Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 655: The dim pupil is also used by me

The fishman boy didn't know that something had happened on the big man's side, and he could only focus on one aspect at the moment.

If you take care of the knife mark, it is easy to ignore other places.

The fish-man boy looked closely at Tan Mo's actions through the knife marks.

Tan Mo has already fought against Cong Mang.

The two were fighting back and forth on the sea, forming a stalemate.

"It's docking, hahaha."

The lush pirate ship collided with the Treasure Chest. As soon as the ship's planks were set up, a large number of pirate elites rushed along the ship planks and rushed onto the Treasure Chest's deck.

There are more than a hundred of these elites, all of them are bald, holding long sticks, and wearing light green monk clothes.

This is Cong Mang's trump card - the bachelor team.

The bachelor's team took the lead in charging, and wherever they went, shadows of sticks flew, beating the imperial navy back steadily.

"Retreat to the ship and wait for Master Tanmo to kill the enemy, then we can send reinforcements!" the first mate shouted deliberately, directing the navy to retreat.

The internal space of Treasure Chest is layered and has considerable depth.

"Come in and kill them all, hahahaha." The pirates gained the upper hand and their morale was through the roof.

The Bachelor's Team rushed to the front and fought in easily.

"The Imperial Navy is nothing more than that."

"Kill them all, steal them all!"

"Competition to see who can kill more Imperial Navy?"

"Be careful, there seems to be a space-type alchemy device on this ship. The inside of the ship is huge!"

The pirates naturally didn't know that this was a deliberate concession on the part of Tanmo.

They rushed in and quickly took control of the first three floors. When they reached the fourth floor, they smashed the door and broke into the prison where Hutong was imprisoned.

Hutong couldn't move, his eyes were closed tightly, and he fell into coma.

Seeing his luxurious clothes, the pirates thought he was a high-ranking member of the navy. Without saying a word, they attacked him with swords and axes.

Soon, Huantong was chopped into pulp.

The monitoring facilities in the cabin completely recorded this scene.

After the pirates rushed out noisily again, covering the knife marks of the deception and camouflage techniques and the anti-reconnaissance prophecy technique, they said to Huntong: "Do you believe what I say now?"

The real Hutong is still alive.

It turns out that Dao Hen secretly came here under the oracle of the fish-man boy and told Huitong that Tan Mo had a plot to kill him with the help of pirates.

The knife marks did not reveal his true appearance. To Huntong, he looked like a mysterious man whose whole body was wrapped in black mist. I don't even know what race it is.

After Dao Hen used magic to save Dumb Tong, the fish-man boy repeated his old trick and used Charming Blue Magic to forge a lifelike "Twilight Tong".

The fake hazy pupil was blessed with a series of magical arts, and could easily hide it from the Tanmo side and the pirates who were being exploited.

Huntong stared at his body and then scanned the monitoring runes on the four walls of the cabin. He remained silent and expressionless.

As a field lord and a noble of the empire, he was loyal to the Shengming Empire and never thought that Tan Mo wanted to kill him.

But now that the facts were in front of him, he couldn't help but not believe it.

Seeing Huntong's silence, Dao Hen, under the guidance of the fish-man boy, did not force him, but said: "Come, let's go outside and take a good look."

Under the leadership of Dao Hen, Huantong passed through the pirates' lines, stepped over the corpses of pirates and navy, walked out of the cabin, and came to the deck of the Treasure Chest.

Standing on the deck, they witnessed the whole process of Tan Mo and Cong Mang fighting and then being "defeated" by Cong Mang.

However, Cong Mang and others had no chance to expand their victory.

After the first mate and others really exerted their strength, they "hardly" repelled the pirates and expelled them all from the Treasure Chest.

After Tan Mo was "defeated", he vomited blood and fled into the Treasure Chest.

Cong Mang still wanted to pursue, but was hit continuously by the Treasure Chest's artillery, and could only watch as the Treasure Chest "escaped".

Tanmo ordered the navy to clean the battlefield and conduct post-war cleanup.

Soon after, he came to the prison where Hutong was imprisoned. Looking at Hutong’s hacked body, he nodded with satisfaction: “Old man, you have been eliminated by the times.”

In his opinion, the matter was successfully completed.

"No, we are still a little far away from perfection." The fish-man boy said in his heart through the knife marks.

This Hutong corpse is fake and needs to be disposed of.

Dao Hen and HuTong are in the cabin.

Covered by divine magic, Tanmo didn't even notice it even if it was close at hand.

Huntong's face turned pale.

He saw it with his own eyes and heard Tan Mo's words with his own ears. The ironclad facts told him the cruel truth - Tan Mo, this cunning bitch, actually wanted to kill him!

"How dare he treat a powerful lord, an imperial nobleman like this! What a courage!!" Huntong's eyes were filled with burning anger.

Dao Hen looked at Huntong's ugly expression with interest.

He was in a cheerful mood.

Dao Hen felt happy and relieved to see Hutong, a powerful enemy of the fish-man tribe and his own imprisoned murderer, now cornered and framed and betrayed by his own people.

"My Lord, being able to serve you is the most correct and honorable behavior for me, Dao Hen, in my life."

In an instant, Dao Heng's faith deepened again.

He waited patiently for a moment, and then said to Huantong: "Now, you should fully understand your situation, right?"

Huntong looked at Dao Heng, his face undisguised with suspicion and fear: "Who are you? You saved me, and what are your intentions?"

Dao Hen followed the instructions of the fish-man boy and did not reveal his identity.

Now that I saw Hutong asking this question, I couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority in controlling the situation.

Dao Hen said: "You may know who we are in the future."

"As for saving you, of course I have to sign a contract with you."

After speaking, he handed over a divine scroll.

Huntong didn't know the Charming Blue Divine Inscriptions. Even if he did, the scroll still contained the magic blessed by the fish-man boy, so it was impossible to see clearly what the Divine Inscriptions really looked like.

The corners of Huntong's eyes twitched: "You want me to work for you? You have to let me know who you are, right?"

He was cautious, and deep down in his heart he did not give up hope.

In Huntong's view: he was just plotted and betrayed by Tan Mo. He is still the lord of Eye Island, and his foundation is still there. As long as he returns to the empire in the future, he himself will be the best witness to testify against Tan Mo.

"The Empire is just."

"When the time comes, I will use the power of the empire to eradicate Tanmo, and then I will be able to return to Double Eye Island!"

"But for now, I still have to deal with this group of people..."

Huntong was quite afraid of the magical means displayed by the fish-man boy.

He and Dao Hen were strutting around in the Treasure Chest, and no one could detect them, which made him feel cold in his heart.

Dao Hen snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"It's your turn to know. When the time comes, you will know."

"Hurry up and sign it. You are just making an idle move. Do you think we are here specifically to rescue you?"

Huntong was silent for a moment.

The situation is certainly clear.

As long as Dao Heng removes the magic from him, he will be immediately exposed to Tan Mo's eyes. At that time, there will be no second result except death.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

Huantong just didn't recognize the truth before and didn't figure out what his real situation was.

Now, Tanmo perfectly helped him understand all this.

Therefore, at the next moment, Huantong took the divine scroll obediently and signed it without even looking at it.

He couldn't understand it anyway.

Moreover, he had no choice anyway!

When he was young, he might have fought to the death and fought with passion. But now, he is old.

He has long since aged.

He has worked hard for most of his life to build a foundation like Eye Island.

He still wants to go back.

"Huntong is a talented person with outstanding business talents. This kind of person is often the best at compromise and cooperation, and he is used to compromise and cooperation." The fishman boy thought to himself.

Seeing that the contract was successfully signed, he understood that his understanding of Huntong's character was correct.

What Dao Hen said is right, this is indeed a casual move.

But the fishman boy's intention to deal with Hutong was not what Dao Hen and Hutong had in mind.

"Huntong opened up territory for the empire, resisted the attacks of the fish-men tribe, and protected the territory. He did not violate the responsibilities of a noble."

"Such a person suffers from the country's moth because of insufficient bribes! This is unfair to him."

"In the future, let him testify against Tan Mo and let Tan Mo be severely punished. This is justice!"


Moreover, as a secret agent of the empire, Tan Mo also wanted to cause trouble for the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and planned to blackmail the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

In this case, Huntong is a sharp knife prepared by the fishman boy for Tanmo!

After all, Tanmo is not only an imperial spy, but also a naval general. If the dragon boy wants to deal with him, it is difficult to deal with him directly.

No one among the survivors wanted to be an enemy of the Shengming Empire, not even Cang Xu. Everyone is still thinking about atonement.

Tanmo walked out of the cabin.

He then ordered.

First, let the navy collect Hun Tong's body properly.

Second, let the navy only make simple repairs to the Treasure Chest.

Third, ask subordinates to convey a message to the Ice Sculpture Island and request it to dock for repairs.

What Huntong didn't know was that the knife mark and Hutong with a look of hatred on his face were standing not far behind him, looking at him quietly through the hatch.

The fish-man boy canceled the magic and withdrew his attention from Dao Hen.

"My dear, I'm about to leave the Magnetic Islands. Just pay attention during the voyage."

"Hun Tong is temporarily at my disposal. It just so happens that Tan Mo wants to go to Ice Sculpture Island. Just let Hun Tong and Dao Hen go with them."

"Next, just wait for the opportunity to leave here."

The fishman boy focused his attention inside and outside the ocean nest.

The Necromancer is no longer adding magic circles, but is inspecting them.

Through the records of the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the fishman boy discovered that this was already the third time the Necromancer had inspected it.

Soon, the third inspection was completed, and the Necromancer nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"Next, I'm going to start, take a good look." He warned Cang Xu and Jian Gui, but it attracted Zou Zhang to pay closer attention.

There is no difference between this kind of attention and surveillance.

The next moment, the Necromancer activated the magic circle.

The bright light burst out, and this time, there was no trace of divine power, it was completely magical.

In a matter of seconds, the magic aura became vast and majestic, astonishing to the extreme.

Zou Zhang was very wary at first, but gradually, his expression became a little strange.

She found that after the magic circle was turned on, the light and shadow were very deceptive, but the actual effect was not noticeable.

"What exactly does this Necromancer want to do?" Zhi Zhang was confused.

It was not just Zou Zhang who had the same doubts, but also Cang Xu, Jian Gui and others.

They also did not perceive any actual effects taking place.

But in the Deep Sea Monster Fish, the expression of the fish-man boy changed drastically.

He felt it the moment after the magic circle was opened!

"Something, something important is being conceived."

"This breath..."

“It has something to do with God!”

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