Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 606: Dadou’s hard battle

Although earth elementals usually have magic-like abilities that allow them to pass through walls and escape from the ground, their lairs also have many underground caves and passages.

Because it takes effort to penetrate walls and escape from the ground, casting spells will consume the power in the magic crystal.

As elemental bodies, they should try every means to accumulate power and store it in the magic crystal. Not only can it be used to deal with critical situations, but more importantly, the power of magic crystal can help them break through the life level.

The experience of Dadu going into the hole and fighting his way through was not good.

He was a giant, so huge that he couldn't stretch freely in the cave.

In fact, the caves and passages dug by the earth elemental body are quite good, but the underground passages of the dwarves are even more downloadable, which makes the giants flinch.

If possible, Dadou would not burrow into the ground at all. But there is no way now. In his opinion, the big man is in danger, and he must race against time to rescue him.

If it's a little later, it's likely that the big man will have to collect the body.

The golden fighting spirit condensed into a big hand, flying in front of Dadou and frantically digging up the soil to expand the space of the underground passage.

At the same time, Dadou also consumed his divine power and used the magic of fire to roast the invading earth elemental body.

The fighting spirit and divine power were greatly consumed, but Dadou's fighting spirit was firm and unwavering.


He punched directly and killed an earth elemental that sneaked up on him, then quickly reached into the packing bag.

This is a rare piece of storage equipment. The level of the packing bag has reached the gold level. It also has another special effect, which is: preservation to a certain extent.

Under normal circumstances, the shelf life of magic dishes made by the magic chef is very short. Basically, I eat it on the same day, and occasionally leave it for two or three days.

If the time is longer, most of the magic power of the magic dishes will escape and the quality of the dishes will decline. This is not bad. More often, magic confusion occurs and people become poisoned after eating it. Even the magical dishes themselves explode.

But packaging bags can be used to extend the shelf life of food to a certain extent.

Dadou took out a dish from his bag.

Bee-sweet shredded potatoes!

This is a gold level magic dish.

Dadou raised his neck, opened his mouth, and poured the whole plate of shredded potatoes into his mouth.

After chewing a few times, he swallowed with a gulp.

The consumed fighting spirit was immediately replenished, and the recovery speed was very fast.

Fighting energy is easy to replenish, but divine power is difficult to replenish. Prayer is the most mainstream method, but now is not the time.

Dadou devoured a plate of shredded potatoes and took out a few magic rainbow candies.

He didn't even peel off the sugar coating, and just threw it into his mouth in order to buy time.

He refused hard with his hard teeth, chewed the hard candies into pieces, and then swallowed them again.


Dadou's face suddenly twisted.

So sweet!

The magic rainbow candy was in his stomach and was quickly digested.

All kinds of magical radiance immediately rose from his body. Within a few seconds, Dadou was blessed with a variety of amplifying spells, and his speed, endurance, defense, perception and other abilities were all slightly improved.

Dadou took a deep breath and continued to rush deeper into the cave.

Under the orders of the clan leader, the earth elemental bodies resisted desperately.

They form a line of defense and work together to cast magic-like spells to fortify the land.

Many silver-level people joined forces to cause trouble to Dadou. He had to use more gold-level fighting spirit to pull away the soil in front of him and expand the hole so that Dadu could walk in and out.

Spell-like—Earth Stab.

Thorns suddenly appeared one after another, some from under the feet, some from the narrow walls of the cave, and some shot directly from the top of the head.

Dadou had to use gold-level defensive fighting skills to cover his whole body.

Most of the ground thorns were blocked, but some of them successfully penetrated Dadou's defensive fighting skills, causing wounds on the latter.

This is the home where earth elements live, the nest where they live and breed. Of course, it is managed and carefully arranged by them.

The deeper you go, the higher the defense of the cave is, and the more powerful the mechanisms are.

In the Magnet Islands, there are a large number of earth elemental bodies living, and there are many tribes. There are often conflicts, contradictions, and even wars between them.

After all, the Magnet Islands are surrounded by a vast sea and the land is limited. Earth elemental bodies must compete for resources in order to survive and grow.

Hongzhu followed Dadou but kept a long distance.

After leading Dadou to the right place, she also secretly went down into the hole.

"It's terrible when the giant is angry."

"He's wounded!"

"It seems that the little giant that was snatched away is really important to him."

While Hongzhu speculated on the relationship between Dadou and Big Man, he picked up earth element essence, magnetic earth element essence, earth element magic crystal, etc. along the way.

"Get rich!"

"The decision to help the flame giant find the enemy's lair is the right one."

"He didn't even pick up a silver-level magic crystal. How heroic he is."

Da Dou was concerned about the big man's safety, so he still didn't dare to waste the time he had to pick up the magic crystal.

Hongzhu was secretly happy. Dadou was charging forward wildly, and she reaped the greatest benefits.

"Why hasn't the gold-level tribal leader appeared yet?"

"Now that the earth elemental tribe has been attracted by the fire giant, I can just go to their storage room and take away the good things in it."

Because the earth elemental body can pass through walls and escape from the ground, it can often collect many precious resources deep in the mountains and the earth.

Hong Zhu took out the alchemy tools and began to scout the possible location of the reserve room.

The speed of Da Dou's impact was getting slower and slower. Hong Zhu didn't want to get involved in the muddy water, but just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, so he secretly turned around and headed in another direction.

After a while, she came to an empty underground square.

"This is definitely the center of the earth elemental body. Even if it's like this outside, there are still guards guarding it."

Hong Zhu looked more and more excited.

The guards were two black iron-level earth elements. Hongzhu himself was a silver-level person and had the ability to break through.

But Hongzhu didn't want to force a breakthrough.

Although these two earth element guards are one level lower than Hong Zhu, they are still very difficult to deal with if they really want to take action.

The reason is that the life structure of the earth element body is relatively special and has almost no fatal weaknesses. The only thing that can be considered a fatal weakness is the magic crystal. However, the magic crystals in their bodies can be transferred at will. As long as there is energy in the magic crystals, they can consume energy at any time, absorb the earth elements from the surrounding environment, and repair their bodies rapidly.

Hong Zhu took out three alchemy tools, activated them one after another, and then cruelly drank half a tube of gold-level medicine with a look of pain.

Hong Zhu quickly became invisible, her aura condensing to the extreme.

Under the eyes of the earth element guard, she carefully moved step by step into the heavy ground.

As it turns out, it's not the storage room she expected to find, but... a cemetery.

Hong Zhu was even more excited.

Because what is buried in the cemetery is the magic crystal left behind after the death of the earth elemental body!

Hongzhu began to secretly dig the grave.

Most of the magic crystals dug out are full and full of elemental energy. But there are also a few whose magic crystals are incomplete and store little or no energy.

But even this broken magic crystal is still a good material for making mana crystal.

After digging out sixteen magic crystals in a row, Hong Zhu accidentally triggered the alarm.

The two earth elemental guards were furious and immediately activated their mechanisms to clean the entire cemetery.

Hongzhu was forced to reveal himself and fight against the earth elemental guards.

During the battle, she found an opportunity, broke through the cemetery, and ran out.

The two earth elemental guards pursued him for a distance and then returned to their posts.

After receiving the news, a group of earth elemental bodies roared angrily and ran after Hong Zhu.

Because of the participation of several silver-level earth elemental bodies in the battle, Hong Zhu's situation took a turn for the worse.

She wanted to escape to the ground, but found that the tunnel she came from had been blocked by silver-level earth elements.

"Go find the flame giant!" Hongzhu's heart skipped a beat, he turned around and went deep into the cave.

Dadou had already broken through three lines of defense at this time, causing the demise of several silver-level earth elemental bodies.

Spell-like - Rolling Stone!

More than a dozen earth elements cast spells together.

Extraordinary power burst out, gathered in the same place, superimposed on each other, and condensed into a huge spherical rolling stone.

The rolling stone rumbled onto the ground and hit Dadou.

The cave wall was reinforced, and Dadou could not dodge for a while. He could only grit his teeth, straighten his chest, and face him.

The golden vindictive hand was the first to touch the rolling stone and was quickly crushed.

Dadou raised his arms and slapped the surface of the rolling stone hard with both palms to stop it from spinning.

But the huge inertia, as well as the faintly flickering divine inscriptions on the surface of the spherical rolling stone, made the rolling stone undiminished in power and hit Dadou's chest.

Dadou's ribs were suddenly broken three or four, and a mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot.

He endured the severe pain, roared, and used his attacking skills. He blasted three times in a row before smashing the rolling stone in front of him.

The earth elements retreated hurriedly and urgently formed a new line of defense.

Smoke and dust temporarily obscured his vision, and Dadou half-knelt on the ground, breathing hard.

He reached out again and reached into the packing bag.

The arduous assault battle took a heavy toll on his physical strength, fighting spirit, etc. His body was injured in many places and he was bleeding profusely. The broken ribs caused severe pain, which made the corners of his eyes twitch.

He took out the magic dish from the bag.

Even this simple movement made his arms tremble.

The earth elemental body has always been known for its defense. If you want to defeat the silver-level earth elemental body, you have to use a lot of fighting energy to completely destroy the earth elemental body. Once a part remains, maybe the magic crystal is hidden there, allowing the earth elemental body to survive.

The earth element is extremely abundant in the caves here. It only takes two or three times for the earth elemental body to return to its original state.

Dadou was really tired and exhausted.

He devoured portions of magical dishes, racing against time to recover.

Soon, the wounds all over his body stopped bleeding and began to heal quickly. His broken ribs were also being spliced, and his fighting spirit reserves were rising from the bottom of the valley. His mind was like a clear spring flowing into the desert, and he became energetic again.

Using fighting skills also requires the consumption of mental energy. The more complex the fighting skill, the more mental energy is consumed.

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