Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 94: Recruiting Zong Ge

Zonge's action withstood the impact of the silver rhinoceros and saved the lives of the stupid man and the shipwright.

His fist hit the rhino's skull, making a muffled sound.

In the end, the silver rhinoceros actually lay down in the dirt, not daring to move its body at all.

Zonge's bravery suppressed the silver rhinoceros and shocked the hearts of everyone present. Even the cries of the bat monkey group were lowered. Each monkey had a look of fear on its face and did not dare to surround Zonge.


The next moment, Zong Ge spit out another mouthful of blood.

Blood sprayed on the face of the silver rhinoceros, and the monster that had just been suppressed suddenly became commotion.

"Go and support Lord Zongge!" A group of men and horses came out of the forest, led by a goblin.

"Go help them." Zong Ge laughed, staring at the silver rhinoceros, and loudly refused support.

The silver rhinoceros is even more ready to move, and its keen beast intuition makes it feel that Zonge has become weak. It opened its eyes wide and observed Zong Ge.

Because its head was smashed into the mud by Zong Ge, it could only look up.

And at its angle, the sunlight is very blinding. It couldn't see clearly Zong Ge's face, it could only see Zong Ge's dark figure standing tall like a giant in the white sunlight.

Among this pitch-black figure, Zonge's brown eyes exuded a cold light.

When the Silver Rhino saw these eyes, he immediately whimpered, feeling like he was seeing the King of Beasts!

The previous thoughts of provocation and counterattack disappeared as Zong Ge looked down quietly. The silver rhinoceros trembled its body, moved its limbs, and kept retreating.

After retreating for more than ten steps, he turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Zong Ge watched it escape quietly and did not pursue it.

At this moment, there are still a large number of bat monkeys wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

However, the human side also received reinforcements.

The warriors who rushed out of the forest were all very skilled.

It is worth noting that almost all of these people are not pure-blooded humans. There are many half-elves and half-orcs, as well as many goblins, gnomes, dwarves, etc. Their heights vary, and their equipment is also uneven. At first glance, they look like a ragtag group of people.

However, judging from the breath of life, there are several bronze-level elites among them.

The leading goblin exuded a black iron level aura.

This goblin wears leather armor, has dark green skin, has long ears, and has no hair. Wearing a white gauze scarf, his neck cannot be seen, and even his mouth is covered by the white scarf. The goblin's unique long nose protrudes forward.

The goblin moves very quickly, running close to the ground.

A bat monkey rushed towards him, and he immediately rolled forward, reaching his hands into his calves as he rolled. There was a dagger strapped to the outside of his calf.

He pulled out his dagger and slit the bat monkey's throat with a single wave.

He turned around again, exerting his strength to swing, and the sharp brilliance of the dagger drew a semi-circular arc.

After making slight contact with this arc, another bat monkey pounced and died on the spot.

Sometimes he rolls on the ground, sometimes he spins like a top. With just a small dagger, he kills the bat monkey without any resistance.

He is very experienced in using daggers, and his martial arts style is ruthless and vicious. The dagger is not ordinary, and can easily harvest the life of a bronze bat monkey. For a time, the goblins roamed freely among the bat monkeys, easily tearing apart the blockade and encirclement of the bat monkeys.

Zhen Jin keenly noticed that the goblin had two knives on his body. A scimitar hung on his waist, and a single-edged straight knife was slung behind his back. But the goblin did not use these two knives, and only used the knife and dagger to kill the bat monkey.

On the other side, Zong Ge, who scared the silver rhinoceros away, began to move forward slowly.

"Bad guy, come here again, the big guy will smash you!" The silly guy loudly warned Zonge, who was approaching.

The number of bat monkeys around him has decreased a lot.

Because of the addition of the Zonge and Goblins, the bat monkeys were attacked.

The shipwright was still unconscious.

The silly guy was covered in scars, and almost no part of his body that had been attacked by the bat monkey was intact. Blood was flowing out, and the ground under the silly guy's feet had been dyed red.

The stupid man was half-kneeling and picked up the stick again. Just as he was about to stand up, his body swayed and he felt intense dizziness.

He was badly injured and lost a lot of blood.

Zong Ge snorted coldly and looked at the silly big man with an expressionless face. A pair of brown and yellow lion eyes flashed: "I'm here to save you. If you take action against me, I will kill your father. Surrender obediently. Both of you, father and son, can survive.”

The stupid big man was stunned for a moment, then became furious and beat the ground repeatedly with a wooden stick: "The big man doesn't trust you, you are a bad person. Dad told me that bad people will lie!"

Zong Ge was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became darker.

The stupid guy's attitude was not beyond his expectation.

He immediately gave up persuasion and secretly prepared for a strong attack.

With his martial arts skills, it is not a problem to knock out the big guy within a few breaths.

Although the stupid guy has the life level of Heitie, he has never practiced martial arts, so the gap between him and Zong Ge is too big.

However, just as Zong Ge was about to continue approaching, a flying arrow suddenly shot out and stuck in front of Zong Ge on the right side.

This is a naked warning.

"Zong Ge, stop!" Zhen Jin finally arrived.

Because the number of humans has increased significantly, the pressure on Needle Gold has dropped sharply, and the degree of this reduction has reached a qualitative change. It can be seen from the fact that the goblin leader of the Black Iron level can also dominate the battlefield.

Zhen Jin, holding a thin sword and silver lightning, escaped more easily.

Zong Ge stopped and looked back.

Seeing that it was Zhen Jin, Zong Ge's eyes became darker and darker. His mind naturally recalled the scene he saw when he just jumped on the tree crown and came to support - Zhen Jin was surrounded by bat monkeys, but he was holding a sharp weapon. Sword, kill everywhere. The bat monkey's attacks continued, but the needle gold was able to handle it without any damage.

The two people's eyes met, and Zhen Jin immediately felt a sense of oppression that seemed to be substantial.

Zong Ge is more than two meters tall, and Zhong Jin is only a sixteen-year-old young knight. Coupled with Zong Ge's brave performance just now, Zhen Jin confronted him and his momentum was immediately suppressed.

"Who are you?" Zong Ge looked Zhen Jin up and down, his voice was low.

Just as Zhenjin was about to speak, Lan Zao's angry voice came from not far away: "Bold! You vulgar and despicable half-orc, why don't you be polite? Standing in front of you is my master Zhenjin, a noble Templar knight. He is the sole heir of the Baizhen family and will also be the future lord of Baisha City!"

Zhen Jin looked back and saw Xisuo, Zidi, Cyanobacteria, Heijuan and others.

They finally arrived.

"Hmph. A pretty-faced nobleman!" Zong Ge looked at Zhong Jin with disdain, his eyes resting on the hilt of the thin sword inserted into the scabbard at Zhong Jin's waist, and commented lightly, "But... the sword is not bad."

Zhen Jin smiled slightly and stared at the broken steel armor on Zong Ge: "Your armor is not bad either."

Seemingly seeing a new batch of reinforcements coming from the human race, the three black iron bat monkeys knew something was wrong, screamed in unison, and quickly fled the battlefield with all the remaining bat monkeys.

They moved quickly, and more importantly, they could fly, so everyone gave up the pursuit.

Without the beast herd attacking, the atmosphere on the field became even more tense.

"Captain of the Three Blades?" Zidi looked at the goblin with an expression of surprise and surprise.

The name of the goblin is unknown, but the nickname of San Dao has long been circulated in the mercenary world.

San Dao's sword skills are outstanding, but he is best known for his honest and trustworthy style. It is hard to imagine that a goblin can be honest and trustworthy, but Sandao really did it. He fully abided by and practiced every word he said. He did it better than most humans. This is an anomaly among the goblins and the mercenary world.

"President Zidi." Sandao saluted Zidi, but his face was expressionless and his attitude was cold.

Zidi's eyes lit up: "Captain Sandao, it's great to see you here."

The Three Swords Mercenary Group is one of the two mercenary groups she hired.

But Sandao shook his head slightly: "President Zidi, I'm sorry, my mercenary group has been disbanded."

Zidi was stunned: "What?"

San Dao continued: "I was saved by Master Zong Ge. In order to repay the kindness of saving my life, I will follow him from now on."

"The life-saving grace..." Zidi exhaled a breath and forced a smile, "It does need to be repaid. I understand very well what Captain Three Blades did, but we have signed an employment agreement. Does Captain Three Blades want to Do you want to break the contract?"

San Dao immediately said: "This is exactly what I want to explain to you, President Zidi. The old president's funding helped the mercenary group to overcome a huge difficulty. I promised at that time that I would do my best to help the old president once , I would not hesitate to repay this kindness with my own life. So this time, I accepted your employment regardless of the risk. However, the shipwreck almost wiped out my mercenary group, and I myself also lost my mane. I only survived because of Mr. Ge's rescue. It can be said that my old life has been paid back to your Chamber of Commerce as a price. We have made peace with each other."

Zi Di was speechless.

She knew very well that Sandao was a determined goblin, and if she continued to persuade him, she would inevitably fail.

So, Zidi looked at the people around San Dao again: "What about you?"

The "rabble" looked at each other, and soon someone shouted:

"If it weren't for accepting your employment, so many of us wouldn't have died!"

"Forget it, it's not President Zidi's fault that the shipwreck happened."

"Our mercenary group has been disbanded. But since Master San Dao follows Master Zong Ge, then we all choose to be together!"

Sandao is a charismatic leader. Even if the mercenary group is disbanded, the remaining people are willing to continue to follow him.

Zidi did not pry the members of the Three Swords Mercenary Group. She changed her mind and looked at Zong Ge again: "Zong Ge, you are a warrior. And the person standing in front of you now is a nobleman of the empire, with nobility flowing through his body. His bloodline. Not only that, he also has excellent virtues and is a genuine Templar. He will also be the future Lord of Baisha City. Are you willing to dedicate your bravery to Master Zhenjin to gain glory and wealth?"

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