Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 533: Serious injuries and special dishes

Snowbird Duel Arena.

Due to various accidents, the big man has become a star on the court.

People watched as he kept pouring fried rice into his mouth, and his belly bulged again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Have you noticed that this giant eats faster than before?"

"His digestion speed is incredible! After just sleeping for a short time, all the extraordinary food in his stomach was consumed."

"This is a giant. He seemed very hungry when he came in."

After a while, the big man was full again, fell to the ground and slept next to the long table.

The staff gathered around again and tried to move the big man away.

"Don't touch him, he will wake up soon." Dadou took the initiative and stared at the big man with interest.

"I didn't expect this giant to be interesting." In the viewing room, the Lord of Snowbird Port City said.

"His bloodline should be relatively good. With such a large appetite, maybe he is from the bloodline of the Big Stomach King? It is also possible that he has the bloodline of Kongyuan." The bishop guessed.

His words must be familiar to Sandao.

Because before that, Sandao also guessed the same thing.

However, at this moment, the three swordsmen are on the line between life and death!

The next moment, San Dao, who thought he was going to die in battle, heard a roar coming from behind him.

He quickly lowered his head, and the leader of the water pigs instantly jumped over him and blocked the long stick that was attacking him.

The leader of the water pigs took a few big steps back, then stood firmly.

He was only at the Black Iron level, so he was at a disadvantage, but behind him stood a group of water pigs, forming a backwater team.

Relying on the strength of the team, the leader of the water pigs was furious and started a fierce battle with the silver class.

San Dao got the most critical moment to breathe, and immediately seized the opportunity and retreated slightly.

At this moment, the Kuai Dao Team also rushed in and fought with the Backwater Team.

Although these two teams are sparse in number, they have been training hard since their creation. Zonge spent a lot of time, material resources, and manpower, and the results of military training were mainly concentrated on these two teams.

And this time, no one from these two teams was disappointed.

They played a key role!

One team fought against a silver-level enemy, while the other team forced the enemy's formation to collapse.

Another silver soldier couldn't sit still, shouted loudly to his companions, and then attacked the backwater team.

Their tactical intention is very obvious, which is to concentrate all their forces to destroy one team first, and then deal with the other team.

But at this time, the door of the alchemy workshop was suddenly knocked open from the inside, and a group of dwarves rushed out.

It turned out that after observing for a while, Menshi decided that the fierce battle outside was not an illusion or a decoy, so he decided to attack.

Mengshi rushed in front of the enemy and entangled a silver-level dead soldier, directly destroying the opponent's tactical intentions.

In this way, the silver-level combat power formed a mutual check and balance.

But the Kuai Knife Team made it impossible for the Dead Soldiers to suppress them, even though they had tried their best to target them.

Under the leadership of Kuaiji, a member of the Dog Clan, Kuai Dao Team killed many dead soldiers and quickly gained the upper hand.

Blood splattered and fighting spirit exploded.

The mercenaries are brave and the dead soldiers are fearless.

The fighting between the two parties soon became intense, and people kept falling down and losing their lives.

On average, three dead soldiers were killed and only one mercenary was killed. The battle loss ratio was three to one.

The dead soldiers have high combat literacy and good equipment, but they are generally older.

The mercenaries are all very brave. On the one hand, it is the result of training, and on the other hand, the brave fighting with three swords has boosted their morale. The most important thing is that the equipment of mercenaries is generally better than that of their opponents.

Especially the two teams, every member is almost fully armed.

Because their numbers were already small, Zonge spent a lot of money to equip them. If the equipment is poor, it is easy to suffer battle losses. If there are too many battle losses, the team will be disorganized, which means that all the previous hard training will be in vain.

Sandao had previously felt that it was inappropriate for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group to spend huge sums of money to acquire equipment. But after this battle, he deeply understood that his original knowledge was very shallow.

Compared with the enemy, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group also has an obvious advantage.

That’s because there are so many of them!

It was not easy for Meilin to organize a group of dead soldiers to rush to Snowbird Port in a short period of time.

It took a lot of effort for these dead soldiers to sneak in.

After all, there is a mage tower monitoring everything in Snowbird Port around the clock.

If the dead soldiers were gathered together, the number would be considerable. However, they attacked in all directions and divided their troops into many places. At the same time, when attacking the alchemy workshop, a lot of their troops were consumed by defensive methods such as magic traps.

This resulted in their numbers being at a disadvantage on the battlefield at the small alchemy workshop.

Fighting skill - fang slicing!

San Dao pulled out the scimitar from his waist, looked at the right moment, suddenly entered the battlefield, and chopped down a silver-level dead soldier.

The silver-level dead soldier was stabbed in the lower back, leaving a thin, slender wound.

At first, red blood appeared in the wound, but after a few seconds, the blood turned green, and at the same time, the flesh and blood around the wound also had a layer of green that continued to spread.

The silver-level dead warrior even felt dizzy.

"Damn it, this knife is poisoned!"

"How despicable!"

The silver-level dead warrior wanted to pursue San Dao, but the latter's first action after succeeding was to retreat.

The silver-level dead soldiers were constrained by the battle situation and could not move freely. They could only watch the three swords succeed and retreat.

He quickly took out a bottle of potion and poured the contents directly into his mouth.

The dizziness suddenly subsided, but the wound was still numb.

This interpretation potion is not thorough enough!

The silver-level dead soldier whispered, reminding his companions around him: "Be careful of that short winter melon's poisonous knife!"


The next moment, an alchemy bullet shot out. If the Silver Dead Soldier hadn't tilted his head, he would have been hit by this bullet.

"Guys, I'm coming!" Chi Lai appeared on a rooftop, shouted, then hid and disappeared.

Menshi and others were overjoyed.

Chi Lai is at the silver level and has excellent combat power. The long-barreled musket he holds has been replaced with a silver-grade one, which can hit tiny targets at a long distance.

Chi Lai disappeared and then fired bullets in a dark corner. Every bullet can bring a strong threat to Silver-level enemies, or take the lives of other extraordinary dead soldiers. ???

This is the world of the strong.

The arrival of Chi Lai caused a drastic change in the combat power ratio between the enemy and ourselves in the small workshop.

The dead soldiers could not help but show tragic expressions.

They all understood that this battle was already in danger.

But they had no intention of retreating.

The two silver-level dead warriors quickly looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

They suddenly turned around and rushed towards the workshop gate together.

Even if they were hit by the attack of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, their attack direction did not change at all!

"Quick, we must hold on!" Menshi was anxious.

Although he still had some dwarves left in the workshop, there weren't many.

The key is, these dwarves are definitely no match for the two silver-level opponents!

Menshi quickly chased after him.

In unison with him, there were also the Backwater Team, Three Swordsmen and others.

Buquan disappeared, which resulted in the facilities in the small alchemy workshop being unable to be controlled by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Menshi pushed open the door and came outside to provide combat support. But he had no choice but to close the alchemy door tightly again.

This gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"We must never fall short of our success!" The first one to arrive was San Dao.

He held the dagger Nasty Words with one hand and the hilt of the poisonous scimitar with the other hand, and rushed towards the two Silvers.


There was a loud noise, and the three swords were violently shaken and flew out, and then hit the wall of the workshop.

His whole body sank into the wall, and he couldn't fall down for a while.

Seriously injured!

The severe pain made him grimace, and his rich combat experience told him that at least two of his ribs were broken.

The big man woke up happily.

Just as Demon Chef Dadou expected, he woke up quickly this time.

While he was sleeping, Dadou had once again filled the long table with Yangzhou fried rice.

There is nothing to hesitate, the big man giggles and starts eating with all his strength!

He doesn't have much wisdom, but he also realizes that such opportunities are excellent and rare.

Eat eat eat!

Eat a lot.

Eat nonsense!

His appetite increased.

This time, not only did he eat all the black iron-level and bronze-level fried rice, but also several bowls of silver-level fried rice.

Therefore, the big man's sleep time was also lengthened this time.

The audience was generally shocked by this scene, and for a while, many people were discussing around the big man.

"Hey, hey, did you just see that? He actually ate silver-level extraordinary dishes."

"It's actually not a spectacle to eat beyond the next level. There have been black iron-level extraordinary people who have tried silver-level fried rice before, but this giant's situation is different."

"That's right, he had already eaten all the black iron-level and bronze-level fried rice beforehand, and on top of that, he also had three big bowls of silver-level fried rice!"

"Why does he eat so much?"

"Who is he?"

The big man has been paying attention for a long time, and at this moment, there is no way to keep his identity secret.

Therefore, more and more people know that he is a member of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

"Their leader, Dragon Clothes, is here and killed Fujituro. Now, his team members are also performing amazingly here!"

The people of Snowbird Port have a strong impression of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

After they knew the identity of the big man, they also developed a lot of affection for the big man.

Many people used to think that the big man was rude and wild, but now when they see him eating and sleeping, they think he is somewhat honest and simple.

"No, this can never go on like this."

"This giant is definitely the key factor in this eating showdown!"

Seeing that his points were clearly lagging behind his opponents, Assassin Kai was forced to adjust his tactics.

He wants to make a delicious dish that suits the giant's taste, so as to win the big man to his side.

Specially preparing meals for specific diners and making delicacies that suit the tastes of diners is also one of the skills of Magic Chef.

"I've decided, let's make a stir-fried dragon liver!"

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