Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 442: Savage Duel (Part 1)

"What is a brutal duel?" Lan Zao was curious. He only knew about heroic duels.

Shuangtu explained: "You can understand it as an unlimited heroic duel. It is more exciting and bloody than a heroic duel. Both parties in the duel can use any means during the battle and cannot voluntarily admit defeat. Unless one party completely loses The brutal duel will stop only with fighting power. Whether the loser survives depends entirely on whether the winner is willing to bypass the opponent's life."

"Also, the subjects of heroic duels are basically intelligent races, but this is not the case in barbaric duels. Your opponents are likely to be monsters such as tigers and wolves, and even giant dragons and demons are possible."

Blue Algae frowned: "This sounds dangerous."

Shuang Tu nodded with a serious look on his face: "This kind of danger can be controlled. You have to understand, Henfa, that you need to participate in such a battle. It can help you become familiar with your body and really practice your fighting skills."

"It is very inappropriate to practice alone and behind closed doors."

"Combat effectiveness that has not been tested in practice is unreliable. You should understand this truth."

Lan Zao nodded silently.

Shuangtu added: "In the following lurking missions, you are likely to encounter strong enemies, and even face silver-level opponents such as Ice Owl and Spring Boxer."

"At that time, you will probably only be able to rely on yourself. So you have to make sure that you have certain combat capabilities."

"I've signed you up."

"You are now at the Black Iron level, but because you are a newcomer, you will only be a Bronze level monster in the first battle."

"The risk is still controllable."

"Let me tell you one more thing. Someone from the Bayonet Gang will also participate in this brutal duel. If you want to rejoin the Bayonet Gang, you may be able to take the opportunity to get close to them and get their recruitment again."

Blue Algae understood and gradually became eager to try.

To be honest, he was also curious about his performance in the battle.

The two teleported back together, Lan Zao had a meal, and Shuang Tu went to the secret room to handle the affairs at hand.

"Henfa has been arranged. In the next period of time, he will participate in several brutal duels. His opponents will also be selected and arranged by us in advance, which can not only exercise his combat effectiveness, but also protect his life. Safety. The most important thing is to make him feel threatened in battle, then train harder and use the alchemy equipment we assigned him more frequently. For example, the bullet heart. He will be injured in the battle and will receive our follow-up Treatment. All these will make him gradually become dependent on us both physically and mentally. This is an important step in instigating him to rebel."

"Master Caijing has recruited more than 30 potion apprentices, and nearly 20 of them are ours. It has been confirmed that the underground space he secretly dug is where the legacy left by the legendary Druid lies. This aspect needs to be focused on.”

"Although Ba Qi has been treated, his condition is not optimistic. According to time estimates, the heroic pirate group has already joined the sea snake girl and others. Regarding the capture of gold-level sea snakes, the probability of failure is very small, and the information for this operation can be obtained in the near future. It worked out.”

"The temporary location of Ice Owl and others has been determined. They are actively arming themselves and bought a batch of ice bayonets from the black market. Their overall combat power has been improved, but not to a great extent. They are all under our surveillance. "

Shuang Tu was in a good mood when dealing with affairs.

After getting the help of Ba Qi, his most important task made a breakthrough. In addition, whether it is ruthlessly attacking or spying on characters like Anqiu, progress has been good.

In the afternoon, Cyanobacteria was taken underground by a snow elf.

This is an underground space. A rough visual inspection shows that it is at least 500 square meters.

Whether it is the ceiling, surrounding walls or the floor, they are all reddish brown.

"You can familiarize yourself with it in advance. This is your next battlefield." The snow elf who led him said with care.

The underground space is almost empty except for five or six stone pillars.

These stone pillars are very thick, most of them reach the ceiling, and only a few are cut off.

Lan Zao's gaze stopped on the stone pillar for a moment, and then he began to look around.

He found traces of doors all around the underground space. These doors were large or small. Many of the doors had iron bars on them, and the dark scene inside could be observed.

Unlike the duel arena, there are no auditoriums here.

But there are magical runes everywhere, on the walls, floors and ceilings.

"It seems that the audience who participated in this brutal duel watched the battle through magical images." Lan Zao guessed the truth.

Savage duels are full of blood and violence, and every time they are held, there will also be a betting market. This activity has long been banned by the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and is illegal.

Huaqu Island is located on the sea near Bingdiao Island and is a neutral place. Almost all islands like this have barbaric dueling grounds.

Whether they are chasing the pleasure or profit of gambling, worshiping violence, or eager for blood, these dueling venues attract countless spectators every year.

There are also people who have other purposes, such as revenge, or testing some vicious weapons.

Most of the audience came from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, and there were many important people or figures. Given all the negative repercussions, these people certainly won’t be seen in public.

"Can I attack at will and test the strength of the ground here?" Cyanobacteria asked.

"Of course, these can all be repaired." Snow Elf said.

Cyanobacteria asked again: "Will the scene of my testing site here be leaked?"

"Absolutely not, this is our little private move." The snow elf said this and winked at Lan Zhi.

"It seems that this person should be Shuang Tu's secret agent who infiltrated into the brutal duel field." Lan Zao secretly suspected.

His suspicions were reasonable.

This dark force represented by Frost Spit is a very powerful force. The brutal duel leader on Huaqu Island is only a Silver-level person, so it is not difficult to infiltrate him.

Cyanobacteria observe the battlefield.

Obviously, this battlefield is relatively monotonous.

"Stone pillars are the only available cover."

Lan Zao personally measured the distance between the stone pillars and calculated the specific time it took for him to sprint from one stone pillar to another.

He then attacks the stone pillar.

"It's very hard and a reliable shelter." The test result made Cyanobacteria secretly happy.

He then attacked the floor tiles, ceiling and surrounding walls.

"Amazing defense!" Cyanobacteria attacked with all its strength and used the most powerful air cannons, but it was difficult to shake it even a bit. At most, it only makes the hidden magic text flicker like ripples of light.

Lan Zao pondered for a moment and began to use air cannons frequently.

He shot out of the cannonball's impact point, gradually closing in on himself. This test is mainly because Cyanobacteria wants to experience the power of the aftermath of air cannonballs.

Air cannons can explode.

In actual combat, the most common situation is not to hit the target directly, but to let the aftermath of the explosion affect the target.

The explosion range will also vary in size depending on the battlefield environment.

Before Blue Algae finished the test, the snow elf opened the door with a hint of anxiety on his face and said, "It's time."

Cyanobacteria secretly felt regretful, but also satisfied.

He knew that being able to test the battlefield in advance was already cheating.

Blue Algae was taken into a secret room by the snow elf to rest.

Here, he practiced the air pressure fighting qi technique and actively restored his fighting qi.

As time passed, he could faintly hear noisy sounds from outside the secret room door.

The sound became more and more complicated, and it was obvious that audiences were arriving one after another.

After Lan Zhao recovered all his fighting spirit, about half an hour later, the door to the secret room was opened.

"Follow me." It was the same snow elf from before. He led Lanzao out of the secret room, walked through a long corridor, and opened a door.

"This is the waiting room. When your name is called and you are asked to come on, the other door will open."

"Be careful, don't fight with others in the waiting room. If you violate the rules, you will be killed directly by the brutal duel field!" After the Snow Elf explained, he parted ways with Lan Zao.

There were many people in the waiting room.

A tall tiger-headed orc leaned against the entrance door.

An old man with a gloomy face, exuding a bronze aura, was sitting on a bench, leaning on a crutch-like staff.

There are two long wooden benches in the waiting room, leaning against the walls on both sides.

An ordinary middle-aged man and an old man were sitting on the same wooden bench, but they were far apart, almost sitting on opposite ends of the bench.

There was a silver-level fighter sitting in the middle of another bench.

Cyanobacteria is very familiar, he is the Spring Boxer of the Bayonet Gang.

Spring Boxer couldn't help but look surprised when he saw Blue Algae coming in.

He waved actively: "I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance again."

Lan Zao knew that the Bayonet Gang was coming, and was not surprised to see Spring Boxer. He had no acting talent, so he remained indifferent, nodded to Spring Boxer, and walked over.

Finally, he sat down next to Springfist.

"Have you been promoted to the Black Iron level?" Spring Boxer was a little surprised and curious, "Why do you want to participate in the brutal duel?"

He knew that the awakened blue algae bloodline was 100% fish bladder bloodline, which meant that blue algae could be steadily promoted to the silver level.

In Spring Boxer's view, Blue Algae should cultivate himself and work hard to improve his fighter level, instead of rushing to participate in dangerous battles.

Lan Zao responded: "I bought a fighting skill and owe the money, so I want to participate in this brutal duel."

This is the frost spit's prepared response for the cyanobacteria.

Springfist nodded.

Blue Algae asked: "What about you? Mr. Spring Boxer."

Spring Boxer showed a wry smile: "I am here for some specific resources, which are difficult to buy on Huaqu Island. In fact, they are not much different from you."

"In order to allow us to go to Anqiu as soon as possible." Spring Boxer added in his heart.

Spring Boxer suddenly lost interest in talking when he thought of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Cyanobacteria said no more.

A ruthless character is one who is taciturn.

The waiting room fell into silence again.

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