Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 141: No running

Chapter 141 Don’t run away

 Longteng Internet Cafe. Four young people were gathered outside a private room.

One of the men wearing a ski hat knocked on the door and said, "Come out, little sister, let's play games together."

“Yeah, it’s fun if we all play together.” One of his companions helped.

There is also a little crew chief who imitates Zhen Ye’s delayed speech, “Don’t you like…eating chicken? You just happened to come and eat…chicken with us.”

 His words triggered another burst of laughter from his companions.

 The wife of the Internet cafe owner has come to persuade her twice, but the four young men did not leave and warned her not to meddle in other people's business.

 She could only pay attention to the situation here and be prepared to call the police immediately if she found anything wrong.

 At the same time, she sent two more messages to Malu, urging the latter to pick up her girlfriend quickly.

However, this time there was no reply from Malu.

"It's okay, don't worry, let my friends go talk to them first." Malu took over the cabin and said.

 He walked up to the four young men and said directly, "Get out!"

"My friend is like this... he communicates more directly." Ma Lu comforted the lady boss who covered her mouth.

 Over 1.9 meters tall, with a strong body, thick stubble, blue overalls and big sunglasses, he exudes a strong aura of male hormones.

His three companions quit after seeing this, and all kinds of filthy words were thrown at Yanwu as if they were free of charge.

Even the landlady’s heart, which has been dusty for a long time, couldn’t help but speed up, secretly cursing the charm of this **** mature man.

The landlady was about to pick up her phone and call again when she saw the door being pushed open and Ma Lu walked in from the outside.

The landlady had long noticed the strong man behind Ma Lu, mainly because Yan Wu's presence was too strong.

Ma Lu didn't look anxious at all, and said with a smile, "Thank you, where is he?"

 “Over there in the box.”

At this time, the four young people also reacted, and the little crew chief immediately exclaimed, "Damn it, how could you be so stupid?"

However, she did not forget to warn, "Don't fight in my place."

“Don’t worry, we are all good and law-abiding citizens, and we will communicate well with them.” Ma Lu assured, patting his chest.

After saying that, he reached out and pushed Yanwu's chest, only to see that Yanwu remained motionless, while Xiao Pingtou himself took two steps back and fell to the ground.

“Oh, okay, bring me two more bottles of Hans Chalet. How much do they cost?” Ma Lu called up Alipay and scanned the QR code.

"Are you still in the mood for a drink?" The landlady's eyes widened, "Hurry up and think about how to pick up your girlfriend."

The four young men probably didn't expect that someone in this area would dare to talk to them like this, so they were stunned for a moment.

“Hey, you’re here.” The landlady complained, “I have advised you to pick up your girlfriend last night, but if you don’t listen, you have to take chances. Look, they are here again today.”

Yan Wuze was already a little impatient with waiting, and strode towards the box.

The youngest one, the boy in a jacket who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, was the most impulsive. He picked up a folding chair and threw it at Yan Wu's back.

There was a loud bang as the folding chair first hit one of Yan Wu's arms, then bounced back and hit the young man on the forehead.

Yanwu didn't move an inch, but the young man threw his chair and covered his head. Seeing this, Ma Lu coughed twice and reminded, "Don't do anything here."

The landlady thought that Ma Lu was trying to stop the fight, but Yan Wu understood that the key point was the "not here" in the front.

So he turned around and walked out of the Internet cafe. The four young men were a little guilty when they saw that their attacks could not hurt Yan Wu, but now they saw Yan Wu turn around and "escape" and suddenly became excited again.

He shouted, "Damn it, don't run away if you have the guts! Let's see if I don't kill Qi Ya!" while also chasing outside.

Ma Lu didn’t rush to follow him, but asked the proprietress first, “How much does the chair cost?”

The landlady said worriedly, "Hey, the old chair isn't worth much anyway. Forget it, you'd better go and help your friend first."

"Okay, I'll let them pay for it." After finishing speaking, Ma Lu took two bottles of soda and walked out the door.

He went downstairs and looked around, but didn't see Yan Wu or the group of young people. He didn't turn around until he heard shouts and curses coming from the alley next door.

They saw Yan Wu confronting the four young men. Xiao Pingtou also found a fire extinguisher somewhere, held it in his hand, and kept bluffing.

However, Yanwu just stood there and looked at them expressionlessly.

The four young men looked at each other, as if to encourage themselves, shouted and swarmed forward, wanting to punch the old master to death.

Ke Yanwu only used one left hand to beat them all to pieces. Finally, he grabbed the little flathead's head with his broad palm and lifted him up from the ground like a chicken with one hand.

Flathead struggled violently, kicking his legs in the air continuously, screaming **** ho ho, and hit Yan Wu's arm with the fire extinguisher barrel in his hand, but the latter remained unmoved and said scornfully.

“You should try harder. Did you forget to ask your mother for milk before going out?”

After speaking, Yanwu threw Flathead twenty meters away with a flick of his hand. If Ma Lu hadn't stepped on it in time, the latter would have rolled onto the road.

  When the remaining three people saw this terrifying scene, they immediately lost all fighting spirit and just wanted to turn around and run away.

But Yan Wu stopped him again, "Don't run! I'll break the legs of anyone who runs!"

When the three of them heard this, they immediately froze as if the pause button had been pressed.

The young man wearing a ski hat was about to cry when he saw it, "You, what are you going to do? I tell you that this is a society ruled by law, and fighting will lead to jail time!"

Before he finished speaking, his two companions echoed, "Yes, yes, fighting is wrong, you can't fight."

The youngest boy in the jacket, who had the hottest temper before and was the youngest, added, "The teacher said, be sensible when things happen and think more about your family and friends. You still have a long life. Don't regret it for the rest of your life because of a momentary impulse."

 Their words succeeded in amusing Malu.

Yanwu Ze threw the tool bag he was holding in his right hand on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Choose one."


“Choose one of them as a weapon, it will make me shake a little, and I will let you go.”

 The three of them looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, the youngest boy in the jacket was the bravest and stepped forward to open the bag.

 I was stunned for a moment when I saw the wrenches, screwdrivers, impact drills... and even a hand saw inside.

 “This…this is not good.” One of the young men with a tattoo of the same character as Iverson on his arm swallowed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry!" Yan Wu said coldly.

 (End of this chapter)

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