Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 156: coming

Chapter 156 is here

 Fortunately, the place where the knight was killed was not far from the warehouse. The two of them ran all the way and reached the target location in only 5 minutes.

Ma Lu saw a body sitting there under a big banyan tree.

 Because Cerberus and Skylark kept shouting knights, Ma Lu mistakenly thought that the other party was wearing that kind of medieval armor.

 But in fact, this armor looks more like the mechanical armor in "Halo".

Ma Lu walked to the body and looked at it from head to toe. He noticed that there were many potholes on it. He didn't know whether they were from the previous raid or an earlier battle.

But it didn’t seem to be a big problem. What was really fatal was a wound on the chest, and the armor was directly penetrated by some sharp weapon.

When Malu saw this wound, the first thing that flashed in his mind was the red short blade in the purple-haired girl's hand.

 Then he reached out and took off the helmet on the knight's head, revealing a young face.

The knight's eyes were wide open, with a look of shock and anger on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he would die like this.

Before Malu could find any more clues, Skylark behind him had already urged, "Hurry up, are you okay?! A Quan is still waiting for us!"

When Malu put on his helmet, a silver circle appeared on the display screen in front of him, much like the ring of order worn around the necks of Skylark and others.

As a result, the girl immediately shook her head like a rattle, "No, this armor can only be worn by ordinary humans, not witches, and it won't work with just the helmet. You have to wear it completely to activate it."

[Congratulations on your successful transition to knight. Next, your exclusive module will be opened for you. Please note that this module can only take effect when wearing armor. It is being synchronized with the armor. The synchronization rate is 1%, 2%,...97%. 】

Ma Lu handed the helmet over casually, "You do it."

  【Attention, attention, attention...Special high-dimensional energy has been detected, and new rules are being inserted into the current universe】

 Instead, there is a set of UI that is very simple and full of visual sense.

“Don’t worry, this armor itself has its own power system, which will only make your movements easier and will not become a burden to you.” Skylark said, “I will help you put it on.”

 【The new rules have been inserted...the triggering conditions have been met and additional functions will be activated soon】

Ma Lu's spirit was shaken, he's here, he's finally here! Function number 73.

"Oh well."

Ma Lu and Skylark worked together, and it took almost 10 minutes to put on the armor.

 Because he finally heard the long-awaited notification sound. This notification sound did not come from the armor on his body, but from the traveler's bracelet on his hand.

  【Function number 73】

 But at this time, Malu's attention was no longer here.

Just the five minutes of sprinting almost killed Malu. If he wore this suit again, Malu would probably be able to crawl.

When the synchronization rate reached 100%, the silver ring symbolizing order on the screen in front of him suddenly disappeared, along with the words and strange icons that Malu didn't recognize.

“Put it all on? This thing must weigh at least two hundred pounds. How can I walk if I put it all on?”

The upper left corner is the knight level and experience bar, and the right side is the connected diamond-shaped squares, with formation, mission, contact and battle written on them respectively.

However, this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that this ghost actually has a billboard girl! !

Ma Lu looked at the skylark that was made into live2D in the middle of the screen, and even the timid expression on his face was copied perfectly. When you poke it with your hand, live2D's Skylark will do her signature squat with her head in her arms, and at the same time whisper, "No, Sir Knight, if you touch me again, I won't grow taller!"

 Ma Lu couldn't help being shocked.

What is this thing? !

He didn't know what kind of style Fate's Asylum had this time. Suddenly, his style changed drastically, and he actually gave such a two-dimensional golden finger.

 He had only heard of Itache and Itaji before... He really didn’t expect that Golden Finger surgery could be so painful.

Fortunately, the screen in the helmet cannot be seen by people outside. Otherwise, if he enters the Temple City with this thing on his head, he will most likely be burned to death by the church as a heretic.

However, Ma Lu just sighed casually. He has always followed the code of conduct that as long as I am not embarrassed, the only thing that will be embarrassing is others.

So pain is not a problem, as long as the hanging is in place, let alone a mere poster girl, it will be no problem even if he becomes a poster girl.

 The skylark on the side saw that Ma Lu didn't respond for a long time, and began to urge again, "It's not okay yet, A Quan is still waiting for us to rescue him!"

 “Yeah, let’s go.”

Ma Lu tried to take a step forward with one leg, and it turned out to be effortless. It was as if the armor on his body was carrying him. This feeling was a bit like an exoskeleton.

As the two of them rushed to the warehouse, Ma Lu was still studying the functions on the screen.

The level and experience bar are nothing to say, and the same goes for the diamond-shaped square marked with the word "task". Click on it and there will be a mission to find the box issued by the church. The contact square is gray.

 So the only two functions that can be used now are formation and combat, oh... there is also a poster girl, this can be ignored.

Ma Lu first took a look at the formation. There were currently three members in his team, namely Skylark, Cerberus and Bird of Paradise.

 The health bar of Skylark is full.

ˆ HP:32/32

 Sin value: 5/17

 Attack power: 5

 Defense: 2

 Attack attribute: Physical

 Recommended positioning: shooter

 According to the poster girl’s previous explanation, the sin value should be similar to a special blue bar.

 Releasing skills will increase the sin value. It should be noted that the sin value cannot exceed the upper limit, otherwise the witch will enter a negative state called lost.

Speaking of skills, Ma Lu continued to look down. Skylark has two skills, a passive skill that does not consume mana called [Aim Lock], and a [Rapid Fire Cannon] that increases the sin value by 5 points each time it is released.

Malu then took a look at Skylark's maximum sin value, which meant that she could cast active skills three times at full status, and she still had 5 sin points on her body. She should have released the skill once before, and now Put it in twice more at most.

 Sure enough, the position of billboard lady is more suitable for her.

 In comparison, the other two members of the team are much more reliable.

 Character: Cerberus

ˆ HP:41/74

 Sin value: 23/49

 Attack power: 12

 Defense: 5

 Attack attribute: Fire.

Skills: [Hell’s roar], [You look delicious], [Bloodthirsty]

 Character: Bird of Paradise (coma)

ˆ HP:78/88

 Sin value: 74/75

 Attack power: 5

 Defense: 4

 Attack attribute: Wood.

 Skills: [Eternal Life], [May my Lord take care of you], [Song of Bliss]

After reading this, Malu couldn't help but glance at Skylark beside him.

This’s okay to be lagging behind in all attributes, but how did he get so bad that he even has one skill less than others? !

 (End of this chapter)

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