Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 423: Conversion of Fighting Qi

Lan Zao fell on his back on the deck and was beaten to pieces, especially the back of his head, which hit the deck and was in great pain.

The first thing he saw in his field of vision was a pirate flag.

The pirate flag on a black background flutters in the wind, and in the center of the flag is a white skull with a roaring mouth.

With the skeleton's open mouth as the center, white concentric circles are drawn, which resemble the violent sound waves produced when the skeleton roars.

"The heroic pirate group!" The answer quickly flashed in Lan Zao's mind.

It can be said that among all the survivors, he is the one who is most familiar with the pirate's identity.

Because he has been the boatswain of the Pig's Kiss for many years, making a living at sea, he is familiar with various pirates.

He knew about the Haoqi pirate group, because the latter was not only a gold-level pirate force, but also a member of the Firebeard pirate group.

The pirates who can join the Firebeard pirate group are never simple people.

Lan Zhi's eyes moved down, and he saw a huge figure from the pirate flag along the mast.

He endured the pain and quickly turned over, stood up, and glared at the man sitting under the main mast.

The leader of the heroic pirate group—the gold-level fighter—Eight Qi!

The Eight-Qi Dama sat straight up, even in this posture, he was two heads taller than Lan Zao.

Lan Zhao knew that Ba Qi's height must be more than 2 meters just by visual inspection.

He has a bald head, a square jaw, and a tall, muscular build. His upper body was naked, his chest was like a white city wall, and his lower body was wearing a pair of gray prison uniform trousers, so simple that the legs of the trousers were ragged and reached just above his ankles.

He was not wearing shoes, and the bare soles of his feet were at least three times the size of cyanobacteria.

You must know that after the blue algae's bloodline is awakened, the area of ​​​​the hands and feet is very large, far larger than that of ordinary people.

What is striking is that his big feet did not touch the deck, but white air came out from the soles of his feet, supporting the soles of his feet and making them slightly suspended in the air.

If you observe carefully, Lan Zhao can also find that the tips of his eyebrows are always white.

This white gas also faintly exudes a golden halo.

The big golden hand that had previously captured Blue Algae slowly flew to Baqi's shoulder. The golden luster on the surface quickly faded and turned into a ball of white air, which merged into Baqi's body from the shoulders.

"Bad Weather Bloodline!" Some information about the Eight Qi flashed through Lan Zao's mind.

The leader of this heroic pirate group has the blood of bad weather. The source of this bloodline is the holy level Qi element. Theoretically speaking, the limit of the Eight Qi of the leader of the heroic pirate group is the holy level.

But the concentration of his bloodline was not enough, and the gold level became his ceiling. The fighter level has not improved for more than ten years.

Air elementalization!

This is a natural talent spell that comes with the bad weather bloodline.

Therefore, when the leader of the heroic pirate group is at the bronze level, he can separate his body and transform it into the air element to attack the enemy. This advantage is very huge. You must know that only when a fighter reaches the gold level can the fighting spirit be separated from the body and formed independently, and have the ability to attack from a distance.

The leader of the heroic pirate group has reached the gold level, and his ability to transform into Qi elements is even more powerful. He can transform the flesh and blood in his body into Qi elements, and then instill gold-level fighting spirit to attack distant enemies.

The golden hand that just captured the cyanobacteria was made with this ability.

There are many benefits to doing this, the most obvious one is that it greatly reduces the consumption of gold-level fighting spirit.

"Elementalization of Qi... This magic can make the heart, throat and other parts of the body elementalized at critical moments. This means that the eight qi have no weaknesses in the human body in the usual sense." Lan Zhao thought.

Compared with the talent of air elementalization, the fluid perception and levitation skills that come with the blue algae bloodline immediately pale in comparison.

The leader of the heroic pirate group leaned back on his chair and looked at the blue algae with a downward gaze, his eyes indifferent.

Lan Zao said: "Mr. Baqi, I have no intention of being your enemy. Is there any misunderstanding between us?"


The pirates on the deck laughed and looked at Cyanobacteria with cruel and playful eyes.

Surrounded by a swarm of enemies, Cyanobacteria had no chance of escaping, and layers of cold sweat oozed from his forehead and back.

He is no longer as "violent" as before.

The previous blue-green algae mistakenly thought that he had taken a magic potion, which caused a bloodline conflict, and he had only a few days to live, so he fought desperately, always maintaining the mentality of "fighting one will count, fighting two will not lose money".

But it's different now.

He found that his bloodline had awakened, and the potion worked perfectly. He had a brand new future, and when he was about to show off his grand ambitions, facing a strong man like Ba Qi, he felt weak in his heart and was under tremendous psychological pressure.

Amid the roars of laughter from the pirates, Baqi said indifferently: "What kind of bloodline do you have? Is it related to the fish-men? However, I can feel that your fighting spirit and my fighting spirit are very compatible."

Lan Zhao was stunned, and a piece of key information flashed in his mind.

In an instant, he seemed to understand the reason why Ba Qi took action against him.

Just as he was about to speak, Baqi laughed: "No matter what bloodline you are from, it's your luck that you can meet me today."

"But whether it's good luck or bad luck, haha, it all depends on your luck!"

After saying that, he stood in a big hand like a cattail leaf fan, with his fingers spread out, and a strong suction force burst out.

The blue algae was completely unstoppable and was sucked over.

His head was directly grabbed by the Eight Qi. He wanted to struggle, but soon, streams of air flowed out of Baqi's body, shrouded in golden luster, like thick golden hemp ropes, binding the blue algae, making the latter unable to move.

Captain Haoqi gave a ferocious laugh and suddenly increased the infusion of fighting spirit.

A powerful fighting spirit immediately spurted out from his palm and forcefully poured into Cyanobacteria's body.

The blue algae suddenly let out a scream, and the surface of its body swelled up, like an inflated human-shaped balloon.

The golden fighting spirit of the eight qi comes into contact with the aquatic grass fighting spirit of the cyanobacteria.

Although Lan Zhao has just been promoted to black iron, it will still take some time for the fighting spirit in his body to be completely transformed from bronze level to black iron level.

In fact, even black iron-level fighting spirit is no match for gold fighting spirit.

Therefore, Blue Algae's aquatic and grass fighting spirit collapsed at the first touch, and the front line quickly fell. The gold-level fighting spirit of the Eight Qi captured the city and kept suppressing it, and could only shrink into a corner.

The golden fighting spirit of the eight qi is naturally a heterogeneous energy source, which strongly conflicts with the fighting spirit of the water plants. This causes the blue algae to quickly bleed from all its orifices, and the screams become louder.

Just like an imbalance of magic power, two streams of fighting energy from different sources will cause horrific damage to Cyanobacteria's body. In order to save their lives, Blue Algae immediately dispersed its aquatic grass fighting energy.

The essence of water grass fighting energy is bronze level and cannot be condensed outside the body, so it dissipates quickly.

Soon only the enemy's golden fighting spirit remained in Cyanobacteria's body.

Blue Algae's head was held by the Eight Qi with one hand, and his whole body was entangled with the golden air flow like a hemp rope, suspended in the air, his whole body trembling, and his body was like sieve chaff.

Although he wisely consumed all the water and grass fighting energy, he had practiced this fighting energy for many years, and his body had long adapted to the water and grass fighting energy. Even if it is completely consumed, water and grass fighting energy will still be automatically generated in various parts of the body.

But as soon as this fighting spirit was produced, it was crushed into slag by the ubiquitous gold-level fighting spirit.

Gold-level fighting spirit also powerfully penetrates the internal organs, muscles and bones of Cyanobacteria.

The blue algae was in severe pain, and it felt like brushes made of countless steel needles, scraping all over his body over and over again.

He soon burst out of his throat and his voice became extremely hoarse.

He was shaking so hard, his internal organs were severely injured, he was bleeding profusely, his bones were overwhelmed, cracks were all over his body, and blood was seeping out of the skin all over his body.

The surrounding pirates subconsciously put away their smiles.

Although they have seen similar situations many times, they feel chilled every time, adding to their fear of their boss.

"Not bad, you're not dead yet." Baqi stopped instilling fighting spirit and praised Lan Zhao.

Blue Algae's vision turned black, and he was just a hair away from passing out.

He screamed in his heart with all his strength, reminding himself not to fall into unconsciousness. Once unconscious, he might really die.

"Live with my gift. If you want revenge, I welcome you at any time." Baqi waved his arms, like throwing a ball, and threw the blue alga hundreds of meters away and fell into the sea.

As if he was throwing away a piece of garbage, he quickly withdrew his gaze and looked straight ahead: "How far is it from Huaqun Island?"

The first mate quickly replied: "It's almost there, Master Baqi. It only takes less than two hours for us to get there."

"Hurry up, we still have things to do."


The speed of the Eight-Qi Pirates surged and they quickly moved away, leaving behind the blue algae who passed out in a pool of blood and gradually sank into the sea.

Ocean nest.

The fish-man boy adjusted the effect of the deception and camouflage technique. To the uninitiated, the Deep Sea Monster Fish was no longer a reef, but a pile of pearls.

The Deep Sea Monster Fish has been perfectly integrated with its surroundings and is no longer as abrupt as before.

The landing cabin was filled with sea water and had been the training room for the fish-man boy for many days.

The fish-man boy was in the water, but he was not practicing his fighting skills at this time. Instead, he kept swallowing the surrounding seawater with his mouth open.

Every time he swallowed or swallowed, a brand new fighting spirit was produced in his body.

It’s no longer about exploding fighting spirit.

After careful consideration, the young man finally decided to transform his fighting spirit. After listening to the Ta Ling's advice, he carefully selected a fish-man fighting spirit technique called Wild Waves and Giant Waves Technique.

The action of practicing this Dou Qi Jue is to continuously swallow and inhale in the water, and squeeze the muscles in the chest and other parts to generate a steady stream of waves of Dou Qi.

"The Raging Wave Technique really suits my new form."

Even though he had just started to transform, the fish-man boy could still feel the superiority of the new fighting spirit.

This superiority is mainly reflected in the adaptation of fighting spirit and body.

When the explosive fighting energy was running in the fish-man form, the young man felt as if his throat was filled with chili powder, and when the prodigal fighting energy flowed in the body, it was refreshing and refreshing. The boy even had the illusion that the cells in his body were cheering.

"It's just that it will take some time for complete transformation."

"Alas, the Transformation Dou Qi Art is so troublesome."

"If a strong man who practices this kind of fighting spirit imbues me with it, the transformation time will be drastically reduced, and it can even be completed within a few minutes."

When the fish-man boy's thoughts were spreading, the voice of the tower spirit came: "Captain, the sonic investigation has preliminary results, please check it immediately."

"Oh? The situation outside the ocean nest has been discovered?" The fishman boy suddenly felt impatient.

He immediately left the landing module and returned to the cockpit, where he saw the reconnaissance intelligence.

"This is?!" The fish-man boy couldn't help but feel shocked as he looked at the magical image created.

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