Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 184: Boss, menu!

Chapter 184 Boss, menu!

Ma Lu's mood was not as relaxed as the previous times when he came back this time, because he witnessed a young life passing away before his eyes, and was burned alive, which inevitably affected him.

But there was nothing he could do. Although Ma Lu took over the identity of the new knight who died before, he had only completed two tasks so far. He was still at the bottom of the knights and had no right to speak.

 The most important thing is that he himself is not strong enough, so he should try to keep a low profile during the development period, otherwise not only himself, but Skylark and Cerberus may also fall into the same danger.

So Malu just glanced at it and turned around to return to the apartment.

 There was also a pair of eyes in the crowd watching the direction he left.


When the countdown on the traveler's bracelet reaches zero, the thrilling journey to another dimension also comes to an end, but the battle in Malu has just begun.

Today is the opening day of the Universe Infinite Canteen!

 Opening his eyes from the sofa, Ma Lu first went to the government affairs center, found the food and medicine window and received a freshly baked food business license.

 At this point, all the licenses and licenses required for business have been collected.

 Then Malu and Lao Wang rushed to the restaurant without stopping.

Although the matter of using Meike to advertise the new store has gone awry, Ma Lu is not too panicked because he still has more than 20 WeChat groups at hand, and the total number of members in the group alone exceeds 10,000.

Afterwards, Ma Lu also contacted several food bloggers who had visited his food stall to shoot videos. When these people heard that the No. 1 food stall in the world had been upgraded to a restaurant, they all showed varying degrees of interest.

Even though it has been two months since the popularity of Volcano Sausage, and the popularity of related videos has dropped a lot, the number one food stall in the universe still has considerable exposure on the Internet with its excellent taste and a large number of loyal fans. Spend.

 In this case, it is also a good choice to publish a follow-up video, especially for those bloggers who have recently had a headache in selecting materials. After receiving Ma Lu’s invitation, they readily agreed.

In addition, Hou Yihan, Shen Yue and others also helped promote the Universe Infinite Canteen for free in their respective schools. However, this time Ma Lu publicly stated that the price of dishes in the restaurant will rise significantly, and it is estimated that there will not be too many target customers among college students.

 In short, with the three-pronged approach, at least Malu no longer has to worry about the customer base in the first week of opening.

 In fact, when he arrived at the restaurant, there were already many people waiting outside.

As soon as they saw Malu and Lao Wang, they surrounded them, saying congratulations while curiously asking about the menu in the store.

Ma Lu fooled him by telling him to keep it secret for the time being, then grabbed He Xiaoqian in the crowd and pulled her into the store together.

 The new store that has been planned for so long is finally about to open, and He Xiaoqian is also very excited.

 She was just chatting with people outside the store and found out that there was another big brother who was not from City B.

I came here on a business trip before and accidentally tasted the Roujiamo from the world’s number one food stall. I was so shocked that I became a fan of it from then on.

This time I heard that Malu’s new store was about to open, so I drove over from the next city with my wife and daughter early in the morning, waiting to taste the new dishes as soon as possible.

He Xiaoqian was also infected by his enthusiasm and asked Ma Ludao, "Boss, where is our menu? Can you let me take a look first? I can make recommendations when customers ask."

 “Ah, menu, wait a moment.”

 “What are you waiting for?”

 “Wait until I decide.”

He Xiaoqian was shocked. Although she had been working in a workshop before and had never been a waiter, she also knew that basic things like the menu should not be decided until the opening day.

 Besides, there is less than half an hour left before Malu's scheduled business hours.

She wanted to say something else, but Ma Lu had already pulled Lao Wang towards the kitchen, but when she reached the door, she thought of something and stopped again.

“Although it’s not the opening time yet, since the customers are already here, let’s open the door first and let them come in, but tell them they can’t order food yet.”

“Hey, are you open now? But what if they want to see the recipe?”

 “Find a way to hold it off,” Ma Lu winked at He Xiaoqian, “I believe you.”

"But..." He Xiaoqian had just said two words, and the figures of Ma Lu and Lao Wang had disappeared behind the blue curtain.

As soon as Ma Lu entered the kitchen, he used the phase switch and went to the refrigerator where the ingredients were stored.

This contains the ingredients he didn’t use last week and the week before last, plus the vegetables he brought back this time, and a batch of meat slaughtered from the tabletop farm, that’s all the raw materials on hand at the moment.

On the first day of the opening of the new store, Malu did not intend to make it too complicated.

First of all, ensure the taste. The number of dishes does not need to be so large. Firstly, his store is not big, and secondly, the fewer dishes can increase the table turnover rate and reduce He Xiaoqian's workload.

 After all, He Xiaoqian is also a novice and needs to get used to it. If there are too many dishes, it is easy to be overwhelmed and lose track of them all.

 Ma Lu entered all the ingredients into the bracelet, and then used the search function to start retrieving recipes.

 A cold dish and a hot dish were quickly decided upon, and Lao Wang tried them out.

Ma Lu tasted it with chopsticks. The taste was very good, but it felt like something was missing.

Ma Lu thought for a while, probably because he had eaten a lot of Lao Wang's cooking during this period, and had gradually become accustomed to the latter's cooking skills, which were not as amazing as they were at the beginning.

 The most important thing is that these dishes are not much different from the snacks he bought at the stall before.

Ma Lu scratched his head. It was over. He felt that high-end catering was not that easy.

This is mainly his fault. When he set up the stall, he set the tone too high. In order to make more money, he even sold dishes with a three-star deliciousness index.

Now that such dishes with one or two stars are put out, it feels a bit confusing. For people who have never eaten at the No. 1 food stall in the universe, these dishes may be delicious enough.

 But the problem is that the first batch of customers outside the door are all regular customers before Malu, and most likely they are also die-hard fans. These people will naturally compare the dishes and prices of the Universe Infinite Canteen with the No. 1 food stall in the Universe.

  If the taste deteriorates while the price increases significantly, it will inevitably cause disappointment for many people, and the reputation of the first batch of customers is undoubtedly very important for the start-up of a new store.

 If you fail to fire the first shot, you will have to work twice as hard if you want to make a comeback later.

Time passes minute by minute, and there are less than 15 minutes left before opening.

 Ma Lu crossed out one of the dishes with a deliciousness index of ★☆ and added another dish with a ★★☆.

 But that’s not enough. We still need a signature dish that has enough impact to wow everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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