Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 641: Seeing the Mountain

For a moment, Zou Zhang fell into silence.

The appearance of the Necromancer also surprised her.

She knew her mission, blood sacrifice was just one of them, and the other was waiting for the arrival of the necromancer. What she didn't know was that the person she was waiting for was the Necromancer.

Zou Zhang is a devout believer, not a fanatic. She was very disgusted and disgusted with the Necromancer, but her reason was not overwhelmed by faith.

Cang Xu was a little stunned.

Indeed, the magic circle around the ocean nest is not only filled with charming blue divine runes, but also magic runes.

It is even said that the foundation of this huge magic circle is not even the Charming Blue Divine Inscriptions, but the power of the magic side.

This is actually abnormal.

Look at when the earth elemental army mobilized to surround and kill the big man, the divine script array they laid out was pure earth element divine script, without any magic runes involved.

Seeing Zong Zhang's silence, the Necromancer Master continued with a slightly proud tone: "I also participated in the arrangement of this magic circle. But the person who really took action, besides the clone of Meilan God, was my teacher. .”

The teacher of the undead mentor is naturally the founder of the undead faction, You Shen!

Necromancer: "This huge magic circle is not only used for blood sacrifices in conjunction with the ocean brood, it also has an important function."

“And that’s what we’re both working on.”

"This time, I'm here for that too."

Congee Zhang knows this.

She spoke with difficulty: "Next, I will cooperate with you. But Qianxing and Dahan ran away, so..."

The Necromancer interrupted: "Don't worry, Firebeard is not nearby. The reason why Dahan came to Ice Sculpture Island is for himself."

"Even if they come to kill us again, as long as Firebeard is not here, there is nothing to worry about."

"Next, we must work together to restore the magic circle, and then repair the ocean brood. The main force in repairing the brood is not you and me, but the octopus holy beast. Charming Blue God has foreseen this."

Zou Zhang showed a hint of joy. She was despairing over the dilapidation of the ocean nest, but she never thought it could be repaired!

God is omnipotent.

Charming Blue God had already foreseen this happening and had made arrangements accordingly.

The sacred beast Sydney Octopus not only cooperates with the brood blood sacrifice, it also has the function of repairing the brood!

Cang Xu on the side was thoughtful.

Hearing the verbal exchange between Zou Zhang and the Necromancer Master, he discovered a lot.

"Although the Undead Orthodoxy and Charming Blue Sect are allies, their relationship is actually not harmonious."

This is obvious.

The necromancer blasphemed the gods and seriously violated the core interests of the gods - the soul. They are the enemies of the gods. Once they spread, they will cause extremely serious harm to all the gods.

According to common sense, no god would ally with them. Charming Blue God is a special situation. He was targeted, seriously injured, and could only sleep. The situation was so critical that he could only resort to all available external forces!

The Necromancers were also targeted, and their situation was also very difficult. It would definitely be good to have a god as an ally. Even if the god was so injured that he fell into a deep sleep.

Necromancers, on the other hand, are mages after all and have a deep pursuit of knowledge. In particular, all knowledge about gods can help them deal with gods. Therefore, the need in this area is huge and urgent.

"The cooperation between these two parties is essentially to stay together for warmth."

"Although they are united, they are all under huge external force and pressure. Therefore, they are also on their own guard against each other and plot against each other."

Thinking about this, Cang Xu couldn't help but look a little more subtle as he recalled Zou Zhang's previous behavior.

According to common sense, if a necromancer falls into the hands of a bishop, he will definitely be doomed. But Zou Zhang only captured these people and did not kill them immediately.

In fact, there are already a lot of tricks in this action.

Later, with the help of blood sacrifice, Zongzhang used life and death to force the necromancers to convert.

The little prince and others became victims one after another. As for Zou Zhang's real goal, Cang Xu now knows, that is - Ship Ghost.

Ship Ghost is different.

He is a gold-level member of the undead orthodox force.

The Charming Blue Sect cooperates with the Undead Orthodoxy and is an ally. Zhi Zhang probably never thought about actually killing the ship ghost.

Because killing him is likely to break the covenant between the two parties.

Therefore, Porridge Zhang is just a threat.

Why is she doing this?

Cang Xu easily guessed: Zou Zhang wanted to convert the ship ghosts and let the Charming Blue Sect infiltrate among the allies. This is an erosion of the forces of the undead.

"I was an accident."

"When I returned from the nest and mastered the special magic, Zou Zhang should be very surprised. Even if she didn't understand the reason for my return, she immediately realized my value."

"Her change of attitude towards me and all her subsequent support for me was an attempt to win me over."

"She must be very happy, because from me, she sees the fruits of faith and more possibilities."

"The ship ghost must have wondered why I could pass the blood sacrifice."

"I have solved the problem now. I have shown my qualifications."

"Did the Necromancer's advice to me just be optimistic about my qualifications?"


"He told me the secrets of the Kingdom of God, did not take Charming Blue Kingdom seriously, and used the Slate of Truth to spy on the secrets of Kingdom of God in public. This is completely blasphemous - he is destroying my Charming Blue Kingdom. Faith.”

"He is correcting me, teaching me in a way that is so gentle that it is almost imperceptible, making me realize the weakness of the object of my faith, so that I can become a more pure necromancer!"

Ordinary people cannot see it and are in a state of ignorance. However, Cang Xu can be said to have matured in old age, and he immediately realized the fishiness and the hidden game and competition between the two parties in the alliance.

"It doesn't matter!"

"My belief in Charm Blue is all false. If the Necromancer knew the truth, he would be very relieved. To a certain extent, we have done much more blasphemy than he did."

"If he knew what the leader did, wouldn't he appreciate it more?"

Thinking of this, Cang Xu felt a little weird.

"Master Captain, he wholeheartedly believes in the God of Justice."

"I don't know how he is now? Did he save the big man?"

The fish-man boy had no energy to pay attention to the outside world.

He focused on the big man and tried his best to use magical weapons and magic.

He succeeded!

The Earth Elemental Lord thought he had killed the big man, but in fact he had killed Tu Zi.

The Lord God of the Earth Element was satisfied and finally stopped.

He has no interest in the remaining Dadou, Hongzhu and others.

But the earth elemental army did not stop.

Dadou and others killed so many of them, how could they stop?

"what to do?"

"I am now very reluctant to maintain the believers' perception and divine power channels. I can no longer use the third divine spell!"

The fishman boy saw that the big man and others were surrounded and fell into mortal enemies, and his heart felt cold.

Forced into desperation, he could only try to pray to the Charming Blue God.

But when he was about to do so, a group of extraordinary people suddenly came in.

Boom boom boom...

They used gold-level alchemy tools to trigger a series of explosions.

"Follow me!!" The imperial secret spy leader took the lead and led his subordinates to come to the rescue.

Each of these secret spy members is an elite.

If not, the plan cannot be implemented, disrupting the order of the Magnet Islands and causing all the earth elemental tribes to fall into a situation full of conflicts and constant fighting.

They successfully destroyed the divine spell formation set up by the earth elemental army.

"Why did these people come to save Xiaoguai?"

The fish-man boy was very curious.

Under his expectant gaze, the secret spy team successfully reunited with Dadou and others.

The earth elemental army was caught off guard. When they wanted to pursue them, they were hit by a potion thrown by the empire's secret agent and fell into chaos.

He is worthy of being a secret agent of the empire, and the equipment and weapons he uses are very elite.

But saving people also comes at a price.

When the Imperial Secret Agent Team came out, at least half of its members had been lost.

But fortunately, Dadou and the other three are still alive.

"With these witnesses, it is enough to prove that I am innocent!"

"Zi Zhi's death has nothing to do with me!!"

"I have done everything I can to assist. I am innocent." The secret spy leader secretly cheered himself up.

The lubricant is dead.

A member of the Bloody Sanction Court died in the battle where he was responsible.

The key is that he was killed by the Lord God of the Earth Element!

This is so strange.

If you say it, who can believe it?

A majestic earth elemental lord actually personally took action against a gold-level person?

"Xiao Guai was successfully rescued!"

Seeing this scene, the fishman boy immediately relaxed.

After he relaxed, he could no longer hold on and passed out on the spot.

While unconscious, he slowly opened his tired eyelids.

"This is where?"

Surrounded by the sound of surging water.

He looked around and again found himself sinking.

Surrounded by deep sea.

"It' again." The fish-man boy was very familiar with this scene.

Many times, when he was sleeping, a magical spiritual navigation would automatically be activated, causing him to pray to the Charming Blue God.

The fishman boy looked down and saw a huge black shadow.

The lower he sank, the closer he came to it.

"Is this the true form of Charming Blue God?" the fish-man boy guessed in his mind.

"Wake up, wake up!!!" He shouted in his heart.

But this time, he was really tired. Although he is a Servant Walker, he is still a gold level one after all.

He was almost drained of himself and really had no energy at all.

So no matter how much he shouted, he was not awakened.

Getting closer and closer, he got closer and closer to the huge black shadow deep under the sea.

The black shadow gradually reveals its true appearance.

The fishman boy's eyes widened slightly. He discovered that the shadow was not a living thing, but really a mountain.

"Why does this mountain look familiar to me?"

"I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the fishman boy's heart.

He thought about it.

He was in the Kingdom of Duel God and saw it through the memory of Blue Algae.

It's a magical place, a wonderful place.

It is a place of legend and romance!

That is - Anqiu.

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