Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 447: Mane Purple Divides into Two

Different teleportation arrays have different teleportation distances. Gong

Generally speaking, in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, there are no teleportation arrays in the villages. There are small teleportation arrays in the towns that can teleport to the main city.

Only the teleportation array in the main city can teleport to adjacent main cities. The teleportation array in large cities may reach the royal capital directly.

A group of dragon and lion mercenaries heading to the royal capital encountered a teleportation error, which made Zidi and Zong Ge very vigilant.

Zidi directly suggested to retreat and go to Snow Rabbit Town first.

This is a great offer.

Zonge immediately agreed.

According to the Cold Wind Valley ambush battle, the enemy hides his head and tail, obviously not wanting to show his true colors. If they attack the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group in the town, their identities will be exposed and they will be wanted by the ice sculpture officials, so this possibility is very small. Gong

Zong Ge, Zidi and the others headed towards Tumao Town.

Rabbit Fur Town was named this because it is the largest producer of rabbit fur in the entire Ice Sculpture Kingdom. The snow rabbit fur produced in Rabbit Fur Town is not only as white as snow, with fine fluff, but also otherworldly - bronze, black iron, silver and even gold grades are produced.

You know, snowshoe rabbits are very difficult to raise. Only wild snowshoe hares have the finest quality fur.

Once wild snowshoe rabbits are kept in a space for a long time, even if the ice and snow elements provided are very rich, the quality of the rabbit fur will decline sharply. If there are no natural enemies, the snowshoe rabbit will continue to run, and the snowshoe rabbit's fur will continue to thicken, turning from snow-white to pure white, or even gray, and its value will continue to decrease.

The reason why Rabbit Fur Town is able to produce rabbit fur on a large scale is not because they have mastered the means of raising snowshoe rabbits on a large scale. In fact, if this method really exists, it must have been recruited by the royal family of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom personally and would not be kept in a remote town.

The reason why Rabbit Fur Town has such a large output of rabbit fur is only because of the Snow Bunny people.

Tumao Town is located near Splice Mountain. Gong

There is a very large tribe of snow bunny people living on the Splicing Mountain.

Every year, a large number of snow rabbits take the initiative to come down the mountain and come to Rabbit Fur Town to trade their hair. They're not going to Snow Bunny City. Rabbit Fur Town is enough to meet their trading needs. Moreover, the town's armed strength is greatly inferior to that of Snow Rabbit City. This allows the snow rabbits who come to trade to feel more secure.

In fact, there have always been many extraordinary people who took the risk to secretly hunt the Snow Rabbits. Although the Snow Bunny tribe has already reached a contract of peaceful coexistence with the Ice Sculpture Royal Family, hunting Snow Bunny is illegal.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

When the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group just teleported here, there were only sporadic snowflakes floating in the sky.

When they were halfway through the journey, the snowflakes in the sky became as big as goose feathers, and they tended to gradually increase in size.

This kind of weather is very common near Splicing Mountain, and there are many climates worse than this kind of weather. Gong

The flying snow greatly hindered Xuma's reconnaissance.

He was only a Bronze-level thief, and it was difficult for him to withstand such severe cold, and he was soon shivering from the cold.

The team's investigation was not placed on him.

From the very beginning, Zidi sent out the reconnaissance alchemy puppets.

Not only that, she also spread out the recently transformed snake shadow ghosts and rat-eyed ghosts.

Half an hour later, the snow fell even harder, and the dense snowflakes were mixed with some hail.

"Stop!" Zi Di suddenly said. Gong

She frowned tightly and glanced at Zong Ge.

Zong Ge's heart was slightly shaken, he glanced around, and gave the order in a calm tone: "Here, let's take a rest for a while."

There happened to be a gentle slope near the team.

A group of people walked to the lee of the gentle slope, took out the equipment for making fire and cooking, and rested temporarily.

Zidi and Zong Ge came to a corner.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, Zidi said with a solemn look: "Three gold-level warriors were found ahead. Two of them were fighters and one was a mage. One of the fighters was the enemy who ambushed us in the Cold Wind Valley. .”

Zong Ge's face darkened: "Three gold-level people... really think highly of us." Gong

Zidi said happily: "Fortunately, I transformed the rat-eyed ghost and snake-shadow ghost before setting off. The three gold-level ghosts were hidden in a magic tent, and the detection puppets couldn't detect them at all. It was the rat-eyed ghost who saw through them."

"This is the advantage of the new school. Now, the initiative lies with us." In just a few seconds, Zong Ge had calmed down.

Zidi said: "We did not go to Snow Rabbit City, but to Tumao Town. But now this movement has been detected by the enemy, and an ambush has been carried out in advance."

"How do we escape next?"

"Now we are closest to Tumao Town, but the enemy has learned of our movements. Snow Rabbit City has become the farthest city. Even if we want to use the city guards, it is impossible for the city guards to mobilize to such a distant location."

Zidi pondered the magic map, looked at other towns, and paid attention to the distance between herself and these places.

But Zong Ge stretched out his palm to cover the map, blocking Zidi's studying eyes: "We have the initiative now. We should not try to escape, but should launch a surprise attack." Gong

"It's too late to escape. The three gold-level ones are much faster than us. There are magicians on the other side, and they must have the ability to fly. If we choose other paths, they will quickly notice us and realize that we have detected them. There are traces of them, and they are very likely to take the initiative to attack."

"But if we take the initiative to attack, this will be a very good fighter!"

Zidi's eyes widened: "You want to take the initiative to attack?"

The girl's face was full of disbelief. She stared at Zong Ge, wondering very much whether Zong Ge's brain had stayed in Blood City during the teleportation.

Zong Ge's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was a little impatient: "Don't be disturbed by fear, Miss Businessman. Think about it carefully, we have a huge advantage."

Zidi almost laughed out of anger.

"The enemy has three gold-level enemies, and the strongest ones on our side are you and me, just two silver ones. If Lan Lu is a silver-level ghost, he can barely count as three. I don't know where the advantage you mentioned is!" Gong

Zong Ge said bluntly: "Deception and camouflage—this is our most powerful trump card."

Zidi's eyes narrowed and her tone became a little urgent: "This is indeed our trump card, but don't forget, we are going to the Ice Sculpture Capital."

"The leader of the group has lost contact with us. Although there are many pearls and foam in our hands, they are water without a source."

"We don't know how long we will stay in the capital and how long the pearl foam can support it."

"We shouldn't abuse it casually."

"Once the effect of the deception and disguise disappears and our true identity is exposed, the capital will be our death!"

Especially since Zidi is a necromancer, once exposed, it will definitely lead to a very terrifying and fatal blow. Gong

As the capital of a country, how could it tolerate the Necromancer?

Zidi added: "Even if the mermaid's fairy tale artifact is still with us, the production of the artifact is shrinking day by day. Only by communicating with the high-level officials of the empire as soon as possible while we still have the ability to act can we have a chance to atone. This is what we have The most important part of any plan.”

Zong Ge shook his head, his attitude was very firm: "No, using pearl foam is the most valuable now."

"Miss Businessman, aren't you aware of the current situation?"

"The enemy's origins are mysterious and their power is huge. It was just one gold-level ambush before, but now they have gathered three. What kind of power can do this?"

"After the leader killed Fujituro, the Dragon and Lion mercenary group became famous all over the country, but they still attacked us. In order to deal with the two silver-level, they did not hesitate to mobilize three gold-level. What is the grudge?"

"We don't even know our opponent's motives, and we don't know who the enemy is or where they come from. This is the worst thing!" Gong

"By taking the initiative now, we may be able to kill one or two people and obtain key information. The most important thing is that we can truly show our 'strength' and let the enemy understand that even if they want to kill us, they will have to pay a heavy price. . In this way, we can have real action capabilities in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"Otherwise, even if we escape this time, the enemy will definitely not give up. They will restrict everything and create opportunities for surprise attacks. Next time they attack, they will be more cautious and may even eliminate the reconnaissance of the undead ghosts. Our situation will be worse than now. Much worse!”

Zidi was silent for a moment and said discouragedly: "We already have clues and can investigate."

Zong Ge snorted coldly: "Is your clue reliable? Since the other party can use these puppets to cut off the back, is it afraid of leaving any clues? Besides, we have the right people who can follow this clue to trace the truth. ? Who do you want to do it? Suma? "

Zidi gritted her teeth: "The gap between us and the enemy is too big..."

Zong Ge directly admitted: "Of course there are risks, but this is combat, and it is impossible without risks. With the deception and camouflage technique, I am confident that I can kill at least one gold-level person. We must hurt them and show our strength." Strength and threat.”

"Remember that time we went to Snowbird Harbor? With the help of deception and camouflage, we made the positioning device completely 'invisible'. Neither the gold-level assassin nor the Snowbird Harbor City Lord noticed it. Wasn't that battle enough? Does it prove the strategic value of deception and camouflage?" Gong

Zidi looked hesitant and opened her mouth to speak.

Zong Ge interrupted her and said: "So, I can go alone for this battle. Once you release the spell, the spell will not be blessed by the deception and camouflage spell. This will instead be a stage flaw."

"Even if I can't defeat him, I can still entangle him temporarily. You can take your people and take advantage of the opportunity to march quickly to Rabbit Fur Town. Once you get there, you'll probably be safe."

Zong Ge's tone was much gentler than the last time in Cold Wind Valley.

Because he had to win Zidi's support.

He is not a magician, so Zidi must control it personally to use the deception and disguise array.

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