Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 502: Deceive them to death

Cang Xu smiled, looked at the fish-man boy in front of him, and gave a heartfelt praise.

He knew: At this moment, the fish-man boy had undergone a crucial transformation!

This transformation is equivalent to the boy admitting his identity in public on the mysterious island - no longer a paladin, but a beast knight.

It is also equivalent to the young man publicizing his justice in public during the naval battle on Snake Island and affirming the correctness of the path to redemption.

And now, in the ocean brood, the fish-man boy has completely transformed from a beast knight into a mature mercenary group leader.

This transformation is not sudden, nor is it without reason. Before this, everything had signs and evolved gradually, with the foundation of quantitative change before qualitative change.

"Captain, you are always able to break through yourself and break out of your own limitations." Cang Xu was filled with admiration in his heart.

To a certain extent, Cang Xu had more confidence in the fish-man boy than he had in himself.

There is a classic saying in the book "On Rulers and Ministers" written by Count Qiang Kang of the Shengming Empire: The ruler chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their ruler!

Cangxu has completely chosen the fish-man boy to be his leader, and he has begun to assist the latter as much as possible.

This kind of assistance is not just about following orders, but coming from the heart, trying every possible means to help the fish-man boy.

Just like this time, Cang Xu deliberately controlled his intelligence and gave the boy a good opportunity to grow. He also witnessed the fish-man boy's personal breakthrough and saw his more mature side.

At this point, Cang Xu no longer hides or tucks it.

He said to the fish-man boy: "Captain, we do want to take action against these fish-men. But this time, we are not going to kill them, use them as undead materials, and then collect the blood of the hanging corpse tree."

"Things have made a gratifying progress..."

Next, Cang Xu told the fishman boy everything he had learned from his prayers, without any reservations.

The fish-man boy was pleasantly surprised.

“I didn’t expect that your prayers would benefit so much this time!”

"The trick of taking advantage of the situation... This magic is probably the method used by Zou Zhang to deal with you and easily capture you, Baqi and other human pirates."

"There are also missionary marks, soul links, spiritual sermons, spiritual navigation, and simultaneous conversion. These magical skills work together and progress layer by layer, which can bring great help to your missionary work."

"The more achievements you make in preaching, the more divine grace you will receive. According to the information given by God, when divine grace is accumulated to a certain level, you can perform purposeful prayers. Therefore, consume divine grace to obtain the corresponding divine grace. Grant!”

Cang Xu nodded repeatedly: "According to this path, as long as we accumulate enough divine grace, we can send the Deep Sea Monster Fish through prayer and quietly leave this ocean nest."

"In the future, when my teaching position is promoted again, I will obtain the resurrection magic. After consuming a lot of divine grace and divine power, I should be able to truly resurrect Miss Zidi!"

The prospect mentioned by Cangxu made the fishman boy yearn for it.

God is omnipotent.

Every god masters the art of resurrection and can resurrect the dead.

There are just differences between them.

Some gods have special vocations and are better at resurrection spells, and can perform resurrection spells with the same effect at a lower cost.

Charming Blue God's ministry is about deception and disguise, and has nothing to do with resurrection. But with enough effort, He can also resurrect others.

The communication was effective, and Cang Xu urged the fishman boy to act quickly.

The two of them still wanted to attack the many murlocs of the Daji tribe.

But their previous plan was to kill these fishmen and make them into undead materials to collect the blood of the Hanged Corpse Tree.

The current plan is to still capture these fishmen, and then let Cang Xu teach them. The more fishmen believe in the Charming Blue God, the more divine grace Cangxu will receive.

The contrast between the two plans is quite stark. The latter is easier to implement than the former, more likely to succeed, and has a higher rate of return.

How much blood of the Hanged Corpse Tree can be collected by killing the murlocs to create undead materials? It's predictable, the results are small, and the steps are complicated.

The fish-man boy immediately dispatched rubber swallowers to attack these fish-men of the Daji tribe.

Under his previous design, the murlocs of the Daji tribe had "killed" Cang Xu, not only tearing Cang Xu into countless pieces, but even devouring Cang Xu.

It shows how much they hate Cang Xu.

After all, Cang Xu was the culprit who proposed to Zou Zhang to let the entire Daji tribe participate in the teleportation blood sacrifice!

There is no doubt that without the intervention of the fishman boy, the Daji tribe would have suffered heavy losses in participating in the Teleportation Blood Sacrifice. Even if there are survivors, they may only be in single digits, and the entire Daji tribe will exist in name only.

After all, believers who can participate in the teleportation blood sacrifice are almost all very firm and confident in their beliefs. In this way, a large number of believers are still buried in the ocean nest.

In the Daji tribe, most Meilan believers are pan-believers, and it is difficult for them to successfully pass the test.

Rubber swallowers disguised as sea water were dispatched one after another. They easily approached these fish-men and swallowed them in one bite.

The murlocs of the Daji tribe soon noticed that their companions suddenly disappeared mysteriously one by one.

They howled and screamed, gathering together subconsciously.

There are also fish people who are smart and shout loudly, thinking that this is a test from Meilan God, and asking the tribesmen to pray with all their strength and not to care about anything else.

Of course, some fish people think that this is the arrangement of Zongzhang, or the mysterious attack method of Sydney Octopus.

Even if they gather together, the murlocs can hardly resist the attacks of the rubber swallowers.

When the fish people were in trouble, the fish man boy and Cang Xu began to deal with the two heavyweight prisoners first.

The two prisoners are Cai Feng and Qing Xin.

Crying Wind was the second candidate selected by the Necromancers. Qingxin was collectively elected by the human pirates and became the first victim.

Shortly after the fish-man boy attacked Cangxu, the rubber swallowers, under the control of the tower spirit, swallowed Crying Wind and Qingxin.

The process was very smooth and without any twists and turns.

On the one hand, the rubber swallowers are blessed with deception and camouflage techniques and anti-reconnaissance prophecy techniques, disguised as a ball of sea water. They wander around in ocean nests filled with seawater, perfectly camouflaged and flawless.

On the other hand, both Crying Wind and Qingxin were powerless to resist. Because their bodies were double sealed by the porridge seal.

The two of them were swallowed by the Rubber Swallowers and brought all the way into the Deep Sea Monster Fish.

The rubber swallower keeps both of them in their stomachs at all times.

In the perception of the two prisoners, the surrounding seawater tightly wrapped their bodies, making them unable to move. And the fish people disappeared mysteriously.

Of course they struggled and tried to overcome their difficulties.

Crying Wind is better, after all, he is a silver-level fighter with a zombie body and very strong. But after all, it is still not as good as the Silver-level Rubber Swallower who can use extraordinary strength.

As a mage, Qingxin's individual physical strength and strength are far inferior to those of Crying Wind, making it even more impossible to escape from the trap.

It no longer mattered whether the two blamed their mysterious predicament on the Ocean Hive or the Congee Chapter.

"What should we do with these two people?" the fishman boy asked Cang Xu.

Cangxu said: "Master, head, just do what we discussed before. I think it is safer."

"And now that I have mastered the magic of deception, I can use it on these two people, making the entire capture plan even more reliable!"

After a while, Cang Xu and the fish-man boy both arrived at the landing cabin. Here, two rubber swallowers stand quietly.

Their bellies were all bulging, and they imprisoned Qingxin and Crying Feng respectively.

Standing in front of them, Cang Xu began to use the divine spell of deception.

But what's more special is that he still holds pearl foam in his palm.

The deception technique was successfully released, and the pearl foam in Cang Xu's hand was exhausted.

Whether it is homeopathic deception or pearl foam, they all come from the Charming Blue God and are closely related and inherited.

The content given by God also includes information on using other resources to assist in releasing divine spells.

After being hit by the homeopathic deception spell, in Crying Wind's perception, a huge octopus tentacle suddenly penetrated the sea water and entangled it.

Then, with a little force from his tentacles, Crying Wind's whole body was crushed into pieces.

Crying Wind's vision immediately fell into darkness.

What Qingxin felt was that the magic that helped her breathe and resist the water pressure on the seabed suddenly disappeared. A large amount of sea water pressed over her, causing her to vomit blood instantly. At the same time, countless seawater poured into his nose and mouth. After a few seconds, Qingxin suffocated and died.

The feelings of the two prisoners were all integrated into Cang Xu's perception.

As a person who casts divine magic, Cang Xu can learn the sensory results of the target of the spell.

This was Cang Xu's first real use of magic. He found two fresh and warm practical experiences in Qing Xin and Qing Feng. Thus, he realized the powerful effect of homeopathic deception.

"The so-called following the trend means continuing to evolve from the current trend and defrauding the target."

"And the result of my fraud is death!"

Crying Wind's biggest imaginary enemy before was the sanctuary-level Sydney octopus, so after taking advantage of the situation to deceive him, he imagined that the octopus would kill him with its tentacles.

Qingxin herself was double sealed, but she was a human being and could not survive naturally in the water, especially at the bottom of the sea. Therefore, she was also blessed with other spells by Zou Zhang. But she didn't trust Zou Zhang very much. When this worry in her heart was amplified, it evolved into the cause of her death by suffocation.

Just because it is natural to follow the trend, everything makes sense in terms of both goals. So, they didn't have the slightest doubt.

Both men are now dead.

Although they were still breathing and showing signs of life, they all fell into a deep sleep.

This is exactly the result that Cang Xu set when he used the deception technique.

He only needs to set the result, and then through the situation, the fraudulent content will automatically evolve in the mind of the target. And these fraudulent contents will lead to the results set by Cang Xu in advance.

Now, both Qingxin and Qifeng have been deceived into thinking that they are dead.

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