Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 96: I am willing to accept you

The crew members were restless and looked at Zhenjin with doubts in their eyes.

"Xinsuo, watch your words!" Lan Zao stepped forward.

But the next moment, Zhen Jin reached out to stop him.

Zhen Jin looked at the excited Xiao Suo calmly with his blue eyes: "I'm just seeking truth from facts and upholding fairness."

"The identity of a half-orc should not hinder us from finding the real culprit."

"Assuming that Zong Ge is not the real murderer, then Xiaosuo, please think about it: you framed an innocent person, and because of your act of revenge by taking away the boatman privately, you implicated more innocent people on the same boat and framed them. He died. The real culprit might still be alive, right next to you, watching you make random accusations, and seeing the fight between you and Zong Ge and others as a good show."

"If that's the case, don't you think this is condoning sin and confounding justice?"

Zhen Jin's tone was always calm. This rhetorical question made Xisuo blush, but he could only remain speechless.

The crew's chatter also calmed down, and they had to admit that what Zhen Jin said made sense.

"If you have conclusive evidence, I will seek justice for you. Believe me, this is the promise I, Zhen Jin, a Templar Knight, made to you." Zhen Jin patted Xiao Suo's shoulder.

Xisuo opened his mouth and looked at Zhenjin speechless. He turned his head and looked at the expressionless Zong Ge, and then said angrily: "Master Zhenjin, I believe you."

Zidi narrowed her eyes: "But Master Zhenjin, we have found traces of Zong Ge and San Dao. They deliberately cleaned the battlefield and cleaned up their own footprints. This action itself contains malice, doesn't it?"

"This is my habit." Zong Ge took the initiative to explain in a rare move. Zhen Jin's previous words changed his impression of the young knight a lot.

"I must be responsible for myself and our group. Even if the boatman is unwilling to leave with me, I will do everything possible to capture him alive!" Zong Ge made no secret of his intentions.

"Bad guy!" When the stupid man heard this, he hammered the wooden stick on the ground angrily.

Zhen Jin actually remembered Heijuan's guess at this time.

He stared at Zong Ge: "This is the way of a soldier. Have you served in the army? Which army?"

Zonge snorted coldly and did not refute, but also did not answer, but said: "Are you interrogating the prisoner, Templar?"

"Of course not." Zhenjin shook his head, "However, this matter needs to be resolved after all. Good communication is the prerequisite for cooperation. If you repeatedly refuse to prove yourself, how can we trust you?"

Zonge sneered: "You want me to prove myself? Then how can you prove your identity? If some people just come out and call you a noble or a Knight Templar, can they convince us? I heard , every Templar Knight is always under the watchful eye of the Holy Emperor. Maybe you should pray to the gods and send down magic, so that we can believe in it."

Zhen Jin immediately clenched the hilt of the sword, frowned deeply, his face darkened, and his eyes became as cold as ice. He shouted in a low voice: "Zong Ge, watch your words! You dare to despise the gods! I bear the gaze of the Sheng Ming Emperor. , this is the blessing of the gods. Magic is a gift from the gods, not a performance or a proof of identity. Apologize to me now, right away! Otherwise you will face the wrath of a Templar!"

Zhen Jin said, taking a step forward and approaching Zong Ge.

Lan Zao, Hei Juan and others behind him all touched their weapons. Zi Di reached into her purse, picked up the wooden stick and let out a low growl from deep in her throat. After a while, the wound on the little giant had stopped bleeding. The giant blood gives him strong recovery power.

Zong Ge's face changed slightly, and he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He put his right hand on his chest, bowed his head to Zhenjin, and saluted: "I was wrong. How can I dare to despise a god? This is my sin. I swear, I will contribute to the Holy Temple of the Holy Ming." Three hundred gold, as my punishment for speaking out this time. Moreover, I will kneel in front of the holy priest and take the initiative to confess today's sins."

This is the age of the gods.

Slandering the gods will indeed result in divine punishment.

Just as nobles should be high above the rest, faith should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even San Dao and others who followed Zong Ge felt uneasy after hearing what Zong Ge just said. They privately thought that Zong Ge was too reckless.

Seeing that Zong Ge was very sincere in admitting his mistake, Zhen Jin's face brightened slightly.

Heijuan suddenly said: "Wait! Zong Ge, do you dare to swear to the god you believe in that you did not attack the camp and were not the murderer of the captain?"

"Attack the camp?" Zong Ge was confused.

"Our camp was attacked by bat monkeys and rhinos. Do you dare to swear that these herds are not controlled by you?" Heijuan continued to question.

Zong Ge snorted coldly, crossed his arms and raised his head, and shut up without answering.

The people around Sandao laughed angrily: "What an imagination!"

"Use your brain, we're all here."

"How do we control these beasts?"

Kurojuan sneered: "Then how do you explain that our No. 2 camp, as well as Xiaosuo and Shipwright were all besieged by the beast herd just now."

"We have also been attacked before, why should you doubt us?!"

Heijuan stared at Zong Ge and narrowed his eyes: "You are a half-orc, even if you don't have special means. These people around you may not have them either!"

Sandao stared at Heijuan indifferently and asked calmly: "Can half-orcs control the beasts? Is it because of the blood of orcs?"

Kurojuan sneered: "Then why were you able to show up in time to rescue the silly big guy and the boatman? What's the explanation for this?"

"So, we took action in time to save the boatman. Is there anything wrong?"

"Didn't your Lord Knight show up in time?" someone immediately asked.

"After all, you doubt us just because we are not a pure-blooded human race!" The people around Sandao were filled with indignation.

"Stop talking." Zong Ge stretched out his hand to stop the quarrel. He looked at Zhen Jin and his attitude became cold and tough again. "I have no explanation for this matter. I don't need to explain it to you."

Zhen Jin sighed deeply and stopped the people behind him from asking questions.

"There is no point in continuing to argue."

"Let's go back to the camp together." Zhen Jin took the initiative to invite Zong Ge and others.


"grown ups!"

"Sir, are you going to bring these things back to the camp?"

Xi Suo and others all widened their eyes, quite surprised by Zhen Jin's decision.

Zhen Jin slowly glanced at Xisuo and the others with his blue eyes. His eyes were clear and sincere: "What else?"

"We are all in the same boat, we are all victims of a shipwreck."

"We now have wounded people who need to return to the camp to rest. And they also have wounded people who were injured while rescuing people like the shipwrights. I have seen this with my own eyes."

"Seeing may not be believing, my lord." Kurojuan said, "What if it is a drama of love? What if it is a cruel trick?"

"Thank you for the reminder." Zhenjin looked at Heijuan with admiration, "What you said makes sense. This is indeed a possibility. However, there is another possibility, isn't it?"

"Before all possibilities and all doubts are truly confirmed, we should not deny another possibility because of one possibility. It is possible that Zong Ge was wronged, isn't it?"

"Please imagine that if he were a pure-blooded human instead of a half-orc, would your suspicion of him be much lessened?"

Everyone was speechless.

Zhenjin turned around again and looked at the people on Zongge's side.

"We come from many places, and we have differences in status, but here, we are all castaways who were reduced to the island and wanted to escape."

"Our goals are the same. We should unite together. Any suspicion, indifference, disgust, opposition, etc. will make it difficult for us to cooperate, thereby reducing our possibility of escaping from here."

"I am the Templar Needle Gold. I promise you here that I will treat everyone fairly and justly, no matter where he comes from, no matter what race he is, no matter what blood he has. I will also punish criminals severely, Punish the real culprits and prevent the crimes from going unpunished. I will do my best to take the lead and lead everyone to seek the hope of rescue!"

For a moment, everyone looked at the blond boy and were moved by his decisive words.

"You...are willing to accept us?" San Dao was slightly stunned.

As the leader of a mercenary group, he has dealt with many different kinds of beings. However, even a goblin with rich life experience like him rarely sees such a superior and noble person who treats everyone equally!

Zhenjin smiled: "I am a Templar, and I will not deceive you with lies."

"Knights Templar..." Many people chewed on this word and felt a little lost.

"Interesting." Zong Ge rubbed his chin. He looked deeply at Zhen Jin and looked at the young knight in front of him with a new look.

The next moment, this extremely brave warrior said in a slightly loud voice: "Okay! Then I will follow you back."

"Sir?" The people around Zong Ge were surprised.

Just like Xiao Suo and others were on guard against Zong Ge, Zong Ge and his group were also on guard against each other.

San Dao immediately expressed his position: "Your Majesty's decision is my decision."

The former mercenary members who had objections to this immediately shut up.

Zhenjin's rescue of Xinsuo, Shipwright and others was very timely and successful.

Although the bat monkey and silver rhinoceros attacked fiercely, everyone was only injured and no one was killed or injured.

The journey back went smoothly, and a large number of people returned to the camp safely.

"There is actually an arrow tower?"

"They set up a camp so quickly?"

"We have also been attacked by wild beasts here."

"Didn't I tell you? It's a group of bat monkeys and that silver rhinoceros!"

People around Sandao were talking a lot.

Muban and others were overjoyed at first when they saw Zhenjin, Xisuo and others, and then showed surprise when they saw Zongge and his party.

After Heijuan and others' explanations and Zhenjin's comfort, Muban and others reluctantly accepted this fact.

However, despite their strong stance, Zonge and others were not accepted into the camp after all, but were temporarily stationed nearby.

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