Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 165: temple city

Chapter 165 Temple City

 After an hour and a half of flight, Temple City finally appeared in everyone's sight.

 It is located in a valley and surrounded by mountains.

The mountains here are different from those that Malu saw on the road. They are bare, without a single plant, and the red rock mass is just exposed. It is desolate and full of majesty at the same time.

 In the center of the valley is a clean and tidy city. Malu didn't know if the original designer of Temple City had any paranoia. Anyway, he had never seen such a symmetrical city.

In the center stands a huge white tower hundreds of meters high. 12 avenues extend straight out from the bottom of the tower at equal intervals, like the dial of a clock.

In addition to these 12 roads, there are also 9 ring roads, which are also equally spaced around the giant tower, dividing the entire city into 108 blocks. There is also an aerial track above the ring road, and suspended trains pass by from time to time.

Most of the buildings in the city are mainly white and gray, and circular elements can be seen everywhere in the design. Even the roofs are mostly round.

The first thing Malu felt when he looked down at the entire city from above was solemnity and solemnity. Everything here looked orderly and full of order.

As soon as the white dove-shaped aircraft entered the sky over the city, they received a new order from the church, requiring them to land in parking lot 12, Area 8.

That is also the holy stone in the mouth of the hellhound.

Cerberus controlled the war horse to fly towards the white tower and landed on an apron below.

It is said that this huge stone was first discovered by the prophet Yongyi. Yongyi also predicted the catastrophe three hundred years later, so he led his disciples and believers to build the temple city here in accordance with the oracle of the Lord of Order. .

 They didn’t stop until they came outside this valley.

 Then he followed the male monk carrying the silver suitcase and walked into the huge white tower in front of him.

 “May the light of the Lord of Order always shine upon you, Father.”

Ma Lu replied using the words that Skylark taught him before on the aircraft.

"May the glory of the Lord of Order always shine on you. Thank you for your hard work, knight. Deputy Captain Li Wei is already waiting for you in the office."

 Among them, the 60-year-old nun with a wrinkled face walked straight towards Cerberus and Skylark, symbolically slapped the three of them on the shoulders with the silver whip in her hand, and said with a straight face.

However, three hundred years later, the Green Hell came as predicted, and destroyed almost all animals and humans on the planet at a terrifying speed.

Skylark lowered his head and did not dare to look at the nanny, while Cerberus, who was carrying the Bird of Paradise on his back, looked disapproving and deliberately let out a long yawn.

When he arrived at the lobby on the first floor, Malu specifically raised his head and glanced at the dome above his head, where a huge stone with pits was hanging.

 At first, even the people living in this city had doubts about the legendary disaster.

 When the cabin door opened, there were already two monks in white clothes, a man and a woman, waiting aside.

“May the Lord of Order forgive your sins and come with me.”

 After the four people left, the tall and thin male monk spoke, but his tone was much gentler than that of the nun.

 No plant dares to intrude on this sacred place protected by the Lord of Order.

Since then, there has been no heretic in the city, and the Church of Order’s control here has reached its peak.

In addition to preventing activated plants from approaching, the holy stone also has the function of detecting magic power. Whenever a baby girl is born in the city, she will be brought to this hall. Once the holy stone reacts, the baby girl will immediately be adopted by the church and trained to become a witch.

 The Malu passed by below, and as expected, the Holy Stone did not react at all.

"I heard that you just graduated from the attendant school, so it should be your first time to go to Deputy Commander Li Wei's office."

 While waiting for the elevator, the male monk took the initiative to speak again.

 “Hmm.” Ma Lu responded vaguely.

"Don't be nervous. When you see Deputy Captain Li Wei later, just answer whatever he asks. Usually it will be over soon. After all, Deputy Captain Li Wei is usually very busy. The daily affairs of the Knights are all He's handling it."


The two took the elevator to the 32nd floor, walked along the circular corridor for about 70 meters, and finally stopped outside a room.

The male monk stepped forward, knocked on the door, and said, "Deputy Commander Li Wei, I brought the person here."

A man's voice came from inside, "Let him come in."

After he finished speaking, the electronic lock outside the door turned green. Ma Lu pushed the door open and walked in, while the male monk who brought him stayed outside.

Ma Lu knew that the real test was coming.

Although Cerberus said it very lightly, it is not easy to impersonate a person halfway, even if there is armor to cover it up, and Skylark helped him fill in a lot of information about the knights on the way.

But Skylark herself is just a witch, and most of the things about knights are just hearsay. First of all, there is a question mark in terms of credibility, not to mention that she may meet acquaintances after returning to the city.

As long as the other party has a few casual conversations with Malu, they should be able to immediately notice the abnormality.

There is also the current duty report. As the saying goes, if you talk too much, you will make mistakes. As long as you talk too much, there will inevitably be flaws. Moreover, he is facing a deputy captain of the Knights.

Ma Lu was not sure that he could deceive Li Wei, and of course he wasn't too nervous. After all, even if something was revealed, the worst result would be to be killed and lose some food.

However, Cerberus and the others are probably not having a good time there.

But Malu didn't have any good ideas. After all, he was new here and there wasn't much he could do.

After entering the door, he first looked around. The office was not big, only about 20 square meters, and the furnishings inside were also very simple, with only a table and a bookcase.

There wasn't even a chair for the visitors. The only chair in front of Malu was occupied by the tall, bearded middle-aged man sitting under his buttocks.

He was grading something at the moment. When Ma Lu came in, he didn't even raise his head.

Ma Lu coughed lightly and said, "Deputy Head, I have found the suitcase that the church asked me to look for..."

"Open it," Levi interrupted Malu directly. After a pause, he added, "The password is 336429."

Ma Lu entered the password after hearing this. He had always been curious about what was in the box, so he asked the church to send a team of witches to go deep into the lair where the activated plants gathered, and get it at the risk of attrition.

Ma Lu originally thought that he would not know the answer. After all, he was just a newly promoted young knight. Unexpectedly, Li Wei did not avoid him at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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