Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 148: open the cage

Chapter 148 Opening the Cage

  As an outsider, Yanwu cannot easily comment on things in the Valkina tribe.

So the hardware store owner just went to the house and took out the mineral water and drinks he had prepared, poured them into plates and placed them on the floor.

After the Valkina people **** the mice, they would drink from them with the pocket water bottles they carried.

Yanwu then sat cross-legged on the ground and chatted with the Valkinas for a while.

Ma Lu also learned from their chat why Yan Wu knew these little people.

At that time, Yanwu had been trapped on the earth for more than 600 years. He could not find a way to leave and was on the verge of mental collapse.

The last hope is to go to a higher place to see if the signal can be better.

 As for the highest place on earth, it is of course Mount Everest.

So Yanwu came to the roof of the world, and he didn't make much preparation. Anyway, with the technology of the earth at that time, there were no oxygen bottles, cold-proof clothes, or even strong cables.

Relying on his physical strength, Yanwu took some dry food and started climbing.

Yanwu could only hunt a snow leopard for food on the spot.

Yanwu was completely desperate at that time.

But even if he held the communicator high on the top of the mountain, he still couldn't receive any signal.

However, at this moment, a rather mysterious voice came to Yanwu's ears.

Moreover, he will continue to live in this prison, and he doesn’t know how long he will live there. Maybe it will last forever.

That voice told him that life is like a cage, but this cage can be opened with a key.

 Then the voice said a lot of seemingly philosophical words. Some Yanwu heard it, but then he was too sleepy and his consciousness was about to dissipate.

During this period, we also encountered an avalanche and was buried under heavy snow. It took a dog a long time to dig himself out. As a result, the packed luggage could not be found.

Even with the werewolf's terrifying physical fitness and recovery ability, he could not withstand the direct freezing cold of minus 40 degrees. After a while, his limbs were frozen and his consciousness began to become blurred.

Since there was no guide, he got lost behind him, but fortunately he could still tell the difference between the top and the bottom. Anyway, he could reach the top of the mountain as long as he kept climbing.

And the process of finding the key is also an adventure. Since he dares to climb the highest mountain in the world, why doesn't he dare to accept this challenge?

 For a person like him who loves adventure and new things by nature, staying in one place for 600 years is really no different than killing him.

However, he overcame these difficulties and finally became the first person in the universe to climb Mount Everest, surpassing Edmund Hillary by more than 1,500 years.

It’s just that Yanwu’s troubles have just begun. He later fell from a cliff more than thirty meters high because of an unqualified rope, and encountered a time when even a snow leopard couldn’t eat it...

Thinking of this, Yanwu immediately took off his outer cotton clothes and lay naked in the snow, preparing to wait for death.

If that’s the case, it’s better to end it now.

The last thought in my mind was - Damn it, it's all for nothing if you don't save me. I can't find the key either.

But when Yanwu opened his eyes again, he found that he had actually survived and was already in a small village at the foot of the mountain.

  If ordinary humans suffered such severe frostbite, their limbs and many organs would definitely not be saved, but Yanwu only lay down for a few days before he was able to get out of bed and move around. He left the small village a week later and began to search for the key that could open the prison of life.

This was the first encounter between Yanwu and the Valkinas, but at that time Yanwu didn't know that the mysterious voice in his ears came from the Valkinas.

I just thought it was the spirit of the mountain or something. Anyway, the saying about the sacred mountain has been very popular in nearby villages.

It was not until later that Yanwu became obsessed with hardware and realized that keys are something worthy of love that he returned to Mount Everest and finally met those Valkina people.

 Learned that the person who woke him up was a Valkina man named Xiu Xiu.

But Xiuxiu is long gone. The Valkina people's lifespan is not very long, only about two-thirds of that of ordinary humans. Naturally, it is not as good as the long-lived werewolves.

But the Valkina people have a specialty. They can pass on a precious memory to the new tribesmen, which is similar to the so-called reincarnation in Buddhism, but different.

 The newborn only inherits a small part of the memory and does not really become the owner of the memory. The reason for this tradition is that the Valkina people have always believed that the most precious thing in a person is memory.

 In this way, they gave away their most precious treasures to future generations.

For some unknown reason, Xiu Xiu regarded the experience of meeting Yan Wu as his most precious memory and passed it down.

 So as soon as Yanwu appeared, the Valkina people recognized him, and later the two parties became friends.

Yanwu will go back to Mount Everest every once in a while to take a look. As for why these Valkina people who have been living on Mount Everest want to move, this is another story.

On the one hand, it is because the technological level of human society has developed rapidly in recent years, and some young Valkina people also want to enjoy the conveniences brought by these technologies and no longer want to live in the mountains like their ancestors.

On the other hand, because more and more people are climbing Mount Everest, the originally peaceful life of the Valkina people has been broken, and the risk of being discovered is also increasing day by day, and many people are disturbed.

Both groups of people advocated moving, but the places they wanted to move were different. Gigina wanted to live in the city, while some old people advocated moving to places where humans rarely set foot.

 In the end, neither side could convince the other. The tribe just agreed to send a team of people out to explore life in the city.

Jijina took the initiative to volunteer and took nearly a hundred people with him. They spent more than half a year walking from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to City B... to visit their friend Yanwu.

Ma Lu wanted to hear more, but at this time Lao Wang had already prepared the first dish, which was sea bream roasted with spider eggs.

Ma Lu carried the plate and walked out. The Valkina warriors immediately put down their kettles alertly, turned over and grabbed the weapons at hand, although Malu didn't know what their small bows and arrows could do.

Yanwu comforted him, "Don't worry, Malu is one of our own."

Lilim seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "You must be the chef of the universe."

 Ma Lu shook his head, "No, I'm not, Lao Wang is, I'm his partner."

 Gigina put away her weapon and asked with some confusion, "Where are you from?"

"I... am from here." Ma Lu said, "Although I don't have a household registration."

"Earthlings?" Jigina's expression became alert again after hearing this. He grabbed the weapon again and looked up at Yanwu, "How come you have an Earthling here?"

 (End of this chapter)

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