Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 452: Electric Ball Bullet Core

Master Caijing said: "I have some experience in cultivating magic plants, but it is far behind compared to the hybrid master. It is not impossible for me to meet his standards, but it only takes at least two years. But what I lack now is time."

"My plan is to recruit potion apprentices widely, deploy different magic plants on a large scale, use my magic potion to instill a large amount of them, force them to spawn, and try to keep the magic plants alive. Based on sufficient numbers, it is very likely that we will be able to obtain The compound form of magic plant required by the question."

"Now that we have two people helping us, the progress of this plan will be greatly accelerated."

"Of course, if you have a better idea, Master Dabei, you can definitely put it forward. My original plan is not irreversible."

"After all, in the past years, the two of us have cooperated quite happily."

The father and son of Big Cup and Medium Cup quickly looked at each other and saw the joy on each other's faces.

They originally planned to ask Master Caijing to imitate the magic potion. But now, the legendary inheritance is placed in front of the two of them, and the previous plan can be completely cancelled!

With this inheritance, Zhongbei Mage can completely establish his own advantage in the Alchemy Guild alone, and there is no need to die on the road of Buquan.豘

Master Dabei immediately expressed his gratitude to Master Caijing.

This was of course not just words. He promised to price the inheritance content and compensate Master Caijing with the corresponding mage resources.

Master Zhongbei also expressed his opinion: "I didn't expect that this time when we come to Huaqu Island, there will be such a huge surprise. We must go all out!"

Master Caijing nodded coldly.

He also thought about it for an hour before making this difficult decision.

Eight Chi's attack caused the underground cave to be exposed, making him realize that he had to act quickly. The rumors that spread made him completely give up any remaining chance of luck.

At this time, the arrival of the large and medium cup mages aroused the extreme vigilance of Master Cai Jing.豘

According to the worst assumptions, these two people came here for the inheritance of the legendary master.

"And this will not be the end, but just the beginning." After thinking carefully, Master Caijing felt that the situation would get worse and worse.

As time goes by and the rumor spreads more and more, more people are bound to be attracted.

Instead of facing many strong men by himself at that time. It is better for him to give up some of his own interests now and win over some people to act as his allies to defend his own interests.

If you think about it this way, Master Dabei is a more suitable collaborator.

Not only because the two sides have cooperated before and know each other relatively well, but also because the Big Cup Mage is not good at fighting.

Cyanobacteria practice their fighting skills in the sea water.豘

He kept spitting out air cannonballs one after another.

These shells hit the target chosen by the cyanobacteria very accurately.

With continuous training, the target selection of cyanobacteria gradually shifted from some fixed reefs and corals to constantly moving schools of fish, turtles, crabs, squid, etc.

According to the training information provided to him by Shuang Tu, after practicing hard for a period of time, Cyanobacteria's hit rate increased to 100%.

"After practicing the Air Pressure Fighting Technique, I can easily compress the air. When the compressed air is shot out, it feels like I am using my own arms, legs and feet, and it feels very natural."

"This is bloodline!"

Cyanobacteria was filled with emotion.豘

The benefits brought by bloodline are reflected in all aspects.

One hundred percent fish bladder bloodline allowed Lan Zhao to easily master the air cannon fighting skill. And in the various training content that followed, the progress was rapid.

"But that's not enough."

Following the method provided in the training materials, Cyanobacteria activated a portable small alchemy device.

The spherical alchemy device swam forward, causing disorderly currents in the surrounding seawater.

The air cannon fired by the blue algae was greatly misdirected due to the interference of various disordered ocean currents.

The blue-green algae tried to adapt and soon found the feeling.豘

As time passed, his hit rate improved again, rapidly rising from more than ten percent to more than fifty percent.

This is the result of his bloodline talent - fluid perception.

He used fluid perception to keenly feel the various movements of ocean currents. This avoids the interference of sea currents and allows the artillery shell to hit the target smoothly.

After practicing for about half an hour, Cyanobacteria's hit rate increased to about 80%.

Another hour later, the cyanobacteria's hit rate dropped to just over 30%.

This is because he began to try to use ocean currents to increase the flight speed of cannonballs.

He is able to use ocean currents to help him increase his swimming speed, and he can even use air currents to increase his flight speed and distance.豘

Now using ocean currents to increase the speed of air cannons is a further application of this ability.

I continued practicing until the sun set between the sea and the sky, and the sky was filled with brilliant sunset light. The hit rate of cyanobacteria rose back to about 70%.

Shuangtu rushed over and saw such training results. He applauded on the spot to express his appreciation.

"The opponent for the next brutal duel has been confirmed."

"You will fight in the water, and your opponent will be a shark."

Blue Algae then asked: "What kind of shark is it specifically? What is its extraordinary level?"

Shuangtu shook his head slightly: "I haven't found any specific information yet. In fact, you have to understand that as a side in the brutal duel, they need to create some illusions: either they are evenly matched, or one side has a clear advantage. This makes it easier for them to guide the number of people betting and obtain higher profits in the gambling game."

"We made mistakes in our previous inquiries because the duel field was temporarily adjusted. The original bronze-level monsters were replaced with black iron-level snow sculptures." Shuang Tu made up for the previous intelligence errors.

"You can fight while breathing underwater. This kind of battle is rarer than land battles. The Savage Duel Arena probably wants to improve the viewing experience, so they arranged such underwater battles."

"Their reference for selecting water monsters is the combat prowess you showed in a previous brutal duel."

"So, our strategy is very simple - try to improve your combat effectiveness, higher than their reference standard. This can improve your winning rate in the next brutal duel."

Lan Zao couldn't help but look worried: "Compared to the last duel, I just added a piece of black iron-grade leather armor. And this was done in public, and many people in the tavern knew this information. This also means The Savage Duel Arena also knows about my improvement in this area. They may improve their standards for selecting underwater monsters."

Shuang Tu smiled slightly and took out a handful of alchemy items and handed them to Lan Zhao: "So, I will return these things I brought to you."

Although it was the first time for Lan Zhao to see the real objects, he immediately understood the function of these alchemical items.豘

"Is this the kind of alchemical bullet core suitable for use with air cannons?"

Shuangtu answered him: "That's right. There is a lot of relevant content in the training materials I gave you before. You can refer to these materials for specific instructions on how to use it."

Blue Algae nodded and took the alchemical bullet cores.

Their normal bullets are generally smaller in size, and the bullets are about 1/4 of the normal bullets.

Holding it in his hands, Cyanobacteria found that they were very heavy.

He picked one up with his fingers and looked closely, and found that there was a shimmer of magic lingering on the surface of the bullet. You have to look carefully to see it, the brightness is very weak.

There are three types of alchemical bullet cores provided to him by Frost Spit.豘

The first is an electric ball core with a dark blue appearance.

It can transform the air cannonball into a thunder ball, which has the special attack effect of electric shock.

The second type is the gray-white growing elastic core.

Using it can at least double the range of air cannons.

The third type is an orange supercharged bullet core.

This kind of core can increase the pressure of the air cannon, reducing the volume of the air cannon by half. The explosion range remains unchanged, but the explosion power will increase a lot.

Lan Zao knew clearly: his next training content was related to these alchemical bullets.豘

Master the use of these alchemical bullets and improve your proficiency, at least to be able to use them in actual combat.

Shuang Tu made a good suggestion about this: "Just improving proficiency is actually not good enough. You need to think as much as possible. Think about which kind of alchemy bullet core will be more effective in what kind of battle scenario."

"The more you practice this kind of thinking ahead, the more quickly you will respond and respond more accurately when faced with actual combat situations."

"In a real battle, both the enemy and ourselves have to compete against time. Fighter opportunities are fleeting, and if there is a slight difference, the outcome of the battle will be completely different."

After Shuangtu explained what he was looking for, he left in a hurry.

He needs to respond and handle an unexpected situation in a timely manner.

This unexpected situation was that father and son, Da Bei and Zhong Bei, suddenly appeared and visited Master Caijing. After thinking about it, the latter actually started cooperation with the father and son of the big and medium cups!豘

Shuangtui's main task at the moment is to obtain the inheritance of the Archdruid.

Originally, the progress of this task was pretty good.

Master Caijing recruited many potion apprentices, allowing Shuangtu to place many people in with ease. After Shuangtu obtained the first-line information, he immediately understood the true progress of Master Caijing.

There is just one last hurdle left for Master Caijing to discover the legacy of the legendary master.

Master Caijing changed his strategy of digging up the inheritance. It was obvious that he wanted to buy time and settle down as soon as possible.

Shuangtu didn't panic, he had already been prepared.

He even gave a boost. The rumors about the Druid master's inheritance that circulated on Huaqu Island were spread by him on purpose.豘

Shuang Tu's purpose is to continue to increase the pressure on Master Caijing and let him complete the last assessment as soon as possible.

The greater the pressure on Master Caijing, the more efficient and less time he will pursue. In this process, he is bound to invest more energy and material resources, and may even make mistakes while busy.

By the time Shuang Tu officially takes action, Master Cai Jing's strength may have been depleted a lot.

However, due to the unexpected appearance of the Big Cup and the Medium Cup, Master Caijing offered to cooperate, causing the two gold-level mages to join forces. Shuangtu quickly realized that his rumor strategy was self-defeating.

If he wanted to obtain the inheritance of the Prosperous Hybrid Master, he would have to face the combination of two gold-level people and a silver-level one.

This kind of power has exceeded his previous preparation.

"It seems that I need to contact Ba Qi and ask him to help me again."

"It's just that I lost contact with him shortly after he left."

"Until now, I can't contact him. What happened to him?"

Baqi is praying.

"My Lord Charming God, you are so great, the sea shakes when you are angry. When you are merciful, you give us false care. I look up to your power and am convinced of your salvation. Please grant me the status of a qualified believer, So that your loyal followers can escape from the current danger."

God, no response.

Baqi looked calm.

He was already very familiar with the rituals and norms of prayer, and was certain that there were nothing wrong with the rituals and norms.豘

After being captured by Zou Zhang, he quickly realized his true situation and promised to convert on the spot.

But conversion is not easy.

In particular, the Charming Blue God is in deep sleep and rarely responds to her followers.

Of course, Baqi also made a second-hand plan.

But it's not easy to escape.

He was in the midst of an undersea army, surrounded and closely guarded. The most important thing is that he has no way to deal with the deceptive magic of Octopus Sacrifice Congee Zhang!

"Shuangtu knows that I went to capture sea snakes. He must have become suspicious if he hasn't contacted me for such a long time."

"I hope he can be smarter and provide support as soon as possible."

"Based on the current situation, I can delay it for a while longer."

Movement on the altar interrupted his thoughts.

Baqi walked out of the temporary underwater roof built by corals and saw a blood sacrifice beginning.

"Wait, this time is different from before!" Baqi's pupils narrowed.

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