Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 465: Cooperating with Ship Ghost?

White Hair Trench. altar

Believers of the Charming Blue Sect were cleaning up the blood stains on the gold-level altar.

Not far away, in a simple submarine shack made of coral and other materials, Cang Xu knelt down and prayed.

A gold coin-shaped communication device gently entered his mouth while he was speaking the prayer.

Cang Xu shut up and said a silent prayer, actually pressing the communication device under his tongue.

The communication device gradually heated up, and finally, like a soldering iron, it was branded on the base of Cang Xu's tongue, turning into a round-edged badge.

What the badge carried was the message given to Cang Xu by the fish-man boy.

This is sublingual gold. altar

It was a communication device carefully selected by the fishman boy from the war dealer's database. It was very secretive in itself. After adding the deception and camouflage skills and the anti-reconnaissance and prophecy skills, it is almost foolproof.

Cangxu's expression changed slightly as he read the information.

Somewhat beyond his expectation, the fish-man boy asked Cang Xu in this message whether he would have direct contact with the ship ghost and strive for the most direct cooperation?

For a moment, Cang Xu sighed in his heart, and couldn't help but admire the fish-man boy's magnanimity again.

According to their current arrangement, the Deep Sea Monster Fish is in the ocean's mother nest, and they are very sure of plotting against the ship's ghost, either intentionally or unintentionally. Although he knew he could subdue the ship ghost, the fish-man boy did not just bully the weak. But think rationally and calmly about the possibility of cooperation between the two parties.

To be honest, Cang Xu really hasn't thought about this possibility.

For a moment, Cang Xu couldn't help but fall into deep thought. altar

"Although Ship Ghost is bound by both magic and magic, with the advantage of the new undead faction, he still has the strength to fight and can escape from the troubles on his own in the ocean brood. So if we reach a cooperation with him, we don't have to fight in the ocean brood." When you play against him, the risk will be greatly reduced."

"The prospect of cooperating with the Ship Ghost series has always been great. First of all, those undead inheritances are all very outstanding, attracting all the forces in the world to suppress them. Secondly, there are undead resources. Behind Ship Ghost and others, It is the legendary force headed by You Shen, who controls the world's number one undead resources. And these are what we need in the future."

Cang Xu kept thinking about the pros and cons, and his heart became more and more peaceful.

From this proposal, Cangxu was able to clarify the fish-man boy's attitude towards the necromancers.

Unlike most people in the world, who are very hostile and afraid of necromancers. The fishman boy is willing to cooperate with the undead, and he really treats the undead as equal beings.

In addition, Cang Xu also had many emotions in his heart. Although the fishman boy did not say it clearly in the message, Aangsu knew that the reason why the youth leader proposed the idea of ​​cooperation was because Aangsu was currently under the control of the ship ghost. Life and death are controlled by the ship ghost's thoughts.

In the message, the fishman boy clearly mentioned: Altar

"If we fail to make atonement to the empire's high-level officials this time, then with the help of our connections with the necromancers, we may be able to resist the empire's raids and buy me the chance and time to survive."

This idea especially makes Cang Xu happy!

In Cang Xu's view, although the boy from the Mysterious Island period was an excellent leader, he was immature and tended to be idealistic.

By now, the youth leader has matured a lot. As a leader, he considers all kinds of consequences. Many times decisions are made based on team considerations rather than personal beliefs and values ​​alone.

The fishman boy's statement also brought a new idea to Cangxu.

"If we cooperate with Ship Ghost and others and establish contact, we can successfully communicate with the higher-ups of the empire in the future, and after successfully atonement, we can in turn use this relationship to lure Ship Ghost and others into ambush, eradicate them, and serve as the backbone of the empire. military exploits."

Cang Xu has already considered the possibility of attacking the necromancers in the future. altar

Although he was only a black iron level mage, at this time he began to design a legendary level force. The reason is that the blood core gave him endless hope and confidence.

Class barriers are very serious in this world. For many people, their entire lives are determined as soon as they are born.

Strength determines the level of the class.

The main factor that determines strength is bloodline.

Now with the blood core, the survivors have unlimited possibilities in terms of blood.

As long as there is sufficient time, resources and adequate development. Why are they inferior to others?

Even if it is a legendary force, why can't it make plans? altar

After thinking deeply, Cang Xu came to the conclusion: "It is indeed a good idea to cooperate with Kangui and others. But it is too early to tell the truth to Kangui now."

Cang Xu was on guard against the ship ghost.

If the ship ghost learned about the existence of the dragon boy and the deep sea monster fish. He probably used this to blackmail the fish-man boy into submission. By then, the methods he deployed on Cang Xu will also become an important bargaining chip in his negotiations.

The fish-man boy and Cang Xu were hiding in the dark at this time, taking the initiative. Once you negotiate with the ship ghost and reveal your whereabouts, you will be greatly passive.

"So even if we want to cooperate, we have to find the right time. The time is not ripe now, it's too early!"

"Another point: before the official showdown, it's best to remove the secret door on me."

"I have to do this step myself to feel most at ease. If I let the ship ghost do it, I will still have a lot of doubts in my heart."

"However, the time is coming soon."

More than a day has passed since the ship ghost announced the progress assessment.

During this period, nearly ten blood sacrifices were performed on the golden altar, all of which were huge in scale.

The gold coin device left quietly with Cang Xu's intention.

Soon after, the ship ghost gathered the undead again.

The undead gathered in the ship ghost's shack.

The atmosphere in the shack was different from before. altar

Everyone is no longer as closely united as before. Instead, they are undercurrents, wary of each other, and have a strong sense of competition.

On the surface, everyone is exchanging their thoughts and experiences on conversion, but in fact it is the ship ghost who is secretly transmitting messages, with him as the leader, discussing everyone's experiences and thoughts on forging memories.

Due to the pressure of survival, Ship Ghost's forgery of memories this time was the most focused he had ever done. Even if it was their first contact with the other undead, they definitely tried their best.

This exchange of experience and skills is helpful to everyone, even the ship ghosts will benefit a lot.

But as the mutual communication deepened, Cang Xu's expression became ugly.

He found that his progress was still the last!

"How is this possible? Crying Wind is actually ahead of me?" Tan

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