Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 553: Falling into the trap

Tower of Mixue.

The tower spirit reported: "The first phase of testing is completed, the analysis of divine power has no results, and the Kingdom of God is unknown..."

Instead of Ta Ling reporting slowly, Du Lian mobilized her energy and read all the test results directly.

The next moment, her expression changed.

The various indicators in the test report were telling her a big secret!

"Unknown god?"

"No, maybe... He hasn't really been born yet."

"I'm afraid this divine kingdom is..."

Widow Lian's heart was shaken.

Her eyes changed.

Before, she looked at the Divine Kingdom space and wanted to kill it directly.

But now, her hot gaze seems to penetrate the scene of the Kingdom of God, to verify the report results and see through the truth!

"If it's really what I guessed..."

"This Kingdom of God will be the most important opportunity in my life!"

Duolian once happened to encounter a young demiplane, and she captured it. This is the greatest opportunity of her life.

She caught it.

She benefited a lot from her future business operations.

It is the proper management of the demiplane that gives her its own value and basic capital to leverage, leveraging more resources on the huge platform of the Alchemy Guild.

In the end, she built the Mixue Tower, produced countless alchemical results, and became one of the most influential elders in the Alchemy Guild.

But now, she feels that the opportunity she encountered in the demiplane may be far inferior to this one!

"The Kingdom of God...this is not comparable to the demiplane."

"What's wrong, teacher?" Bu Quan was confused.

She had been paying attention to her mentor, and was surprised to find that the tower spirit's report stopped abruptly in the middle of the report, and her mentor's eyes flashed with a compelling light!

Spell transformation - space pendant!

Du Lian thought for just a moment before taking action.

She directly transformed the previous spell space anchor into a spell space pendant.

The effects of these two spells are different.

The spatial anchor is a fixed space that limits various spatial changes. The space pendant is used to explore alien planes and perform precise spatial positioning.

The Mixue Tower once again showed its powerful power, easily transforming the previous space anchor into a spell space pendant.

Spell Transmutation is a spellcasting skill.

A mage who has mastered this skill can transform between two spells with similar spell models.

In this way, one spell can be transformed into another spell.

This has a very wide range of applications in actual combat, alchemy and other fields.

The space anchor condensed and appeared again, and then in an instant, it transformed into a giant water drop pendant.

Without the suppression of the space anchor, the space of the Kingdom of God suddenly lost its restraints and expanded rapidly again.

Buquan was surprised and wanted to ask his teacher, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

Widow Lian is concentrating on controlling the mage tower.

Spell - Ice Crystal Chain.

Soon, another spell was released.

The frost elements condensed into five slender chains, starting from the mage tower and extending to the space pendant.

The pendant is released the next moment.

The space pendant penetrated directly into the space of the Kingdom of God. When it penetrated, there was a strong spatial ripple in the Kingdom of God's space.

"?!" Yi Moxi stared in surprise.

Spell - Frost Flower Imprisonment!

This spell has just been used.

Under this spell, Dadou had no power to fight back. He was frozen into ice and could not move.

Pieces of frost flowers appeared, first covering the space around Yi Moxibustion, and then quickly spreading, covering the space of the Kingdom of God.

The frost flowers are more than ten times bigger than those on Dadou!

The huge frost flowers are connected with each other, the cold air is overflowing, and they are crystal clear, as if they have formed a giant net, imprisoning the space of the Kingdom of God.

No, more accurately, it is "reinforcement"!

"Wu Lian... what is she doing?!" Yi Moxi was stunned.

With the same expression as him, there are also a number of gold-level people in Anqiu Kingdom.

"Du Lian is really expanding the space of the Kingdom of God!"

"Not only that, she is also reinforcing the space channel, lest we give up moxibustion and withdraw directly."

"She really did it!"

"Meilin, what on earth is going on?"

Everyone looked at the mermaid mage.

Meilin just stared at the space pendant entering Anqiu Divine Kingdom quietly without any explanation.

She suddenly said: "It's almost done, Xuetuanzi, activate the magic circle immediately!"

Xuetuanzi responded with a crisp voice.

The magic circle opened, erupting with an extremely powerful pulling force.

The pulling force acted on the space pendant, pulling it down hard.

The space pendant and the Mixue Tower are connected by ice crystal chains. The two are one for the time being.

Everything happened so fast.

Before Duolian could react, the mage tower was dragged down.

Yi Moxi yelled in panic.

The space of the Kingdom of God uses him as the spatial coordinate. In his field of vision, the mage tower fell from a high altitude and hit him directly!

Yi Moxi tried his best to dodge.

He didn't dodge completely and was brushed aside by the mage tower.

He was like a ball, knocked away directly. In just an instant, three ribs were broken, even though he had already used gold-level defensive fighting skills.

Yi Moxi fell to the snow and spat out another mouthful of blood.

He quickly stood up and found that the mage tower was gone!

The space of the Kingdom of God was severely impacted by the Mage Tower, and the scene of the Kingdom of God that was gradually becoming clearer seemed to be vigorously stirred in a paint bucket, forming a colorful vortex.

Yi Moxi just took one look and was made dizzy by the whirlpool of colorful space.

What's even more terrifying is that the colorful space vortex also bursts out with strong suction!

Yi Moxi could no longer dodge and was caught by the suction force, dragging him fiercely into the space vortex.

In the next second, the space vortex quickly shrunk to a point, and then completely disappeared into the Mixue demiplane.

Yi Moxi and the Mage Tower disappeared, and the original battlefield suddenly became very deserted.

Anqiu Divine Kingdom.

The magic circle used to drag the mage tower shattered.

"Successful!" Xue Tuanzi cheered, no longer paying attention to the broken magic circle.

This magic circle was originally a consumable, one-time use, and it had already played its tactical role.

"Oops, I fell into a trap!!" In Mixue's Tower, Widow Lian's expression was quite ugly.

She understood instantly.

The opponent first used her spell and in turn located the Mixue Tower.

Then, the magic power burst out from the magic circle marked and dragged the pendant and the mage tower as a whole.

This power alone is actually not enough to make the Mage Tower easily overrun. What's more critical is space power.

The other party cleverly took advantage of the fact that the space channel was unstable and created a temporary space vortex. Use the space vortex to suck the mage tower in.

Originally, the Divine Kingdom Advent Technique used the space power of Anqiu Divine Kingdom to counter the space power of Mixue's demiplane.

But just now, the duelists suddenly reversed their force, and the Michelle demiplane was also exerting push to restore the original spatial order.

The combination of these two powers is something that Mixue Tower cannot compete with in a hurry!

Therefore, the mage tower was eventually absorbed into the enemy's kingdom.

A shrill alarm sounded in the Mixue Tower.

Talling is urgently reporting various losses.

A lot of damage!

The space vortex is not a stable space channel, and has a crushing and grinding force on everything taught. Fortunately, Master Mixue's tower was very strong and it was able to pass through the space vortex.

Even so, the surface of the mage tower is already distorted, and there are even holes in some places, which are visible both inside and outside.

"We brought the Mixue Tower in?!"

"Aren't you going to attack the Michelle half?"

"Meilin, as expected of you! Such a tactic!"

"Indeed, Duolian has been running the demiplane for many years and has built the demiplane into a metal barrel. If we want to go in and fight, we will be at a huge disadvantage. But it is different now. We have a strong home field advantage here."

The golden duelists all reacted and praised Meilin.

But Yi Moxiu roared: "Meilin, do you want to kill me?!"

Moxibustion was also very miserable.

His nose was cut off, and his left leg was bent forward and twisted into a twist. The more serious injury was inside his body, and several of his organs had been displaced.

These are the costs of moxibustion's physical body traveling through the space vortex!

On the other hand, Du Lian, Bu Quan and others were all unscathed because of the protection of the mage tower.

Meilin's tone was calm: "Yi Moxi, you have been rescued, haven't you? We have fulfilled our promise."

Yi Moxi was so angry that he spurted blood, and his eyes were locked on Mei Lin, as if he wanted to eat people: "Is this your rescue method? Let me go directly through the space vortex?!"

"Du Lian has obviously let go of the suppression, why don't you wait until the space channel stabilizes before letting me come back?!"

Meilin shook his head: "I will not put my fighter plane on the enemy."

"Every minute and second that passes, Wu Lian will most likely realize that this is a trap and change the spell again."

"Your injuries are not fatal. We have made repeated calculations when deducing this tactic in advance."

"The Mage Tower went in before you, and it withstood a huge amount of space grinding."

"Of course, you can also regard these injuries as our warning to you."

Previously, Yi Moxi threatened to expose Mei Lin and others, and even expose Anqiu Divine Kingdom, in order to motivate these people to rescue him. This makes most duelists very disgusted and even disgusted with Yimoxibustion.

Yi Moxi was so angry that he was shaking all over.

But he calmed down when he saw the cold looks the other gold-level players gave him.

"I'll remember what happened this time! Next time, Meilin, don't even think about hiring me to take action!" Yi Moxi gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

Gold-level fighting spirit wrapped up his internal and external wounds, and even condensed a fighting spirit prosthetic leg to help him support the ground.

"Wait a minute." Meilin said.

Yi Moxi's heart trembled, and he turned around suddenly, staring at Meilin warily: "What else do you want?"

Meilin suddenly smiled: "Don't you want to take revenge? Your real enemy is not us, but Wu Lian."

Yi Moxi snorted coldly and glanced at the mage tower high in the sky not far away.

He did have a desire for revenge, but his injuries were holding him back.

Meilin suddenly threw out a bunch of potion.

After receiving the moxibustion, his complexion changed slightly.

The potions were all gold grade, and he quickly identified them as excellent healing potions.

"Drinking them will help you regain your fighting strength." Meilin smiled, "This is my new employment for you. I only pay so much because the other rewards are there."

Meilin turned his attention to the mage tower, and the meaning was self-evident.

Yi Moxi's face was uncertain, and it changed for a while. Then he took a deep breath and cursed: "I want to kill the widow!"

"Who else is interested?"

The golden duelists looked at each other and laughed.

"We're all very interested!"

"Can you do it? Moxibustion."

"Let me explain first, don't let anyone get in my way, otherwise I'll kill you too!"

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