Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 638: Has the holy bloodline really mutated? !

In fact, Cang Xu has a considerable degree of understanding of the orthodox forces of the undead.

He had been paying attention since he became a necromancer.

It's just that in the past, he was limited to his own level and disguised, so it was impossible to access high-level information.

But after the Mysterious Island, he had the war dealer's database and expanded the high-level information severely. The war dealer's database has detailed descriptions of the orthodox forces of the undead, the ancestor of the undead, You Shen, and his twelve saints.

Then, Cang Xu came into contact with the Ship Ghost and entered the River Styx with him. Although the process was very difficult and dangerous, it did allow Cang Xu to gain a deeper understanding of the undead orthodoxy. Not only did he have high-level knowledge, but he also had a real understanding of the living conditions of the Necromancer.

Therefore, Cang Xu knew very well how powerful the undead master standing in front of him with a smile and a gentle scholar was!

Among the entire undead orthodox forces, his importance and valuable contribution are second only to the undead ancestor. This is reflected in the wanted list, where his bounty is second only to You Shen!

"After I became a necromancer, I paid more attention to the undead orthodoxy. I have already kept your appearance in mind. Because you are a senior, a sage who walks in front but still supports the latter. I have something to say to you. I have the utmost respect! Just because you have been creating new necromancy and expanding the boundaries of necromancy!"

"We are pursuing new knowledge, and you are creating new knowledge!" Cang Xu said in a very sincere tone, and he gave the Necromancer Master Zhen a mage's gift.

The ship ghost couldn't help but glance at Cang Xu, seeming a little surprised that Cang Xu could talk so well.

According to the ship ghost's understanding of the Necromancer, Cang Xu's words completely hit the target of what the other party was most proud of.

Sure enough, the Necromancer laughed and showed obvious joy: "The pursuit of knowledge is an excellent quality of a mage. I can see that you are an excellent mage and will be even better in the future!"

Then, the Necromancer looked up and down Cangxu with interest: "If I'm not mistaken, you should have the blood of the Holy Domain-level undead, right?"

The ship ghost was stunned.

Cang Xu was also shocked.

After a moment of silence, the ship ghost couldn't help but exclaim: "What?!"

This gold-level undead orthodox mage looked shocked at this moment.

Cang Xu also showed shock.

However, half truths and half lies.

The real factor is that his own bloodline was actually detected without noticing any spell fluctuations.

It was fake because he was acting - like a person who was trying hard to pretend, but his secret was revealed in one word.

In fact, this was when he wanted to find a suitable opportunity to reveal his "sacred qualifications" to the ship ghost. On the one hand, it shows value and makes the ship ghost pay attention and show favor. If it is convenient, he can even follow the ship ghost line in the future and directly join the undead orthodox forces.

This was Cang Xu's plan originally.

We had discussed it with the fish-man boy.

After all, he has practiced it. It is still very difficult to rely too much on the corpse tree bloodline. The main difficulty is the lack of enough and suitable undead life for the blood core to absorb.

Only the underworld, or in other words, only the orthodox forces of the undead in the main plane, have such stable channels that can allow Cang Xu to indirectly obtain these cultivation resources.

Plans can't change quickly.

Cang Xu didn't expect that this incident exposing the secret of blood would happen so quickly!

Next, he continued to perform.

Cang Xu smiled bitterly, turned to the ship ghost and explained: "Please forgive me, ship ghost. I deliberately hid it from you."

Ship Ghost: "..."

Your self-righteous apology is quite sincere!

Cang Xu continued: "After my bloodline mutated, I gradually felt some subtle changes. But I forced myself to endure it and tried not to show it."

"I was very curious, looking forward to it, but also very scared, and I was very concerned about gains and losses."

"This is why I tried every means to get the Undead Bloodline Detection Spell from you."

"After using this spell test, I learned that I had mutated and actually had the bloodline of a sacred-level hanging corpse tree. I was so surprised that I almost wanted to announce it to the world, but after calming down, I had a lot of new worries. .”

"After all, sharing adversity does not necessarily lead to sharing wealth. Moreover, this does not mean sharing wealth. So to be cautious, I kept this secret and did not tell anyone."

"I thought about it later, maybe my Lord Charming Blue God might have recognized my faith in Him because of my talent, and then God gave me those special Charming Blue magics!"

These words were truly sincere. Cang Xu was worried, but he also admitted his mistake frankly and was full of sincerity.

Not only that, he was reasonable and well-founded.

He also used the Meilan God and the fact that he became a Meilan believer, which greatly increased his persuasiveness.

"You, you, you..." The ship ghost opened his mouth several times to speak, but he never finished speaking.

He was so shocked!

The Hanged Corpse Tree is a sacred-level bloodline.

It's the holy realm level.

The sanctuary level is just a step above the gold level, but in the extraordinary world, it is a completely two-level concept.

The gold level is considered the middle level, and the sanctuary level is already the upper level.

The ship ghost himself is only gold level.

And he also knew that the limit of his bloodline was right here. In other words, he will only be at the gold level for the rest of his life.

And what about beard scab (green beard)?

He actually has the bloodline of the undead at the holy level because of the bloodline mutation!

Did someone really let him master a higher bloodline through bloodline mutation? !

This is so rare!

So rare! !

"Obviously his previous qualifications were very poor, but as a result of a round of bloodline mutation, he has the bloodline of the undead at the holy level?"

"Why him, why not me?"


Emotions of envy and jealousy filled the ship ghost's heart.

In the past, he was aloof and felt that Cang Xu was just like that. So what if I become a Meilan believer? You will never reach the gold level in your lifetime!

But now, the ship ghost looked up to Cang Xu.

The bloodline of the hanging corpse tree at the sanctuary level...if the concentration of the bloodline is sufficient, Cangxu will most likely become a sanctuary in the future.

Sanctuary level.

Isn't that the extraordinary level of the Twelve Saints?

Of course, the Twelve Saints hold a special place in undead orthodoxy. Not all saint level necromancers can be called the Twelve Saints.

But in fact, not all of the twelve people are at the Sanctuary level. And the ship ghost has never seen with his own eyes, apart from the orthodox forces, a saint-level necromancer.

I saw with my own eyes that a scumbag turned around and had a brighter and greater future than his own. The ship ghost's mentality is unbalanced.

But soon, he accepted it.

"Hahaha." He laughed.

"Shu Zhu, you guys underestimate me too much. I will only be happy for you!"

"However, you have done more. You are a wild necromancer. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed. Your caution is very necessary."

"Oh, by the way. You may no longer be a wild necromancer. Now that you have such bloodline, our orthodox forces will give you ample opportunities to join in."

Having said this, the ship ghost glanced at the Necromancer without leaving any trace.

At this moment, he understood in his heart: the Necromancer had been invisible before, but suddenly appeared on his own initiative. The Necromancer must have been curious about Cang Xu, and after secretly casting a spell, he noticed Cang Xu's qualifications, and then showed up enthusiastically.

The Necromancer is indeed known to like to support his juniors, but there is a prerequisite for this - at least this junior is worthy of being supported!

While the ship ghost was observing the Necromancer, the Necromancer was also observing the ship ghost.

Seeing the congratulatory gesture of the ship ghost, the Necromancer felt that the ship ghost was quite powerful and powerful, and he couldn't help but feel more favorable towards him.

When he observed the ship ghost, he wanted to understand Cang Xu from this perspective.

From the reaction of the ship ghost who was shocked, then quickly understood, and then congratulated Cang Xu, the Necromancer's evaluation of Cang Xu also improved.

On the one hand, the grand gesture of the ship ghost not only shows that the ship ghost has a large pattern, but also shows that Cang Xu gets along well with the ship ghost and can gain the support of other necromancers.

On the other hand, it was the first time for the Necromancer to meet Cang Xu.

If you want to quickly increase your understanding, obtaining information from the ship ghost is a convenient, fast and very important way.

Because the ship ghost has long been one of the undead orthodox.

Seeing that the ship ghost trusted Cang Xu so much, the Necromancer inevitably increased his trust in Cang Xu.

It was obviously the first time that he and Cang Xu had met, but what Cang Xu had just explained made the Necromancer more willing to believe that it was true.

Through a short period of contact, the Necromancer has already sketched out the outline of Cang Xu in his heart - the latter should be an excellent wild Necromancer, with the heart of a mage, and his passion for pursuing knowledge makes him admire and respect me, the Necromancer. An old-timer like a mentor.

More importantly, he has not been eroded by negative energy. It's very pleasant to get along with people like Kangui. After discovering the sacred bloodline, everyone will receive the heartfelt blessings of the ship ghost. it's great!

Although the probability of a bloodline mutating into a Saint-level bloodline is small, it is indeed possible.

Cang Xu's explanation was very reasonable, the logic was self-consistent, and the Necromancer did not notice any flaws.

The smile on the Necromancer's face became a little more friendly: "Let's go, let's go to the Mother's Nest and visit the Charming Blue Kingdom."

Only then did Cang Xu look "suddenly aware" and exclaimed: "It turns out that Lord Ship Ghost wants to go to the nest because it is your wish, Master Necromancer!"

The ship ghost rolled his eyes: "You just know? How could I actively seek death?"

The ship ghost is very happy.

Happy from the bottom of my heart.

Because after being jealous, he suddenly discovered: "Huh? I have arranged tricks on Xu Chi. He also took the initiative to save me, which proves that the relationship between us is very good."

"The better his qualifications are, the more he becomes a Saint-level helper, won't I have a Saint-level helper in the future?"

“When you think about it, it’s really great!”

"Everything is under my control."

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