Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 525: Say it! Do you like him? (Supplement: 6/11)

Yi Moxi stayed in a corner not far away, watching and listening to the exchanges between Mingshi and Buquan.

The location he specifically chose when he walked through the wall was quite close to the dull stone and the tonic spring.

"It turns out there is a teleportation array hidden here."

"It is consistent with the records in the intelligence. Buquan's actual combat ability is very poor, and he is a full-time alchemist."

"The dwarves are stone-stricken, their attack methods are mediocre, and their threat level is very low."


"If I had mastered the penetration power instead of the piercing power, then this time I would not be discovered when I penetrate the wall."

Yimoxibustion does not intend to assassinate Buquan.

When Meilin formulated this assault plan, he also kept an open mind when it came to Buquan. I never thought of endangering her life, but if possible, I could capture her alive.

Among Yi Moxibustion's assassination targets, there was no tonic spring. But the dwarf Menshi was among them.

However, there is not much interest in the armored dwarves.

In fact, even if the employer requires Yi-moxibustion to assassinate Buquan, Yi-moxibustion will not do so.

The Thieves Guild's intelligence capabilities are very strong. Yi Moxi has learned a lot of information about Buquan and Du Lian, and is very clear about Bu Quan's position in Du Lian's heart.

Assassinating Buquan and provoking widowhood, Yi Moxi would not do such a stupid thing.

Unless... the employer offers a sky-high price!

But obviously, Meilin will not do this.

"In that case..." Yi Moxi murmured, changing the previously established tactics and making temporary changes based on the latest intelligence.

He actually took the initiative to cancel the invisibility state and rushed directly to Buquan.

Fighting Skill - Wall Walking.

Fighting skills - rapidity.

As soon as he appeared, he was spotted by numerous alchemy balls floating in mid-air.

The balls swarmed towards him like a swarm of bees.

Some emit light, and some directly self-destruct.

Yi Moxi didn't fight back. He overcame numerous obstacles by just moving and dodging. He even cleverly used obstacles such as beams and walls to cause the balls to collide with each other and explode.

In just a few breaths, Moxibustion successfully shortened the distance and rushed to the front of Buquan.

"Buquan, retreat quickly!" The dwarf Menshi roared and rushed towards Yi Moxi.

Yi Moxi smiled slightly.

Fighting Skill - Flash.

The next moment, he disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Buquan.

Fighting skills - cut throat!

The dagger of Yi Moxibustion was placed across Buquan's throat, and he twitched slightly.

"No!" Menshi yelled, and he had no time to stop him. He only had time to turn around and stare.

But the dagger of Yi Moxibustion cut into Loneliness.

The figure of "Buquan" was scattered, and it turned out to be a lifelike phantom.

Yi Moxi's face was expressionless. He had long seen that it was a phantom, and he did this deliberately in order for Buquan to teleport away quickly so that he could destroy the alchemy workshop.

But the next moment, Buquan's laughter came: "Hahaha, you fell into the trap."

Buquan's true form is revealed and a magic trap is immediately launched.

Yi Moxi is currently in a magic trap.

In an instant, metal thorns formed a dense forest of spears, about to pierce Yi Moxi.

Yi Moxi used his mind to trigger the headgear, inspiring the anti-magic secret and neutralizing the gun forest.

"She actually took the initiative to show her true identity?" He looked at Buquan strangely and rushed over again.

Menshi was stunned for a moment, then shouted to Buquan: "Miss Buquan, quickly become invisible."

Bu Quan showed a proud and confident smile: "Don't worry, this is within my territory."

Yi Moxi's figure suddenly paused, and the surrounding space froze, binding him like a bug in amber.

"The strategy is accomplished!" Buquan snapped his fingers proudly, "In actual combat, I'm not bad either."

The dwarf didn't know what to say for a moment.

But the next moment, Yi Moxi's deep voice sounded from behind Bu Quan: "Really?"

Buquan is terrifying!

The "enemies" she designed to trap also dispersed and disappeared.

Buquan "played" Yi Moxi with illusions, and Yi Moxi immediately returned the favor in the same way.

"No, I still have resistance..." Buquan was about to mobilize his magic power when suddenly a moxibustion finger was applied to his waist, and his mental power was suddenly sealed.

Fighting skills - spiritual seal!

When a mage casts a spell, he needs to use mental power to construct a spell model. The mage's personal mana is usually stored in his personal mana pool, and it also requires energy to mobilize.

Buquan's mental power was sealed, and he lost his fighting power in an instant.

"Now, you are my prisoner." Yi Moxi smiled proudly, "You are so lucky this time."

He had previously changed his tactics and carried out a strong attack in order to intimidate Bu Quan and let her leave the workshop through the teleportation array.

After all, he couldn't find out where the teleportation array was.

And this time, there are more risks and tighter time when operating in the city.

Unexpectedly, Buquan did not teleport away, but tried to challenge him with ridiculous and naive tactics!

Yi Moxi decisively followed his plan and actually captured Bu Quan alive.

"Let her go!" Menshi rushed over and yelled.

The dwarves also fell into chaos.

The enemies outside the workshop are still attacking the workshop and have not entered.

But the master general in the workshop has been captured!

Yi Moxi smiled at Menshi and said, "If you want me to let her go, fine, you can destroy all the alchemy facilities here!"

Menshi was stunned.

Buquan seemed to be awakened and shouted: "No! You must not destroy these alchemy facilities. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to refining medicine on a large scale in a short period of time."

"Hey, you can kill if you want, why bother teasing us!"

"Even if I die, I will not allow you to destroy these alchemy facilities."

Yi Moxi was stunned.

There is no record in the intelligence, Buquan actually has this kind of personality?

"You are a prisoner, please be more conscious of me! Otherwise, I will give you a good look." Yi Moxiu stepped forward to the right, walked around to Buquan's side, and waved the dagger fiercely.

The dagger drew a line of cold light in the air and cut into an alchemy facility, cutting the silver-level alchemy facility in half on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Meng Shi roared: "You are definitely not a simple silver level, who are you?"

"You ask such nonsense, will I answer? Come and destroy it with me, otherwise I will cut Miss Buquan's body with a knife!" Yi Moxiu waved his dagger at Buquan's side, and the cold light was drawn again.

This frightened Kuanshi.

He had no chance of saving Buquan, so he could only be held hostage and use his two-handed warhammer to smash the surrounding alchemy devices.

"That's right." Yi Moxi smiled, then turned around fiercely and stared at Buquan, "Tell me, which alchemy device is the one that controls defense?"

As a result, Bu Quan's eyes were even more vicious than his.

"You gangster, come at me if you have the guts. I won't allow you to destroy any of these alchemy devices!"

"Kenshi, what are you afraid of? Don't accept his threats. Even if it means death, we shouldn't give in."

"My life is not important, protect these alchemy devices for me!"

Menshi's face was full of anxiety, and he shouted out his heartfelt voice: "Miss Buquan, please stop irritating the gangster!"

Yi Moxi's face was gloomy and his eyes were cold. Buquan's attitude deeply offended him. He waved his dagger and decided to teach Buquan a bloody lesson to let her understand her situation and the attitude a prisoner should have when facing a hostage!

The dagger once again drew a cold light and cut toward Buquan's face.

If hit, Buquan's face will be cut with a huge wound and disfigured on the spot.

However, the next moment, spatial fluctuations suddenly occurred, sucking Yi Moxi into it.

Yi Moxi's expression changed drastically, and he was horrified to find that he had arrived in a world of ice and snow!

Menshi:? !

The dwarf was shocked. For a moment, he looked at Buquan with admiration: "Miss Buquan, it turns out that this is also part of your plan."

But Buquan shook his head blankly: "No, it's not me."

The next moment, space fluctuations appeared again, sucking away the tonic spring.

At this time, tens of thousands of meters above the ground of Snow Bird Harbor, the Snow Honey Tower stood out of thin air.

Buquan's mentor Duolian had arrived here a long time ago, but she was not in a hurry to show up. Instead, after making arrangements, she regarded this time as a test for Buquan.

The results of the trial left Du Lian both satisfied and dissatisfied.

"Teacher?!" Buquan appeared in the mage tower. After seeing Wu Lian, he immediately understood the truth.

She threw herself into Duolian's arms: "Teacher, have you come to help me personally?!"

Widow Lian originally wanted to put on a show and give Buquan a critical lesson, but Buquan's actions seriously disrupted her plan.

In an instant, Wu Lian felt that the whole world became warm.

She slowly opened her arms and hugged the tonic tenderly. Her serious face became as tender as water: "Silly boy, why are you so stupid? Your life is much more precious than those alchemy tools. Do you understand?"

Buquan said: "I thought I could defeat the enemy, but I didn't know he was so cunning!"

"Actually, I almost won."

Widow Lian sighed and shook her head: "You have too little actual combat experience, and you have not clearly understood the gap between us and the enemy. Next, you should take a closer look."

The master and apprentice no longer hugged each other.

Du Lian called up the magic image, which showed the scene of Yi Moxi struggling in the violent storm.

He was captured by Du Lian, waiting for work, and was captured in the demiplane.

Faced with such a powerful offensive, Yimo had to show his true strength. The gold-level fighting spirit was so obvious that Bu Quan immediately turned pale when he saw it: "He, he is actually a gold-level fighter?"

"More than that." Du Lian said, "His name is Yi Moxi, and he is also a very successful killer in the Thieves Guild!"

"Now do you know how dangerous you were before?"

"Being a prisoner, you still provoke a powerful enemy. It's so unreasonable!"

Duolian tried her best to keep a straight face.

Buquan lowered his head and said softly: "I'm too worried that the alchemy facilities will be destroyed. In that case, I won't be able to refining medicine on a large scale."

Mentioning this, Duolian became even more angry and frowned: "You have been taken advantage of, silly boy."

"That dragon suit is an insidious villain. He deceived you into joining his mercenary group and treated you as a tool for refining medicine! The reward for you is only a gold coin?!"

"Tell the teacher honestly, do you like him?"

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