Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 561: Evolution of the situation

Because of Dadou's sabotage, Assassin Kaishen's original plan to use the tasting party to select assistants failed.

However, during the battle where Yi Moxi and a group of dead soldiers attacked the alchemy workshop in the city, Ci Haishen unexpectedly discovered the talent of Sandao.

At that time, Assassin Kaishen was still engaged in an appetite duel. He only found out about it after observing the magical images of this battle.

"Who is this short human?"

"My knife skills are exquisite, fast and accurate. I can barely become my assistant to help me cut and process some rare ingredients."

Faced with Ci Haishen's solicitation, San Dao thought for a long time and finally declined politely.

At first, Ci Haishen thought that the three swords were for sale, so he raised the price.

San Dao expressed his feelings, which made Qi Kai Shen find it difficult to understand!

Assassin Kaishen came to recruit in person, and of course he also collected some information about the three swords.

What he knows clearly is that San Dao's status in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is not outstanding. He is just a black iron level.

Now, facing an invitation from a gold-level person, San Dao refused to refuse!

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group currently does not even have a true gold-level member. Sandao is in the mercenary group and has to participate in dangerous battles.

But if he becomes Sashimi's assistant, he only needs to cut vegetables and handle some ingredients, and he will be able to earn far more than his current salary. Not only is it safe, but it’s also relaxing and comfortable.

Sandao actually gave up such an opportunity!

After being rejected, Ci Hai felt shameless and a little embarrassed, so he simply left the Snowbird Port Pier.

Information about this matter was quickly presented to the Lord of Snowbird Port.

The Lord of Snow Bird Harbor was thoughtful, and he once again thought of the background of the arms smugglers of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group: "It seems that their backers not only arrange high-level personnel, but also have people in the middle level. For this group of mercenaries, The Corps has a lot of control.”

"The Earth Dagger's true allegiance is not to the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group itself, but to the mysterious arms dealer behind the mercenary group."

"That's why he has unusual loyalty!"

"I'm becoming more and more interested in this arms dealer."

The Lord of Snow Bird Harbor did not know that the reason for rejecting Assassin Kaishen's invitation was actually more based on Sandao's own subjective wishes.

"If it were before the Mysterious Island, I would probably agree to assassinate Hai Shen."

"But now, I have decided to follow Lord Zong Ge!"

"Even if Master Zong Ge has not been promoted to the gold level until now, he is still more worthy of my following than Assassin Hai Shen."

Sandao's loyalty to Zongge is not only due to Zongge's life-saving favor to him, but also because Sandao pinned his life dream on Zongge.

"The big man was not recovered."

"Shuanglian, Buquan and even the Mixue Tower are missing."

"But our business plan continues."

"All this is thanks to the efforts of Master Zong Ge, and of course Zidi."

"The Satojian family has assumed the responsibility of producing potions, and we no longer need to produce potions here."

"And according to the itinerary, they are about to enter the royal capital, right?"

In the internal business plan of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, Zidi, Zong Ge and his entourage entered the royal capital, which has extraordinary significance.

This means that they have initially completed the store layout and successfully established sales channels. The next step is to show off your skills, and you will have a basic platform.

Not only San Dao is paying attention to the progress of Zong Ge, Zidi and the others, but Mei Lin is also paying attention.

Although she had just won the victory over Shuanglian and Mixue Tower, Meilin was not relaxed or proud at all.

"The tactic of attacking the enemy's weakness can no longer be implemented." Mei Lin analyzed the situation.

The raid on Snowbird Port that she personally planned, although it destroyed four alchemy workshops, achieved the goal of the operation.

But then, Shuang Lian came to support, and with the strong strength of Mixue Tower, four alchemy workshops were rebuilt in a short period of time, making the sacrifices of the dead soldiers almost a joke.

This is equivalent to Meilin exchanging the lives of the dead soldiers for a resource in the hands of the enemy.

This kind of consumption method and result is something Meiling is not willing to bear.

"Besides, now, the Satojian family is responsible for the production of Longliqi potions."

Meiling has no plans to continue raiding potion production facilities.

The Utopian family is one of the top three families in the kingdom. If we take action against it, the impact will be extremely huge and the trouble it will cause will be difficult to deal with.

"What price did the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Corps pay to enable the Utojian family to sacrifice their bodies and cooperate in such an in-depth manner?"

Meiqin was very curious.

It's a pity that even she can't find out this information.

Because the only participants in that negotiation were Zidi, Zongge and Mianli Zang.

"Even if we don't attack the Utama family, we can still snipe the plans of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

Meili has envisioned two approaches.

The first is to continue leveraging the power of the Alchemy Guild.

Previously, Meilin visited the Snow Cake Tower Master and successfully curbed the Alchemy Guild's search and rescue efforts for Shuang Lian.

"The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group wants to dominate the mount potion market, which in itself harms the interests of the Alchemy Guild."

"The two parties are naturally hostile. It's just that the Alchemy Guild has a bloated staff, a huge structure, and endless corruption. It has become sluggish. Until now, its response in the potion market is not as good as the Shizuka family's."

The Shizuka family is the second way.

So far, this family has taken on the main job of blocking the commercial pace of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

Although it didn't completely hinder it, it did play a role in slowing down the opponent.

"Longfu, Yaoma and their group are about to enter the royal capital."

"Their move is really clever. They cover the family-owned shops in the area. This makes it difficult for us to attack these shops."

"Their real weakness is actually the dragon suit. Of course, this is also the strongest point of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

"If you want to really defeat this group of people, you have to figure out how the dragon suit quickly killed Jia Bing and others with one against three, leaving them with no power to fight back."

"Other gold-level people who know about it don't want to fight against the dragon suit at all, and I don't want to trade my life for information."

"Huatang...he is the best candidate for spying."

"There has been no news about this guy since he went to sea in Snowbird Port."

"Where did he die?"

Ah sneeze!

Huatang sneezed hard.

He is now in a dark cave.

"Keep your voice down!" There were other extraordinary beings on the side, all glaring at Huatang.

Huatang raised his arms and laughed loudly: "Sorry, I seem to... have a cold!"

"Don't speak so loudly!" The extraordinary ones opened their mouths and shouted silently with changes in mouth shapes.

But it's too late.

A sharp cockcrow suddenly sounded.

The extraordinary beings showed horror and dispersed in a hurry.

"It's coming!"

"Run quickly."

"Eat that guy, don't eat me."

The extraordinary people fled wildly.

The caves here have various forks, extending in all directions, and the terrain is very complex.

A huge figure suddenly jumped out, so fast that it left a phantom on the retina.

The huge figure suddenly paused and grabbed an extraordinary person in its mouth.

At the same time, it can also be seen clearly by ordinary people.

It is a huge python, with a body diameter of at least three meters. Its head is a chicken head with fluffy blue-green chicken feathers.

The chicken's head has a huge red and yellow comb standing on it, which is as bright as fire.

The scales of pythons are black with yellow stripes spaced apart from each other.

After the unlucky extraordinary person was caught in the chicken's mouth, he stopped moving. In an instant, he was poisoned.

Chicken champion food snake.

Sanctuary level!

At this time, Huatang's back was pressed against the wall of the cave, without any breath at all.

There are some things that require me to move to Nanjing for a while, and I am quite busy, which makes the recent update very stressful.

I still owe you a lot of updates, and the psychological burden is heavy.

You can only do your best!

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