Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 445: The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is seeking death

The gold-level fighter Lin is the powerful support specially invited by the leader of the Ax Gang for revenge. Lan

The leader of the Ax Gang expressed his confidence in this battle, while Lin's expression remained unchanged: "The dragon suit was able to kill Fujituro with the last blow. I think there is something fishy about it."

"I also watched the magic video of the ambush battle in Cold Wind Valley. His performance has improved significantly compared to the duel in Snowbird Port, but if it is only to this extent, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group will definitely die. .”

Lin, like the leader of the Ax Gang, also retired from the army. He has experienced many battles and has rich practical experience.

His predictions are based on solid experience.

As for the magical images of the Cold Wind Valley ambush, they were naturally provided by the leader of the Ax Gang.

This is a good habit of the regular army. They will record battlefield scenes at any time to facilitate future review and summarize lessons and intelligence. Even if he dies, he can still deliver precious information to his comrades to help him in subsequent battles.

The leader of the Ax Gang couldn't help but recall the battle in the Cold Wind Valley and sighed: "The dragon suit is indeed very unusual. He is obviously only silver, but his actual combat power is almost the same as gold level. It's a pity, if Jia Bing also agrees to my invitation , with the help of his ice ghosts, our winning rate will be 1000%!" Lan

Lin looked over in surprise: "You also invited that guy?"

Ax Gang Leader: "It's a pity that he refused after hearing that I had invited you. He said that he still had important alchemy experiments to do, and it was not convenient to leave the alchemy workshop for more than 6 hours."

Lin smiled slightly: "This is indeed his character."

"However, your problem is still the same as before - you have been excessively pursuing a super-standard winning rate!"

The leader of the Ax Gang suddenly showed dissatisfaction: "How can this be considered a problem?"

"The war is fierce and dangerous, and as long as you fight, you have to bear risks. And no matter what kind of battle, accidents will happen."

"There are so many factors that affect the outcome of the battle. As long as one of them changes drastically, the outcome will change." Lan

"The pursuit of victory probability means taking responsibility for oneself and ensuring victory. No amount of pursuit can be excessive. Shouldn't any outstanding general do his best to improve his own victory rate as much as possible?"

Lin shook his head slightly and expressed his different opinions: "This sounds reasonable, but it is actually wrong. Resources are limited at any time, so businessmen will talk about cost-effectiveness. As a general, the combat resources that can be used are also limited. . Therefore, taking risks is worthwhile. Because many times, we only have limited combat resources and have to take risks. Excessive pursuit of winning rate is often based on the premise that one's own side already has a huge advantage. Just like now! But this In most actual combat situations, such situations are rare.”

After a pause, Lin continued: "Our opponents are not strong, and the highest levels are only two silver-level ones. Although one is special, he is still not gold-level."

"With two gold-level players on our side, we already have a huge advantage. There is no need to invite a third one."

"We are not exposed yet, and we still have the advantage of surprise."

"The dragon suit may cause trouble for any of us, but the silver-level fire mage Yaoma has mediocre combat power. Whether it's me or you, as long as we fight with all our strength, she won't last three minutes."

"As soon as she dies, the two of us will besiege the dragon suit. There is no possibility of failure." Lan

Lin's analysis was clear and logical, his tone was calm, his expression was calm, and he showed strong confidence.

The leader of the Ax Gang shook his head slightly and disagreed with Lin's refutation of his idea of ​​leading an army. But he nodded and did not refute what Lin said later, because this was indeed a reasonable guess about the occurrence of the battle, and it coincided with the deduction of the leader of the Ax Gang.

At this moment, Hu Zhao rushed in in a hurry.

"No! Father, Master Lin, and the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group suddenly left Blood City through the teleportation array."

Ax Zhao brought bad news.

"What?!" Lin suddenly frowned.

The leader of the Ax Gang stood up directly, locked eyes with his son with a stern look, and asked: "How could this happen? Didn't I ask you to put people in the teleportation array to prevent this from happening?" Lan

Ax Zhao lowered his head: "Yes, that's the case. I have already done it and put people in. But the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group is very cunning. They secretly found people to line up and bought a few others with heavy money in a short period of time. People, engaging in collective queue jumping. It’s very difficult for our people to prevent that from happening.”

There are teleportation arrays in all major towns in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

The cost of transmission is very high and it is very busy. If you don't have a good relationship, you have to wait in line for transmission.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is in Snowbird Port and has a good relationship with the city lord. They can jump in the queue at any time and teleport directly. But in Blood City, they don't get this treatment.

The leader of the Ax Gang secretly plotted to wipe out Zong Ge and Zidi's gang. He sincerely invited Lin and Jia Bing to help at any cost. Although only one person agreed, the leader of the Ax Gang patiently waited for Lin's secret rendezvous.

But just when they were about to take action, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group actually escaped through the teleportation array!

The leader of the Ax Gang frowned deeply. This was what he was afraid of, and yet it happened. Lan

Lin sighed: "It seems that there are still capable people in this group. Being able to secretly hire people to line up first, and suddenly bribe the remaining few people with a lot of money to complete the collective teleportation seems simple, but it requires strong execution to actually implement it. If there is any accident, secrets will be leaked, leading to failure.”

"It's a bit troublesome now."

Lin's face also became serious.

He is the gang leader of Ice Spear City. This time he joined the Ax Gang leaders and set out in secret.

The reason for conducting secret operations is, on the one hand, to maintain the advantage of surprise and prevent information from being exposed and causing the enemy to notice. On the other hand, it's because he is gold level.

At this level, a transcendent's personal strength is comparable to that of a small army, and can easily threaten the safety of a town. Therefore, they will be subject to supervision and investigation by all parties for a long time.

Any rash actions by Gold Level will arouse vigilance and concern from all parties. Lan

It's like a sharp dagger, usually in its place, just like being put into a scabbard. Suddenly, the dagger leaves the scabbard, and no matter where it is placed, it will attract the close attention of others.

Therefore, Lin must pay attention to the subsequent effects of every move he makes.

Especially since he was managing a gang, his sudden departure as the leader and strongest fighter would have a great negative impact on his gang.

Under such circumstances, he tried his best to conceal his identity and cover up his movements, which was the best way to reduce the negative impact.

This also means another point - Lin cannot openly use the town's teleportation array.

The reason is naturally very simple. Such large teleportation arrays are subject to the strictest supervision. The cost of teleportation increases with the energy level of the teleportation object.

Therefore, even if Lin restrains his aura and disguises himself as a low-level transcendent, once teleported, his true energy level can be immediately recognized just by looking at the consumption of the teleportation array. Lan

If you follow up the investigation, you can easily learn his identity. After all, he is already at the gold level.

The same principle can be applied to the leader of the Ax Gang.

It was precisely because of this that the leader of the Ax Gang had been plotting for so long to wait for Lin's secret rendezvous - Lin came here on his own.

Zong Ge and Zidi can teleport away, but Lin and the Ax Gang leader cannot use this channel.

This is certainly not because they are confined to one place.

Instead, it will cause huge commotion and widespread attention.

After they teleported, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group were ambushed and died. Everyone would know that this was what they did! Lan

If he wanted to kill Zong Ge and Zidi even if his identity was revealed, then the leader of the Ax Gang had already done that, so why bother waiting patiently for Lin to meet up?

"So, Longfu and the others have discovered us? Is the previous cooperation agreement with our Ax Gang just a delaying tactic for them?" Ax Zhao looked gloomy.

The leader of the Ax Gang slowly shook his head: "Probably not. Our first cooperation was successful yesterday. The first caravan of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group was successfully escorted by us and entered the Blood City."

"They are sincerely cooperating with us."

"It's just that the battle in the Cold Wind Valley made them wary and they couldn't find out our true identity, so they used this little trick."

"If they guess that the real culprit is me, they will not leave directly, but will use their connections to deal with us."

"You know, the acting city lord of Blood City has many conflicts with our gang. Even if we don't use our enemies, Longfu has a deep relationship with the city lord of Snow Bird Harbor and the Utomo family. They will definitely use them to attack us." Lan

"But now, they just teleported away suddenly. They probably just wanted to act suddenly to get rid of possible lurking enemies."

Lin also agreed with the analysis of the leader of the Ax Gang.

The latter said: "In this case, we can only wait for the opportunity. We need to know their next itinerary before we can arrange a new ambush location."

The leader of the Ax Gang gritted his teeth. Even though he was unwilling to give in, he could only nod: "We have deployed manpower in the teleportation array. Haven't we found their target location yet?"

Fu Zhao quickly replied: "Father, when I got this information, I had already ordered people to investigate. I believe it will be soon..."

When he said this, he suddenly paused.

Because subordinates came to report the latest information. Lan

After Ax Zhao received the new news, he immediately showed obvious joy: "Good news! After they left two people in the store, everyone teleported to Snow Rabbit City."

"Our people played a role and caused a teleportation error. Dragon Server and them were outside Snow Rabbit City, quite a distance from the town!"

The leader of the Ax Gang was stunned for a moment, then gave a high-five and laughed loudly: "Jia Bing is right there. Assemble three gold-level people, the winning rate is 1000%. The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is seeking death this time!"

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