Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 430: The ideal of three knives

San Dao himself is the leader of the mercenary group. He is currently staying in Snowbird Port and is very effective in secretly managing the operation of the branch.

But at the same time, his knowledge also has many limitations.

His original mercenary group was not high-level, nor large in number, and had never spent such a huge amount of money.

This is far inferior to fat tongue.

Although Fat Tongue is just an ordinary person, he has long been a veteran of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and has experienced and seen much more money than San Dao.

He was also left at Snowbird Port and did not follow Zidi to the Ice Sculpture Capital.

His main job is to preside over Zidi's business plan. Snowbird Port, as the production site for Dragon Rider potions, is the engine of business plans, and people with business talents are needed to guard it.

However, Fat Tongue's situation is similar to that of San Dao. Both are dragged down by their own combat power, and their talents are higher than the extraordinary level.

The three swords are hidden behind the scenes, but Chi Lai and Menshi are the ones who call the shots on the surface. Fat Tongue's situation is even worse. He is just a mortal. If he wants to advance his business plan and issue some business measures, he can only do it through three swords.

Seeing that San Dao still had a frown on his face, Fat Tongue sighed in his heart and had no choice but to continue to persuade him.

If Fat Tongue has enough extraordinary strength, there is no need to use three swords to implement his strategy. He can make the strategy pass by himself. But the fact is that this is not possible. He must influence a more powerful person to ensure that the business plan will not be affected.

Fat Tongue said: "You have also seen how popular our dragon riding potion is in Snowbird Port. Therefore, this potion can also be sold in other places in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"Thanks to Master Buquan's improved production process, our current potion production has increased many times."

"The cooperation with the Satoma family has allowed us to save the initial work of setting up shop, which has been extremely helpful to us!"

"Now, we just need to wait for the first batch of funds to be withdrawn, and we can achieve a positive cycle of funds."

"As for the sudden extra expense of purchasing alchemy puppets, don't worry. Because this is completely within our capabilities. According to my observation of the market and understanding of the prices of alchemy puppets, the funds we need to pay are not enough. One-tenth of gold.”

The alchemy puppet acquired this time is only used by Zidi.

She still has a lot of ghosts to bear, so she can't control too many alchemy puppets.

Fat Tongue comforted him, but San Dao was still worried.

For the goblins: Nothing Fattongue said happened, it was just plans, not facts.

Fat tongue observes words and emotions, but is helpless.

He has tried his best to persuade Sandao, but the effect is limited.

Fat Tongue has rich life experience and knows that people like Sandao are very pragmatic and have practical experience. He himself was once a successful person like the leader of a mercenary group. These successful experiences have shaped San Dao, but they have also caused trouble and limited his vision, making him not easily believe what outsiders say.

Fat Tongue made no more efforts to persuade. Because he knows that for someone like Sandao, no matter how good the persuasion plan is, let reality speak for itself!

As long as San Dao sees Fat Tongue's correct prediction about future development, then he will understand.

Fat Tongue said goodbye and left, but San Dao still had a sad face.

Contrary to his expression here, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is developing very well!

The mercenary group branch that stayed in Snowbird Port has once again upgraded their mercenary group level by one level in this short period of time. The success rate of completed mercenary missions is 100%, and the praise rate is the same. Yes 100%!

Such achievements can be said to be extremely exaggerated.

But if you take a closer look at the mercenary missions they completed, you will understand: This is exactly what happened.

The tasks taken by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group are very "small". The "little ones" can help with moving, repairing furniture, finding cats, butchering chickens and ducks, etc.

However, although these tasks are "simple", the rewards are extremely generous, and the income earned by the group is very considerable.

"Thanks to the leader for all this." Sandao knew very well that all this was due to the dragon boy.

Ever since the young dragon man killed the gold-level Fujituro in public in a heroic duel, the situation of the dragon and lion mercenary group has been completely opened up.

After this battle, the Bayonet Gang was directly eliminated by the Lord of Snowbird Harbor, causing forces large and small to express goodwill to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Many forces took the initiative to issue mercenary missions and asked by name to entrust them to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. These tasks are extremely difficult and the rewards are extremely rich.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group successfully completed these tasks with only a few low-level extraordinary beings.

Not only did he receive a large amount of remuneration, but the level of the mercenary group was also raised.

"Although we are a small force now, our leader can kill gold-level ones, so almost all outside forces look down upon us."

Sandao knew very well that this kind of treatment was quite rare.

He has been the leader of the mercenary group for many years and has worked hard, but he has never been treated so kindly. I have never seen other mercenary groups receive such treatment.

This is not to say that there are no strong men in the mercenary group of the Shengming Empire.

Rather, it is indeed quite rare for a dragon boy to defeat a gold-level player with a silver level.

Another key point is that the dragon boy defeated the leader of the Bayonet Gang, defeating evil with justice! Such a status makes it easier for the public to accept it.

The reason why the dragon boy became famous in the Ice Sculpture Capital was not only his amazing achievements, but also the public favor brought by his righteous actions.

Sandao became the person who secretly presided over the division of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. After such a smooth start, his enthusiasm was completely mobilized.

Originally, he was the leader of a mercenary group, and he always had the ambition to lead the mercenary group to higher places buried in his heart.

The current level of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is the same as that of the mercenary group he once led.

Continuous success makes San Dao extremely enthusiastic about work and full of energy every day. When he went to bed at night, his thoughts were flooded, and he was also sighing and longing: Who would have thought that his previous ideal would be realized in such a wonderful way in a foreign country? !

Therefore, when Sandao saw such a huge expenditure of funds, he was frightened and couldn't help but feel strong worries.

He didn't want to see such a great situation collapse in his hands!

On the one hand, this is his sense of responsibility. He was appointed to secretly take charge of the mercenary group's branch, and of course he didn't want to screw up. On the other hand, this is his... so to speak, ideal in life. He really hopes that his mercenary group can reach the top.

Of course, he knew the limits of his bloodline. Therefore, this time, he is looking forward to hosting the Snowbird Port group in this alternative way to indirectly realize his ideals.

San Dao was very nervous.

Even with a fat talk, a lot of explanations have been made.

Of course Sandao knew Fat Tongue's identity and his business talent.

"But what if he's wrong?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unlikely event, no matter how small the possibility is!"

"No, I have to sit on something, even if it doesn't work, I have to do something."

Sandao knew that he could not sit still and had to do some work to relieve his anxiety.

However, making money... has never been his area of ​​expertise.

He thought hard: "To obtain funds, it is nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure."

"In terms of open source, it's natural to do more mercenary missions."

"If you want to reduce expenditures..." San Dao turned his attention to the account books, which recorded almost all the capital flows of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

At present, the largest part of our expenditure is procurement.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has been purchasing alchemy materials from external sources. The purchase volume is large and there are many channels. Mainly the six major chambers of commerce and the connections of the Snowbird Port City Lord.

Among them, purchasing parts of dragon beasts and sub-dragons is the biggest expense.

San Dao didn't know that it was specially given to the dragon boy to absorb blood. He had zero alchemy skills and couldn't see anything fishy in it. He really thought it was a material for making a potion.

"Of course these cannot be touched." Sandao looked at the second large expenditure.

This part of the funds is used to purchase equipment and props.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group now has money, and extraordinary cultivation is basically not a sudden change, it takes time to accumulate, so buying a good piece of equipment can often greatly increase the combat power.

In the early stages of the duel between the dragon boy and Fujituro, the dragon and lion mercenary group began to purchase equipment vigorously.

After the duel, the purchasing intensity did not decrease. Instead, it increased due to the booming sales of Dragon Rider potions.

Survivors really need high-end equipment.

The Ice Sculpture Kingdom is also the capital of alchemists. The alchemy industry is very developed. Here, survivors can more easily buy more cost-effective equipment and props.

"This intensity is really too strong. It can be reduced a bit." After Sandao analyzed it, he had a different idea.

In his opinion, the level of purchased equipment is currently mainly silver level, which is generally too high for survivors.

Because there are not many silver-level members in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Among the real core members, there are only two people, Dragon Man Boy and Zong Ge.

"There is no need to acquire so much silver-level equipment. Besides, there are also mage equipment here. Among my own two mages, both are necromancers, and these equipment are not suitable for them."

"Also, do you really want to collect gold-level equipment and props? We already have a lot of gold-level equipment, and the defensive gold equipment we really need is still unavailable."

"This opinion... I will write to them later."

After that, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was used to purchase alchemy arrows, bullets, etc.

In this regard, Sandao has no opinion.

He had experienced the escape battle of the Bayonet Gang's top brass. In that battle, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group suffered a lot. The flagship Love Triangle at that time had been sent to the repair shop for repairs for several days.

San Dao continued to read.

The third important piece is overhead.

The most important part is the food and beverage expenses!

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group purchased a large amount of extraordinary materials and hired many magic chefs to make extraordinary dishes.

There are a large number of extraordinary beings in the branch, and many of the newly recruited snow elves have the ability to cast spells. The two teams currently being trained have to train hard every day, and these nutritious meals can ensure that they will not be exhausted.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"The big man's food expenses alone are actually comparable to those of the Kuaishou team?"

Three swords glared, he couldn't understand.

"Isn't this silly big guy too good to eat?"

"I remember that his appetite was not that big. Isn't someone secretly embezzling?"

San Dao couldn't sit still any longer, so he immediately set off to investigate in person.

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