Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 589: The business plan was a great success!

"The Imperial Secret Agent is targeting the Necromancer of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce."

"And that mysterious force is targeting the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group."

"So, these two forces are different."

After thinking about it, Zidi's trust in Yuan Ci couldn't help but increase.

"Next, we need to investigate two people in detail."

"One is the 'Thirteenth Prince', he should be the proton."

"The other one is 'Seventh Rank'. As far as we know, he is a very powerful gold-level person with the power of immortality."

Zidi did not withdraw the rat-eyed ghosts and snake-shadow ghosts, and stayed in the alchemy laboratory for the time being.

It was difficult for the ice ghost to withdraw for a while.

It had to wait until the metal door opened again before it could evacuate the Wisteria Store with minimal risk and minimal cost.

After Zidi withdrew her main attention, her spiritual connection with the ice-like ghost and the snake-shadowed rat-eyed ghost immediately became vague.

The spiritual connection with the ice ghost is the weakest, but the snake shadow ghost and rat-eyed ghost are stronger.

Obviously the latter is further away from Zidi, and is blocked by the extraordinary environment of the ten thousand year ice lake.

"Although the necromancy system has been gradually targeted and restrained, it still has some advantages of the new magic factions."

Zidi contacted Zongge immediately.

The information she gathered was so important that it fundamentally affected the survivors' development strategies and next action plans.

After the alchemy communication device was connected, Zidi and Zong Ge quickly matched the code.

"There is bad news." Zidi said in a deep voice and told Zong Ge all the information she had found.

Zong Ge was silent for a moment and then analyzed: The imperial secret agent should be targeting the remnants of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. This view coincides with Zidi.

"One is the gold-level mysterious forces that are emerging one after another, and the other is the secret espionage organization of the Shengming Empire..."

Zong Ge sighed, as strong as he felt the heavy pressure.

"I have good news here." He said to Zidi.

"Not long ago, someone from the Utopia family came and brought the income statement at this stage."

"The sales of the Dragon Rider potion are going very well. We made a total profit of more than 200,000 gold coins!"

Zi Di was slightly startled when she heard this, and then she let out a breath of turbid air.

She couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

It's not easy!

This time the business plan was about to be interrupted midway. But fortunately, Zidi withstood the strong pressure and persisted.

She did not blindly go on a rampage, but took reality into consideration, made decisive compromises, and gave up part of her interests in exchange for the in-depth cooperation of the Utoma family.

With this strong support, the business plan she presided over was finally implemented.

Today, fruitful initial results have been achieved.

Zidi took a deep breath and breathed steadily, trying not to let Zong Ge on the other end of the communication device notice her ups and downs of emotions at the moment.

Zidi's mood was exciting.

no way.

There has been too much bad news lately!

Zidi was attacked and ambushed in the Wisteria Shop. If Yuan Ci hadn't rescued her, she would have ended badly. Even if he doesn't die, he will become a prisoner.

After that, Zidi conducted secret investigations and officially confirmed that the enemy who ambushed her was the secret espionage organization of the Shengming Empire.

This result brought her great psychological pressure!

The size and strength of the survivors were so small that they could not be compared with the Empire's secret espionage organization.

Not only that, in addition to the secret spy organization, they also have a mysterious and powerful enemy force. The number of gold-level players in this force is extraordinary!

If it weren't for the support of the deception and camouflage skills, the anti-detection prophecy skills, and of course the cautious style that the survivors developed in the Mysterious Island, they would have been crushed to pieces by these two organizations.

"This is indeed a rare piece of good news." Zidi said in a steady tone, "What are the specific income and expenditure contents?"

"I'll send it to you right away." Zonge replied.

Through the magic alchemy device, Zonge quickly sent a magical image to Zidi.

What is recorded in this magical image is the business envoy of the Satoma family who visited the "Dragon Clothes" (Zong Ge), brought a detailed written information, and gave a brief report in person.

At that time, there was not only Zong Ge, but also an alchemy puppet playing the role of Yaoma Master.

When Zidi acted alone, Zong Ge took out the alchemy puppet and disguised herself as her.

Neither the Satoma family nor anyone else noticed anything was wrong.

The art of deception and disguise is really reliable. But in this way, the consumption of pearl foam has also increased a lot.

When Zidi set off from Snowbird Port, she carried

During this period, Zong Ge dealt with the ambush by the leader of the Ax Gang and others, which cost a lot of money.

After arriving at Igloo City, the consumption climbed up and never dropped down again.

When they arrived at the Ice Sculpture Capital, because Zidi was ambushed and there was a strong need for reconnaissance, the consumption of pearl foam increased sharply.

Just use as little pearl foam as you need. Zong Ge and Zidi have no way to replenish it.

This is currently their most important strategic material!

Zidi also wanted to use it sparingly, but there was really no way! The situation forced her to increase the use of pearl foam in many places.

Zidi looked at the magical image and used her spirit to read the written information in the alchemy device.

She read it twice, and this time she had an in-depth understanding of the detailed income and expenditure.

Dragon Power Riding potions are selling like hotcakes all over the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. This is a blue ocean market, the demand has not yet been fully met, and there is still huge room for development.

"The main competitor right now is the Shizuka family."

"The Alchemy Guild has not responded yet, which is beyond my expectation."

Originally, Zidi's imaginary enemy was the Alchemy Guild of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. But so far, this behemoth has been silent.

“It is precisely this situation that made the benefits of the first round much greater than I imagined.”

Although the Shizuka family also has a large market share, it is far inferior to the Alchemy Guild.

“The benefits of in-depth cooperation with the Satoma family are also reflected here.”

"If we rely solely on the four alchemy workshops in Snowbird Port, even if we refine medicines day and night, we will not be able to meet the pharmaceutical needs of the entire Ice Sculpture Kingdom."

"The Satojian family has alchemy studios, workshops, factories, etc. all over the country, and the mage tower they control is also involved in refining medicine."

"This is how we suppressed the Shizuka family and steadily reaped the first wave of dividends brought by the leader's national fame."

As for expenses…

The largest part is the early acquisition of various shops under the name of the Satoma family.

The second is transportation costs.

The last item is the reconstruction fee. This part mainly involves the reconstruction of the four alchemy workshops that were once destroyed in Snowbird Port. But because of Sandao's timely dispatch and arrangement, these losses were far less huge than they seemed.

"The role played by the three swords is not small."

"Although he only has a Black Iron-level fighter level and is a staunch follower of Zong Ge, his previous rich professional experience as a mercenary captain allows him to reluctantly serve as the operator of the branch."

"During the time we left, San Dao acted as the temporary leader and did a good job in all aspects."

"If it weren't for that big mistake, he would have done a lot of credit."

The major mistake of San Dao that Zi Di thought of was naturally that he lost the big man.

At the critical moment, San Dao ordered Chi Lai to retrieve the big man, but did not expect that Chi Lai would take matters into his own hands. As a result, the big man was taken away by Big Kabuto.

Of course, looking back at the whole process, Zidi also discovered that even if Chi Lai found the big man in time, according to the will and determination shown by Dadou, he would still take the big man away by force. Silver-level Chi Lai couldn't stop Dadou.

San Dao's order and Chi Lai's temporary decision actually reduced the risk of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. If Chi Lai and Dadou had a fight, they would probably die in battle.

But none of these can cover up the mistakes made in Sandao’s decision-making!

Wrong is wrong.

At this point, Zong Ge also said that the command of San Dao was inappropriate.

Zonge clearly understood rewards and punishments, and did not choose to protect his goblin followers because of his relationship with San Dao.

"For this time's big sales of Dragon Rider potions, we invested part of the funds, and we focused on acquiring stores in various places."

"Now the profit is about 200,000, but the Utama family needs to share the profit of about 80,000."

"I plan to hand over the 120,000 gold coins directly to the Satajian family to expand the production of Dragon Rider potions." Zidi said to Zong Ge.

Zong Ge didn't hesitate: "You just have to make up your mind about this thing."

After the survivors came out of the Mysterious Island, Zidi continued to demonstrate her business talents.

Even Zong Ge's vision was astonishing.

If this business plan fails, Zong Ge may hesitate, but he will still feel that Zidi is the best business person among the survivors.

The reality is that this time Zidi's plan was a great success.

This is the first round of income, reaching 200,000 gold coins.

Zong Ge secretly admired the vision, means and determination Zidi showed in this process.

Zong Ge has led an army, so of course he understands how important food and grass are to the army!

Therefore, this time Zongge immediately raised his hands in favor of Zidi's proposal.

"Dragon suit, come out quickly!"

"Since you can kill Fujituro, why don't you dare to duel with me?"

"My ice skating is only silver level, what are you afraid of?"

"Come out and accept my duel challenge!"

Zidi frowned, she heard the noise on the other end of Zong Ge from the alchemy device.

"What's going on?" Zidi asked immediately.

Zong Ge said calmly: "This is already the third challenger."

"My position has been leaked, and the first two people who challenged me publicly have been taken over by the Utama family and dealt with."

"But I think this situation will get worse."

"Although these three challengers are all silver-level, I don't think it's simple. It's most likely a follow-up attack launched by the enemy, trying to make me too tired to deal with it and unable to heal."

Zong Ge's sense of battlefield is keen.

From these challenges, he immediately sensed the enemy's intentions.

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