Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 450: Big and small fish and devil fight chess

"Fight it hard! Cut it hard! Cut it hard!" A group of people shouted around a giant fish tank. shaggy dog

The giant fish tank is filled with blue water. In the sea water, lifelike miniature models are moving.

These tiny models are basically all kinds of creatures in the ocean, including fish, shrimp, shellfish...

Cyanobacteria sit on the side of a giant fish tank. His fingers were spread wide, and his palms were pressed against the bottom of the fish tank. There happened to be a pair of palm-shaped lines there, which were the set control positions.

Cyanobacteria concentrated on controlling the magic model chess pieces that belonged to him in the fish tank.

The giant fish tank is a silver-level magic chessboard that is constantly absorbing the fighting spirit and mental power of both players.

Cyanobacteria controls a tiny electric shark.

A normal shark is bigger than his whole body, but what he is controlling now is just a chess piece, less than the length of the front of his index finger. shaggy dog

The electric thorn shark exudes a black iron level aura. It was chasing a school of iron bats.

The bat fish swarm was not as fast as the electric sharks, but they dispersed in a rush, allowing the electric sharks to jump into the air.

The electric sting shark shot out a stream of electric sting, which was so close to the face at such a short distance that the bat fish couldn't dodge it no matter how exquisitely controlled it was. After one of them was shot, its body dispersed like smoke.

There are only five iron bats in the entire fish school. After losing one-fifth of their combat strength, the remaining bat fish immediately fled in panic.

This result triggered a burst of cheers from the onlookers.

It was clear that the cyanobacteria had the upper hand.

Lan Zao's opponent is a snow elf fighter, and his face is very gloomy at this moment. shaggy dog

"You just had some bad luck. Your blood changed into an electric stinging shark, and now you're so arrogant!" The snow elf fighter cursed and concentrated on controlling his chess pieces.

Under his control, the remaining four iron bats suddenly split into two parts and fled to the left and right respectively.

There is only one electric shark controlled by cyanobacteria. He didn't hesitate, just chose the left side and continued the pursuit.

The Snow Elf Fighter controlled the two hunted iron manta rays and wandered around, trying to delay as much time as possible. On the other side, the two iron manta rays on the other side were made to dive and swim all the way to the bottom of the giant fish tank.

There's more to giant fish tanks than seawater. At the bottom, there are miniature coral clusters, fine sand and gravel, etc., simulating the scene of the seabed.

A large number of rubber sea cucumbers are dotted in the sea sand.

This kind of sea cucumber is one of the favorite foods of fish people. The higher the grade, the larger, darker and thicker the sea cucumber will be. shaggy dog

And deep in the coral jungle, there are many Tubu River mussels. This extraordinary shell creature was promoted by a chamber of commerce in the Shengming Empire. The woven cloth has occupied the first place in the world's clothing category.

Two iron manta fish carry all the hopes of the snow elf fighter.

Most of the spectators' eyes were also focused on these two manta fish. Everyone knows: the two manta fish chased by the electric stinging shark are just the abandoned sons of the Snow Elf Fighter. If the Snow Elf Fighter wants to make a comeback, the real hope lies in the iron manta rays at the bottom of the sea.

"What does he want to eat?"

"It's too late to eat a lot of rubber sea cucumbers now. The electric stinging sharks are powerful enough."

"If we can eat the Tubu River mussel, there is still some hope of making a comeback. But two iron bats alone will definitely not be able to break through the hard shell of the Tubu River mussel in a short time."

"Up to this point in this magic chess fight, both sides' fighting spirit should only have the last round of increase left."

"Speaking of which, what are the bloodline options related to the iron bat and Tubu river mussel?"

Some of the onlookers were talking a lot, while others were silently calculating in their hearts.

The Snow Elf Fighter controlled two iron manta rays and swam through the coral jungle, turning a blind eye to the Tubu River mussels inside and also giving up a large number of rubber sea cucumbers. His target was the patch of dark green seaweed behind the coral bush.

This choice confused many onlookers.

Some of the gamblers who had bet on him were already cursing.

The attention of the large and medium mages was also attracted by this duel.

The knowledge reserve possessed by the Zhongbei Mage is far greater than that of most of the extraordinary beings present. When he saw this scene, he immediately understood the Snow Elf Fighter's plan to act like this. shaggy dog

"Looking at the spiral shape of this dark green seaweed, it should be Ashwagandha."

"According to the latest bloodline map, there are only two options related to the bloodline of Dragon Grass and Iron Manta."

"One is the green turtle and the other is the thorn turtle."

Compared with ordinary turtles, the inside of the green turtle's shell is covered with "moss" - which is actually the down of the green turtle. This alchemical material is widely used.

The body of the thorn sea turtle has always been very large, and the adult thorn sea turtle is like a giant elephant on the land. A group of thorny sea turtles are galloping on the bottom of the sea with an astonishing momentum. The back of the Thorn Turtle is covered with sharp thorns, making it both offensive and defensive.

"Obviously, the direction he wants to change the bloodline is the Thorn Turtle."

"If you can mutate into a Thorn Turtle, you can fight a turnaround."

"The Electric Thorn Shark is a sea monster with the advantage of electric attributes. Facing the Thorn Turtle with the wood attribute, the effect of electric attacks will be greatly weakened."

The name of this magical chess game is Big and Small Fish. Its rule is that two or more chess players each control their own chess pieces, constantly devouring other magic models on the chess board. Through continuous devouring, bloodline mutations are caused, causing the life forms of the chess pieces to mutate. Furthermore, it has different functions or changes in attributes.

In the end, due to the accumulation of functional differences or attribute advantages, the chess pieces continue to compete with each other, and only the last one is left to determine the winner.

Therefore, an excellent Big Fish Magic Chess player must not only have abundant energy, but also have excellent mental control skills. What's more important is having rich blood knowledge! The chess player must know when to devour what kind of biological model to be able to transform into a magic chess piece with a specific life form. Thereby, restrain the opponent or solve one's own dilemma.

Cyanobacteria is a complete novice in the magical game of big and small fish.

He controlled the electric stinging shark to pursue it with all his strength, but the target he was chasing was controlled very slippery by his opponent. It took a long time for the blue-green algae to kill the two iron bats.

The electric stinging shark ate the two bat fishes, which only extended its survival time and did not cause bloodline mutation. shaggy dog

This was one of the intentions of his opponent in specifically choosing the Iron Manta - even if he was defeated, the level of support to the enemy would be very small.

After solving all the problems, Cyanobacteria immediately controlled the electric shark and chased the other two iron manta rays non-stop.

The two iron bats have devoured a large amount of dragon grass.

The bloodline of Ascension Dragon Grass and the bloodline of the iron bat fish were combined with each other. When the electric stinging shark came to kill them, both of them had bloodline changes in advance.

The two magic chess pieces turned into two puffs of smoke in an instant. The smoke dispersed in all directions, then immediately retracted and condensed, forming chess pieces of a new life form.

But to the great disappointment of the Snow Elf Fighter, the two new magical chess pieces were both green-haired turtles! There was no trace of the Thorn Turtle that he had pinned on making a comeback.

The Snow Elf Fighter originally retained some fighting spirit and planned to invest in the mutated Thorn Turtle chess piece to increase its level. shaggy dog

Chess players can consume their own fighting spirit, mana or divine power to increase the number of their chess pieces, or to increase the extraordinary level of the chess pieces themselves.

But after seeing that his chess pieces turned into two green-haired turtles, the snow elf fighter didn't even think about using up any fighting spirit.


Sure enough, under the control of cyanobacteria, the electric shark easily bit the two green turtles into pieces and swallowed them in its belly.

The cyanobacteria won.

The audience who bet on him to win set off a burst of cheers, pushing the warm atmosphere of the tavern to a new level.

Many people kept chanting the name "Hard Cutting" for the blue algae that gave them money. shaggy dog

After Cyanobacteria participated in a brutal duel, his reputation spread among the supernaturals on a small scale.

The underground barbaric duel ground on Huaqu Island is the main entertainment venue for many extraordinary people on the island.

Although it was Cyanobacteria's first time to participate in a brutal duel, the air cannonball fighting skills displayed in the duel arena impressed the spectators deeply.

This time he came to the tavern and "accidentally" had a quarrel with the Snow Elf Fighter. After the dispute intensified, the two sides engaged in this magical battle.

The tavern immediately set up the corresponding betting market very skillfully.

Because of Cyanobacteria's reputation, some gamblers placed their chips on him.

Of course, the main reason is that Cyanobacteria is a novice in the magic chess game Big Fish, and the odds are much higher than his opponents. shaggy dog

The blue-green algae's win has some gamblers making huge profits and making them clamor. For a time, Blue Algae became the brightest kid in the tavern.

His opponent, the snow elf fighter, walked up to him: "You are lucky this time. I didn't lose to you, I just lost to luck!"

After the snow elf fighter finished speaking, he took off his black iron-grade leather armor and threw it to Lan Zhao.

This was the bet they had agreed upon before the fight.

Cyanobacteria was actually not surprised at all about his victory.

Because from the time he entered the tavern to the dispute and the magic chess fight, Shuangtu had already arranged the script.

This is how Shuang Tu took care of Cyanobacteria: "You have been promoted to the Black Iron level, but the equipment on your body needs to be updated."

"You don't have access to a lot of money, so getting the right equipment requires some groundwork."

"According to my arrangement, you can not only practice your camouflage skills, but also get a replacement of equipment without arousing the suspicion of Ice Owl and others."

Cyanobacteria need to grow.

His bloodline has awakened and he has 100% concentration of fish maw bloodline. But this just highlights his future potential.

He still needs to grow to a certain stage and possess a certain level of immediate combat ability. In this case, after he rejoins Ice Owl's group, he can have a higher status and make it easier to carry out the plan to spy on Anqiu. Being too weak, it would be difficult for Ice Owl to entrust important tasks to him.

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