Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 133: hide and seek

Chapter 133 Hide and Seek

There were dozens of beasts gathered under the red sand dunes, some big and some small, and they were devouring the sand with big mouthfuls.

He Yueji rubbed her eyes to make sure she saw it correctly.

These beasts are indeed eating that red sand!

However, unlike the previous beasts that were willing to risk their lives to attack them, the beasts here were not too aggressive, and their attention was entirely attracted by the red sand in front of them.

It’s as if nothing in the world attracts them more than sand in their mouths.

Just when He Yueji was wondering if their heads were broken, she saw a sudden change in a young flame lizard that was eating.

A ball of flame suddenly burst out from its body. The flame enveloped its entire body and burned for three minutes before extinguishing.

As expected, the unlucky young flame lizard was burnt black.

However, it did not die immediately. A pair of big eyes blinked hard, and then slowly stretched out its forelimbs.

  It can be said that 90% of the traffic of the world's number one food stall comes from here. Until now, many people still come here every day and want to eat volcanic sausage.

 These two should have just hatched out of their shells, and are slightly larger than ordinary red-bellied rattlesnakes, so they can be easily put into the collection bag.

 In comparison, the shape of the one in front of him was perfect. Malu weighed it and estimated that it was only less than 2 taels, and it did not take up any weight at all.

So Malu turned his head and looked elsewhere. Although he couldn't find any new lava monitors, he did find two seven-toothed giant horned vipers.

However, the lava monitors he encountered in the city were each larger than the last, and the lightest one weighed more than 2,000 kilograms. Even if it was cut in half, it couldn't be stuffed into the collection bag.

Ma Lu was immediately delighted. The volcanic sausage had been selling well before, and the fire-breathing sausage was also a gimmick.

Poqi heard Malu’s soft cry and turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?”

 So there is only one explanation, that is, the inconspicuous young flame lizard in front of me has just completed its transformation and evolved into a lava giant lizard.

The only drawback is that there is only one. If you want to reproduce, you must at least get another member of the opposite sex.

 Two consecutive harvests also boosted Malu's confidence, and he began to observe the surroundings more carefully.

As it crawled forward, the burnt skin on its body fell off one after another, revealing the new cuticle underneath.

Ma Lu picked up the little lizard that had just completed its evolution and helped it move to a new home.

 It's a pity that there are no raw materials here in Malu. If the lava monitor can be artificially bred, there will be no such problem.


 “It seems...evolved.”

The millipede happily picked up the two seven-toothed giant horned vipers and let them become neighbors with the lava monitor lizard just now.

 Damn it, I got rich this time!

 It was the giant red snake that could release poisonous mist that he had fought with before. It was a standard 5-star ingredient, and there were two of them at once.

Just now, the traveler's bracelet sent out a notification saying that a lava monitor was scanned, but Malu looked around and found no trace of the lava monitor.

 Then I noticed that most of the beasts nearby were in their infancy, and many of them had quite high star ratings.

Ma Lu’s eyes lit up when he saw it, and he rushed forward with the collection bag in hand.

Bo Qi, He Chengyu and others also began to carefully search around, trying to find out who was behind the beast control and the beast tide. However, they rummaged through the red sand dunes, but found nothing.

Even Pama lay on the ground and listened for a long time without hearing any suspicious movement.

Except for these dozens of animals under the red sand dunes, there is no other biological activity nearby.

He Chengyu's face looked a little ugly. Could it be that the guy had escaped in advance?

This time they have sacrificed a lot of talent to fight all the way here. If all their previous efforts were wasted, the chances of stopping the beast tide in the future would be even slimmer.

Ma Lu’s purchase of goods had also come to an end at this time. He turned around and flipped through the notice and found a very unfamiliar name—[Herding Beast Frog].

 Because it was only a 1-star ingredient, Malu didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now following Boqi and the others, they took inventory of the beasts here one by one, and found that the animal herder frog was the only one missing.

But it’s a bit strange that Pama didn’t hear it either.

Logically speaking, since it was scanned by the traveler's bracelet, it should not be far away.

Ma Lu looked at the notification again, as well as another notification before it and a notification after it, and found the beast on these two notifications.

They are a Link the Hedgehog and a Stoneskin Rhino respectively.

Ma Lu eliminated the Link hedgehog first, walked up to the stone-skinned rhinoceros, and circled around it.

The stone-skinned rhinoceros is also a juvenile, but it is relatively large among the nearby beasts, close to a panda.

 When Malu walked toward it, one could clearly feel its uneasiness. It seemed that he wanted to run away, but he also knew that he couldn't run away. He just took two steps back, then stood there again, pretending to take a walk.

Ma Lu stared at it for a while and suddenly laughed out loud.

 Because he already knew where the animal frog was hiding.

Nearly all the wild beasts nearby were munching on the red sand on the ground. Only this stone-skinned rhinoceros kept watching, looking very gentle.

The millipede came to it with a quick stride and opened its big mouth.

The stone-skinned rhinoceros tried desperately to close its mouth, but its strength could not compete with the millipede.

Milla opened its mouth easily and found the little red frog hidden inside.

Ma Lu even checked it with the picture book to make sure it was exactly the same, then stretched out **** and pinched out the herd frog.

 Honestly speaking, from the appearance alone, it is difficult to connect it with the big boss that caused the beast tide.

This herd frog is the size of an ordinary frog, and its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary frog. Its eyes are dull, its belly is bulging, and it is covered in saliva.

 Coupled with the identity of the 1-star ingredient, it can be said to be full of confusion.

Even Malu suspected that he had found the wrong person, but adhering to the principle that he would rather kill by mistake than let go, he still used a little force with his fingers, preparing to crush the beast frog.

As a result, a hornet's nest was stirred. The dozens of beasts that were still quietly cooking suddenly stopped all their movements, and then let out a mournful cry, and some even shed tears.

Ma Lu looked at the frog in his hand again and found that the frog was also staring at him.

There was actually a hint of pleading in those big, dull eyes.

Ma Lu hesitated for a moment, then changed his mind temporarily and threw it into the collection bag, intending to take it back to show Lao Wang.

 In any case, this thing is very light in weight, so it doesn’t take much trouble to carry it around. If it is of no use, it won’t be too late to kill it.

 (End of this chapter)

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