Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 563: The Royal Capital is Attacked

Zidi looked around, and what occupied most of her field of vision was the towering city wall.

The city walls were not built with stone bricks, but with ice bricks. The city wall is extremely high. According to Zidi's visual inspection, it is at least 300 meters high.

The undulating battlements on the top of the city wall reminded Zidi of a gold-level shield - the Thin Ice High Wall Shield.

Back in Snow Bird Port, Fujituro used such a shield to withstand the strong attack of the dragon boy.

Zidi's eyes were slightly fixed on the city wall, and the more they looked, the more they looked like each other.

The city wall of the Ice Sculpture Capital is different from most castle walls. Although it is high, it is thin, giving people a thin aesthetic unique to the elves.

Zong Ge is also observing the city wall and secretly evaluating the defensive performance of the city wall.

"Such a high city wall naturally has excellent air defense capabilities."

"As long as you push some bed crossbows, you will have decent long-range firepower."

Zidi, Zongge and the others were not far from the city wall.

The extraordinary members of the Utojian family had been waiting for a long time, and now they came up with a smile: "Master Longfu, Master Yaoma, the carriage is ready, please come this way."

A group of people from the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group got on the carriage.

The carriage started immediately and took them to the location of the shop.

Sitting on the carriage, Zidi looked around.

The first thing she saw was the ice sculpture.

There are various kinds of ice sculptures, ranging from large to small like mammoths to small ones like ant colonies.

"This is the beast road. The ice sculptures on both sides of the road are all in the form of beasts." In the carriage, the extraordinary person of the Utorama family introduced it in a timely manner.

"In addition to the Beast Road, there is also the Elemental Road. The ice sculptures on the roadside are all in the form of elemental bodies."

"The portrait road in the city center is subdivided into more than a dozen sections, each designed based on the intelligent races in today's world."

Zidi nodded slightly without any surprise. She had learned about this kind of information before coming to the royal capital.

However, what she saw in the intelligence and the sensory experience she experienced with her own eyes were still different.

Zong Ge asked: "Are these ice sculptures movable and can they be used for combat?"

The receptionist of the Utomo family nodded and said with a proud tone: "That's right, this is an alchemy technology unique to our country and is unique in the world."

"Each ice sculpture is an alchemy puppet that can move. It has intelligence and can fight."

"Of course, their intelligence is high or low, and their combat capabilities are also strong or weak."

Zong Ge continued to ask: "I heard that there are at least 100,000 ice sculptures in the Ice Sculpture Capital, including more than 3,000 silver-level puppets and nearly 500 gold-level puppets. Is this number accurate?"

The receptionist from the Utojian family nodded, then shook his head slightly: "Based on the statistics of the ice sculptures currently exposed, this is indeed the data."

“But it’s actually much more than that.”

"There should be a large number of ice sculptures hidden under our feet."

"The combat capabilities of these puppets are generally stronger than those on the ground. As for the specific level and scale, this is our country's military secret."

Zidi then asked: "Is there really a big lake underneath the Ice Sculpture Capital?"

According to relevant information, the ancestors of the snow elves who first migrated here discovered a ten-thousand-year-old ice lake in the center of the island.

The glacier lake has a huge area and is rich in ice element resources.

The ancestors of the snow elves were surprised and decided to settle here.

As of now, the glacial lake has been filled in. The snow elves built the Ice Sculpture Capital on the ice lake.

The receptionist nodded and confirmed: "There is no doubt that we are now on top of the Wannian Ice Lake."

"Don't worry, sir, we are very safe."

"The ice layer on the surface of the Ten Thousand Years Glacier Lake is nearly a thousand meters thick, and becomes harder as you go deeper."

"The Ten Thousand Years Glacier Lake has been completely controlled by our country and is being developed sustainably."

"We have many research laboratories and alchemy rooms, all set up in the lake water under the ice. There are some famous ice sculpture masters who specialize in collecting deep lake water, freezing it into ice, and using it as the main material for sculptures, etc. creation."

A piece of information flashed in Zidi's mind.

The water in the Ten Thousand Years Glacier Lake is very particular. The surface water of the lake is several years old, and the deeper water is tens of years old.

When it is a hundred meters deep from the lake surface, it is a century-old lake water. As long as it is taken out, it is a century-old ice.

By analogy, there are thousand-year ice and ten-thousand-year ice.

This resource is very rare. According to legend, there was once a god-level dragon of time that fell, causing anomalies in the lake space and water.

The power of time condenses in the lake water, combined with the properties of ice and snow, forming special resources.

Centennial ice already has a certain spirituality. After reaching the Millennium Ice, I became more and more spiritual. Wannian Bing's spirituality is very profound, even beyond that of normal people.

Ice sculpture masters use unique alchemy techniques and carving techniques to sculpt the ice of time into a certain form, condense and shape spirituality, and successfully awaken it to form individual ice sculptures.

These ice sculptures are naturally intelligent and have become statues that can be seen everywhere in the Ice Sculpture Capital.

"The ice sculpture alchemy technology of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is based on the super resource point of the Wannian Ice Lake."

"The construction method of the ice ghost ghost includes a large part of the ice carving process. This part of the process occupies a very important position in the entire manufacturing plan."

Zidi looked at these ice sculptures and recalled the alchemy information added with ice in her mind.

They seized a lot of trophies from the ice-filled alchemy laboratory, and also discovered a secret door inherited by the prosperous hybrid master.

From then on, whenever Zidi had free time, she would study the alchemy information added with ice.

She has long been interested in the ice sculpture technology of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

The more important reason was that Jia Bing had an unfinished gold-level ice ghost that fell into Zidi's hands. Of course Zidi really wants to accomplish this feat and completely create a gold-level ice ghost!

"Jia Bing's personal alchemy knowledge and information cannot represent the most advanced ice sculpture technology in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"It's definitely not the best part."

"But how do I get these technical essences?"

"Two adults, the store has arrived." The receptionist's words interrupted Zidi's thoughts.

Zidi, Zongge and others got off the carriage.

Zidi went into the store to inspect, looked at the recent accounts, and had many conversations with key figures.

After this round, she had a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the situation of this store.

"This is the shop in the Ice Sculpture Capital."

"You should have noticed that this is the largest store we have inspected."

“It is very important and will exist as our main store in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom in the future!”

After Zidi paid detailed attention to the three mercenaries, she arranged for them to join.

At this point, the preliminary work of Zidi’s business plan has been completed!

"The next step is to choose one or two pieces of alchemical weapons and distribute them across the country."

“It’s just that before that, we have to examine the market and make careful selections.”

Zidi is looking forward to this. She is extremely confident in the war criminal information and is very ambitious.

In the evening, Zong Ge and Zidi attended a dinner specially hosted by the Utama family.

Many high-level figures were also invited to the banquet. The usher accompanied Zong Ge and Zidi almost the whole time, introducing and recommending important figures in various capitals to them.

Zongge is dull and talks little, while Zidi shows off her skills. The Satajian family specializes in paving the way and building bridges, and the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group's network of contacts was established in this night!

Late at night, Zidi, who had worked hard all day, had exhausted her physical and mental energy and was no longer in the mood to do other things.

After a good night's rest, on the next day, Zonge collected intelligence through the Thieves Guild and other channels, focusing on the national alchemy market.

Zidi studied this information in depth and also visited several relatively more important figures.

This kind of big shot has a higher status, so it would be hard for the Utojian family to invite them to last night's welcome dinner.

After all, the protagonists of last night's banquet were Zong Ge and Zidi, and they were not qualified to invite these big shots to attend in person.

After visiting them, I didn't find anything significant. The main thing was to get acquainted with each other and show the close relationship between the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Satoma Family.

Another day passed like this.

People generally welcomed the arrival of Zong Ge and Zidi with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Many people gathered around Zong Ge, complimenting him on his record of counter-killing Futuro Toshiro at the silver level, and asking Zong Ge how he felt at the time and why he chose such a tactic until questions arose.

By the third night, the attention of all parties paying attention to them had been reduced by most, and the royal capital had initially accepted the arrival of "Dragon Suit" and others.

Zidi finally found an opportunity and secretly used the deception and disguise technique and the anti-reconnaissance prophecy technique.

She had already surveyed the terrain and spent more than ten minutes walking to a shop.

The location here is no longer in the downtown area.

Shops are still open late at night, and no business is missed.

It was Wisteria Shop.

Zidi put down her hood, put on her mask, and entered the shop.

The clerk saw her coming and greeted her warmly: "This guest, what do you want to buy?"

Zidi came to him and showed the secret order of Wisteria.

The clerk immediately stared: "Is this a seventh-level secret order?!"

He bowed and asked Zidi to wait for a moment, then ran all the way to find the store manager.

In front of Zidi, the store manager personally tested whether the secret order of Wisteria was true, and his attitude became very respectful, expressing his willingness to obey all orders of Zidi.

"Take me to the magic text communication platform." Zidi said.

Soon, she arrived in front of the Mowen Feixun stage.

This communication device is standard equipment for the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. Of course, not every store has it, but it must be available at the station!

The magic text communication platform is a half-person-high pillar with a round top and a groove in the center of the round. As long as the long stone slab recording the information is placed in the groove and the column is activated, the information can be spread.

The range of transmission is limited, but by laying multiple magic text communication stations, information can be transmitted over long distances in a relay style.

This is an information transmission method that is between the two ends of performance and price, and is very cost-effective.

Zidi had previously used the flying information station on Double Eye Island to send a "blackmail letter" to the Baizhen family.

But until now, there has been no reply.

Zidi had no way of knowing exactly what went wrong.

This time, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group came to the Ice Sculpture Kingdom to make another attempt to deliver a message with the help of the flying information station here.

However, Zidi did not directly put down the long slate, but through spiritual communication, mobilized the historical records of Feixun Taichung to check.

A few seconds later, Zidi's eyes suddenly widened slightly, showing a trace of surprise and anger: "What's going on? The Feixun station here did not receive my previous letter!"

"What went wrong?"

"Eye Island,!"

Just as Zidi thought of this, four figures suddenly appeared and surrounded her.

The alchemy chain shot out, instantly wrapping Zi Di and tying her up!

"I've caught you, the remnants of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce!!" the enemy said, looking excited.

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