Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 598: Divine Magic [Believer’s Perception]

The fish-man boy and Cang Xu had discussed and estimated the results of promotion to the teaching position.

The result of their discussion was that there was a high probability that they were at the level of the Holy Son, a small number of them might be Cardinals, and there was also a slight possibility of the Pope.

The fishman boy had already become the archbishop during his last prayer, just like Zou Zhang.

For example, an archbishop is equivalent to a local noble or powerful lord. Cardinals are high-ranking officials in the empire who control the daily operations of the sect and can command the archbishops in various places to a certain extent.

The Pope is likened to a King.

However, the result is...

"A walker on behalf of the gods, walking in the world and exercising divine power. How do you feel that this clerical position is more powerful than the pope?"

The fishman boy muttered to himself.

"No matter what, I finally got the art of coming from the Kingdom of God!"

The main purpose of the fish-man boy's promotion to the teaching position was to obtain more advanced magic that would allow him to teleport out of the ocean nest.

But this time, after praying, the gods did not allow him to be promoted to a gold-level fighter. Instead, he was promoted to a teaching position and granted many magical powers.

The first one to bear the brunt is the divine skill [Divine Power Addition].

This is a passive divine spell. It has been blessed by the divine light beam on the body of the fish-man boy during prayer.

With this layer of divine magic, he can exercise certain divine power.

Theurgy - the performance of divine duties.

This is also a passive divine spell.

After the blessing was successful, the fishman boy automatically obtained some information.

He knew all the responsibilities of Charming Blue God. The main priesthood is deception, the second priesthood is the fish-man god, the third priesthood and the fourth priesthood are the water sign and the fish catcher respectively.

The fishman boy has long known about deceiving the priesthood.

The priesthood of the fishman god is a typical racial god priesthood. As long as the fish people are taken care of, the fish people can develop and grow, and preferably become the main belief of the fish people, it can bring benefits to Charming Blue God.

The water sign priesthood mainly refers to the changes in the water sign. This is a subdivision of the Water God priesthood. Generally, water life forms become gods, and almost all have such subdivided priesthoods.

The fish harvest priesthood, as the name suggests, is the harvest of fishing. This is a breakdown of the Harvest priesthood.

After the fish-man boy is blessed with this magic, he will be able to gain profits from now on as long as he deceives, protects the fish-men, changes the water signs, fishes for fish, etc.

But the specific number was unknown to the fishman boy. Different from the last time, this time the divine gift did not bring him experience, leaving him in the novice stage and still very ignorant.

Theurgy - divine perception.

It is still a passive magic that gives the fish-man boy a special perception ability.

With its blessing, the fish-man boy can perceive the external divine existence within a certain range. When perceiving the divinity related to the priesthood, this perception becomes very powerful.

It also requires the fishman boy to try it himself before he can gain some experience.

Divine magic - the coming of the Kingdom of God.

This is an active magic.

The magical effect is to pray that part of the Charming Blue Kingdom will come near the believer.

"The space in the Ocean Mother Nest is part of the Charming Blue Divine Kingdom."

Cang Xu found out this truth from Zou Zhang, and the fishman boy also knew about it.

"But, how can I use this magic to get out?"

Further attempts are needed.

Divine art - control of divine weapons!

Active magic.

Powerful yet unpretentious, it is an instrument for harnessing the power of the gods.

Divine weapons cannot be used by everyone.

It is extremely effective because of the power of the gods used in its production, but because of this, it is difficult for others to control it.

The only person who can truly exert the effect of an artifact is the god himself.

The sapphire-gold coffin and the mermaid's fairy tale in the hands of the survivors are both artifacts.

Even a legendary alchemist, as powerful as a war monger, can only exert the power of a part of the mermaid's fairy tale with all his strength and brains.

The fish-man boy couldn't wait to use this magic, and then come into contact with mermaid fairy tales to see what he got.

Divine magic - mastery of divine texts.

Magic runes are tools for using magical power. By analogy, the positioning of divine runes is to use runes that correspond to divine power.

Each god is unique and has unique divine power, so the divine inscriptions derived from it are also different.

Of course, similar divine texts also exist. But no matter how similar they are, they are still fundamentally different.

This is a passive divine spell.

After receiving the blessing, the fish-man boy immediately mastered the Charming Blue Divine Text and became extremely proficient in it.

"Now, I can easily read the charming blue divine inscriptions in the magic array around the ocean nest."

In addition to these, there are also divine spells [divine gift], [divine revelation], [oracle], [divine descent], etc.

The total number exceeds 20.

This is not the time when the fish-man boy has obtained the most magical blue magic, but he is sure that this is the time when he has obtained the highest level of magic!

The fish-man boy studied for a moment, focusing on the two magical arts.

The first divine technique - divine power channel.

It allows the caster to create temporary passages between certain belief coordinates.

These faith coordinates can be believers, sacred animals, statues, altars, temples, temples, etc.

The second divine spell - believer's perception.

Believers of the Charming Blue God can be sensed by the caster.

"First use the divine spell [Believer's Sense], then use the divine spell [Divine Power Channel] to create a temporary channel, and then use divine spells such as [God's Gift], [Divine Enlightenment] or [Oracle] to bestow blessings on believers .”

During the research process, the fish-man boy discovered that he seemed to be able to play the role of the Charming Blue God and grant divine gifts to other Charming Blue believers.

In theory, it is completely feasible.

The fish-man boy began to try magical arts.

He is a spiritual walker, and to some extent, his clerical position is higher than that of the Pope.

Therefore, he is eligible to use all the magical blue magic skills he masters freely.

The fish-man boy decided to try all the magical arts one by one, in the order of easy ones and then difficult ones.

The easiest magic is the perception of believers.

After casting the magic, the divine power in the fish-man boy's body began to be consumed.

His mental power deteriorated in an instant, centered on him, and spread rapidly to the surroundings like lightning. The speed of light was astonishingly fast, and in the next moment, it spread to an extremely far distance that the young man could not estimate.

Expansion, ever-expanding.

The fish-man boy's perception seemed to have no upper limit, and the range it covered was horrifyingly large.

"Maintaining the magic, the divine power is consumed less. Although the mental power undergoes qualitative changes under the magic, I can feel that it is consumed quickly. Generally speaking, I can persist for about 20 minutes."

This is a unique dimension of perception.

The fish-man boy was immersed in this perception, as if he was in a dark space.

The size of the space continued to expand to the surroundings as his mental power continued to expand.

In this dark space, any believer of Meilan is emitting a little light.

Some have an insignificant glimmer, some have white light like candles, and some are as bright as alchemical light bulbs.

Centered on the fish-man boy, the area closest to him was empty. But after that, there was a large area of ​​densely packed stars.

"I am now in the ocean brood. Outside the brood is the army of Charm Blue believers. These light spots represent them."

Among all the brilliance, there is one that stands out the most, as bright as a light bulb.

That is Porridge Chapter.

The Archbishop of Charming Blue Sect!

The fish-man boy focused his attention on this point, and his perception suddenly became ten times clearer. He could actually sense that Zou Zhang was handling affairs and listening to reports from his subordinates.

The voice of the subordinate's report could also be sensed by the fishman boy, and it also involved Cangxu. It was said that after Cangxu returned to the gathering place, he rushed to the ship ghost's place, where he performed magic and guided the faith of the fin spirit.

It was the first time for the fish-man boy to use magic. He didn't feel confident and didn't dare to act rashly. He was worried that if he continued to observe, he would be noticed by Zou Zhang.

He carefully withdrew his attention, and the next moment, he seemed to be back in the dark space before.

He chose other points of light and continued observing.

After a while, the fishman boy gained a lot of insights.

"After concentrating, you can perceive the behavior of the believers at that time and 'hear' their conversations."

"On this basis, if you continue to focus your attention, you can feel the psychological activities of believers. It is not necessarily what is in the heart, but most of them are moods and feelings."

"If you focus again, you can feel the deep information on the believer. This information can be perceived by me even if it is not revealed actively. It mainly includes the believer's name, identity, extraordinary power attributes, extraordinary level, current vital signs, extraordinary status, faith level, etc.”

"It's amazing."

"Is this the god's perspective?"

I concentrated again and nothing changed.

After observing more samples, the fish-man boy discovered three more patterns.

"First, concentrating on digging for information will intensify the consumption of divine and mental power."

"Second, by digging up information about fish-man believers, you can sense the other party's bloodline information. But if you look at octopus men, sea elves, etc., there is no such information. Could it be that this is related to the priesthood of the fish-man god?"

"Third, the light displayed by believers is the result of comprehensive factors, not just related to the degree of belief. Some fanatical believers have weak extraordinary strength and only have a white glimmer. And the saint-level archbishop like Zou Zhang has faith. The level is only pious, but it is as bright as a light bulb."

After the fish-man boy became proficient, he felt confident and observed the porridge chapter again.

Zou Zhang didn't notice anything.

Only then did the fish-man boy make an interesting discovery—the dignified Archbishop only had a pious level of faith!

But soon, the fishman boy figured it out.

“Beyond piety is fanaticism.”

"The beliefs of fanatic believers are extremely firm, and they are so fanatical that they do not care about their own lives. If God says to die, he will commit suicide immediately, without hesitation."

"This is completely out of mind."

"And once someone slanders the gods even a little bit, fanatics will often turn into thugs and carry out all-out revenge and attack."

"This is a potential criminal!"

"As an archbishop, you have to deal with daily affairs and deal with other forces on behalf of Charming Blue Sect. How can you be a fanatical believer?"

"If a fanatic becomes the archbishop, it will be a disaster for the Charming Blue Sect."

Therefore, the pious level of faith is just right.

Of course, above fanaticism are saints.

Believers at this level have both fanatical beliefs and sufficient reason. They are the most valuable treasures among believers.

"However, if Zongzhang is at the saint level, coupled with her saint level strength, she will definitely not be just a mere archbishop."

After becoming a Strider, the position of archbishop was just "just a mere thing" in the eyes of the fish-man boy.

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