Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 478: Cang Xu returns

White Hair Trench. garrulous

Ocean nest.

The formation was humming, and the gold-level altar shone with a faint light.

A large number of Meilan believers surrounded the altar and knelt down to pray. They always keep a certain distance from the altar.

"Is the time almost up?"

"Well, according to the previous blood sacrifices, they will be back soon."

"My son... you must come back alive."

The little prince quietly said to the ship ghost: "How many people are likely to come back alive?"

The ship ghost did not speak, but shook his head slightly, his eyes serious.

Believers are looking forward to it, and even the porridge chapter is full of expectations.

The Meilan believers who can come back alive must be strictly selected, and their strength will be improved, and their faith will be deeper.

These people will definitely become the elite and even the pillars of Charming Blue Sect!

Spatial fluctuations occurred.

Under the gaze of everyone, the believers all flashed back to where they were kneeling.

Just like the previous blood sacrifice, there were some missing people. garrulous

"I'm back, I successfully passed the test!" The believer who teleported back shouted excitedly.

"Son, where is my son?" Some believers were eagerly looking for him in the crowd.

"The number of believers who have been lost this time is relatively larger." Zhu Zhang showed no expression on his face and silently made an estimate. The next moment, her eyes paused slightly and rested on someone.

It’s none other than Cang Xu!

"Oh? Something interesting happened." Zhang Yuwan, a gold-level fighter on the side, also saw Cang Xu.

More and more people are focusing their attention on Cang Xu. There is no way, the latter is too conspicuous.

He is the only necromancer. garrulous

"Did I read that correctly?"

"That undead, he, he, he actually came back?!"

"Scab, it's really scab, he survived!!" The little prince was the most excited.

He chose to help Crying Wind, which indirectly eliminated Cang Xu, and he has always felt guilty. Now that he sees Cang Xu coming back, he is probably the happiest person after Qing Xin.

Countless eyes focused on Cang Xu, some stared, some frowned, and some were deep in thought.

More people were talking about an undead being recognized by God, expressing their incredible shock.

"No, it's impossible!" muttered

"My son believes in my Lord the most. Ever since he was a child, this is the only god he believes in."

"He didn't come back alive, but you, an undead, actually came back?!"

"There must be something weird, you must be cheating!"

The father, who had unsuccessfully searched for his son, shouted in a broken voice, pointed his finger at his beard, and openly doubted.

Everyone has different expressions.

Cang Xu sneered and retorted sharply: "I believe in my Lord, the great Charming Blue God. God is so tolerant and merciful that he has given me divine gifts. Who are you? Dare to question my Lord's will?"

"Yes!" Ship Ghost took a step forward and immediately agreed, "We undead are also living beings, we just exist based on negative energy. Why can't you convert to my Lord and become my Lord's believer? Forget about your racial discrimination. The key is that you underestimated the magnanimity of my Lord! You are guilty!!"

The appearance of Cang Xu shocked the ship ghost. Before, he thought Cang Xu was dead.

But after the shock, the ship ghost was overjoyed.

After all, Cang Xu is one of his own, and he also set up a fatal secret door on Cang Xu's body.

Cang Xu nodded to the ship ghost. Although the latter was very hypocritical, he was the first to stand up and support him. This was what Cang Xu needed at the moment.

On the contrary, the fin spirit next to the ship ghost stared at Cang Xu in disbelief with a gloomy expression.

Ship Ghost's support immediately aroused loud approval from the Little Prince, Crying Wind and others.

On the pirate side, Qingxin was also shouting in support of Cang Xu. garrulous

The old believer with his dead son didn't care at all. He ran a few steps and then knelt down under the altar. He looked up at Zou Zhang and cried and begged: "Archbishop Zou Zhang, please take action and find out the true identity of this evil undead." . Fake, he must be fake! How could he survive, but my son will go..."

As a result, everyone's eyes were focused on Zong Zhang.

Zou Zhang had no expression on his face. Suddenly he raised his hand and the old believer's voice stopped abruptly.

He kept shouting, but no sound came out.

Then, Zou Zhang waved slightly to Cang Xu.

Cang Xu suddenly felt a powerful invisible force, tightly grasping his whole body, taking him directly off the ground, flying into the air, and finally landed on the golden altar.

"The most critical test is coming!" Cang Xu felt awe-struck in his heart, but on the surface he looked calmly at Congee Zhang. garrulous

Zou Zhang used his magic to scan Cang Xu's body, but found nothing.

Zou Zhang asked Cang Xu a few questions in a warm voice, and Cang Xu answered cautiously.

When answering the question "What is your divine gift?" he said that he had become a monk and had been given a series of teachings, prayer steps, rituals, etc.

"Oh? You actually still have a teaching position?" Zou Zhang's expression became more relaxed.

"Is a monk... also considered a teaching position?" Cang Xu was a little confused.

The so-called clergy refers to sectarian positions.

Zou Zhang nodded slightly: "A believer is not considered a priest, but a monk can be said to be a preparatory priest. If you go further, you can become our Lord's missionary."

"Continue to work hard in the future."

Zou Zhang then publicly announced that Cang Xu would be a member of the sect from now on, a fellow believer of everyone, and one of his own who had given up the dark side and turned to the bright side!

"how to say?"

"Much easier than I thought!"

Cangxu stood on the altar, looked at the porridge seal in front of him on the right, and then glanced at the Meilan believers with different expressions under the altar, feeling slightly relaxed.

Flower skirt island.

"Can we go to Anqiu like this? It's too easy." Spring Boxer sighed similar to Cang Xu. garrulous

Bing Xiao nodded and shook his head: "This is just the ritual and arrangement of the sacrifice. If you write it down carefully, it will be easier to restore it in the future."

"But these alone are not enough."

"For this special sacrifice to be successful, the key is to look at the people."

"To be precise, look at me and my comrades in the ice coffin."

"Fuji Toro and I are both Saint Seiyas of Anqiu!"

Spring Boxer glared slightly: "Saint Seiya?"

Bing Xiao explained: "This is a kind of teaching profession, which is similar to the meaning of the Guardian Knight. Only the special sacrifice hosted by the Saint will be successful and allow us to go to Anqiu smoothly."

"Okay, now kneel down beside me, repeat my prayer, and pray with me."

As soon as Ice Owl knelt down, he heard the sounds of bombing and fierce fighting coming from outside.

"It's other silver forces. They have united and used the reason we just robbed the black market as a reason to attack the stronghold!"

"There are many silver-level enemies, and we can hardly stop them!" someone reported.

Spring Boxer's expression changed, and he was about to stand up and go up to help, but was stopped by Ice Owl.

"There is no time, the most important thing now is to go to Anqiu!"

"What about the others?"

"Now is not the time to think about them!"

"If they die in the battle, we will be the only ones left in the Bayonet Gang..."

"What we have to do now is more important than the Bayonet Gang!!! Kneel down and pray with me." The Ice Owl looked very scary at this moment.

Springfist gritted his teeth and knelt down, doing as Ice Owl said.

The special sacrifice was quickly successful.

Snow suddenly appeared in the basement, and a strange space unfolded in front of Spring Boxer like a scroll.

"Let's go carrying Fujituro's ice coffin," Bing Xiao said. garrulous

Spring Boxer hurriedly said: "Wait, hurry up and call the others, let's set off together."

Bing Xiao refused: "Absolutely not! An important place like Anqiu cannot be entered by outsiders!"

But before he finished speaking, the scroll-like white snow space suddenly expanded and spread directly, covering the entire stronghold.

Ice Owl's expression changed drastically.

The white snow space includes everyone in the Bayonet Gang, and even a few silver-level enemies who rush to the front.

The next moment, the white snow space suddenly shrank, and the covered people disappeared completely, leaving only an empty stronghold.

"It was successful! It was really successful!!" Shuangtu, the mastermind behind the scenes, was so excited when he saw this scene. garrulous

Although his main mission failed, he succeeded in prompting both the human leader and Cyanobacteria to enter Anqiu.

This is definitely a breakthrough!

Of course, he also paid a huge price for this.

"Next, it won't be about me alone."

"I have to pass on this news quickly. The organization will do its best to help them both!"

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