Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 582: The Coming of the Kingdom of God

The sound of the tide roared in my ears.

The fish-man boy slowly opened his eyes and found himself in the maelstrom again.

The huge vortex surrounded him, but did not bring any impact to him.

He kept sinking.

The further down you go, the dimmer the light becomes.

A huge black shadow, like a mountain, stood deep under the sea, waiting for him.

"I prayed in my sleep again..."

"This is a scene guided by spiritual navigation and divine magic..."

The fish-man boy's consciousness was not clear, and his thinking speed was dozens of times slower than normal.

The shadow of the mountain on the black background was swallowing him up.

The feeling of horror and horror accumulated deeper and deeper in the heart of the fish-man boy.

"No, I don't want to continue to sink..."

"This means that Meilan God and I are getting closer."

"Wake up, wake up quickly!"

He roared in his mind.

The roar was weak and slow at first, but as he kept shouting, the roar quickly increased and soon became deafening.

Amidst his own roar, the fish-man boy in reality suddenly opened his eyes.

He woke up with a start.

Whoop, whoop, whoop...

He was panting violently, with a look of horror still on his face.

His breathing gradually calmed down, his pupils gradually expanded to normal diameter, and his vision became clear.

What strikes the eye is the simple layout of the captain's bedroom.

The fish-man boy has lived here for many days. This familiar scene gave him a faint sense of security, which quickly diluted the lingering fear in his heart.

No sleepiness.

The fish-man boy entered the bathroom.

The warm water reaches from head to toe,

He was looking down at himself and sorting out his thoughts.

"The blood concentration of the Bolangyu people has been raised to 79%."

"Sure enough, as I expected, when my body and soul are digesting, the content given by God will be transformed into increasing the concentration of the god-level fish-man bloodline."

Even so, the fishman boy would not risk taking the initiative to pray.

He listened to Cang Xu's words of advice and kept them in mind.

"According to the records on the blood spectrum chart, the bloodline of the Bolangyu must reach the legendary level, and the concentration standard is 97%."

There is no way, the fish-men race is a lower-level race.

On the other hand, most upper-level races can reach the legendary level at the 80% concentration standard, and the holy level is even lower.

The external manifestation is that the cases of sanctuaries and legends emerging from upper-level races are far more frequent than those from lower-level races.

As soon as the fish-man boy became energetic, the warm water poured from his head changed its flow direction and formed countless threads, wrapping the whole body of the fish-man boy and turning into an armor covering his whole body.

It was very similar to the effect of the wandering body armor he encountered in the duel at Snowbird Port.

But essentially, he is using magic-like water flow control.

After breaking through the standard concentration of the holy realm, the bloodline of the Polang fish brought the young man this brand new spell-like ability.

It allows the fish-man boy to freely control the liquid around him. The range of control is very large, and will increase as the level of the fish-man boy increases.

It is worth mentioning that control is not just about changing the flow direction and flow rate of the liquid, but also other aspects.

Such as temperature.

Just like now, as soon as the fish-man boy became energetic, the warm water covering his body quickly cooled down and returned to normal temperature.

The fishman boy took a deep breath.

He does not breathe through his mouth and nose, but through his gills.

The increase in blood concentration also brought about changes in his body structure.

His gill lines are not only distributed on his cheeks, but also on his chest and back, each with a pair of huge gill lines.

The temperature of the water flow continued to decrease, and soon changed from normal temperature to ice cold, even with a hint of chill.

The fish-man boy felt more and more comfortable, and his mood naturally became relaxed and happy.

Like a tired traveler, after a long journey, he returned home dusty and lay on the bed in his bedroom.

Peaceful and leisurely.

"Being in the water feels like I'm home."

A flash of determination flashed in the fishman boy's eyes.

Suddenly he mobilized his energy again, and the next moment, the water flowing around his body suddenly collapsed and turned into countless tiny water droplets.

The water droplets continued to sublimate and turned into masses of air currents.

The airflow continues to liquefy in the bathroom environment, turning into water mist visible to the naked eye.

The relaxed and happy mood before disappeared.

The fish-man boy's eyes were full of calmness: "The higher the blood concentration, the more complete the fish-man life form I transform into, and the feeling it gives me is different from that of the human race."

"It's like this affinity for water flow."

"If I indulge in this kind of affinity for a long time, my habits will gradually become more like those of the Bolangyu people."

"We must also be vigilant about this!"

When the fishman boy stepped out of the bathroom, he didn't need to wipe his body. He only needed to make the water droplets attached to his body flow out directly with a thought, which was very convenient.

The blood concentration of the Bolang fishman was close to the legendary standard, but this time, the fishman boy didn't have much expectation or excitement.

Obviously, if this continues, his blood concentration is likely to reach 100%!

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.

For now, it's enough.

"The most important thing to consider now is the direction of active prayer."

"Are you going to make a big move and pray directly for me to jump to the holy realm level?"

The fish-man boy has become a gold-level priest, but gold-level and holy-level are completely different things.

Regarding this choice, the fishman boy was full of hesitation.

Cang Xu suggested that he upgrade the level of fighter and mage. Because both levels are still at Silver level.

Different from the priest level, the fighting spirit and mana brought by the fighter and the mage are all the fish-man boy's own power.

If an accident occurs in the future and the Charming Blue God awakens and wants to take away the fish-man boy's right to control his body, then these two forces are the most important bargaining chips!

The fishman boy felt that what Cang Xu said made sense.

The radical plan is to continue climbing and hit the sanctuary level.

The safe solution is to upgrade the level of fighters and mages.

"There is another plan, which is to promote teaching positions."

"I am now the Archbishop Charming Blue. I have mastered hundreds of magical arts and can use them skillfully."

"Among these magical arts is resurrection."

"But there is no divine kingdom descending technique!"

"And what we need most right now is probably the coming spell of the Kingdom of God."

The fish-man boy has not forgotten his situation - he and his boat are trapped in the ocean nest.

Through the information that Cang Xu gathered, the Ocean Mother Nest was actually part of the Charming Blue Divine Kingdom.

The reason for this situation is that Meilan God personally performed and arranged the coming spell of the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, if you want to get out of here quietly, you have to use the Kingdom of God's Descending Technique to teleport yourself and the boat out.

"It's better to master the Kingdom of God's Coming Technique first so that you can leave at any time. It's the safest way!"

"Calculating the time, it has been a long time since I left the mercenary group."

"I don't know how many things Zidi and Zongge have done?"

"With their abilities and the blessing of deception and camouflage, there should be no problem."

The fish-man boy had no real and accurate information and misjudged the situation of Zong Ge and others.

He remains optimistic. Even if he mastered the art of coming to the Kingdom of God, he did not intend to go back immediately.

"If it can become a sanctuary, I will be more confident in negotiating atonement with the empire in the future, and I will definitely be able to safeguard much more interests!"

The capital of ice sculptures.

A luxurious mansion somewhere.

The light in the secret room was dim, and a magical image was played repeatedly.

The protagonist in the image is a mage wearing a mage robe and a hood, hiding his true appearance.

"He" was bound in place by several gold-level restraint chains, unable to move, and was gradually suppressed.

But at this moment, the silver-level man holding the chain of restriction was instantly killed on the spot.

The mage protagonist immediately escaped from the trap and picked up the chain of restriction as his trophy.

The magical image suddenly paused, fixed at the moment when the mage protagonist bent down to pick up the chain of restriction.

If Zidi were here, she would immediately recognize that the mage protagonist is her.

Sitting in the secret room is the leader of the imperial secret agents in the Ice Sculpture Capital, codenamed "Usurper of the Throne".

[Usurper] has played this video over and over again for more than a dozen times. His brows have not relaxed, but have become more and more wrinkled.

"What method was used to kill my people instantly?"

"Afterwards, my men searched the entire store and dug deep, but they couldn't find any clues."

"Compared to this, after the target is teleported, the means of fighting are very clear."

Since the Imperial Secret Agent laid a trap in Wisteria Shop, of course he can record magical images.

But the Imperial spies were still deceived.

This time it was still the deception and camouflage techniques and the counter-reconnaissance and prophecy techniques.

If it is just a deception and camouflage technique, it cannot deceive the inanimate alchemy recording device. However, after linking up with the anti-reconnaissance prophecy operation, this method of investigation and recording was also restrained.

"So far, all available investigation methods have been used, and no flaws have been found."

"If we figure out this method, we might be able to decipher the way the Wisteria remnants are hidden."

"It's a pity. It's not that I don't have other more powerful methods. But if I use it, the noise will be too big, and it will definitely attract an official investigation from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

The leader [Usurping the Throne] has also truly realized the maximum power of the combination of deception and camouflage and anti-reconnaissance prophecy, so he has many regrets in his heart.

He sighed, gave up his efforts, and began to observe the second magical image.

This video shows Zidi falling into a difficult battle after being teleported. Soon after, the incident in which Yuan Ci drove a submarine and broke through the ice to rescue him happened.

"The remaining Yuan Ci elder from Wisteria appears again!"

"This water rat can really hide."

[Usurper]'s eyes were gloomy, recalling a bad life experience.

"Wait a little longer, can you still hide it?"

"This year's Warm Snow Cup is about to begin. Then I will be able to truly demonstrate my strength, devote sufficient manpower, and search the bottom of the lake with great fanfare."

"I don't believe you can still hide it!"

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