Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 114: Feeding

Chapter 114 Feeding

After the first cafeteria in the universe opens, Ma Lu and Lao Wang will definitely still be in charge of one outside and one inside.

 Lao Wang cooks in the back kitchen, while Ma Lu is responsible for entertaining guests in the front room. This is also a traditional mom-and-pop shop model.

There is no problem with Lao Wang. Malu has asked him. With his cooking speed, one person can form an army. He can support a medium-sized or smaller restaurant single-handedly and save money on hiring assistants.

On the other hand, Malu will most likely be too busy for one person. After all, it is a 90-square-meter shop. Even if the 25-square-meter kitchen area is removed, there is still an area of ​​more than 60 square meters.

 It was much bigger than what he had planned, and it was actually beyond the scope of a fly house.

And in addition to serving dishes and services, Malu also has to work part-time as a cashier and cleaner. Unless he is a six-armed ape, it is really too reluctant for one person, especially during the peak period of the meal.

 So we have to recruit one or two more waiters. Taking into account the shift, it is best to have two.

 At least one time must be relatively fixed, and the remaining time can be a little more flexible.

 It is hard to find any college students who can be hired to do part-time work. As we all know, college students are a kind of high-quality and cheap labor force.

 After Ma Lu asked, He Xiaoqian did not answer.

 So why is the gap between this person and other people so big?

Ma Lu did not go home immediately after accepting the first employee of the restaurant, but ran to the store again.

 But it doesn’t seem to be a good feeling. It’s late at night, and someone of the opposite **** who has only met a few times is so trusting, without any precautions.

"And..." Ma Lu patted his head and started drawing cakes again, "You want to be a barista, right? Lao Wang is a very good barista. If he is free after work, he might be able to teach you how to make coffee. ”

“Oh, oh, then I want to be a waiter. We can start now in less than a week.” He Xiaoqian said excitedly.

 Working together can also relieve fatigue.

Sure enough, I should spend more time with a good girl like He Xiaoqian who speaks softly, has a simple mind, has a good temper, and can dance. I feel refreshed.

 Lao Wang nodded, "Drinks are also a kind of food, and as a chef, of course you must master them."

 The main purpose is to inform Zhen Ye on the second floor that the decoration team will be arriving the day after tomorrow. By the way, I want to ask her if she would like to take this opportunity to renovate the place where she lives.

"The basic salary is now 4,000, and five social insurances and one fund will be paid. If the restaurant's turnover is high, there will be bonuses, but I haven't thought about the specific standards yet. I'll talk about it later. You can also consider it first. Don't worry. Just give me an answer before next week.”

Zhen Ye is still the same as before, playing games at home wearing the big sweater and pajamas.

As soon as Ma Lu rang the doorbell, she came down with the handle and opened the door.

Ma Lu felt relieved when the boss called him, and most of his bad luck about meeting Yu Yizhu disappeared.

So Ma Lu added, "Oh, by the way, the working hours are temporarily from 10:30 am to 8 pm, five days a week, but the specific five days may not be fixed. If all the prepared food is sold out, we will close the door early and clean up. You can go home.

Ma Lu had just lamented He Xiaoqian's simplicity, and then turned around and met someone with a simpler mind. No, He Xiaoqian had been in society at least, and she still had a sense of self-protection. She also knew not to meet the big brother in the live broadcast room.

 “No problem, Brother Marco, oh, no, I should call you boss now.”

However, after the last incident, her relationship with Malu became much closer, and she did not shut out the latter again.

"Don't worry, don't worry, my store hasn't opened yet." Ma Lu said, "Just wait, but if you are sure, we can sign the contract another day."

"Ha ha ha ha."

On the contrary, just seeing Yu Yizhuo made people feel uncomfortable everywhere. Before she could say a few words, her chest felt tight. If she stayed there longer, Ma Lu might have to call 120.

 “Really?” He Xiaoqian’s eyes widened.

Zhen Ye lacks common sense and is like a blank slate in many things.

Ma Lu didn't go in this time and finished what he wanted to say outside. However, he found that Zhen Ye was a little absent-minded and kept looking at the backpack behind him.

“What are you looking at?” “Is there any more meatloaf from last time?”

Zhen Ye’s eyes were filled with anticipation, like a dirty little stray dog ​​that suddenly jumped out of the flower bed and was waiting to be fed.

 “What? Oh, you said Roujiamo.”

Zhen Ye nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

 “It’s gone.” Ma Lu spread his hands.

 Zhenye was a little disappointed.

 “Do you still want to eat?”

 The girl nodded again.

“That’s it...well, there seems to be some meat left in the refrigerator, and I should be able to make one or two more, but it’s too late now.”

Zhen Ye took out a few pieces of paper from under his clothes and handed them over.

Ma Lu took it and found it was a rental contract.


Zhen Ye helped turn to the last page and pointed at the clause "Party B promises to provide Party A with two meals."

Ma Lu was a little dumbfounded, because that sentence was not in the original contract, but was added by Zhen Ye himself with a ballpoint pen, with crooked handwriting.

However, he did make a similar promise at that time, but what Ma Lu thought was that after opening the store, he could do something to fool Zhen Ye.

But he forgot to exclude the period before opening the store. It would seem that he was a bit untrustworthy to argue about this kind of thing at this time.

At this time, Zhen Ye's stomach also started growling.

Ma Lu looked at his phone, it was already half past eight.

 “Have you not had dinner yet?”

Zhenye nodded vigorously.

 “Then let me order takeaway for you?”

It's definitely too late to make the Roujiamo now. It takes an hour just to go back and forth, and the earth dragon meat also needs to be defrosted and stewed for two or three hours.

Zhen Ye looked disappointed.

Ma Lu suddenly realized that he might have underestimated the lethality of the Earth Dragon Roujiamo that he gave away casually last time.

That is a recipe with a delicious index of ★★★.

 Before meeting him, Zhenye was either eating instant noodles or ordering takeout, but since she had no reference, she always ate with peace of mind.

 Even subconsciously, it has been imprinted with the imprint that "the food in this world tastes like this".

 Until I ate the Dilong Roujiamo last week, my whole body was overwhelmed by the delicious taste!

 From soul to body, everyone bows to the overwhelming power of delicious food! !

Even Ma Lu might have misunderstood just now. Zhen Ye abandoned the game so quickly and ran downstairs. It was not out of trust in him or lack of common sense. She simply thought that he had brought the same meat pie to feed him last time. .

Malu sighed, "Forget it, just wait, there will definitely be no more meatloaf today. I'll see if I can ask Lao Wang to make something else to eat. Is there a supermarket nearby where I can buy vegetables?" "

 (End of this chapter)

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