Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 602: Save Dao Heng

The fish-man boy felt strange: "Why are the knife marks here?"

He remembered clearly that as one of the former enemies of Eye-Eye Island, Dao Hen had become a prisoner after the war. How could he be here?

When the fishman boy was thinking, he was also concentrating.

The first layer of attention allowed him to discover the knife marks.

The second level of attention allowed him to understand Dao Heng's fear of death and the prayers deep in his heart.

The third level of attention allowed him to understand Dao Heng's strength, current status, etc.

The fourth level of concentration can no longer be added.

But the fish-man boy had already guessed it, and he decisively used the magic - the channel of divine power!

When the mysterious channel constructed by divine power was built, he and Dao Hen formed a real-time channel across space.

Dao Heng felt the difference and couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"God, I feel the gaze of the gods!"

"Oh my god, a god really responded to me!!"

Dao Hen's usual beliefs are very ordinary. To be precise, he is a pan-believer who widely believes in the mainstream gods of fish people.

"Which great being responded to me?" Dao Hen felt the image of the fish-man boy at this time, and a lot of doubts arose in his heart.

It was a whirlpool ocean, and in the depths of the ocean there was a huge black shadow like a mountain, revealing the majestic aura of the gods.

Normally, because the divine power channel communicates with each other, Dao Hen will see the appearance of the fish-man boy.

Of course, the fish-man boy would not reveal his appearance. He adopted the previous strategy of communicating with the big man and took the initiative to change his image.

As for the reason for this image, it was taken from the nightmare that had been bothering him.

"Is there such a person among our fish-men gods?" Dao Hen got the answer from the bottom of his heart while he was in shock and awe.

This was of course the message sent by the fish-man boy.

"The Fish God, it turns out to be the Fish God!!" Dao Hen's doubts disappeared in an instant, "Indeed, there is this one among the fish-men's gods! His name is Qunwu."

Dao Hen guessed that the fish-man gods who looked at him might be the three most mainstream ones.

They are the ocean guardian cube shell, the octagonal crown ink concubine and the deep sea wisdom coming and going poem.

Before becoming a god, Sea Guardian Cube Shell was a fish-man with the blood of a light giant. Therefore, His body is huge and His scales are shining. Cube Shell has three responsibilities: Poseidon, Guardian God, and Murloc God. On the one hand, he can set off tsunamis and huge waves. On the other hand, he is also responsible for protecting all kinds of life in the ocean from harm.

The fish-man shaman of the Cube Shell Sect is very good at casting protective magic.

The octagonal crown Mo Fei is the squid monster who became a god. He has three divine functions: fish-man god, beast control, covering, and water quality. The fishman shaman of this sect is good at controlling sea beasts, spitting ink for cover, and changing the quality of water, which can both purify and pollute water.

The deep sea wisdom Lai Shi is a mermaid, Lai Shi was a bard before becoming a god. She has gray scales and transparent eyes that can see through the ocean's secrets and communicate them to other creatures. She is also a wise person in the deep sea. She often teaches other life forms the wisdom of survival in the deep sea, and also rescues some adventurers on deep sea exploration.

Lai Lu Shi masters various knowledge in the ocean, including the behavioral habits of deep-sea creatures, the growth patterns of coral reefs, etc. She is also able to harness the energy of the deep to heal injured sea creatures and guide lost people through the maze of the deep.

"I didn't expect that it was the fish god Qunwu who responded to me."

Dao Hen tried his best to search out what he knew about Qun Wu from his memory.

"The fish gods are mysterious in the fog. Some people say that he became a god from a giant fish monster in the sea. Others say that he was a group of deep-sea piranhas who accidentally swallowed a certain part of the god's body, gained divinity, and became a god by luck. .”

In Dao Hen's impression, the fish god group of fog mainly preaches to those fish monsters that have developed wisdom. Of course, there are also people who believe in the mist among the fish-men. Most of them are mysterious, cruel, and hide in the dark.

"But the Mist God does like strong people. Murlocs who believe in him are generally strong and unique."

Dao Hen found a reason for the gods' gaze this time.

"From now on, I, Dao Hen, will serve you with all my strength, my Lord, the great fish god Qun Wu..."

Dao Heng began to pray again.

He prayed before, but in fact he didn't have any hope in his heart. He was just treating a dead horse like a living horse.

Now under the gaze of the gods, he realizes that his escape may be just around the corner! In ecstasy, he immediately changed his prayer and faced only the mist.

This time, because the prayer was not directed to all the fish-man gods, but only to the mist gods, the fish-man boy immediately felt the difference.

In the perception dimension of divine magic, Dao Hen's faith radiance began to grow brighter, and at the same time, the divine power channel became more and more stable.

As for why it is not the Charming Blue God, but the Fish God Group Fog...

The fish-man boy knew it clearly the moment he became the Strider.

Charming Blue God has four priesthoods, namely deception, fish-man god, water sign and fish harvest.

The four priesthoods correspond to his multiple divine names.

The deception priesthood corresponds to the god's name Mei Lan.

The racial priesthood fish-man god corresponds to the fish-god group fog.

The water animal priesthood corresponds to the most names of gods, including the God of Jingbo, the God of Waves, and the God of Water Flowers.

The fish-catching priesthood corresponds to the goddess of fishing nets.

Some gods only have one name. Why does Meilan God have multiple names? The more god names are set, the more consumption there will be in transit. It is also not conducive to uniting all believers and causing unnecessary internal conflicts such as fighting disputes between believers under different names of gods.

The fishman boy also knew the reason for this.

"The Charming Blue God was under siege and fell into a deep sleep. His condition was very poor and he very much needed to maintain his faith to heal his wounds and restore his strength. Faith is very important to him, so that's why Zou Zhang took the risk of blood sacrifice."

"For the same reason, let her disperse the priesthood and establish multiple divine names. If it is a unified sect, it will be an easy target. Once it is extinguished, the loss will be too heavy. But the believers under the divine name don't know Each other, keep secrets as much as possible. Even if one sect is discovered in the future, the others will continue to exist."

In short, Meilan Shen would rather consume more revenue in the transfer process, but also diversify its operations and reduce risks.

"Huh? I seem to remember that among the gods that Lan Zhao believes in, there is the Fishing Net Goddess."

"He was born and grew up in a fishing village, so he believed in the fishing net goddess."

"Perhaps I can find him through this?"

The fishman boy suddenly thought of something.

He didn't know it yet, but the blue algae had returned to the ice sculpture island. The fish-man boy had just investigated and found no belief in Blue Algae.

This is because Cyanobacteria is in the Anqiu Kingdom and is covered.

After applying the divine power channel, the fish-man boy concentrated his attention again, and sure enough, he reached the fourth level.

"My guess was correct."

"With the pure magic [Believer's Perception], the upper limit of attention is three levels. But with the combination of the divine art [Divine Power Channel], the upper limit of attention is more than three levels."

The fourth level of attention allows the fish-man boy to learn the believer's memories.

The fish-man boy quickly read Dao Heng's memory.

Dao Hen's memory is simple and clear. In addition to being tortured and interrogated during detention, the focus is that he was instigated by the Yan Yi faction to rebel, and Tan Mo used him to frame Huntong.

The fishman boy understood the whole story, and his expression became a little solemn.

"Tan Mo, rear admiral, is also an investigator in the empire's secret espionage organization."

"The paint comes from the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute!"

These two gold-level fishmen made the fish-man boy wary and at the same time secretly relieved.

"Fortunately, they came because of the Two-Eyed Island, not the Mysterious Island."

"The secret of the Mysterious Island has not been revealed."

During the battle on Eye Island, Cang Xu exposed his identity as a necromancer, triggering a series of subsequent events.

Therefore, the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute only dispatched one gold-level applicator. Tanmo, on the other hand, came to investigate because of Hutong's rebellion.

"If the empire finds out what happened on the Mysterious Island..."

The fishman boy didn't dare to think deeply.

Whether it was the war peddler's immensely valuable inheritance or his private killing of the legendary Flame Dragon King, it would trigger a tsunami of overwhelming force to pursue them.

The fish-man boy gathered his thoughts and thought about how to deal with the current situation.

The knife marks must be preserved.

This is not difficult for the fishman boy.

But how to handle it specifically requires careful consideration.

The fish-man boy thought about it and made a decision.

He conveyed his extremely majestic voice directly to the bottom of Dao Hen's heart: "Dao Hen, you went out to fight for the fishmen and should not die in the conspiracy. There is still your unfinished journey in the sea."

"Under my protection, you will be invisible. Take the opportunity to leave the cage, like a smart little fish, without splashing unnecessary blood..."

The fish-man boy changed his tone and told Dao Hen about his next rough course of action.

After finishing speaking, he performed multiple magical spells.

The first is the art of deception and disguise.

Then there is the anti-reconnaissance prophecy.

The fish-man boy was both a priest and a mage, and he successfully cast this set of spells. The radiance of the spell immediately followed the divine power channel and blessed Dao Hen's body.

The best thing is that the fluctuations in spell casting are all on the fish-man boy's side, while the knife marks happen quietly.

The knife marks disappeared, disguised as a mass of transparent air.

Divine spells were performed one after another.

The chain that bound the knife mark was opened, and the magic circle paused its operation, but no one noticed it due to another deception and disguise spell.

The restorative magic spells fell one after another, and the knife mark state quickly recovered until he reached his peak.

"My God!"

"Great Fish God Fog, you are my Lord, you have given me a second life."

"Your kindness is unforgettable to me. I, Dao Hen, will only believe in you in my life!!"

After getting help and regaining his freedom, Dao Heng screamed in his heart.

He was saved from despair, and his faith quickly grew with such overwhelming gratitude. From a believer to an ordinary person, to a devout person!

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