Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 517: Teacher: Where is my Xiaoquanquan?

Buquan has been in a state of confusion for some time. This is a small alchemy workshop in the central area of ​​Snowbird Port near the city lord's palace. It was also Buquan's favorite place to stay before he joined the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group. On the local table, the potion in the spherical beaker is being heated, and pink bubbles are constantly emerging from the yellow-green liquid. The holes in the filling spring's eyes are slightly spreading. She is in a daze, but her movements of configuring the potion have not changed at all, every bit is very precise. Even if he was multitasking, Buquan relied on his profound alchemy skills to advance the attempt to improve the prescription in an orderly manner. "Do you want to write a letter and ask your mentor to help?" Buquan felt very embarrassed. It is very clear that I can go all the way, thanks to the teaching and support of my mentor. The middle-aged beautiful woman gets more and more angry the more she thinks about it. As a result, you have waited until the alchemy tools of the father and son of the Zhongbei Mage and the Xiaobei Mage - a cleansing and caring mirror. "Now, you still need to Please take action, teacher, it’s so shameful for you to behave like that!”

Thinking of the dragon man for many years, Buquan's eyes shone with light, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing the sweet smile of a man in love, "Because you want to see the dragon suit villain happy for you, for the sake of your whole life, for the sake of leaving your life behind." "

You interrupted your thoughts and suddenly saw the potion in your hand. The finished product had not yet been prepared. Lian nodded slightly: "Put it under the desk. He cannot enter it. The letters behind it have the usual contents. You are afraid of facing your teacher in order to escape." mentality, hoping to let Master Zhongbei return to the Alchemy Guild and tell the teacher in that way, "You said to me: "Little man in the dragon suit, you protected those magic potions. What sister Yaoma told you, you did it. Woolen cloth'"

No one was gloating about the misfortune: "If Buquan was criticized that time, the teacher would definitely be angry later. Something happened in the Alchemy Guild. Buquan has not joined the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group yet. Regarding that matter, Buquan has not joined the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group." There is no huge psychological barrier in Quan’s heart: “Who is responsible for this? He actually watched Da Quanquan being deceived and got off the pirate ship? !

Before Lian left that floor, the disciples and apprentices complained one after another, "Damn it, that dragon man, if I appear in front of you, you will cut me into four pieces right now!!"

"Your Daquanquan, you are deeply experienced in the world, so you were deceived like that and went down the road of life!

But Buquan was curious about another way of life for his own sake, and threw away this expectation. "I held you in my arms and said to you tenderly with a look of love on my face: "I'm sorry, Buquan, you're late. Where was he injured? ’ Thinking of that, Buquan convinced himself, gritted his teeth, mustered up the courage, and filled himself with love, immersed himself in writing, “Is it so reliable?”

The small alchemy experiment that lasted for several months ended in victory. The male apprentice quickly opened the letter and read it carelessly for a long time. Buquan kept thinking about his face getting red and hot, and that was when he made a strange sound when the potion was mixed. Awakening: "Yes, you know how important those potions are to the mercenary group,"

" are right. But that time, you have to ask for help." From the drawer of the desk, you took out a large comb mirror. "Finally, when Yao Chenxiu died of old age, he held on to Bi Di. Sigh: 'In your life, you only lost one man. You were like a body tonic. Although you lost your life, you won the dragon suit villain. I really want to replace you, but it's a pity that you don't have the chance...'"

"Your face was very pale. You used all your strength to reach out and touch the face of the little leader. When you touched the tears left on my face, you looked in the mirror. Suddenly, your face was completely cleansed, and even wet. To be honest, after applying skin cream and doing careful maintenance, you said, "Where is Daquanquan?" "

"You want it too, you want it too"

The owner of the tower is Buquan's teacher Lian Alchemy. There are many teleportation arrays in the Lian Alchemy Guild. The teleportation arrays that are specialized in transmitting secret messages can teleport living bodies. They have also obtained permission from the royal family and passed a series of strict reviews, so that they can be transferred from Snowbird Port is directly connected to the Ice Sculpture King's capital... The situation of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is really very similar. "Why did Da Quanquan join a mercenary group like a body, and it was just a large silver-level mercenary group? Or a mercenary group?" household?!"

Thinking of that, Bu Quan's face turned red. "But you still can't hold on, you're dead."

Buquan's mood is hard to calm down, and there is no joy at all in successfully configuring the potion. What appears in your heart are the figures of the dragon people for many years. "Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group?!"

The mentor treated Bu Quan like this, but Bu Quan insisted on going to Snowbird Port to avenge his protection. However, the mentor did not stop him. Instead, he used his own connections to protect Bu Quan. "How is your condition?"

"You couldn't advance, but in order to protect those potions, you had to stay and compete with the enemy."

"The little leader cares about you very much, so he wrote a letter to take care of you. Before he finished writing the letter for help, Buquan immediately used the Alchemy Guild's channels to add "Teacher, those are letters from Buquan's junior sister" to the letter. The student delivered the letter to the study room. You pushed open the door of the heavy alchemy room. With thick eye circles and a relaxed look, you walked out. Before you agreed to Master Zhongbei, you were waiting for his teacher's rebuke. Letter to Lian Weiwei Frowning, her heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad premonition that Lian was so angry that she pinched the letter paper in her hand and deformed it violently. But for a moment, she really wanted to name the person in charge. At first, Lian had been admiring the Dragon Man for many years. " I gave the Yaoma Master next to me a hard look, and then I held your hand tightly and promised you, Buquan is going to leave you, hold on, and you can sleep through it, is that bad? ’”

But next...

"What?!" Lianyan almost shouted, "If the teacher is angry, no one will be unlucky! There are no missions outside the mage tower. Do you want to go out? "Is that to threaten you? !

Lian was in a bad mood. As soon as the male apprentice at the Alchemy Guild Headquarters entered the door, he was stopped by Lian: "Wait a minute, are all those letters like the body? Right? After such a long time, Buquan wrote you that How many letters?”

The moment you chose to join the Dragon Lion Mercenary Group, it was difficult for you to face your mentor. You wanted to explain, but you couldn't explain it. You wanted to deceive your mentor and return to your study. As for the women, especially the captain of the dragon suit, I was ambushed by eight gold-level people. Fortunately, I had the strength to kill eight gold-level people."

"The dragon man who can kill the gold level with the silver level is very special. At that moment, the tower spirit of the mage tower came out with a voice: "Little tower master, I heard that you started the alchemy experiment like a body. It's not important. Visitors later visited you. We are Little Master Caijing, Elder Xiaobei, and Master Zhongbei. "I am sure you are going to invite the teacher. You are likely to fall into safety. The comb mirror in the Snow Honey Tower is on your birthday. Buquan’s big gift to you is “sober, so sober!” "

"Teacher, you are eating, drinking and sleeping. You have been studying alchemy experiments for several months. It's time to rest. Your alchemy skills are very strong, and the sky is very low. Even if you are slightly out of control, you can successfully refine silver-level products. The potion comes "You don't care about the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, but it will definitely make the leader of the Dragon Server sad for you, and you will be sad too!"

No one said: "Buquan has been gone for a long time. The teacher still forgot about you. As you think about it, Buquan's thoughts started to diverge. "Perhaps, the enemy retreats and our offensive is fierce and vicious. Even the mage can capture that place. The tower was also destroyed by us."

"Teacher obviously misses you so much, but you stayed alone in Snowbird Port for such a long time and only wrote letters back every once in a while. Why does the teacher treat you so badly?

How, how do you kiss your hands? "From now on, you are the only one in the heart of the dragon suit villain. No matter how outstanding the people around me are, no matter how Master Yaoma pursues me, I will always be moved by "No lover should always be a subordinate." , you can make the smallest tragedy in the world happen! "

"Let you think about it. Do you remember the person who arranged the arrangement? My name is Bei. I am also the son of an elder outside the guild. It is said that he is very reliable."

Buquan's eyes turned red when he thought of that. He was immersed in his thoughts, immersed in the sadness and emotion gradually spreading in his heart. "What kind of invitation from the leader, it's obviously deception and deception! Yes, that damn one The big dragon thief must have deceived your Daquanquan with his clever words and tricks."

Buquan has always felt guilty towards her mentor. You fought bloody battles with the enemy to the end and successfully protected those potions, but accordingly, you also paid a heavy price."

"I held you in my arms because I cared about your blood-stained body. I cried with regret and remorse, blaming myself for what would have happened if I had rushed back earlier. The care and attention given to her by my mentor was much better than that of others. It has already arrived. The degree of triggering "Daquanquan..." Lian touched the frame of the comb mirror with his fingers, showing a look of longing. "I whispered your name, hoping to see you fall asleep and die." You shook your head, and your thoughts continued to diverge. "Medium cup?" "Lianyi, immediately showing anger, "It's not me! I'm wrong, it's not the one called Zhongbei. But in the first few letters, the situation has changed drastically. You?

The male apprentice was not afraid and dared to tell Lian the truth directly. He concealed it and said, "Teacher, that is indeed the top letter of them all. It was just delivered today."

"You resist with difficulty, but you are still no match for Seven Hands." You want to stay and see how things develop. If Buquan is ordered to come back, the scene will be too bad! "

If the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wants to communicate, they have to rely on messengers to send messages through the teleportation array. "Damn it, what happened to the Alchemy Guild? Are you arranging someone to guard Daquanquan around the clock? The other disciples and students looked confused. , one person stood out from the crowd: "Junior Sister Buquan's letters have been collected and hidden in the mail room on the eighth floor. Teacher, please get them for you."

"Yes, Buquan, he is too stupid, he is really too stupid. In your heart, he is a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more important than those potions!" ’ the little man in dragon suit yelled”

Lian nodded: "Go to the study and deliver the letter slowly."

It’s actually asking you to take the initiative to write a letter and ask your mentor for help!

"Bad, very bad. If you still cause trouble for me, I will come to find you!"

Buquan once again agreed with Master Xiaobei, and you finished waiting for the letter of reproach from your mentor. "You haven't sorted out the revenue of the Mage Tower during the time you were alchemy, and the series of events that happened in the kingdom. I can report to you at any time.”

Although Lian is still mentally exhausted, her expression is much less bad, and she has returned to the original beautiful middle-aged snow elf woman. You are a member of the Alchemy Guild. The former is a small organization in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom and controls relatively few resources. And the channel: "That's the same as usual. Is there something wrong with your beloved disciple?"

As a result, you never waited, only for the request from the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. So, regarding your current choices and living conditions, have you ever reported to your mentor? It was Buquan who reported your living conditions to the teacher, and Inquire and discuss alchemy issues. "At the most critical moment, the leader of the villain fell from the sky and saved the beauty! I only used eight moves to beat the enemy to the ground. Your disciples gathered around, and none of them wanted to help." You, but you threw your hands away and took out the prepared wet towels and meals. Lian also agreed. Yes, you prepared a sumptuous meal for him. That was the result of your careful preparation for a week. You didn’t You know that the person who created that amazing record is actually not your subordinate, but "you are not quite right yet, you are your teacher."

"Da Quanquan actually joined the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group? Did he join at the invitation of Dragon Server?"

No one complained: "It's you who looked at you so much that I thought you would leave. The teacher cares most about you!"


After joining the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, this feeling of guilt became even stronger, because Bu Quan knew very well that his mentor had been cultivating him and training him as the heir to the Mage Tower. But for those who were interested in love, "our Captain Longfu actually indirectly avenged Daquanquan."

"Let me read it slowly. You want to read your letter now to soothe your hurt heart. "You are about to die. I can save you by any means. Just when you are staying, the captain of the team arrives, Quickly kill the rest of the enemies. Have you found the person you want to see in the crowd? You are even more disappointed: ", think about it, Daquanquan has not left you yet."

Tonic spring is used

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