and said, "Xuzha, I envy you so much. I have never seen anyone cast a spell on you so conveniently."

"You made a lot of money, you know that?"

"The flying head technique that the good doctor gave you is really powerful."

"That's right." The ship ghost also showed his figure and greatly agreed.

After Cangxu imprinted the spell model on the death head, this was their first battle appearance.

What is the effect?

You can understand it just by looking at the behavior of the Ship Ghost, Little Prince, and Crying Wind around you.

"I didn't expect these death heads to have the ability to cast spells!" Ship Ghost walked up to Cang Xu, looked at these heads, and sighed.

Whether or not you have the ability to cast spells is a complete qualitative change in the value of the Death Head!

"This should be the real power of the Flying Head Technique." The little prince said, "Xuzha, you can act as a mage group by yourself now."

(ps: Thank you all for your previous messages. After thinking about it these days, the current adjustments are as follows. 1. Merge some branches and try to increase the proportion of dragon boys. 2. Under the premise of ensuring quality, update as much as possible. More updates to be added Not too much, after all, this kind of writing structure is still being mastered. Currently, it is tentatively scheduled to add one chapter every 700 monthly votes. If you take leave midway, there will be an additional chapter at the end of the month.)

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