Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 123: red sand

Chapter 123 Red Sand

Pochi went to visit Seta who had just completed the operation. The anesthetic on the latter's body had not worn off and he was still sleeping. His sister was guarding him by the bedside.

Poqi briefly chatted with Senqi, asked her to take care of her brother, and then left the hospital.

But before she walked out of the door, she saw Senqi chasing after her again.

 “Head of the group.”

 “What’s wrong?” Pochi stopped and turned around.

 “I’m with you.” Senqi mustered up the courage to say.

 “What together?”

"Today is the day when the deputy commander is coming back. Are you going back to the ground to find the deputy commander?"

Pochi was a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that the girl who was usually silent and hiding behind her brother would have such keen observation.

She was slightly dazed, then shook her head and said, "The ground is too dangerous."

Pochi was also squeezed into the crowd, trying her best to get in, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Okay." Boqi didn't hesitate any longer, "Get ready, and I'll see how to get back to the ground."

The giant screen has three floors in total, including one above ground and two underground. The three floors are connected by four huge elevators.

Boqi's expression also became serious, "You have to think about it, this trip will be very risky, there is a high possibility that we will not be able to come back, and I am not sure whether the deputy leader is still alive."

“I’ve thought about it, the deputy commander once saved my brother,” Sen Qi said, “I can’t leave him alone.”

The original builders had considered the possibility of losing the first floor, so once the elevators were cut off and the elevator shafts were sealed, the two underground floors would be temporarily safe.

When Pochi rushed to the guild hall on the second floor, he found that it was already crowded with people.

After the upper level was lost, these solar panels could no longer be maintained and suffered a lot of damage. Now the power supply on the lower level has begun to be a little tight, and the situation will only get worse in the future.

There were not only hunters from various hunting groups, but also officials from the city council, and many people who came to inquire for information.

Pochi turned around and saw a familiar face.

 “What are you doing here?” Guli asked.

 The energy of the giant screen is mainly electrical energy, and most of this electrical energy is converted from solar panels on the top of the city.

 The Parliament and the Hunter Guild are internally discussing the possibility of recapturing the first floor, but even if they can be recaptured, it will be difficult to hold on if the wall is lost.

 But it is unrealistic to live underground all the time. Materials are one thing. As long as the reserves are sufficient, the existing water and food can last for two or three months without any problem. The bigger challenge is energy.

"He is out of danger. I can ask my mother to help me take care of him," Senqi said softly, "but the deputy leader is alone now."

 They all want to know what the guild will do next and whether there is still hope to prevent this horrific disaster.

"It is precisely because of the danger that you need more help," Senqi said, "Take me with you, I can help."

 “Then your brother…”

“I’m here to see Vice President Qin Zhao.”


Boqi didn't answer. She knew that if she told the truth, Guli's character would definitely not allow her to risk returning to the ground. Seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Gu Li could only sigh and said, "Follow me. I know where Vice President Qin Zhao is now."

Although the Harpers are no longer what they used to be and no longer have the glory of the past, their status as a diamond-level hunting group is still retained.

 Guli took Boqi to the side door, avoided the crowd from here, and reached the second floor easily. Then he walked along the corridor to the end and opened the door of the conference room at the end.

  Not only Qin Zhao was in the conference room, Bo Qi also saw many celebrities on the giant screen.

There is a defense difference with a teeth. I have worked together to deal with the plug -in hunting group of the six -arm giant ape. He Chengyu and He Yueji have arrived.

In addition to Guli beside Boqi, the leaders of the four major diamond hunting groups were present. In addition, many gold hunting groups also came, and most of them were long-established hunting groups, especially the president of the Hunter Guild. Si is also there.

However, he is almost 90 years old and his health is not very good. He has been staying in a nursing home since last year and rarely shows up except for very important occasions. The daily affairs of the guild are left to the two vice-presidents.

In addition to the Hunter Guild City Council, many people also came, led by Deputy Speaker Zheng Shixun. There were about a dozen people, all important figures in the council, including First Judge Deans.

 But what surprised Boqi the most was the figure in the center of the conference room.

 —Mei Meilu.

The daughter of Dines, the little girl that Shuangyanghua helped **** back to the city.

Being stared at by so many big shots, she was obviously a little nervous, but her thoughts were still very clear. She glanced at Boqi and Guli who walked in, and continued.

“In short, these are the results of my teacher’s research...those red sands, they affect the minds of those beasts.”

Zheng Shixun frowned, "Why didn't you tell me such important information earlier?"

“I only know that the teacher is conducting a very critical research, but she has kept the content of the research secret until she died and I found her research notes when I helped sort out her belongings.”

Mei Meilu replied, "I realized the importance of this notebook, so I hurriedly sent it to the Hunter Guild."

“You are saying that these red sands...are not naturally formed?” President Youss, who had been closing his eyes to concentrate, asked.

"Yes, my teacher's research results are like this. According to her speculation, this comes from some kind of beast that we have never seen before, and it is likely that it led this beast tide."

"In other words, as long as we deal with that beast, we can solve the current crisis and save the giant screen?" Wei Cha also said.

"Well...I can't provide you with any guarantee. This is just the guess of my old teacher. She is a geologist, not a biologist."

“Then quickly find some biologists.” Zheng Shixun muttered, “Give them these red sands for research.”

“It’s too late.” Qin Zhao said, “Whoever is behind this beast wave is undoubtedly very smart.

“The solar panels are damaged faster than we expected. Now less than half are still operational. In two days, we may lose more than 90% of the solar panels and will no longer be able to maintain the operation of the city.”

“So Vice President Qin, your suggestion is...”

 “We need to find that guy and kill him.”

“Then recruit all the people you can, including hunters, bailiffs, and my fitness trainer, to form an army.” Zheng Shixun said.

“The number of wild beasts outside has far exceeded the limit we can deal with.”

Yousi said, "We are no match for a head-on confrontation, and you just heard what Vice President Qin said. That guy is very smart. Once we are on guard, we will probably never have a chance to approach it again."

 (End of this chapter)

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