Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 600: The young man was furious: He kidnapped my son!

If believers are divided into levels based on their beliefs, there are roughly five levels.

They are pan-believers, ordinary believers, devout believers, fanatic believers and saints.

What is a fanatic?

Fanatic believers have an extreme pursuit of the object of their belief and are extremely fanatical. They will believe that only by believing in their gods can they receive salvation or blessings.

They will ignore all rational thinking and devote themselves wholeheartedly. Even if the gods ask them to die on their own initiative, they will do it without hesitation.

Moreover, they cannot tolerate any kind of criticism of gods.

Usually faced with this situation, they will persuade, curse or even directly attack.

For those with serious crimes, they will not hesitate to turn into thugs and carry out brutal attacks on their enemies.

When the dragon boy first discovered that the big man was his fanatical follower, he felt strange and confused.

But as he thought more deeply, he gradually understood.

According to the standards of a fanatic, the big man is not his fanatic, or what?

After the old shipwright died, the big man firmly believed that the boy who treated him best and his only relative in the world was the dragon boy!

As long as the young man is in danger, the big man will definitely fall into a violent state in an instant, defend the young man risklessly, and fight to the end for him!

"Why would he become my fanatical follower?"

Looking back on the big man's life experience, the fish-man boy gradually came to a realization.

The big man was abandoned as a baby, but luckily he was cared for by the old shipwright.

As he grew up, he became a fool and occasionally went crazy.

Naturally, the people around him didn't have a good look on him. Contempt, disgust, rejection, etc. were the main themes.

The old boatman was the only light in the big man's life. He made the big man grow up by pooping and peeing, took care of him tirelessly, fought for him to have a living space, and even taught him how to swim.

The young dragon man knew how much the big man's intellectual disability was. He admired the old shipwright for successfully teaching the big man how to swim, and it was hard to imagine.

It is precisely because of the old shipwright that the big man lives in a harsh environment but has kindness in his heart.

The old shipwright tried his best to maintain it, the small and unique living space on the sea ship, and the big man himself was just a mortal and could not compete with the extraordinary...these factors combined made the big man's character timid. But at the same time, the violence factor in the bloodline is only hidden. When the big man is stimulated, he will become violent and try his best to kill the enemy or protect the things he cares about most.

This is clearly demonstrated on the Mysterious Island. In order to protect his father, the big man pushed the boat himself and sacrificed himself despite the tide of beasts.

He was closest to the old shipwright and distant from the others. This is almost an isolation from the outside world. The big man's personal world is actually very small. The old shipwright was the whole of his only world and the whole meaning of his life.

But on the mysterious island, the old shipwright died.

Before he died, the old shipwright entrusted the big man to the young knight.

The old shipwright knew what he meant to the big man. He was worried that the big man would not be able to think about it, and at the same time he wanted someone to take care of him.

This action of the old shipwright was a huge success!

The knight boy became a new father, taking the old shipwright's place. The old shipwright was right. The young man possessed the spirit of chivalry, was upright, tolerant, and kind. He felt compassion for the big man and never gave up on him because of his stupidity or madness.

He didn't even dislike it.

never had!

Not even a minute or a second!

The knight boy has been taking the big man with him, protecting him and taking care of him. Perhaps, the care may not be comprehensive and thoughtful.

But the young man is indeed sincere and dedicated.

The boy originally fought for the giant intelligence potion for the big man, and he did not hesitate to conflict with the ice owl. It took a lot of effort to get the big man to practice the Unintentional Sleeping Technique.

Although the big man has an intellectual disability, he can feel the young man's feelings for him!

Because of this, the big man recognized the young man from the bottom of his heart. He firmly remembered what the old shipwright said to him. The boy was his father, the only meaning of his life, the sky that enveloped him, the sea that tolerated him, and the land that carried him.

The boy is his heaven, earth, sea, and his world!

In his view, the big world is strange and even hostile, and only his father is trustworthy enough.

With such a mentality, it is very natural for a big man to become a fanatical believer.

The big man's nightmare turned into a sweet dream with the appearance of the boy.

The huge mist formed the image of a dragon boy, as huge as a mountain. One finger of the young man is thicker than that of the big man.

The big man had sat down on the deck, wrapping his hands around the dragon boy's fingers, pressing his face tightly against them, crying loudly.

Crying profusely and having runny nose.

It's like a person who is lost outside, has been frightened for a long time, and is waiting hard for his parents to find him.

Now, the father he had been waiting for and calling for for so long finally appeared. The poor child received a huge relief.

"Dad, please help, please help."

"Little boy, it's dangerous!"

"There are bad people."

"Bad guy!"

"Xiao Guai wants to go back."

"But, I can't go back!"

Along with the big man's cry, the fishman boy's expression gradually changed.

It was his first time to try advanced magic. He was a novice and didn't know how to evaluate the distance and direction between him and the believers.

So, at first, he thought the big man was still in Snowbird Port.

But now, he gradually heard that something was wrong.

The dragon boy has been away from the team for a while, and he doesn't know that a lot of things have happened.

He always thought that after he left, the business plan was progressing smoothly, everything was in order, and the years were even peaceful.

But now from the big man's wailing words, he noticed something was wrong.

"Is there an enemy threatening the little boy?"

"what happened?"

"Isn't Xiaoguai by your side?"

"Maybe he's talking about nightmare encounters?"

The fishman boy felt confused and couldn't help but become nervous.

He had to confirm.

The next moment, he focused his attention again and reached the third floor.

According to his previous experience in trying magical arts:

The first level of attention allows him to detect light spots. Each point of light represents a believer.

The second level of attention allows him to observe the inner activities or emotions of believers.

The third level is the ability to mine deep information.

The fishman boy did this simply because he hoped to obtain more information so that he could make a correct judgment.

Soon, he felt the deep messages contained in the big man.

"The big man's strength has actually reached the silver level. How come it's so fast?"

"He is still practicing the Wuxin Sleeping Phase Dou Qi Art, good boy."

"He has a lot of fighting spirit now."

"There are no injuries at all."

"This kind of recovery ability... is stronger than my dragon form. It is worthy of the blood of giants."

"Why is there a lot of food in your stomach?"

The fishman boy was surprised and pleased with the big man's progress, but at the same time he also had more doubts.

From the information he got, the big man was very full and ate very high-end.

The silver-level magic food he ate was downgraded from the gold-level, and it was the most suitable food for a big man to practice!

From this point of view, the big man is doing better than him!

"I didn't get any other information about the big man's bloodline, lifespan, or anything else."

"Wait, it seems like we can dig deeper into information?"

After the fish-man boy sensed the information in depth, he found that he still had some energy left, unlike when he had sensed other Charming Blue believers before, and felt like he had reached the top.

Now, in a big man, he feels like he can tap into more.

"Give it a try!"

The fish-man boy tried to focus more.


The fourth level of concentration allowed him to access the big man's memory.

His memories were like magical images, unfolding scene by scene.

But it's played backwards, and it's always the big man's first-person perspective.

So, the fishman boy first saw the big man opening his eyes, and while his vision was still blurry, he saw Da Kabuto. Hearing Dadou speak, the big man burst out with an angry blow. Then, the big man and Dadou started a fierce fight, and he was knocked unconscious by Dadou not long after.

The memory continues to play backwards.

The fishman boy saw Dadou leading the big man to escape to an unknown desert island.

The big man jumped into the sea and swam, and Kabuto gave chase, and then the Tower of Mixy Snow suddenly appeared.

"Speed ​​up." Under the fish-man boy's thoughts, the speed of rewinding the memory really accelerated.

He saw the scene where the big man discovered that "Zong Ge" (alchemy puppet) was attacked and killed. The big man was stirred into a violent state and chased the enemy all the way out.

Then the big man entered the Snowbird Port Duel Arena in a daze, participated in the food consumption duel between Dad Kabuto and Sankai Shen, and played a very important role in it.

The memory rewinds again.

The big man talked with Sandao. The big man felt more and more hungry because of the achievements in his practice.

The big man's memory is piecemeal.

Much of the truth was not revealed, even though the big man was involved.

This is because the big man was put into the packing bag by Dadou in advance during Dadou vs. Widow. The big guy was knocked unconscious from time to time too. In a comatose state, one cannot perceive the outside world, so this part of the memory is limited.

Similarly, hitting the big man with three swords was intended to interrupt the big man's physical memory of practicing fighting spirit, but the big man did not have this knowledge. Therefore, the fish-man boy didn't see it either.

Despite this, the boy also learned a lot of things through these!

"'Zong Ge' was killed in a sneak attack by the enemy. He was actually playing me, and the person playing him was just an alchemy puppet."

"The reason why Xiaoguai was kidnapped by Dadou is probably because Dadou saw the big man's talent."

The fishman boy already knew Dadou's name.

The memory of the appetite showdown is filled with the audience’s comments about Sashimi and Kabuto.

"Dadou, you actually abducted my son!!!" At this moment, the fishman boy was very angry.

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