Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 643: Registration

At the end of the intelligence, Zonge saw relevant information about the prisoner duelist.

According to the system of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, every prisoner in any cell has the right to apply to participate in the duel. If the combat performance is good, the sentence can be reduced.

Of course, prisoners must first apply and obtain permission from the prison before they can engage in a duel.

In order to get their sentences reduced and released from prison, this group of duelists with special status all tried their best and often had a very determined fighting spirit. From a historical perspective, it has often achieved outstanding results, and many famous duelists have emerged.

According to the intelligence, there are hundreds of candidates for the high-level prisons in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

Zong Ge focused on the candidates for the duel in the ice prison and found that there were three names of the candidates, one of which was Stone Tumor.

"It seems that what Yuan Ci told you is really possible." Zong Ge saw this and said to Zidi.

Zidi nodded slightly.

Stonetumor is an important figure. He can make the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce's zero-level secret order.

For the sake of Wisteria's secret treasure, Yuan Ci and Zhu Jin both want to rescue him.

However, Stone Tumor was imprisoned in an ice prison. The latter is a countable super prison in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom.

It is extremely difficult to rob the prison and rescue Shi Tu.

Elder Chujin knew how difficult it was, so he immediately backed down and didn't even want to help collect intelligence. Lest the prison robbery fail, the kingdom investigates and involves him.

But he also didn't want to think about it. If Zidi and Yuanci were caught, would he be able to escape when he revealed Ziteng's secret in order to survive?

Therefore, this is one of the human weaknesses of the elders. It was precisely because of mastering this weakness that Elder Ji Jin visited the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, and was successfully manipulated by Zidi.

Zidi is at a loss to rescue the stone tumor, but Yuan Ci is confident.

The day before yesterday, Yuan Ci found Zidi and told her his plan - to wait for Shi Tu to leave the ice prison and participate in the duel, and then take the opportunity to deceive him to fake his death during the duel, and then rescue him.

This plan completely avoids the ice prison. After all, it is too difficult to rob this super prison.

After Zidi thought about it, she found that it was feasible.

Zong Ge is also paying attention to this, because when taking action, he will probably have to cooperate.

"The focus now is that because the Ice Prison is a super prison, Shi Tu is not the only one who is good at it. Whether Shi Tu can be selected depends on the decision of the warden of the Ice Prison." Zong Ge analyzed.

According to usual practice, each prison will only send one to two people to fight.

Zidi said: "Right now, Yuanci is actively operating, creating public opinion, contacting casinos, and at the same time trying to bribe the management of the ice prison. The possibility of the stone tumor being selected is very high. According to Yuanci, it is at least 70% .”

"For Yuan Ci, they have to rescue the stone tumor. So, I'm not worried that he won't do his best in this regard."

Zong Ge nodded.

He knows a lot about this matter.

Of course, we also know that Zidi's mentality is completely different from Yuan Ci's.

Zidi's zero-level secret order alone is equivalent to three people. Coupled with the fat-tongued ones and the newly-controlled elders, their five Wisteria Secret Orders have been gathered together.

Therefore, the success or failure of the stone tumor rescue has nothing to do with Zidi.

It can even be said that if the rescue fails, it will be more beneficial to Zidi. Because she has more negotiating chips in her hands.

By the time Yuan Ci can't get together 5 Ziteng Level 0 Secret Orders, Zidi can definitely negotiate on this.

Zong Ge has no doubt that with Zidi's outstanding negotiation skills, he can definitely win more benefits!

"How are you doing recently?" Zidi asked.

She often asked this question.

Zong Ge nodded: "Not bad."

"I am already very familiar with blood feuds and Huatang's fighting skills."

"I have developed a muscle habit. Even if I am in a deep sleep, I can wake up suddenly and take precautions just before the blood feud is launched."

Zidi's face changed slightly, and she heard the hidden meaning behind her words: "Are you crazy?"

"Why don't you use protective measures before going to bed?"

Zong Ge smiled: "Relax, I am sure before I try."

"I'm not a reckless person!"

"That's the thing about this type of training. You have to put your body in danger to unleash the hidden potential in your body."

"This is the secret of training for a fighter. It is different from the training of mages."

Zidi looked gloomy and kept shaking her head: "I have to remind you not to take risks like this."

"You're very important now."

"Not only you yourself, you are the only gold-level member of our Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group. And you are also playing the role of the leader. If the dragon suit falls, the reputation we have worked hard to maintain, and the pharmaceutical retail industry supported by reputation, will They will all be severely affected."

Zong Ge laughed: "Don't forget, Miss Zidi."

"I've had a blood feud for a long time."

"At the beginning, I would be injured when the blood feud broke out suddenly. But gradually, the degree of my injuries became less and less, and the frequency also gradually decreased."

"After that, my number of injuries dropped to zero. It went on for a while before I occasionally got injured again."

"It's been a long time since I've been injured again."

"My defense against blood feud has been deeply engraved in the deepest part of my heart. My body has remembered it and it has been imprinted on my nerves."

"So, I feel confident in making this attempt."

Zidi sighed: "It turns out that you regard blood feud as one of your training projects."

"No wonder you are so uninterested in resolving blood feuds."

"I'm very suspicious of you now. Are you delaying the resolution on purpose?"

Zong Ge shook his head slightly: "Indeed, I have such deliberate intention to train."

"But I really can't solve the blood feud."

"The same goes for Huatang's mysterious fighting skill."

"But, how should I say it?"

"You are a mage and don't understand the training thinking of a fighter. In fact, I am in this state that is rare."

"Fighting against blood feuds has developed my ability to defend internally and externally in an instant. The effect of this kind of training is really outstanding."

"And fighting against Huatang's fighting skills allows me to lock in my fighting spirit and blood essence. I have really made rapid progress in several fighting skills that I have recently started practicing!"

"Finally, the poison in my body is cultivating my poison resistance."

"You don't have to worry too much..."

"Okay." Zidi waved her hand, interrupting Zong Ge.

During this time together, Zidi deeply understood Zongge's personality. He is definitely not the kind of person who takes advice easily!

"You have to take care of this kind of thing yourself." Zidi sighed, "Today, I have to go to the Alchemy Guild to do something."

Zong Ge said goodbye to Zidi: "Then I will continue to practice."

Zong Ge is a warrior with a tough personality. In his view, negative states such as blood feuds are not torture, but tests and tempers, and are opportunities to break through.

After the attack in the flower hall, Zong Ge lived a very "calm" and fulfilling life during this period.

Although he often accepts challenges to duels.

But it is a recognized fact that the boy in dragon suit is silver level. Therefore, Zong Ge faced a silver-level opponent. And his own level is gold level, and his fighting ability is also very strong. If you fight at level one, Zong Ge has a huge advantage.

More than ten minutes later, Zidi stepped forward and officially entered the door of the Alchemy Guild.

In fact, this is not the first time she has entered here.

This time, she was familiar with the road. After entering the hall, she turned to the right. Walk through a corridor and enter a small hall.

The small hall was crowded.

More than a dozen office workers are dealing with the same thing - registration for the Warm Snow Cup competition.

Zidi first took out the information and checked the information of this Warm Snow Cup competition.

As the top alchemy competition in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the format of the Warm Snow Cup Competition has not changed for many years.

The first stage of the competition system is the alchemy test.

By drawing questions in public, contestants answer them in public to determine their alchemy abilities. The content of the examination questions is diverse. The initial stage is a written test, followed by interview questions, and finally the alchemy in public.

The first stage of the competition schedule is mainly to delete the participants and screen out the truly outstanding contestants.

The second stage of the competition is an alchemy display.

Each contestant will have an exhibition hall to publish the alchemy results he has researched. At that time, there will be alchemy authorities from the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, people from all walks of life, and invited guests from abroad to evaluate and score.

The person with the highest average score will be the winner of the competition.

Zidi looked at the competition details in detail. After confirming that there were no problems, she filled in the name "Yao Ma" on the registration form.

Soon, her registration form arrived in Hua Ni's hands.

"Call Elder Jiujin." Hua Ni ordered.

Soon, Jujin arrived at Hua Ni's mage tower.

In the study, Hua Ni handed Zidi's entry form to him: "This time, since the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group proposed a bet, they are naturally certain."

"What are you going to do?"

Elder Jiujin reported: "Master Yaoma doesn't know the heights of the world. This time, let her take a good look at the alchemy heritage of our Ice Sculpture Kingdom!"

Hua Ni suddenly frowned and said dissatisfied: "That's inappropriate."

"I don't want any surprises."

"Make arrangements well so that she can be eliminated in the first round."

Elder Jiu Jin suddenly had a bitter look on his face and looked up at Hua Ni: "Elder Hua Ni, isn't this bad?"

"Since Master Yaoma has the confidence to compete, she will definitely not be able to beat her in the first round."

"Now, the gambling contract has been spread on a small scale. I highly doubt that it was spread by the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group on their own initiative."

"I believe everyone in the industry will know the news soon."

"In this case, if we do it too obviously, we won't be able to save face."

Hua Ni chuckled lightly: "After all, the elder is mature and prudent. If you have such concerns, it means that I have chosen the right person."

"But I believe, elder, you can accomplish this. You can brush her off while taking care of our faces and not be too conspicuous."

"This..." Jiu cried quickly.

He wouldn't dare to do this.

His handle was held in Zidi's hands.

"Don't worry, let's go to the elders. This time the Nuanxue Cup coincides with the national ceremony, which is very different from the previous ones. There will be many people signing up, and I am one of them. I won't offend anyone if I swipe an inconspicuous silver-level mage. Attention." Hua Ni comforted her one last time and sent Chui Jin away.

Zhu Jin walked out of the mage tower with a sad look on his face, having already made a decision in his heart: "I will arrange the schedule. It is not the most difficult, only the more difficult! In this way, Elder Hua Ni will be able to explain it easily."

"As for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group, I will reveal it in advance so that they can take precautions!"

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