Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 440: Conversion

The fishman boy never expected that he would meet Cang Xu under such circumstances.

"This is really troublesome." The fish-man boy had a solemn look on his face.

It is difficult for him to save himself now, and now Cang Xu has become a prisoner of the sacred priest Zong Zhang. Therefore, the fishman boy not only needs to save himself, but also rescues Cang Xu.

"What can we do?" The fish-man boy once again felt deeply that his own strength was insufficient.

He is only Silver level. But in front of him, even the gold-level fighters and necromancers were easily captured by Zong Zhang.

The power of the holy realm is too difficult for the gold level to resist, far more than the silver level can kill the gold level!

In addition to Zongzhang, there are other gold-level enemies, at least 5 of them. There are more silver and black iron grades.

If the fish-man boy wanted to take action head-on, he would have to face an entire underwater army!

Seeing the fate of the necromancers, he was glad that he had not taken risks before.

Even if his blood core absorbs the blood of the undead and can turn him into an undead, it is still very dangerous for him to act alone.

When he turns into a ghost and comes to the outside world through the cave wall of the ocean mother nest, it is the moment of his complete destruction. Or be captured like Cang Xu and others.

From these prisoners, the fish-man boy deeply felt the strength of Zou Zhang. Even if he didn't witness the previous battle with his own eyes.

Zou Zhang captured Ba Qi, Sea Snake Girl, Gummy Man, and the necromancers headed by Ship Ghost alive. Such a record is very scary.

You know, beating to death and capturing alive are completely different levels of difficulty.

Especially when the fish-man boy calculated the time, it didn't take long at all for Zou Zhang to leave the altar and return. In such a short period of time, she captured so many strong men. Such fighting power is terrifying to think about.

The prisoners were escorted under the altar.

The gold-level octopus man escorting Ba Qi, named Zhang Yuwan, cursed and kicked Ba Qi in the crook of his leg.

The eight qi have been completely sealed and their combat power has been completely sealed.

Zou Zhang subsequently released the magic on him, allowing him to breathe freely at the bottom of the sea and withstand the huge pressure of the sea water, but without any resistance.

After being kicked so hard, Baqi fell to his knees on the ground.

It has to be said that this battle is undoubtedly the most frustrating for Ba Qi.

He has the bloodline of Bad Weather, practices the Air Pressure Dou Qi Art, and also masters the magic-like Qi Elemental Transformation.

Especially the last resort, which basically makes him have no fatal weakness in human structure.

But he was so wrapped up in homeopathic deception that he didn't even realize he was being attacked. When he took the healing potion, the enemy took it away, but he was still kept in the dark.

He didn't use the powerful method of magic-like Qi elementalization at all.

It can be said that he was completely restrained by Congee Zhang and did not show even half of his strength.

But victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. Baqi looked ugly, but he also admitted this fact. He dropped to his knees, very quietly, without any struggle.

Later, the sea snake girl was also escorted to Ba Qi's side and forced to kneel down.

Perhaps the kneeling action was too intense, and the sea snake girl couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. Her expression was extremely exhausted, and her eyes were very dim, no longer as bright as usual.

The current situation is really a big blow to her!

The sea snake girl thought about Jiangui and others, but she never thought that she would encounter beings like Zou Zhang.

It was obviously close to success, but ended up falling short. Not only was the gold-level sea snake she forcibly contracted completely destroyed, but she herself became a prisoner.

This gap is really too big.

Gummy Man followed closely behind and was pushed down to his knees.

He was also in very poor condition. In order to subdue the gold-level sea snake, he had tried his best and also taken strong medicine twice.

Now his whole body was limp and defenseless. He couldn't even maintain his kneeling position, and soon he fell to the ground.

But even like this, he has not forgotten to care about his sweetheart.

The gummy man rubbed his chin on the ground and moved towards the sea snake girl little by little.

"No, don't be afraid. At least we are still alive." Gummy Man comforted with difficulty.

The sea snake girl turned a deaf ear and looked dull.

Seeing his sweetheart like this, Gummy Man felt very sad.

The ship ghost then knelt down on the ground and lined up with Baqi and others.

The little prince whimpered and became the necromancer next to him.

One of Crying Wind's arms was broken. This was the result of him reacting and resisting after the effect of the deception technique disappeared halfway.

Crying Wind looked like iron. His combat effectiveness is at the peak of the silver level, but his opponent is the gold level Akatsuki Maru. The fact that he was able to save a life was the result of Zhang Yuwan taking the initiative to show mercy.

Cang Xu was not seriously injured.

Of course, this was caused by him voluntarily giving up resistance after he sobered up.

Cang Xu's strength is the weakest. In this case, the weakest people are in a better situation than those who are strong.

Cang Xu raised his eyes and observed, seeing Zou Zhang on the altar and the underwater army around him, he felt very unwilling to do so.

The necromancers wanted to act as Huang Que, but it turned out that the real Huang Que was Zhi Zhang and his group who took action in the end.

This is a real defeat!

"Damn it! Now I am a prisoner. The enemy is too strong and there is no hope of escape."

"Am I going to die completely this time?"

Cang Xu felt very unwilling, especially when he learned about the existence of the blood core.

But at the same time, he was also secretly persuading himself to calm down: "Since these octopus men did not directly kill me on the battlefield, they captured everyone and thoughtfully used magic to allow us to temporarily survive on the bottom of the sea. Then, even if they really want to kill us, they can’t do it now.”

Qingxin was also escorted to Cang Xu's side in the end.

She took the initiative and knelt down.

The expression of this female wind mage was numb.

On the ghost ship, she was in a difficult situation.

Unexpectedly, after this battle, she directly became a prisoner.

For Qingxin, there really is no worst living environment, only worse!

Fin Spirit was not spared and became one of the kneeling prisoners.

However, among all the captives, she may have the best situation.

Because she has connections with the Daji tribe. After retreating, the Daji tribe had already joined up with Zou Zhang and others. This gave Finling some hope.

Now that Zongzhang has accepted the Daji tribe, maybe it is also possible to accept her, a special fish-man who only cares about the tribe, even if she becomes a necromancer, but does not protect her in secret?

In addition to Baqi, Shipgui and others kneeling in the front row, the pirates on the Ruanmian and all the crew members of the Haoqi pirate group were also eaten in one go.

It’s just that they are not qualified to kneel under the altar.

The murlocs of the Daji tribe were not treated as prisoners.

Fin-nin, Fin-sama, and Fin-myo were looking around.

They were shocked by the huge magic circle that spread to the mountain wall. The gold-level animal bone altar made them feel awe-inspiring.

Seeing their enemies become prisoners, the joy and excitement of getting revenge filled their hearts.

Tribal priest Fin Miao whispered to the clan leader Fin Nin: "Master Fin Ling has also been treated as a prisoner. Can we report this situation to Master Zou Zhang?"

The fin ninja had a heavy look on his face and shook his head slightly: "Now is not the right time. Let's be patient for a while. For the time being, their lives should not be in danger. What I am more worried about is that we are not qualified to represent a necromancer to Lord Zou Zhang. Please forgive me. Don’t you see the other people’s eyes?”

The undersea army entrenched around the altar looked at the necromancers with strong disgust, hatred, fear and murderous intent.

Compared with the human race's Eight Qi, Sea Snake Girl, etc., the Necromancers are obviously less popular.

Zou Zhang has climbed onto the altar, looking down at everyone around him.

After glancing at the others, her eyes settled on Baqi and other prisoners.

Congee Zhang used common language and took the initiative to introduce: "I am Congee Zhang, and I serve my master, the goddess Meilan, with all my heart. As one of the archbishops of Meilan Sect, it must be the will of the gods for you to fall into my hands. , the arrangement of fate.”

"Now, you have a choice."

"Choose to convert to my master, the Charming Blue Goddess, and you will gain a chance to survive, and even freedom."

"But if you persist in your former beliefs, complete destruction will be your only ending."

As the Holy Domain-level Archbishop of the Charming Blue Sect, spreading the faith of the goddess has always been his main responsibility.

After hearing her words, almost all the prisoners showed shock.

"Charming Blue God?"

"Hasn't He already been eliminated?"

"No, as long as there is a believer, the god is immortal. At most, he falls into deep sleep."

"So this is the reason why the priests of the Sanctuary did not eradicate us directly..."

After the shock, the prisoners fell into silence.


For them, this is a very important and difficult decision.

In this world, almost everyone has their own beliefs. Many devout believers would rather die than convert. For these believers, death is not a fear. If you persist in your faith, even if you die, you may still be appreciated by the gods, and be led to the Kingdom of God, and enjoy a life in heaven filled with nothing but happiness.

Zou Zhang's threat of life and death seems strong, but in fact, it is a negligible threat to some believers with deep faith.

Conversion is so difficult, it also means missionary difficulty.

Usually the more powerful the god, the easier it is to preach. But Charming Blue God is obviously not a powerful god, and his situation is not good. After that divine battle, he has been sleeping.

Given enough time, Zongzhang might use softer and more reliable methods to preach. But now he has to host a blood sacrifice and doesn't have the time or patience. So he directly threatened them with life and death and preached forcefully.

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