Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 474: The fish-man boy and Cangxu meet up

White Hair Trench. hunt

Deep under the sea.

The huge magic circle has been opened, making a soft buzzing sound.

A large number of magic runes and divine inscriptions complement each other, making the seabed brightly lit.

The radiance shone on the faces of every Charming Blue cultist, making their expressions of piety or fanaticism appear vivid and even ferocious.

The ones who are incompatible with the people around them are the necromancers.

Their expressions were generally solemn and gloomy, with a layer of panic that could not be concealed.

Similar to them are pirates such as Ba Qi, Sea Snake Girl, and Gummi Man. hunt

Qingxin stood beside the pirates, but kept a certain distance.

Her face was very pale.

Although she was captured with the Necromancers, when she was imprisoned, she was assigned to join the human pirates here.

Zong Zhang adopted the same strategy against these human pirates as the Necromancers.

Under the leadership of Ship Ghost, the necromancers adopted a relatively fair policy and finally elected Cang Xu as the first person.

But on the human pirate side, there was no such response.

Qingxin had no friendship with these people, so there was no doubt that she became the first person to be elected. hunt

The only thing she was gratified about was that this time, Zou Zhang only arranged for Cang Xu to be the special blood sacrifice, leaving the other prisoners to watch.

"After the scab, I will be the next prisoner to participate in the teleportation blood sacrifice." Every time he thought of this, Qingxin's heart was filled with pressure, and he was really desperate.

Speaking of which, her recent experience has been really miserable.

Originally, Zidi recalled Qingxin to her side because she really wanted to help her and unite her strength.

However, Zidi's identity revealed in front of Qingxin has little to do with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and is even quite tense.

Zidi was even more worried that the secrets of the survivors would be exposed, and it was not convenient to tell Qingxin the identity of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group for a while.

Until Qingxin is proven trustworthy, he can only delay. hunt

This delay caused Qingxin and Cangxu to join the ship ghosts together.

Drag to the Styx River for a battle.

He was dragged into a confrontation with the Baqi pirates, and was eventually captured by Zong Zhang.

Until now, Qingxin has become a prisoner, and conversion is her only way out.

Speaking of which, Qingxin is not only a transcendent, but also a silver-level mage. If this were placed in a place like Huaqu Island, he could hold up a whole sky and control a small force.

But here, under the nose of Zou Zhang, she could only struggle on the edge of life and death, completely losing her freedom and hope.

The blood sacrifice is going on. hunt

A large number of sea beasts were reduced to nothing on the golden altar.

The believers were carefully selected and knelt in a large circle around the golden altar. Some of them were trembling slightly and praying loudly, some were nervous, after all, it was a matter of life and death, but some were calm and calm.

Cang Xu is among them.

He is so special that so many eyes are focused on him.

"It seems that this unlucky necromancer is the first person to be abandoned by them."

"He's dead!"

"Don't underestimate him, he may be able to convert successfully." Lie

"Even if the conversion is successful, I don't want an undead to become our church member."

The Charm Blue cultists were discussing quietly in private.

"Beard scab..." the little prince murmured, looking at Cang Xu's back, feeling very guilty in his heart.

Standing next to him was Crying Wind. The undead warrior did not feel guilty at all, but he admired Cang Xu's calmness.

Cangxu's face was dull, and his calm and calm attitude was easy to detect from the inside out, as if he was not participating in the teleportation blood sacrifice at all.

Cang Xu still had the leisure to look around.

When he saw Qing Xin, his eyes paused slightly. hunt

Qing Xin's face was ugly, and it was clear from a glance that the female mage was filled with despair.

Cang Xu wanted very much to go over and comfort Qing Xin, but in the end he did not take such action. Because comforting Qing Xinhui for no reason would become a flaw, causing Jian Gui, Zou Zhang and others to have doubts.

Similarly, Qingxin would not believe his own comfort if he did not tell the heavyweight secret. If Qingxin doesn't believe it, then any comfort will be in vain.

Cang Xu will not do anything that is ineffective.

Zou Zhang stood on the golden altar, overlooking the scene at his feet.

Her attention did not stay on Cang Xu.

Her arrangements for the necromancers were thoughtful, but at the same time Zong Zhang also had a very good attitude and did not expect too much from these people to really convert. hunt

After all, even if the conversion fails, these people will become sacrifices.

Zongzhang's real worry was hidden deep in his heart: "This blood sacrifice consumes significantly more sacrifices than the last time, but the frequency of sending blood sacrifices is even lower."

"Is my Lord's injury more serious? Does he need more divine power to stabilize his injury?"

The real reason is not Zong Zhang's random conjecture.

It is the fairy tale of the mermaid, the artifact in the Deep Sea Monster Fish, which has been absorbing the divine power from the mother nest of the ocean.

Nowadays, the fairy tale of the shell-like mermaid can no longer contain all the pearl foam.

A lot of pearl foam has spilled out of the shell and scattered on the surrounding table. hunt

Zou Zhang would never have thought that the thief who stole divine power was right under her nose, hiding in the ocean nest, and could not be discovered even by the sanctuary-level snow octopus guarding it.

When the space fluctuations reached their maximum, Cang Xu and other Meilan cultists were teleported and disappeared.

"Here we come!" The young dragon man in the Deep Sea Monster Fish has been ready for a long time.

When the Charming Blue Cultists teleported to the Ocean Mother Nest, he immediately discovered the specific location of Cang Xu.

Several rubber-swallowing alchemy puppets immediately dispatched.

These puppets have been lying around a long time ago.

They were all blessed with the art of deception and camouflage and the art of anti-reconnaissance and prophecy. hunt

A Rubber Swallower opened his mouth and spit out a large stream of potion. The magic potion was like a blood mist, immediately covering a large area, preventing the believers from noticing anything unusual nearby.

Then another rubber swallower spits out an alchemical golem. This puppet looks exactly like Cang Xu.

The real Cang Xu was swallowed directly into the belly of the third rubber swallower.

When the Meilan believers were teleported over, before they could react, their eyes were enveloped in a blood mist.

The blood mist dissipated quickly. These people glanced around quickly, never expecting that Cang Xu nearby had been transferred. Their eyes were quickly attracted to the sacred sea beast, and many people exclaimed one after another.

The rubber swallower who swallowed the beard dived into the sea water, all the way downstream, and finally entered the deep sea monster fish.

Soon after, Cang Xu walked out of the landing cabin and saw the dragon boy. hunt

"Master Captain!" Cang Xu bowed deeply to the dragon boy with an excited expression.

The dragon boy laughed at Cang Xu, and with a flash of blood, he switched from dragon form to fishman form.

The young man took the initiative to introduce: "This is my latest form. The previous dragon-human form is really not conducive to water fighting. Time is very limited, let's talk as we go."

Cangxu knew about the blood core, and when he communicated with the boy before, he also learned about the latter's fish-man form.

Cang Xu followed closely behind the dragon boy and walked into the metal passage.

Along the way, they came to the cabin where the magical mermaid's fairy tale was stored.

He saw with his own eyes that the shells were filled with pearl foam, and there were even many scattered on the table. hunt

The old master sighed sincerely: "I have never seen so many pearl foams. With this harvest alone, we have made a lot of money!"

The fish-man boy remained calm: "Nothing will make sense until we leave here safely."

At present, they have tested the deception and disguise technique, and it is still effective in front of Congee Zhang.

But it's not safe.

What they deceived was the porridge chapter in its normal state.

Once Zongzhang realizes something is wrong and uses detective magic, it is still possible to break the deception and disguise.

The fishman boy and Cangxu also reached some consensus while communicating secretly. hunt

For example, this ocean nest.

This is a great way to replenish pearl foam!

It is also the only way that the survivors have accidentally explored.

If the fishman boy directly destroyed the mother nest in exchange for a chance to leave, this would not only be risky, but also too wasteful.

Cang Xu believes that this ocean nest should be preserved as much as possible. Because the survivors rely heavily on deception and camouflage, this means that the god-level material of pearl foam is a necessity!

The survivors still don't know how long the plan to atone their sins from the empire's top officials will be implemented, and whether it will succeed in the end.

Therefore, the more pearl foam, the better. hunt

This also means that the preservation of the ocean mother nest is very beneficial to the survivors.

Under this situation, the fishman boy did not rush to destroy the ocean nest, but waited patiently for Cang Xu, placing his best hope of leaving here on the latter.

The two of them walked forward and came to a cabin.

The metal hatch opened to the side, and the two entered the cabin.

This is the place that the fishman boy has prepared for Cang Xu.

The memory modification device is inside, waiting for Cang Xu to control it.

"I have tried to use this alchemy device. Through the inheritance content you sent back, I can use this device to forge memories. At present, the forged memory we imagined has been completed." Although the fish-man boy is a fighter, But with this device, he can successfully forge memories with extremely high efficiency. hunt

In fact, this is exactly the role that alchemy tools should play.

Just like spell scrolls and enchanted weapons, these things are the means by which combatants can also possess mages.

The memory forgery device was invented by You Shen and is extremely helpful in forging memories. Even gold-level necromancers like Ship Ghost have never forgotten this. They once lamented: If you can use such a device, why do you need to cooperate with others to forge memories?

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