Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 487: Only by becoming a Saint can you avoid going to jail


The snow-capped peaks are towering, and the cold air falls into this valley of green grass and red flowers, leaving only a refreshing chill.

Around the brown wooden house, many temporary shacks were built.

These shacks were simply built using local materials, flattening tree trunks and branches.

The Bayonet Gang lived in shacks.

The brown wooden house they were guarding only housed Ice Owl and Spring Boxer.

No one has any objection to this, including Lan Zao. Everyone knows that Ice Owl is the old gang leader of the Bayonet Gang, and since Spring Boxer is Fujituro's coffin bearer, he is naturally the next gang leader.

Life is not easy for Spring Boxer.

From time to time, he would be overwhelmed by the flood of memories and would faint.

After lying in bed for a while, he slowly woke up.

After being awake for a while, he fell into a coma again.

During this cycle, he gained a lot of Fujituro's memories.

Spring Boxer is growing rapidly!

Bing Xiao is responsible for taking care of him day and night.

Considering the possibility of a traitor among the Bayonet Gang, Ice Owl did not trust anyone else, not even Blue Algae, who was known for ruthlessly killing people.

The bedridden Spring Boxer slowly woke up again.

The first time he opened his eyes, he saw the old gang leader.

Bing Xiao was by the window, reading the books in his hands under the bright sky.

Anqiu is the kingdom of the God of Duel. There is no concept of night here and it is bright and clear 24 hours a day.

Seeing the Ice Owl, Springfist felt a strong sense of security and gratitude in his heart.

To where he is today, Fujituro's cultivation plays a major role, and the help of the old gang leader Bing Xiao is also extremely huge.

Seeing Spring Boxer wake up, Bing Xiao immediately came to the bedside: "It seems that your gains this time are not small."

Spring Boxer nodded: "This time, I got the combat experience of Master Fujituro. He fought hard with a ferocious rabbit man on a snow mountain. The soldiers around him fell one by one, and almost all of the original hundred-man brigade In the end, only he and his comrades were left. Master Fujituro's life was hanging by a thread, and it was his comrades around him who sacrificed themselves and sacrificed themselves to save his life."

Ice Owl suddenly realized: "You are talking about that battle. That bunny warrior is called Qing Hongyan. Although he has an extremely explosive temper, he is a persecuted and miserable snow bunny. In the future, you might meet him."

Spring Boxer was stunned for a moment, and his tone was filled with resentment and grievance: "In my memory, it was indeed Mr. Tofusuro who defeated him, and the bunnyman fainted. But the giant bunnyman didn't die? Why didn't Mr. Tofusuro kill him?"

"There should be clear military orders at that time. As for the causes and consequences, you will understand in the future." Bing Xiao was not willing to elaborate.

Spring Boxer lowered his head and looked thoughtful: "No wonder when I experienced this memory, I felt the mood of Mr. Fujituro at that time. It was very complicated, including anger, hatred, responsibility, sympathy, etc."

Spring Boxer's acquisition of Fujituro's memories is equivalent to re-experience some of the wonderful moments of Fujituro's life.

He was truly immersed in the scene, not only accurately gaining experience, but also feeling Fujituro's emotions at the time.

Spring Boxer put his hand on his heart with a complicated expression: "After receiving Master Fujituro's experience, it's like he has come to life again and is teaching me by words and deeds in a wonderful way. Sir Ice Owl, sometimes I have an illusion that I feel When I woke up, Master Fujituro was also beside my bed."

At this point, Spring Boxer's eyes turned red.

Ice Owl sighed, came to Spring Boxer, stretched out his hand to hold Spring Boxer's wrist, and pulled him up: "Don't be immersed in sentimentality. You have inherited Fujituro's legacy, and you should work hard to become stronger."

"This time of experience is critical for you."

"Don't waste time, go eat and drink water quickly. You have to maintain your physical condition. You can't eat when you are unconscious."

Spring Boxer gathered his emotions, got out of bed, came to the dining table, and started eating and drinking.

A large amount of food is always prepared on the table.

These foods are not the beasts in the valley hunted by the bayonet gang, or the berries collected in the valley, but the gods' gifts received from the Ice Owl's prayers!

This is the Kingdom of God, an incredible place.

As a Saint of the God of Duels, Ice Owl's prayers can be answered instantly and he can get delicious food.

While eating and drinking, Spring Boxer's ears twitched slightly, and he heard the sound of the Bayonet Gang training coming in from outside the cabin.

He couldn't help but look thoughtful and said to Bing Xiao: "Sir, gang leader, what should we do with Xiong Saw and Severe Attack's gang?"

When Bing Xiao heard this, his eyes lit up and he smiled happily: "Yes, after absorbing Fujituro's experience, you have indeed become a lot more mature."

People change.

The main reason for a person's maturity is experience, not age.

The more experience people have, the more mature they become.

Spring Boxer has experienced Fujituro's life, and there is no shortage of memories of hard battles, near-death battles, or memories of trying his best to think of countermeasures, considering everything, and finally commanding the army to victory.

He is maturing.

In particular, he obtained the memory of Fujituro being recognized by Anqiu and becoming a Saint, and he deeply understood the importance of Anqiu.

At the critical moment of Huaqu Island, he also asked Bing Xiao to bring Xiong Saw and others in together.

But now, he began to think about the safest way to deal with Xiong Saw and the others. After all, there is probably a traitor among them!

Bing Xiao said: "I have already considered a solution to this matter."

"As long as they successfully convert, it proves their loyalty."

"After we leave Anqiu, we will take away those who became saints. As for the rest, we can only temporarily imprison them."

Spring Boxer frowned slightly: "Although I am not a priest, I also know that faith alone cannot judge loyalty."

Bing Xiao nodded slightly: "To be precise, this is what happened."

"There are roughly several levels of belief: general, ordinary, pious, and fanatical."

"Pan believers refer to those who have a certain knowledge and understanding of a certain belief, but do not study or practice it in depth. They only express their belief verbally, but do not strictly follow the principles of belief in action."

"Ordinary believers are traditional believers of a certain religion or belief. They follow the teachings and rules of the religion, but are not too radical. Ordinary believers have different understandings and practices of beliefs, but they generally have a certain sense of belief in the religion or belief. and awe.”

"Pious believers: Have a strong sense of identity with their faith and actively practice it in their lives. Devout believers will strictly abide by the teachings and regulations of their faith in their daily lives to ensure that they can obtain the blessings and protection of their faith."

"Fanatical believers: those who have an overly extreme pursuit of faith. Fanatic believers will believe that only absolute faith can be saved or blessed, and ignore all rational thinking and actions. They may engage in extreme behavior, often hurting themselves or others."

"You also have the memory of Fujituro being selected and becoming a Saint, but you don't know the selection criteria."

"To become a Saint of the God of Duel, the extraordinary level is only secondary. The most important criterion is the level of faith. You must be at the pious level to become a Saint."

"So that's it." Spring Boxer suddenly realized, but then he had more doubts, "But even if the Saints are pious level and strictly abide by the doctrines and regulations of the God of Duel, they may not make the traitor surrender to us. You can’t decide who is your friend or foe.”

Ice Owl laughed, very happy.

He couldn't help but patted Spring Boxer on the shoulder and praised him: "Young man, you have such a critical thinking ability, it's really good."

"This is a turning point in your life."

"Instilled by Fujituro's experience, the real wealth lies in this, not those combat experiences."

After a pause, Bing Xiao continued: "You are right. Even if we are Saints who are both the God of Duel, we may be hostile to each other. Even killing each other does not violate the rules of the God of Duel. doctrine."

"If there is a traitor lurking around us, he may succeed in his faith and become a saint. If we take him out in the future, it will not prevent him from opposing us."

"The key is that after becoming a Saint, our bodies will be transformed by divine power, just like setting up a secret door. Once the traitor activates in the future, his status as a Saint will become a life-threatening scythe!"

Springfist nodded repeatedly, he understood.

Bing Xiao did not force everyone to convert, but in fact, he was already guiding them.

If you take away someone who becomes a Saint, you won't be afraid even if there is a traitor. Because the traitor's life and death are no longer under his control.

Of course, there are also many possibilities for the traitor to turn around due to the deviation of his beliefs.

As for the others, those who cannot prove themselves, have entered Anqiu, know so many secrets, cannot become saints, and have no evidence against them, they can only be imprisoned.

Thinking of this, Spring Boxer couldn't help but look out the window, watching some of the gang members practicing, and secretly cheered for them: "Xiong Saw, Fenfa, everyone... I hope your conversion will be successful. Only by becoming a Saint can you regain your faith." Be free."

Lan Zao stood in front of the main entrance of the wooden house, facing the stream, and suddenly opened his mouth and spat out.

A small air cannon shot out of his mouth and hit the creek. However, it did not explode and instead penetrated into the creek.

Then, there was a soft bang, and then it exploded, splashing a lot of water droplets.


"Unexpectedly, there are people in Anqiu who have practiced air cannonballs."

When Lan Zao practiced this fighting skill, he gained some resonance and gained some experience.

With the help of these experiences, he quickly mastered the power of air cannonballs.

Now, he can compress air accurately and control the explosion timing of air cannons. For example, should it explode when it touches the water, or should it explode after diving into the water.

"It's a pity that I don't believe in the God of Duels."

"If you change your faith, the experience you get will not be intermittent, but will be like incomplete fragments."

"Having said that, it's good to have a little faith. At least, it's good for me."

Lan Zhao muttered in his heart.

He didn't know what Ice Owl had planned for their group. Fortunately, he originally believed in a wide range of beliefs, including belief in the God of the Sea, the God of Wind, and the Goddess of Fishing Nets. Therefore, he did not object to the addition of a new belief in the God of Duel.

However, just general belief will definitely not improve the level of piety.

If he can't become a saint, he will face prison.

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