Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 485: Ship Ghost: My situation is getting better and better

Cang Xu's return is the most detrimental to Fin Spirit.

At this moment, in the ship ghost's residence, Fin Spirit observed Cang Xu in a vague way, and felt uneasy: "Cang Xu actually changed his mind!"

"Is conversion so easy?"

"What kind of god is Charming Blue God that accepts the dead and becomes believers so easily?"

Fin Spirit couldn't help but sneered: The Charming Blue God Tiger fell to Pingyang, and all believers want it, and it looks ugly!

Cang Xu sighed bitterly: "I am also very surprised that my conversion was successful this time."

"Seeing you again now is like a dream. Looking back on the previous experience in the ocean nest, it was so thrilling and I am still very scared."

Cang Xu's acting skills are amazing, and he brings up topics that interest everyone.

Can you not be interested?

The Ocean Brood is a matter of life and death for everyone.

So, everyone asked Cang Xu for details.

Cangxu slowly spoke and told the story he and the fish-man boy carefully made up together.

Especially when it comes to the scene where the sacred sea beast Sydney Octopus tests believers, Cang Xu describes it vividly and focuses on it.

"When the octopus reaches me with its tentacles, I am almost certain that it will kill me."

"At that moment, the feeling of approaching death made me suffocated, but at the same time, it seemed that my faith had been completely transformed!"

"In order to survive, I really believe in the Charming Blue God."

"When the octopus's tentacles gradually moved away from me, I was still in a daze."

Everyone listened in rapt attention, and for a while, only Cang Xu's voice echoed in the shack.

Cang Xu was confident that his words were flawless.

Not only did he and the fish-man boy conspire to come up with the idea and check it multiple times, but the more important point is that they did not make it up out of thin air.

During the period of time when the Deep Sea Monster Fish was lurking, the fishman boy witnessed many teleportation blood sacrifices. A lot of magical images were recorded.

These are all real evidence, real materials extracted from actual situations.

Therefore, when Jiangui and others heard it, they did not doubt its authenticity.

At the end, Cang Xu sighed deeply, with a bitter look on his face: "Perhaps, I should be more grateful to that sacred sea beast. Without its persecution, I would not have the huge pressure of death, and I would not be able to change my faith!"

After Cang Xu finished speaking, the shack fell into silence.

Cang Xu lowered his head, his eyes fell on the gravel on the seabed, and he felt very nervous.

Now he is also undergoing a test.

When he was teleported back, he accepted the test of Zongzhang. Now, if he wants to break into the ship ghost group again, he must get the necromancers to recognize him again.

Now Cang Xu has the identity of a Charming Blue believer, which makes the necromancers envious of his experience and at the same time become wary.

The most obvious one is the fin spirit.

While Cang Xu was telling her story, she frequently cast her gaze on the ship ghost. It’s asking: “Can Scab really be trusted?”

"Xu Zhu's belief has changed and he believes in the enemy's gods. It is entirely possible for him to betray us for the sake of belief."

But the ship ghost didn't seem to notice Fin Spirit's gaze. Not only did he take the initiative to invite Cang Xu to participate in this gathering of the dead, but after Cang Xu told his story, he said: "Xu Zhu, you did a great job. To be honest ,out of my expectation."

"I want to thank you."

"Your success proves that even if we fail to forge memories, there will still be a way out. You have given us great confidence and hope."

"It's really hard to convert temporarily, especially for us necromancers. But you did it!"

"What gratifies me the most is that even if you convert, you have not betrayed us and are still willing to act with us."

"I did not make a mistake in giving away the inheritance of the undead before!"

Ship Ghost spoke very skillfully and mentioned the intermediate soul inheritance he had given to Cang Xu by "breaking his principles".

When Cang Xu heard this, he had to express his gratitude immediately. At the same time, he expressed his loyalty and explained the impact of his faith: "Although I believe in Meilan God, it does not mean that I will break away from everyone and betray everyone."

"These are completely different things!"

"Furthermore, the main culprit for why we were reduced to prisoners and oppressed in every possible way is Congee Zhang."

"I believe in Meilan God, but I don't recognize Zongzhang. The hatred between her and I has not been settled yet!"

Cang Xu's words more or less reduced the worries and worries in the hearts of the necromancers.

Fin Spirit's eyes were dim and his face was gloomy.

The little prince shifted his gaze, not daring to look at Cang Xu, still feeling embarrassed.

On the contrary, Caifeng was generous and asked Cang Xu directly. He also wanted to inquire about some details about his conversion.

For him, after Cangxu, regardless of the human pirates, he should be the one. By that time, the falsification of memories must not be complete.

Therefore, converting to another faith was very important to him, and it was probably the only way to survive.

Cang Xu did not reject Cail Feng, but made an agreement with him to talk to him alone after this meeting and give him a detailed introduction. Next, what everyone should do is to exchange experiences and make adjustments to cooperation in forging memories.

Cang Xu discovered that the progress of forging memories had improved a lot.

He was not surprised. Calculating the time, he had already missed an undead gathering because he participated in the Teleportation Blood Sacrifice.

On the surface, everyone was exchanging prayers and conversions. In fact, they secretly communicated and conspired to falsify memories and commit blasphemy.

The only difference from before is that this time, Cang Xu became the ostensible speaker. He shared with everyone what he received from God after praying. As a monk of the Meilan Sect, how should you pray, understand Meilan’s teachings, etc.

After the gathering of the undead ended, Cang Xu was actively retained by the ship ghost.

The two communicated alone.

Cang Xu thanked Ship Gui for breaking his rules before and gifted him with the intermediate soul inheritance. The grace and courage shown by the ship ghost in this matter made Cang Xu heartbroken. Cang Xu is willing to actively cooperate with the ship ghost and contribute all his strength to forging memories. In the end, Cang Xu euphemistically said: He is still interested in other inheritances!

The ship ghost laughed loudly and roared with laughter.

"When I first met you, I could tell that you were an excellent mage."

"The greed for knowledge is one of the excellent qualities of a mage."

"The good doctor who shredded corpses chose you to teach you the flying head technique. I'm afraid he saw your excellent side."

This is nonsense!

The reason why the good corpse-breaking doctor taught the Flying Head Technique was because Cang Xu was used as an experimental subject. On the surface it was regarded as compensation, but in fact, teaching the Flying Head Technique was to allow Cang Xu to continue to be his test subject.

The ship ghost brought out the good doctor's corpse, mainly to remind Cang Xu of his background and as a deterrent.

After that, the ship ghost changed the subject and showed an embarrassed look, saying that although he had intermediate inheritance of corpse veins and bone veins, in principle this was not allowed.

When Cang Xu heard this, he immediately understood!

He has been dealing with ship ghosts for so long, and he knows very well the so-called "principles" of ship ghosts.

Cangxu quickly expressed his loyalty and longing for the inheritance of the undead.

Sure enough, after evading for a while, Ship Ghost said in a vague way: If Cang Xu makes a great contribution, such as rescuing the undead orthodox members (that is, Ship Ghost), it is completely within the principles for him to give the intermediate inheritance. .

After getting the answer he wanted, Cang Xu was deeply satisfied and said goodbye to the ship ghost.

The ship ghost looked at Cang Xu's leaving figure, his eyes narrowed, and he was deeply satisfied.

"Although Xu Chi believes in the Charming Blue God, he is not a fanatical believer. He is still trustworthy and safe in a short period of time."

"The persona I created before, my leadership, and the personal charm I maintained are all working and exerting a positive influence on the beard!"

"The secret door is definitely still there. As long as Xu Zhua informs him, I can kill him in an instant."

"But in this case, Zou Zhang will definitely investigate vigorously, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to bear the consequences."

"Steady Cang Xu, it's too good that he wants to pass on the legacy. Just treat it like a carrot dangled in front of the donkey and let him continue to forge memories for me."

"Speaking of which, Cang Xu's successful conversion is very helpful to my situation."

"On the one hand, Cang Xu will continue to contribute in the plan to transform memories. On the other hand, Zou Zhang and others will also have more confidence in the conversion of the undead, and their attitude towards us will also change."

"Don't panic, don't be anxious. Although I am a prisoner now, I have a greater chance of escaping. Yes, if this continues, I will definitely be able to escape from here, and it may even be a blessing in disguise."

Ship Ghost couldn't help but think about the future.

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