Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 632: God’s Gaze

"There may also be clues about the little giant of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. Why did Hong Zhu join forces with him? Hong Zhu had cooperated with the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group on the Eye Island."

"Lord Tuji, let's leave now. If we don't leave, it will be bad if the earth element finds out about us!" the empire's secret spy leader hurriedly persuaded.

Tu Zi sighed deeply and shook his head slowly: "Go to the other side to create chaos and take the opportunity to escape. I'm going to rescue them!"

"What?!" The imperial spy was so shocked that he opened his mouth again.

Although he knew that the paint from the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute must not be ordinary gold-level, no matter how powerful he was, he was only one person. It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this earth element coalition!

Tu Zi could obviously escape and leave here without being discovered by the earth element, but he did not do so.

"What a madman! I won't risk my life with you like this." The imperial secret agent shouted in his heart, and he quickly followed the order, bent down, and quickly swam out in the southeast direction.

Tu Zi's eyes always stayed on Dadou, Hongzhu and others.

"I didn't expect that this time I would have to fight for my life. Alas!"

Tu Yao took out three tubes of medicine and poured them into his mouth one after another.

Every potion is gold grade.

After drinking it, the violent effect of the medicine took effect immediately, causing Tu Zi to kneel on the ground and spit out a small mouthful of blood.

He subconsciously covered his mouth with his hand, coughed a few more times, and then slowly stood up.

His height is at least one meter higher than before taking the medicine. The whole person's physique swelled, with muscles growing strong and veins surrounding him. His eyes were bloodshot and his aura was terrifying.

The battle uniform of the Blood Light Sanctioning Institute that he wore changed with his physical changes and still fit him very well.

Taking this classic potion combination immediately doubled the potion's combat power.

This is not enough.

Fighting skills - blood sacrifice to the years!

He clapped his palms together, groaned, and his fighting spirit surged out, emitting a strange halo of blood.

The halo circulated and enveloped his whole body.

Ten years of life were sacrificed at this moment, and in exchange his combat power skyrocketed again.

On the basis of the previous one, it doubled again.

In this way, the combat power will be 4 times that of the basic state!

After reaching this stage of blessing, Tu Zhi suddenly stepped on his feet, and his body shot out like a cannonball.


The next moment, he fell hard into the earth element army.

The surrounding earth elemental bodies were caught off guard and were covered by the subsequent attack of the paint, and died on the spot.

"They still have reinforcements!"

"Separate some people and destroy their support!"

"Wait a minute, this man's uniform is a bit..."

"No matter what you do, this is the will of the great Lord God! Those who dare to intercept us are all enemies of God, enemies of God!!"

The morale of the earth elements is extremely strong. Inspired by their faith, they are not afraid of death at all.

Although some people shouted to get rid of the reinforcements, the dozen or so gold-level earth elemental bodies did not move, and their targets were still fixed on the big man.

Compared with killing the reinforcements and killing the big man, there is obviously a big gap in the credit between the two.

Dadou tried his best to escape.

His flame flickering magic is even more miraculous in the army.

No matter how hard the earth elemental bodies chased and intercepted him, it was of no use.

But with the big man and red beads, his divine power was consumed very quickly.

The three of them also noticed the intervention of the lubricant.

"Yes, it's someone from the Blood Light Sanctioning Court! He, he's here to catch me!!" Hong Zhu was so frightened that she stuttered.

"Isn't this good?" Dadou's eyes lit up, "Obviously, he is here to save your life."

Dadou worked hard to get closer to the lubricant.

The gold-level earth elemental bodies pursued and intercepted him.

The longer their divine spell circle operates, the better the effect of solidifying space will be. With Dadou's flame flickering magic, not only did the distance get shorter and shorter, but red straight lines remained in the air, marking the location where Dadou teleported.

This makes it easier for the earth elements to intercept.

For a moment, Dadou's move closer to Tu Zi seemed like he had fallen into a trap.

Seeing such a scene, the corners of Zi Zi's eyes twitched.

He fought with fists and feet, knocking away the surrounding earth elemental bodies.

After being hit by his fists and feet, these earth elemental bodies fell to the ground, wailing. Soon, cracks opened in the body, and bright red blood shined from the cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of the earth elemental bodies disintegrated and turned into a pile of soil and corpses of flesh and blood.

"It's a curse of flesh and blood!!" the knowledgeable elder of the earth element shouted.

"He is really a member of the Blood Light Sanctioning Academy!!" Some gold-level earth elemental bodies felt their hearts pounding, and were even more unwilling to deal with the paint.

This curse was originally designed to deal with the undead body, but it is also very effective when used to deal with elemental bodies!

The paint is blessed with a curse of flesh and blood, and with fists and kicks, the earth elemental body can be transformed into a body of flesh and blood under the curse.

The combat advantage of the elemental body of the earth elemental body is gone!

But the earth elements are not afraid of death, and there are too many of them. Tuya had been killing for more than two minutes and had already killed hundreds of earth elemental bodies, but he was still heavily surrounded.

"Hmph!" Tu Zi snorted angrily and took a deep breath.

Fighting Skill - Spiritual Blood Feast!

At this moment, his fighting spirit turned into blood again. The blood light condensed like arrows, and in the blink of an eye, four to five hundred were shot out.

The earth elemental bodies hit by the blood arrows all let out tragic wails and fell into madness. Some attacked randomly, some rolled with their heads in their hands, and some simply collapsed.

"This is a fighting skill that specifically attacks souls."

"Their souls are being annihilated!"

"We must get rid of this scary guy, we can't let him attack arbitrarily anymore!!"

Those who besiege the paint are at most silver level.

Very few people survive after being hit by this fighting skill.

This fighting skill is especially aimed at the undead. Whether they are zombies, skeletons or ghosts, they still have souls. Now used on the earth element body, the effect is still very good.

Four to five hundred blood arrows went down, directly clearing away all the enemies around Tu Zi.

The earth elemental army is huge, with thousands of people, and it cannot bear such consumption.

Because if this fighting skill is used a few more times, the earth elemental army will be reduced by nearly half.

Even if the earth elemental coalition has strong morale, it cannot withstand such a battle loss ratio.

Under normal circumstances, when most armies suffer losses close to 30%, their morale will collapse and they will no longer have the will to fight. The earth elements are dull and stubborn, and the morale of their armies is generally relatively high, which can reach 40%. But no matter how high it is. After all, they are all intelligent life forms.

The more wisdom you have, the more you think, and the more you fear death.

"We can't leave this guy alone anymore!" All the earth elemental bodies came to a consensus after the Lingfang Blood Feast fighting skills were played.

But how to manage it?

Not one of the more than a dozen gold-level earth elemental bodies turned around to fight with Tu Zhi.

They could all sense his terror from the aura of the paint.

Tu Zi couldn't help but laugh when he saw that there was still no gold-level person coming to him. He couldn't bear the pressure from Dadou.

"I want to see how long you can hold it in!" Tu Zi prepared to use the Soul Feast Blood Feast fighting skill again.

But the next moment, divine light descended.

The earth elemental bodies have been blessed with defensive magic, and their resistance has been greatly increased.

At the same time, half of the gold-level earth elemental bodies turned around at the same time and attacked Tu Zhi.

The faces of Zhu Zi, Dadou and others changed wildly.

"Such a magnificent magical power!"

"Is there a god paying attention to this place?!"


Just like the last time, the fish-man boy paid attention to the big man, the earth elemental god had already cast his gaze on him.

Under His will, the gold-level earth elemental body had to divide its forces into two groups, ending the previous extremely stupid tactical choice. One group of people continued to surround and kill the big man, while the other group started fighting with Tu Zi.

There was a look of surprise on Zhu Zhi's face!

The significance of divine attention is significant.

At this moment, Tu Zi had a strong idea of ​​​​retreating.

"The gods with the earth element are paying attention to this battle!" Dadou looked at the big man instantly.

At this moment, he was extremely sure: the earth elements were so aggressive that their only target was the big man!

Hongzhu's eyes widened, and she also thought of this: "Master Sleeping Man has been descended by the gods. Could it be said that there are two gods playing games around him?"

When thinking of this, Hongzhu couldn't help but look forward to it.

She had seen a big man being surrendered by a god.

"At such a critical moment, Master Sleeping Man can only be saved by being descended by God again!"

The fish-man boy, who was highly anticipated by Hong Zhu and Dadou, was currently studying the memory crystal on hand.

Since the last time the blood sacrifice was transmitted, the fish-man boy and Cang Xu had fully communicated, and he used the time to digest the contents of the god's gift to actively forge memories.

The fish-man boy is already a mage, and has prayed profanely many times. He is very good at using forged memories personally. Now this experience creates memories for others, which is also very fruitful.

It was obviously going well, but the fish-man boy frowned.

"what happened?"

"Why am I so uneasy, like something bad is happening, or about to happen?"

"Am I too worried about Zidi and Zongge?"

at the same time.

In the White Hair Trench, not far from the mother nest of the ocean.

Dahan and Qianxing disappeared and kept approaching.

"A large number of sea animals have been hunted, and the routes are concentrated in this area."

"The location we are looking for is correct. If you look there, there are... there are many traces of human activities. I believe it won't be long before we can find the base camp of the Meilan Cult."

"Hahaha, even if it's not a base camp, it's at least an important stronghold for them. I'm looking forward to the treasures inside!"

Dahan and Qianxing used fighting spirit to track and talk secretly.

Suddenly, Dahan's body suddenly flashed with white light, and the pendant on Qianxing's chest made a clear and exciting sound.

The two men immediately stopped.

Dahan pushed his palms towards the "thousand stars" in his eyes. Qianxing, on the other hand, hit the boulder next to him, as if he couldn't see Dahan's attack.

This month’s leave update, 4 chapters have been completed. Today’s update is up to 10/11.

According to this month’s announcement, the 700 monthly ticket renewal activity will end at the end of this month and will not be carried out in September.

In this case, the updates I owe are for the last 11/11 and the monthly pass update event in August.

Based on the current number of monthly votes in August, 4 more chapters need to be updated.

Above, I still owe you 5 more chapters to update.

Oh yeah!

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