Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 461: Alchemy Laboratory on Ice

Zong Ge and Zidi both stood in front of Jia Bing's house.恟


The huge sound of water attracted their attention.

Zong Ge and Zidi turned their attention and saw a huge fountain rising into the sky, with a huge lotus at the top of the spring.

The lotus covers an area of ​​four acres. After being lifted into the air by the fountain, it then fell down with the spring water column.

"Fountain King He." Information about this gold-level magic plant flashed in the minds of Zong Ge and Zidi at the same time.

The Fountain King can move by spouting spring water.

Now is not the time for it to sow seeds. Every summer, the Fountain King Lotus will rush to a height of five to six hundred meters and spread countless sub-plants - all small lotus leaves.恟

Small lotus leaves will fly in the air, and thousands of green lotuses spread from the center of the town to the surrounding areas, which is a unique landscape of Grafting Town.

The Fountain King He is not the only gold-level magic plant in the town. In addition to it, there are four other plants.

Standing at the current position of Zidi and Zongge, they could see most of the trunk, leaves and treetops of the Green Umbrella Tree, part of the Venus vines hanging down from the mountain wall on the north, and the roof of Chili Pepper Building.

Grafting Town originated from the Prosperous Hybrid Master. He planted many magic plants back then, and five of them remain today.

They are: Fountain King Lotus, Green Umbrella Tree, Dead Claw Tree, Pepper Tower and Venus Vine.

The fountain of Dawanghe attracted the attention of Zong Ge and Zidi, but soon they fixed their gaze on the ice-filled door again.

Many pedestrians passing by turned their eyes to Zidi, but turned a blind eye to Zong Ge.恟

In order to make things easier, Zidi has applied another layer of deception and disguise, making herself look like ice. Zong Ge is in a "completely invisible" state.

The art of deception and disguise is really useful!

Therefore, for this operation, Zidi and Zongge still chose this spell after discussion to be on the safe side.

In order to disguise their identities, they set out from Tumao Town and rushed to Grafting Town on foot instead of using the teleportation array.

Only the two of them acted alone, and the rest used the teleportation array to go directly to Snow Rabbit City.

Without the burden of other people, Zidi and Zongge tried their best to rush on, and it didn't take much time.

Zidi took a few steps forward, stood in front of the main door of the house, took out an alchemy ring, and pointed it at the keyhole.恟

This alchemy ring, which represented identity, was of course a trophy dropped from the iced corpse.


There was a soft sound and the door opened.

With Zong Ge in front and Zidi behind, they entered the house smoothly.

There is a row of clothes hanger hooks nailed to the wall of the entrance. Most of the hooks are empty, but three of them have two windbreakers and hats hanging on them.

Zidi did not go in directly, but took out many reconnaissance puppets from the storage device.

Then, she released several rat-eyed ghosts and snake-shadow ghosts.恟

These puppets and ghosts surrounded Zidi and Zong Ge, and they were not in a hurry to move out.

Zidi took out a spell scroll, tore it open directly, and released the concealment spell inside. This spell can try to cover up the movement within a certain range so that the outside world cannot detect it.

Zidi raised her silver-level staff and cast the light technique.

A bright white light emits from the head of the staff, illuminating the surrounding area.

Zidi and Zongge saw the whole house.

The original living room has been transformed into a large alchemy laboratory.

Two long brown wooden tables leaned against the gray walls. On the long tables were a large number of beakers, ball bottles, narrow-mouth bottles, long-necked bottles, small glass tubes, etc.恟

In a corner of the living room, there is a redwood barrel. There are six metal pipes on the barrel and on the barrel, leading to the ceiling, running through the floor, and connected to the pool inlaid with the long wooden table top.

In the metal pool, there are also a pair of green grass blades and a small pile of silver-yellow metal.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

On the long wooden table, there was a potion reacting in a glass flask, emitting a slight sour gas.

"This is... a corrosive potion?" Zidi identified this low-level potion.

"Jia Bing left here in a hurry. This can be seen from the alchemy materials in the pool that have not yet been processed, and the bottle of corrosive potion that is still reacting."

"He probably wants to prepare an advanced corrosive acid water potion."

"When he got the invitation from the leader of the Ax Gang, he was doing alchemy experiments. In his opinion, dealing with us won't take long, it's enough for him to come and go."

"According to his idea, when he comes back here, he can continue refining his potion."

"Unexpectedly, the final result was that he lost his life and could never return to his alchemy laboratory."

Zidi felt a little strange.

She now knows a lot of information about Jia Bing. In her opinion, Jia Bing is an alchemist who is good at making alchemy puppets.

But here, they are almost all tools for potion refining.

"It seems that he doesn't have an alchemy assistant." Zidi glanced around for a few times, but did not find any alchemy puppet that could move on its own.恟

Generally speaking, alchemists will have some alchemy assistants.

For example, Ship Ghost once arranged for Fin Spirit to serve as his alchemy assistant for many years.

The workload of alchemy is usually huge, and an alchemist assistant is needed to share the pressure with the alchemist and release his true alchemy ability.

According to Zidi's guess, Jia Bing should have one or two alchemy puppets to act as his alchemy assistants. This is what he is good at.

In addition to training alchemy apprentices to serve as assistants, most alchemists also purchase dedicated alchemy auxiliary puppets.

The most senior assistant in this regard is Ta Ling.

The alchemy assistant of the war monger is the tower spirit.恟

Not every mage has his own mage tower, and the cost of building a mage tower is very high. As prosperous as Snowbird Harbor is, it only has one mage tower.

Zidi analyzed: It is almost impossible for the alchemy assistant who adds ice to be a tower spirit. This is just a house he rented, not a mage tower.

Spell - Detect Traps.

The spell cast by Zidi revealed the traps in the house one by one.

Some are mechanism traps, and some are spell traps.

There are not many in number, and the power is not strong.

The most advanced one is a gold-level trap. When an enemy sneaks in, it will be triggered and Jiabing will be notified immediately.恟

The trap had been triggered, but there was no sound on the surface.

Neither Zongge nor Zidi noticed it before.

"Jia Bing is already dead. Even if the early warning trap is triggered, it doesn't matter."

"But this goes a step further and confirms my previous guess - Jiabing's participation in the ambush here was hasty and can almost be regarded as a temporary operation."

The advantage of traps is their stealth, and once discovered, their threat level plummets.

Zidi began to cast the spell to disarm the trap.

After using it for several rounds, she successfully dismantled most of the traps.恟

Some of the remaining traps are insignificant, some are easier and faster to destroy directly, and some can be avoided and left alone.

But there were still several traps occupying key positions, forcing Zidi to use spell scrolls.

She brought two high-level spell scrolls for disarming traps. They were originally prepared for danger, but now they are just right for use here.

"Two scrolls are still not enough. I will have to stock up on a few more in the future." Zidi looked at the last trap and sighed helplessly.

"Fortunately, this magic trap requires energy supply. Only with sufficient energy supply can it have great power. As long as we find the energy in the alchemy room and cut it off from the source, we may be able to disarm it."

Zidi is not good at this kind of magic, nor is she an excellent thief. It is quite difficult to crack the trap. This is despite the fact that Jia Bing's defensive power is weaker than that of most alchemists.

Spells - Detect Magic.恟

The next moment, many magical lights appeared in Zidi's vision.

The vast majority of magic props are light sources.

Zidi lowered her head and saw the largest light source. The magical light was so bright that not even the wooden floor could block it.

"Is it an acidification energy furnace?" Zidi quickly identified the specific model.

This is a civilian alchemy energy furnace, which provides stable and continuous energy to this alchemy room.

"Huh?" Zidi looked confused.

Because she discovered that this energy furnace was not connected to the last stubborn trap.恟

"This shows that there is another source of energy in this alchemy room!"

"Yes, it's just that the alchemy room in front of you is too shabby for a gold-level alchemist."

ps: I had 3rd degree burns and went to the hospital for treatment today. The medicine was really painful! Because I had to clean out all the rotten flesh, I was so painful that I broke into a cold sweat and felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. The kind-hearted nurse gave me chocolates, and I lay down to catch my breath for a while before I regained my composure.

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