Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 428: Zidi advances

Thinking of the investigation, Zidi couldn't help but frown slightly.

The current situation is that she can't find anyone reliable to investigate.

Zidi sighed in her heart, there were still too few people who could use it. Although the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has continued to grow and develop since its establishment, its progress has been astonishing. When they get together, they are full of talents. However, now that they are separated and the stall is slightly larger, it will immediately be stretched.

In fact, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has always been short of intelligence talents.

No matter how excellent the alchemy components or detection puppets are, they cannot replace people.

Every large organization has intelligence agencies. The main way for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to obtain intelligence is through outsourcing, and the Thieves Guild is the main source of intelligence for the survivors.

This is of course inappropriate.

From an ordinary person's point of view, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is just a small force. The strongest ones are only silver-level, and there is not even a gold-level one.

It is normal for a force or organization like this to not have an intelligence department. The cost of maintaining an intelligence service is very high, and it is difficult for small forces to afford it. In terms of costs and benefits, outsourcing to the Thieves Guild is very cost-effective.

But Zidi is convinced that the current small force is just the starting point of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. In the future, their organization will definitely become a large force, and it is entirely possible to become a super force.

This is definitely not Zidi's extravagant hope or lofty ambition. The first reason why the ghost girl believes so deeply is the blood core.

With blood, everything is possible!

"For us, the intelligence department needs to be established. Intelligence talents must be loyal and reliable, so the sooner it is established, the better."

"But it's not my job anymore."

"I have no clue about intelligence matters, and it's not my expertise. It's better to let the leader consider this issue!" Zidi thought in her mind.

For the survivors, the current focus is to contact the Baizhen family and build relationships with the top leaders of the Shengming Empire to atone for their sins.

The secondary focus is Zidi's business plan.

But when doing anything, funds are very important.

Economy is the basis of everything.

The cost of establishing an intelligence service must be huge. Bribing with money is also a good way to atone for one's sins from the top officials of the empire.

Although the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group had a lot of funds, the loot captured in the melee on Eye Island made them fatter. But now, their consumption is also very large, and it will be more in the future.

It is unacceptable to sit back and have nothing.

It is most correct to vigorously develop and invest while you still have capital in hand to establish a stable capital flow.

Taking a step back, even if the atonement fails, the survivors can rely on this foundation to survive for a while.

The Ice Sculpture Kingdom is isolated overseas, far away from the Shengming Empire. In the future, if the Shengming Empire comes to cause trouble for the survivors, this place can still be used as a temporary habitat.

Once Zidi successfully expands her business territory in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the benefits will not only be limited to funds, but also the acquisition of various scarce resources will become easier. Just like in Snowbird Port before, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group relied on the city lord's connections to secretly purchase a large amount of rare resources, much higher than what was obtained on the market.

Not only materials, but also human resources.

The dragon boy defeated Fujituro and made the dragon and lion mercenary group famous in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Once Zidi's business plan succeeds, the financial strength of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will also be widely recognized.

Being famous and wealthy can make more people recognize the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group as an organization. In turn, the survivors can leverage higher-level human resources from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. For example, a profound alchemist master, a highly skilled pharmacist, or an intelligence talent who sincerely surrenders, etc.

The vast majority of talents are qualified to recruit only when the organization has a certain level of strength.

That is why those who know the current affairs are heroes, and good birds choose trees to roost in.

Without certain strength, talented people look down upon you.

Only rare people like Bu Quan can join the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and this is just a special case.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Buquan this time. She improved the manufacturing process of dragon riding potion and increased the output several times."

"For her, such improvements are just basic abilities."

Zidi knew that she would never be able to do this.

Not long ago, she was very pleasantly surprised when she got the news in a letter.

The huge increase in production gave her more confidence in implementing her business plan.

"It's not in vain that I tried so hard to persuade her."

Zidi is very envious of Buquan's alchemy talent, but there is no jealousy at all.

She is a businesswoman and understands the concept of human resources.

The joining of Buquan will be of great help to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. The benefits are huge now and are likely to be even higher in the future!

Of course, Zidi knows Buquan's admiration for the dragon boy.

But the ghost girl believed more in the relationship between her and the dragon boy. The experience of the mysterious island and the secret of the blood core are the cornerstone of the relationship, and also the distance between the dragon boy and Buquan.

"The pharmacy market in Blood City has been well observed in the past few days."

"The next step is to choose a few people to stay and work in the shops in Blood City."

This is part of Zidi's business plan, and in doing so, it will strengthen the connection between her and various sales points.

The group of people who can travel with Zidi are all carefully selected by her.

Some of them were mercenaries who had joined earlier on Snake Island and Eye Island. Some are snow elves recruited by Snowbird Port. Most are humans and snow elves, but there are also tauren, dog people, water pig people, etc.

Someone of your own must get involved and take charge of the business, otherwise it will be easy to be controlled by the other party simply by relying on the manpower of the Utama family.

Zidi decided to leave behind a dog tribe member, a snow elf.

The Snow Elves can blend into this environment, while the Dog Clan people can keep their distance from the surroundings and ensure their loyalty to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

It is inappropriate to be too integrated, as it can easily be leveraged and instigated to rebellion. The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are outsiders, and this is the country of snow elves. They send snow elves to every sales point, which is not safe.

It’s not okay to think too much about loyalty and be too isolated from the outside world. If you fail to integrate, it will be difficult to open up the situation. Not only will you lose money in business, it will even cause fierce conflicts, leading to local people attacking shops and other bad incidents.

Opening a branch is not that easy.

Zidi must carefully build a team structure and build a moat of power to lay a solid foundation for long-term and stable business.

In this regard, although Zidi lacks practical experience, she comes from a businessman family and has seen how to operate it from her father. Under the influence, Zidi has full confidence in herself.

"Every time I go to a city, I will leave a few people behind. All the way to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, a sales network will be initially established."

"Zong Ge dislikes that the group of people I picked are not strong enough. When he was in the Cold Wind Valley, he wanted to use these people as bait. As everyone knows, these people have been assessed by me secretly, and they can all be used in my business plan. Cornerstone talent.”

Reaching cooperation with the Satoma family is definitely a major breakthrough for the survivors!

The survivors didn't understand the meaning, except for Fattongue. When the latter heard the news of Zidi's success, he was so excited that his whole body trembled, his eyes lit up, and he sighed: Looking at Zidi in front of him, it was like seeing the old president!

With the help of the Utojian family, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is like a vine, embedded in the original tree trunk, absorbing nutrients and growing rapidly. In this way, the development of the survivors directly transcended the initial weak period, saving a lot of time, seizing the critical opportunity, and making it easier to occupy the market share of the entire kingdom.

Blood City and Snowbird Port are very close to each other, so the two people Zi Di selected are considered weak in ability. When Zidi arrives in some important cities in the future, she will choose some more promising ones to stay.

"We can leave after the first batch of caravans from Snowbird Port successfully arrive at Blood City." Zidi planned.

"Of course, you need to be careful when leaving."

They were unaware of the enemy in ambush.

"So, having funds alone is definitely not enough. Even having too much money can be the source of trouble. Force is the guarantee of everything."

Zidi temporarily put aside her plans, took out the soul crystal, and began her daily practice.

Under her absorption, the size of the soul crystal continued to shrink.

A strange wave occurred in Zidi's body.

The ghost girl's body trembled slightly. At this moment, her mage level rose by one level.

She has officially been promoted from bronze level to black iron level!

Zidi was not surprised at all.

She had expected to be promoted to a black iron level necromancer.

She was a black iron-level mage. After her death, her soul was transformed by negative energy and successfully transformed into a ghost under the influence of Cang Xu's spiritualism.

Her life level has always been black iron level. But the original mana pool remained in her body, and her mage level returned to zero.

She had no choice but to re-establish her mana pool and restart her practice as a mage.

Her life experience and black iron life level have brought great help to the mage's practice.

"Finally back to the black iron level." Zidi sighed.

Extraordinary practice usually involves quantitative changes leading to qualitative changes.

But calculating the time, it actually didn't take long for Zidi to be repaired. The main reason why she felt it was long and painful was that she desperately needed a higher mage level.

Because she usually plays the role of a silver-level mage and relies on the bronze-level mage level, she is under a lot of pressure.

Now that he has become a black iron level, the secret pressure has been reduced a lot.

"On the other hand, it can also save the consumption of pearl foam."

This is easy to understand.

Bronze level mage level, play as Silver level. Playing as a Silver-level player is naturally different from the Black Iron-level one.

"But there are not enough soul crystals."

As a ghost, Soul Eater has the instinct to eat. Doing so will cause memory confusion, personality deviation, even loss of consciousness, falling into madness and other negative states.

The fate of most ghosts is that they cannot resist the instinct to eat. The more they eat, the more they become addicted to the instinct. Under the erosion of negative energy, they become beasts that hate all life.

Soul Crystal is different. It is extremely pure and is a perfect substitute. Not only can it satisfy the desire to eat, but it can also improve ghost heritage and enhance mental strength without any sequelae.

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