Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 576: The game between the upper echelons of the empire

Yan Yi said sincerely: "I also hesitated at the beginning."

"But if you think about it carefully, wouldn't it be very exciting and fulfilling to serve as a powerful lord with a bronze level?"

"Besides, I also thought carefully about it."

Yanyi explained his reasons: "First of all, I am a member of the Duomu family. I naturally have the legal principles to inherit this place."

"Secondly, I am the secret agent leader of this area, and I control many secret powers. My identity as a secret agent keeps me mysterious, and few outsiders know my true appearance and level."

"Finally, I have a background and a big backer! The Seventh Prince is standing behind me."

"Shut up!" Tan Mo suddenly changed his color and scolded with strange eyes.

The mission regarding the Seventh Prince is very secretive. The Seventh Prince strictly ordered that the task of searching for the Wisteria Secrets be kept confidential to the highest degree!

But now, Yan Yi violated the principle of confidentiality and directly revealed that the person behind him was the Seventh Prince!

How dare he? !

"You are really too courageous. You are looking for death, do you know that?" Tan Mo narrowed his eyes, not hiding his murderous intention.

Bishop Fortune smiled and reassured: "Master Tanmo, please don't be too nervous. We only know that the seventh prince is your supreme leader, and the rest don't know anything about it."

Yan Yi followed: "Lord Tan Mo, I am also an old secret spy, and I have been in charge of an area for so many years. How could I make such a low-level mistake?"

"I just took a slight edge."

Tan Mo sneered and took a step back: "You are playing with fire, you are weird. Haha, believe it or not, I will report it to you with just one sentence, without adding any fuel or jealousy, as long as you tell the truth, you will be finished, completely finished!" "

Yan Yi shrugged: "It doesn't matter, I'm just a bronze-level person, a very small person."

"In the eyes of you gold-level experts, I am as small as an ant."

"In the heart of a great man like the Seventh Prince, I can't even be considered as dust."

"So, if I die, I will die."

"It's you, Lord Tanmo. I'm afraid you will be implicated by me this time. Not only will you not be able to make any money, but you will never be appointed by the Seventh Prince in the future, right?"

This strange threat caused Tan Mo's expression to change suddenly.

What Yan Yi said is absolutely correct!

For the seventh prince, most gold-level ones actively attached themselves to him.

Gold-level people are the backbone of extraordinary beings, and there is no shortage of people of this level under the Seventh Prince.

In fact, Tanmo bribed his superiors this time to get the job. Just to serve the seventh prince and show his face.

If this matter goes wrong and something goes wrong, one can only imagine the impression he will have on the Seventh Prince!

"I'm afraid this guy Yan Wei has also investigated a lot of information about me."

"I was set up by him!"

"I was actually threatened by a mere Bronze Level..."

Tan Mo felt incredible, but he was really threatened!

Yan Yi took out a letter and handed it to Tanmo: "I am from the Duomu family and I am qualified to inherit this place."

“I have the endorsement and support of Bishop Fortune.”

"Not only that, there are also joint letters from several major chambers of commerce. Sir, you can check it out."

Tan Mo unfolded the letter and quickly scanned the contents, his eyes becoming more gloomy.

There are many chambers of commerce on Double Eye Island, large and small. But the main ones are the five major chambers of commerce such as Bengbu and Flint.

There are many signatures on this joint letter, with the five major chambers of commerce at the front, followed by a series of other small and medium-sized chambers of commerce.

It is not surprising that Yan Wei has obtained the support of these chambers of commerce.

After the murloc attack and defense, Huantong almost turned against these chambers of commerce. He killed many businessmen because of the devil's gold coins, but did not receive any compensation after the war. He also tried to revise many important contracts he had signed with the Chamber of Commerce. This seriously violates the spirit of business and only looks after his own interests.

Various practices caused strong dissatisfaction among businessmen.

"But how dare these shrewd and cunning businessmen jointly sign and leave such obvious evidence?" Tan Mo did not doubt that the joint letter was fake.

After all, it's easy to prove.

He was just curious: "Shadow, how did you convince these businessmen to sign and create this joint letter?"

His eyes were filled with anger and he said, "Master Tanmo, you think highly of me."

"How could I possibly convince these people to put my name to it?"

"This was signed on their own initiative, or to be more precise, it was requested by the senior management behind them."

Seeing that Tan Mo still looked puzzled, Yan Yi continued to explain: "I believe Mr. Tan Mo, you also know that Double Eye Island was selected by the empire to be built into a hub of maritime transportation lines in the future, right?"

Tan Mo nodded: "That's right."

Eye Yi said: "According to the emperor's order, in the future, Eye Island will become a military control zone, and all the chambers of commerce will be expelled and cannot survive."

"But the five major chambers of commerce want to stay here."

Tanmo's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized: "That's it!"

In the main plane, the Shengming Empire is the most powerful force. In the empire, the emperor is the most authoritative.

However, the system of the empire is a feudal system. In addition to the emperor and the royal family, there are other living gods and major nobles.

The vassals of vassals are not my vassals.

The territory of each great noble is an independent small kingdom.

Coupled with the diocese of the living god, power is even more dispersed, intertwined, and there are checks and balances on each other, making it impossible to truly unify.

In the emperor's plan, Double Eye Island was to become a military control zone and a transportation hub, serving as one of the fulcrums on an important maritime transportation and supply route for the empire.

This is the emperor's plan.

The senior officials of the empire behind the five major chambers of commerce, the heads of the great nobles, and the living gods also have their own ideas.

They also want to arrange transportation nodes on the sea and use these nodes to continuously transport materials back and forth to obtain war dividends to a greater extent.

Transportation is a very important thing.

On the one hand, transferring military power from the main body can maximize war benefits. On the other hand, the spoils transported back can be digested more efficiently, in exchange for more strength growth, and then boost the frontline military strength, thus creating a virtuous cycle.

However, the cost of space teleportation is quite high, and alchemy technology has not yet developed to the point where large-scale troops and supplies can be teleported.

The alchemy technology of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is definitely world-class. In their land, teleportation arrays have never been the first choice for large-scale transportation. Their main mode of transportation is still the original freight fleet transportation.

The emperor's plan for Eye Island was based on the interests of the empire and the royal family. The great beings behind the five major chambers of commerce also have their own interests. There is a subtle distinction between the two.

The game at the top, all the way down, eventually formed the political struggle of Double Eye Island.

As Yan Wei said, he never forced or persuaded the chamber of commerce to sign the joint letter. This was a voluntary act by the five major chambers of commerce.

After Tan Mo understood the truth, he realized: "Once the struggle is successful and Hutong is removed from power, they can really keep the fruits of victory!"

For this was within the scope of a struggle of political conscience among nobles.

If the five major chambers of commerce win, it is completely in line with the rules of the game to support Yan Yi.

Even the emperor is not easy to force.

This is the home of the Dome family. If the emperor wants to intervene, the best way is to do something similar and support a member of the Domu family as an agent to pursue and fight for the internal power of the Domu family.

Of course, the emperor's strength and prestige can also be obtained through force.

Once he does this, the five major chambers of commerce and the gods behind them will recognize defeat and give in.

But Tanmo firmly believed that the emperor would not do this.

Because as the supreme leader of the empire, the emperor must be inclined to maintain the order of the empire rather than violate it.

Because all the interests of the two-eyed island are insignificant to the emperor. If he does it forcefully, it will be like picking up sesame seeds and throwing away the watermelon. No, more accurately, it is like picking up the pebbles and throwing away the castle.

The final result is that the Emperor will acquiesce in the victory of the five major chambers of commerce and the Wealth Sect.

After figuring out the situation, Tan Mo felt numb!

He lamented in his heart: "Oh my god, I just want to take bribes and make a little money."

"I never thought about getting involved in this kind of political struggle."

"Especially, I want to take refuge with the Seventh Prince and show my face under his nose."

The seventh prince is a member of the imperial royal family and the biological son of Emperor Shengming. Tanmo wants to get closer to the royal family.

What would happen to him if he agreed to the invitation of Bishop Fortune and the five major chambers of commerce? What would the seventh prince think of him?

Yan Wei has been observing words and expressions.

When he saw Tan Mo's face was gloomy and uncertain, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Master Tan Mo, you may be overthinking."

"Actually... you don't have to have such a big psychological burden."

"Because even if you are involved in this matter, in the eyes of the Seventh Prince, it is nothing at all."

"What does Double Eye Island mean to him?"

Tan Mo was stunned for a moment, and was immediately awakened by Yan Yi's words.

Yes, in the heart of the Seventh Prince, the most important thing is the Wisteria Secrets, and it has never been an island with two eyes.

Besides, according to the current plan, he can also pretend to be "being used as a gun".

After all, his reputation for greed in Tan Mo has long been widely spread.

50,000 gold coins.

This is 50,000 gold coins!

Thinking of this, Tanmo's expression gradually calmed down.

He looked at you with strange eyes: "If you are not afraid of being roasted on the fire, I will also be happy to help you."

"I'm not like you, I'm timid. I'm scared to be dragged into such a whirlpool."

"You have to pay more!"

"50,000 not enough."

Tan Mo shook his head, his tone was firm, his eyes were shining with greed.

Yanyi and Bishop Wealth looked at each other, but they both laughed.

The most difficult first step in negotiation has been completed.

Next, it's just a matter of bargaining.

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