Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 506: Porridge Chapter: I understand

The fish-men's words to each other allowed everyone to understand what happened in the ocean brood - Cangxu prayed and once again received God's gift. Using the magic given by God, he guided many fish-men to successfully convert and passed the exam. The death test of the holy beast!

After hearing this, Fin Ling froze on the spot.

The ship ghost narrowed his eyes with a look of inquiry.

"How on earth did you do it? Even though you have the double seal of the Congee Seal on your body, you are still able to cast magical spells?"

"Is it because this is the magic gifted by the Meilan God and is not subject to double seals. Or is it because Xu Zhu has secretly broken the seal and has been deceiving me?"

Just as the ship ghost was thinking, there were immediate voices of doubt from the surrounding believers.

These sounds soon expanded, like a continuous wave, sweeping over the beard in the center of the fish-man.

Cang Xu naturally knew what to do when he faced public suspicion at this time.

The next moment, he turned towards the golden altar and saluted the porridge seal on the altar.

Zou Zhang stood on the altar, looking down at the believers who had been teleported back. Her eyes were mainly focused on Cang Xu, but when she saw Cang Xu saluting her, she frowned slightly and relaxed a little.

Because what Cang Xu used was the etiquette of the Charming Blue Sect.

Cangxu said: "With the mercy of my Lord, God has once again given me a series of magical skills that can guide others to convert quickly."

"Although I am sealed, it is strange that I can freely perform these magical spells in the Ocean Mother Nest. However, the previous undead spells are still unavailable."

Cang Xu was not only explaining to Zou Zhang, but also to Jian Gui.

Cang Xu continued: "This must be my Lord's will."

"Under the inspiration of God's grace, I understood my fault!"

"I was wrong! Before that, for my own selfish desires, under the guise of testing my faith, I actually wanted to take revenge on my vengeance, so I suggested sending the Daji tribe to the ocean nest."

"This is wrong, this is completely wrong. After receiving the gift from God, I deeply understood this."

"So, in order to atone for my sins, I took action directly and tried my best to inspire the murlocs of the Daji tribe. I took risks and communicated with the holy beasts, and only then did I win back some of my Lord's followers."

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time. If you give me enough time, I should be able to save most of the fishmen."

"I'm guilty! Please punish me, Master Zong Zhang."

"Everything is my fault."

"Originally, all fishmen from the Daji tribe should be able to become followers of our Lord."

At the end of Cang Xu's words, he knelt on his knees, almost prostrate, and let out a painful cry.

If it weren't for the undead, his acting skills alone would definitely cause a lot of tears of regret.

The surrounding believers fell into silence.

They could all feel the sadness and regret shown by Cang Xu.

Some devout and even fanatical believers felt the same way and chose to forgive him on the spot.

And most still remain skeptical.

Fin Spirit:......

She stared at Cang Xu with no trace of relief on her face.

According to common sense, when she saw her big enemy kneeling on the ground and making a statement of regret that she couldn't bear to live, she should be happy and happy.

But why do you want to kill him more? Would you rather crush the scabs into ashes?

Zou Zhang suddenly raised his head and laughed, pointed at the beard under the altar, and said repeatedly: "Interesting, this matter is very interesting, and you are also very interesting. It is more interesting than I originally thought."

"follow me."

"Let's talk alone."

Although the design said so, Zou Zhang stretched out one hand and grasped it with his five fingers, and water surged, directly rolling over the kneeling Cang Xu.

In the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the fish-man boy is in the cockpit, watching the scene closely through the magical image.

Zou Zhang, with Cang Xu, held the latter's collar, jumped over everyone's heads with a slight jump, and swam to a remote place.

The two began to communicate.

Cang Xu first told Zou Zhang that his teaching position had been promoted from monk to missionary.

Unlike faith, this vocation is testable.

After verifying that Cang Xu was indeed promoted to missionary, Zou Zhang's expression softened a bit again.

Later, Cang Xu informed Zongzhang of a series of magical techniques, except for the trick of following the trend.

Congee Zhang looked shocked and immediately asked for information about the magic in detail.

Her reaction was beyond Cang Xu's expectation.

"Sir, is there anything wrong with these magical arts?" Cang Xu asked.

Zou Zhang looked deeply at the old undead mage and was silent for several seconds, making Cang Xu uneasy. Then he said: "Do you know that even I have not mastered these magical skills?"

Cang Xu was greatly surprised: "How could that happen?"

He had always thought that the magical arts of the Missionary Series were popular. But now, even the bishop-level Zong Zhang said that she had no control. This proves that these magical arts are quite rare.

Zou Zhang shook his head: "Not just me, even other bishops may not have mastered it. In fact, before you said it, I have only heard of a few cases, and it is not a magical skill of the Charming Blue Sect."

Cang Xu was stunned.

"Nothing is better than seeing it with my own eyes."

Zou Zhang took Cang Xu and returned to the gathering place of believers. Here, she randomly selected a believer and gave an order to Cang Xu: "Come, perform a set of divine spells on me in front of me."

Theurgy - Mark of the Preacher.

Cang Xu took the lead in putting his own mark on the Meilan believers in front of him.

Congee Zhang looked calm.

This magic is standard for the public. In the future, any promotion of believers will be attributed to those who bear the mark.

Divine magic - soul link.

Congee Zhang looked at the soul chain connecting Cang Xu and Meilan believers, and his eyes suddenly shone.

Divine magic - spiritual preaching.

After Cang Xu performed the magic, Zou Zhang raised his hand to signal a pause, and then carefully asked Meilan believers how they felt.

The Meilan believer answered her: He learned a lot of Meilan teachings, although he had learned all these contents before. But now that he accepted this information, he gained a lot more understanding and insights that he didn't have before.

Zou Zhang nodded slightly and signaled Cang Xu to continue.

Theurgy - Spiritual Navigation.

This time, Zou Zhang's expression was no longer calm.

She has a much deeper understanding of the clergy's practice than the green-bearded or fish-man boy.

"Spiritual navigation is a magical technique that directly guides believers' spiritual energy to our Lord."

"Normally, it is not easy for believers to achieve this step alone. Many times, the coordinates provided by the statue of the god are needed to accurately guide the direction of faith."

"Major sects have arranged churches, altars, statues of gods, etc. all over the world to serve this step."

"Sometimes, even statues of gods, churches, etc., lose contact with the gods themselves. This leads to a backlog of faith and the inability to offer it to others."

"But as long as there is divine spiritual navigation, believers do not need auxiliary objects such as statues and altars at all, and they can worship all their faith in a timely manner."

"I just don't know, what is the loss rate?"

"No, the most important meaning of this magical technique is its accuracy."

"There are many evil gods and demons who will disguise altars, tamper with idols, and intercept faith in the process. This magic can effectively prevent such things from happening."

"This magic is really practical!"

Congee Zhang's mind was churning with thoughts and emotions.

Cangxu continued to cast magical spells.

Divine magic - simultaneous conversion!

Seeing this, Zou Zhang's heart suddenly stirred up a storm, and he could no longer maintain his expression, showing an obvious look of shock.

"There is such a magic!"

"It's amazing. With such magic, we can create believers in batches."

"My Lord has such magical power, are you still worried about the lack of followers?"

"My Lord will surely rise from this!"

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Zou Zhang felt much more shock than Cang Xu and the fish-man boy. The latter two are laymen and have no idea of ​​the significance of these magical arts.

Under the influence of divine magic, the Meilan believers were so excited that their whole bodies trembled.

While feeling the pain, he also burst into tears and cried: "I have never felt the true meaning and grace of our Lord at this moment!"

"Master Xu Zhu, your faith in my Lord is more pious than mine!"

"Although you are an undead, you are worthy of my admiration."

Cang Xu nodded slightly to him, and then said with a puzzled face: "It's a bit strange, why is the effect of this magical technique not obvious in the mother's nest?"

"Really?" Zou Zhang came back to his senses.

Although faith is unpredictable, Zhizhang can tell from the expressions and words of Meilan believers, combined with her extremely rich experience as a bishop, that the faith of Meilan believers has improved dramatically in a short period of time.

"It's the soul that has changed... Therefore, believers who are cast on divine magic will feel powerful pain from their hearts when they are taught!"

Zongzhang used magic and spells to conduct all-round observations on Meilan believers and Cangxu.

She is at the Holy Domain level and is the bishop of the Charming Blue Sect. Of course she has long understood the many mysteries of the soul.

After Cangxu finished performing the missionary magic, his hands naturally drooped and he looked at Zou Zhang respectfully, quietly waiting for the latter's judgment.

Zou Zhang looked at Cang Xu again, and his eyes had completely changed.

She was very interested and eager to explore before, but now she looked at Cang Xu as if she were looking at a unique treasure.

Zhizhang drove away the Meilan believers who were acting as experimental subjects, and took Cang Xu to a remote corner to communicate alone: ​​"Xu Zhu, I have completely understood why our Lord gave you the gods and gave you these special gods. It’s a technique.”

Cang Xu asked quickly.

Zou Zhang replied: "When you perform these magical arts, have you noticed that your spirit and soul are severely consumed. And these consumptions are far more than the divine power."

Cang Xu nodded quickly.

Zou Zhang said: "This is a magical technique improved by my lord. Of course, it may also be improved by a member of our sect."

"In short, the essence of these divine spells is closer to necromancy spells, which are spells targeting the soul."

"In fact, if you use undead mana, it may be released successfully, but the effect will be greatly reduced."

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